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Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
Sounds like someone is hoping to fuel the fire, I wouldn't be surprised if it was people with ulterior motives.

Saw a tweet earlier that in Minneapolis they found containers filled with kerosene and other combustibles stashed in several buildings.

There’s a coordinated effort going on here to deliberately turn these protests turned into something else.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2003
Combustibles found stashed in NY, reportedly, too, now. There are some very bad people who want the world to burn. Literally. And people delivering pallets of bricks probably aren't the inner city poor who are going to foolishly deliver them one by one and take the rap.

MIGs Dog

Registered User
Jan 3, 2012
Combustibles found stashed in NY, reportedly, too, now. There are some very bad people who want the world to burn. Literally. And people delivering pallets of bricks probably aren't the inner city poor who are going to foolishly deliver them one by one and take the rap.

George Soros funded ANTIFA.

Yes...this is a conspiracy theory. :propeller
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MIGs Dog

Registered User
Jan 3, 2012
Like I was saying previously, there is a culture problem within Minneapolis PD of violating the rules with impunity...unless a citizen with a camera happens to catch it. The department's manual does not authorize using any restraint that might leave the suspect unconscious, yet this analysis shows it happened 44 times in the past 5 years. We're any officers disciplined? Is it possible the police chief did not know this was happening? If so, he's completely negligent and should be removed.

Minneapolis police rendered 44 people unconscious with neck restraints in five years
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The Kinder, Gentler Version
May 13, 2004
A Rockwellian Pleasantville
Jake Paul is a deep-state operative, funded by a cabal of global elites, including George Soros and Bill Gates, and he was using the unrest in Scottsdale Fashion Center as a smoke screen for his fellow operatives to install 5G and set up future vax tracking stations. Also, he replaced Ghislaine Maxwell as recruiter-in-chief for the island in 2014, and NOBODY is talking about it. Want to take one guess as to who you might see on the lost CCTV footage from Jeff's cell? Take your colloidal silver daily and WAKE UP!!!


Registered User
Jul 4, 2003
NYPD’s Terrorism Official Says Unnamed Groups Planned Protest Violence in Advance

"Before the protests began, organizers of certain anarchists groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police," Miller said.
He added, "They prepared to commit property damage and directed people who were following them that this should be done selectively and only in wealthier areas or at high-end stores run by corporate entities."
Without specifying who "they" are, Miller said the agitators "developed a complex network of bicycle scouts to move ahead of demonstrators in different directions of where police were and where police were not for purposes of being able to direct groups from the larger group to places where they could commit acts of vandalism including the torching of police vehicles and Molotov cocktails where they thought officers would not be."
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MIGs Dog

Registered User
Jan 3, 2012
NYPD’s Terrorism Official Says Unnamed Groups Planned Protest Violence in Advance

"Before the protests began, organizers of certain anarchists groups set out to raise bail money and people who would be responsible to be raising bail money, they set out to recruit medics and medical teams with gear to deploy in anticipation of violent interactions with police," Miller said.
He added, "They prepared to commit property damage and directed people who were following them that this should be done selectively and only in wealthier areas or at high-end stores run by corporate entities."
Without specifying who "they" are, Miller said the agitators "developed a complex network of bicycle scouts to move ahead of demonstrators in different directions of where police were and where police were not for purposes of being able to direct groups from the larger group to places where they could commit acts of vandalism including the torching of police vehicles and Molotov cocktails where they thought officers would not be."

Since many of these anarchist type groups operate solely online, never actually meeting face to face and communicating via social networks that are easy to find, you'd think LE would have penetrated the networks and have advance notice of activities, times, and locations.
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Registered User
Aug 21, 2008
Jake Paul is a deep-state operative, funded by a cabal of global elites, including George Soros and Bill Gates, and he was using the unrest in Scottsdale Fashion Center as a smoke screen for his fellow operatives to install 5G and set up future vax tracking stations. Also, he replaced Ghislaine Maxwell as recruiter-in-chief for the island in 2014, and NOBODY is talking about it. Want to take one guess as to who you might see on the lost CCTV footage from Jeff's cell? Take your colloidal silver daily and WAKE UP!!!
I know you’re being a dick, but I liked it anyways. Haha


The Kinder, Gentler Version
May 13, 2004
A Rockwellian Pleasantville
I know you’re being a dick, but I liked it anyways. Haha
I honestly wasn’t trying to. I was trying to be a goof. I feel like when I hang out with friends and family, we tease eachother a lot and bust chops. And that just doesn’t translate well on this medium. Haha. Sorry if it seemed mean. It was supposed to be good natured ribbing and silliness.
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The Kinder, Gentler Version
May 13, 2004
A Rockwellian Pleasantville
This might be too political or too racist but I'm not exactly sure how to feel about things. I don't like a lot of what I've seen from some Cops doing stuff that seems really nasty. That Philip Brailsford shooting of Daniel Shaver struck me as really, really bad. The Tony Timpa death struck me as really, really bad. And those were white people who died. The Jeronimo Yanez shooting of Philando Castile struck me as really, really bad. Same for the Derek Chauvin killing of George Floyd. These were black people who died. And these were also very bad, in my eyes. I see this stuff and I get why people are outraged. It's outrageous.

And I've also heard about racism towards black people by the police, and I believe it. There's just been too much evidence to support it, from what I can tell. I can see why black people would be upset and take to the streets. I appreciate the black protesters. That makes a lot of sense to me. I think it's good they are protesting.

I can even understand the rioters, a little. I have mixed feelings on the black rioters. I don't like all the violent assaults I've seen from some of them. Those are almost as bad as what I've seen from some of these Cops. The looting and vandalism I'm undecided on, honestly. It seems like an effective way to improve your bargaining positions (even if the individuals involved don't have that exact motivation). I really don't care if an Apple store gets trashed or a Wal-Mart. I just don't. When it's small businesses, that SUCKS and it contrary to the point of the thing. Same with the physical assaults. Very bad stuff. I don't know how to feel about the black rioters.

As far as the riot police, I feel similarly about them as I do the rioters. Mixed feelings. I'm sure most are doing the best they can in an extremely difficult situation. I don't think regular police on a regular day are held to a standard that is too high. They need to do better, I think. Weed out the bad apples better. Have more accountability for the worst of their brothers. I think that riot cops are held to way too high of a standard. The way they are being criticized for the mistake that some have made under the most extreme conditions imaginable is laughable. You literally can't do a good job of being a riot police. It's impossible. I've seen some bad stuff that they should be criticized for (the highway embankment tear gassing example) and I've seen some stuff perceived as bad that I 100% excuse given the situation (accidentally arresting the shop owner instead of the looter ).

So I have some conflicting, and unpopular feelings in all the the above. It's not super pro cop MAGA stuff, but it's also not super woke ANTIFA stuff. I'm mixed. I think it's mostly a really bad situation caused by some really bad decisions and then there are continual escalations as a result of compounding bad decisions. I think that applies to the parties above.

Here's the bit that I have more clear feelings on, and I'm more surprised by, and I don't know what to do with; I find myself really irritated with the white people in the mix. I'm annoyed by white protesters, and I'm absolutely disgusted by white rioters. It looks to me like they're making everything so much worse, and most of them strike me as tourists who are in it just to feed their own egos. Even all of these "statements" coming out from white celebrities are really annoying to me.

Racial discrimination is bad. Racial violence is really bad. Cops need to knock that shit off. We need to figure this out. But as a privileged white person, seeing my peers, my demographic, just itching to get in the mix and participate and feed their egos makes me sick. I think they're making it worse, and that's truly awful.

Can anyone help me see their side more clearly? I didn't expect to have a firm opinion on ANYTHING related to this subject. I'm surprised to find myself rolling my eyes at every NHL team/player "statement". I'm surprised to find myself really resenting white protesters. I'm surprised to find myself actually hating white rioters a little bit. I think my feelings are wrong, though. I'd be interested in some level-headed contrary perspectives.

Vinny Boombatz

formerly ctwin22
Mar 21, 2008
Chandler, AZ
I've been on the sidelines...but I've got to chime in.

First and foremost, the despicable behavior from "some" cops like Chauvin should absolutely not be tolerated in any instance...PERIOD! Cops should be held to "higher standards" because they chose to make law enforcement their careers.

Second, there is no such thing as "white privilege"...I grew up poor, but over the course of my lifetime, I've made "smart" choices and put myself through college, put myself through MBA program and have done well for myself. Everyone that starts out as an American citizen has the same capability, it's the choices you make that determine how your life turns out.

There are "no excuses" for being; a criminal, a thug, a person who "riots" because of injustices.

I was blessed with the ability to be very good at multiple sports, but I made the best choice to work hard and succeed in the classroom. Education is the way out and anyone can do it, it's just about the level of effort and determination you want to put in.

I'm sure we're all good people and there will be times that "bad things" happen to good people, because life isn't fair, the more we can teach our youth that hard work overcomes adversity the better off the next generation will be. One of my cousin's twin daughters from Sacramento was shot and killed 5 months ago while she was out on a Friday night having fun with her friends. She was a good girl and just so happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time...bad things happen! Should I go riot because she was killed by a group of drug dealers discharging their weapons in public?

I have 'zero' empathy for people that choose to riot, they all should be put in jail...PERIOD!


The Kinder, Gentler Version
May 13, 2004
A Rockwellian Pleasantville
First and foremost, the despicable behavior from "some" cops like Chauvin should absolutely not be tolerated in any instance...PERIOD! Cops should be held to "higher standards" because they chose to make law enforcement their careers.
Not sure if you're responding to me, but I agree. I think they need to figure out a way to compel law enforcement to weed out these nut cases sooner. That Philip Brailsford and this Derek Chauvin seem like really bad apples. There needs to be consequences for not getting them out of there before it reaches this point. Also, I think they should pay cops a lot more. They need to make it a more desirable job, a more competitive job, with a wider range of candidates to choose from. That way they can expel more of the bad ones, and find better replacements due to higher pay and better benefits. I agree about higher standards. I just meant that these riot cops are a bit different. People are expecting them to make all the right decisions. That's not possible in these circumstances. They're going to make mistakes. The pressure is too high.

Second, there is no such thing as "white privilege"...I grew up poor, but over the course of my lifetime, I've made "smart" choices and put myself through college, put myself through MBA program and have done well for myself. Everyone that starts out as an American citizen has the same capability, it's the choices you make that determine how your life turns out.
It's a good point that there is a lot you can do for yourself. But I think the idea is that there is only so much you can do for yourself if there are opportunities not available to you because of racism. Not having to deal with racism is the "privilege". It doesn't mean that you're rich. Also, I don't think this is a problem of an individual or of a point in time. I think the idea is that this is a generational problem that prevents everyone from starting at zero, like you mention. Making the right choices at the same rate would help a white person more than a black person because of issues that are out of their control. I think that's what they mean by "privilege".

There are "no excuses" for being; a criminal, a thug, a person who "riots" because of injustices.
I don't know. I think it's effective in a lot of ways. You don't get concessions without pressure. But it's an extraordinary dangerous approach and it's morally wrong on a number of levels. But I think it's an event, a phenomenon. That when you push a group too far, you're going to get this. We know that already. So the question is, how can you prevent riots in the future? What can you do to keep people from getting this pissed off again. How do we correct the things that got us here?

I'm sure we're all good people and there will be times that "bad things" happen to good people, because life isn't fair, the more we can teach our youth that hard work overcomes adversity the better off the next generation will be. One of my cousin's twin daughters from Sacramento was shot and killed 5 months ago while she was out on a Friday night having fun with her friends. She was a good girl and just so happened to be in the wrong spot at the wrong time...bad things happen! Should I go riot because she was killed by a group of drug dealers discharging their weapons in public?

I have 'zero' empathy for people that choose to riot, they all should be put in jail...PERIOD!
You said it yourself that police should be held to a higher standard. Certainly higher than drug dealers. So when police kill people there will be and rightfully should be more outrage than if a drug dealer kills someone.
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The Kinder, Gentler Version
May 13, 2004
A Rockwellian Pleasantville
^ want to be clear than I'm just talking. I'm not arguing. I don't have answers. I'm hoping conversations here will help me think through this better.


Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
We should all be held to a higher standard... not just the police.

@rt I get where you’re coming from. I unloaded on Twitter a while ago. I’m pissed off at both sides of this. From the bad cops to the idiots who used this situation to destroy and steal.

As I was trying to type it in, I snapped at my daughter because I asked her not to stand over my shoulder while I was composing because I can’t focus. But rather than simply respecting my wishes she chose to stand and argue with me over why she had to.

And I guess that is part of the issue. I was brought up by parents who came from a place and time where places were labeled “white” and “colored”. But they never pushed that ideology on me. (Even though my mother had a distinct problem with one of my sisters dating an Hispanic classmate in high school. :nod:)

They let me be myself. They taught me right from wrong. They taught me to respect elders and learn from them. I lost my mother when I was ten and my father ten years later. The only reason why I’ve made it this far was due to the fundamentals they taught me.


Registered User
Jul 16, 2017
The cop who kept his knee on Floyd's neck is a weak and insecure individual that should have his testicles gradually compressed by a vice and if that doesn't kill him, hung.

I have no problem with sympathetic whites protesting with blacks, many have such close ties that they have seen the injustices first hand. The unlawful acts are another matter and while I don't condone them and do believe they should be punished accordingly, I can sympathize with the frustration, as things unfortunately are not getting better, or at least not good enough. In their shoes, I might resort to violence myself, as the frustration mounts. Far too many blacks deal with injustice on a near daily basis and that's flat out wrong.

Think about it, the aforementioned asshole was still on the force, despite previous indiscretions, it's time to put an end to the good ol' boy network that keeps the insecure punks behind the badge. Having said that, I do understand the job of the cop is a difficult one and mistakes can / will be made, but the longer asshole cops are allowed to remain on the force, the longer it will take for the oppressed to rationalize what truly are mistakes that evolve from the impossible to near impossible situation.
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Registered User
Jul 4, 2003
The thing is that people are feeling themselves pulled into tribes. Either racially, politically, or socio-economic. Everyone is hearing the tribal call(s).

If we must be split, let the divide be between good and evil.
"Public servants" violating the rights of those they have sworn to protect is evil. Government agents killing a man with wanton disregard is evil. Destroying a business, theft, arson, assaulting other's is evil. Setting fire to a structure with a child inside and then blocking the road to prevent a firetruck is evil. Throwing bricks or molotov cocktails or providing them to others to throw is evil.

Legitimizing any of those things because of some tribal call is evil masquerading as "understanding" is evil. If your first instinct is "it's only a few bad apples. Most cops are fine", "most protesters are peaceful", "we have to understand..." then you're hearing that call, and headed to camp.

It should not matter a damn that some are calling you into their camp to do battle with "the other". If we're inclined to do battle, let us battle the evil irrespective of where we find it. Overcome evil with good.

Barring that, at least change your profile picture to virtue-signal...


Registered User
Jul 16, 2017
The thing is that people are feeling themselves pulled into tribes. Either racially, politically, or socio-economic. Everyone is hearing the tribal call(s).

If we must be split, let the divide be between good and evil.
"Public servants" violating the rights of those they have sworn to protect is evil. Government agents killing a man with wanton disregard is evil. Destroying a business, theft, arson, assaulting other's is evil. Setting fire to a structure with a child inside and then blocking the road to prevent a firetruck is evil. Throwing bricks or molotov cocktails or providing them to others to throw is evil.

Legitimizing any of those things because of some tribal call is evil masquerading as "understanding" is evil. If your first instinct is "it's only a few bad apples. Most cops are fine", "most protesters are peaceful", "we have to understand..." then you're hearing that call, and headed to camp.

It should not matter a damn that some are calling you into their camp to do battle with "the other". If we're inclined to do battle, let us battle the evil irrespective of where we find it. Overcome evil with good.

Barring that, at least change your profile picture to virtue-signal...
In this instance and in countless others (again on a daily basis) the evil is directed at the black tribe.
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