NHL 13 Wishlists Thread


Registered Excuser
Jul 24, 2009
In clubs, have a 6 v 6 league.

Anything under 6 people should be counted seperatly.


Registered User
Aug 19, 2007
In clubs, have a 6 v 6 league.

Anything under 6 people should be counted seperatly.

They should also make it if you have a certain amount of players in your dressing room, a 2nd room opens up.

I hated when we would have 12+ guys on and could only play 1 game at a time.


Registered Excuser
Jul 24, 2009
They should also make it if you have a certain amount of players in your dressing room, a 2nd room opens up.

I hated when we would have 12+ guys on and could only play 1 game at a time.

Absolutley need to bring back NHL 10'S version, however I think it should only open up after you have 6 players already in a game/dressing room.

Ex Officer Friendly

Got Nothin To Say
Apr 27, 2012
New York, NY
For Be a GM:

Suspersions. They are the most talked about part of the game today and with the amount of game misconducts I get I deserve to get suspended. I could see this being glitchy and totally unconsistent though. Maybe, they could include a video of Shanahan discussing the suspension.

Pre-season. You should be able to use any players on your roster and then send players down on cut days. You should be able to sign players to tryouts too.

Goalie fatigue. There's no need for a backup goalie without this. I have never had a injured goalie.

Better Trading. In the first year of my dynasty I would get terrible offers for the Sedins and Kesler and when I declined my rating would go down between the other teams. From about December to the deadline I got no offers. Then, at the draft I was offered Lundqvist for Hodgson. I would like to see counter offers from the other team I'm trying to trade with. When I put someone on the trading block I should always get a few basic offers, but I don't.

Free Agency. Instead of saying my offer is laughable, I would like to hear what the player wants exactly because you can offer more than what it says they want and they decline.

For Gameplay:

Ways to Score. It's soooo easy to score with the 2 on 1 cross crease pass and by cutting from one corner to the far side and shooting it in. I like how it does differ from a sniper to an average shooter. I want to be able to shoot 5-hole and backhand.

Dekes. Please fix the jumping deke. It's fun to use due to the ways the puck bounces off the player hitting me and it will always end up with my player. I've also scored a couple goals this way

After the whistle. I'd like to hip-check after the play's dead just for fun. I'd also like to see line brawls.

Its glitchy and inconsistant in real life hahaha :sarcasm:


Apr 5, 2009
Yorba Linda, CA
-Fix Jerseys with errors
-Make "Legendary Moments" or something like that, instead of playing full seasons with Legends to unlock the next legend have a historic moment that you have to complete. (Score a tying goal, shutout the other team etc)
-Integrate Winter Classic to all game modes, add a Generic stadium for custom match ups. Ask the Madden guys if you need help with football stadiums. :P
-Post Goal cut scenes should be Players hugging->Goalie->Flyby at the Bench
-Everybody dissapears during a fight, Fix it.
-Either dump the live goalie or keep my teammates from running into the goalie all the time.
-Reduce the amount of fans for the visiting team.
-Do up all the national teams in Edge cut jerseys
-Add as much equipment as possible.
-Menus need to be simplified, why do I have to load menus?
-Wingers need to help more on face offs
-The Refs should pick up broken/discarded sticks and helmets.
-More than 2 PP/PK Units
-You can't change lines after a fight, fix it.
-Only DiPietro gets injured in a fight, get rid of fighting injuries
-Acquire as many arena name licensees as possible
-Remove the diving check from the AI when your on a breakaway.
-New York Islanders Crowd and Ice needs to be updated
-Buffalo Sabres Crowd Needs to be updated.
-Likely to be other crowds needed to be updated for new jerseys.
-Add Jerseys
-Allstar Weekend.
-More Legends
-Playoffs Beards
-Tactics screen that I can edit and save while not in the game
-Be able to edit lines in-game. (Adjust for injuries etc)
-Captains and Number selections. I get the idea of not being able to change numbers but I have 4 17s on my team, its annoying.
-Custom Jerseys, there should be jersey template, color and logo cards.
-Equipment Editor, at the very least for the goalies
-3rd Jersey Slot.
-More offline tournament variety. All the tournaments are either 27K Salary cap/None and 3/5 stars.
-Why is there a tax on the auctions? Its not like its real money.
-Can we at least ditch the Honda spotlights pre-game?
-Individual Arena Cards, including classic arenas (Maple Leaf Gardens etc) and fantasy rinks (Pond Hockey, Mars)
-Some sort of web based card trading system would be awesome.
-Disconnects from the EA server should not result in a loss but a reset of the game you just played. yada yada yada people quiting to not lose. It is way more annoying losing deep in a tournament when your internet sneezes.
-Alternate/Historical Logos for the logo cards
-The ability to search individual training and contract cards.
-The ability to search by handedness, player type, overall and potential
-Make the minimum opening bid 50 pucks.(This accounting for adding tons of new cards in the form of logos and custom jerseys tools)
-Your logo card should appear at center ice.
-The bonuses for collecting a team should be raised. 5,000 -10,000 pucks for a NHL team.
-Shorter season options (Full, 3/4, 1/2 1/4) or let us sim without consequences
-Steal everything you can NBA 2k's career mode
Create A team
-More Logos, Jerseys, Fonts etc Adding all NHL Logos/Jerseys/Fonts would be a huge step in the right direction.
-Shoulder/Pant/Helmet Logo
-3rd Jersey Slot
-Stadium Editor
-If you replace a team with a Created team, the Refree should be using the uniform of that league.
Create A Player
-Give us the full black skates back (Jagr)
-Add More Goalie Helmets
-More hair/facial hair choices

Make it so I don't have to keep a notepad file of fixes/changes for NHL14


Registered Excuser
Jul 24, 2009
This really needs to be added, I would say once the first room has 5 players in it, as not every team as a goalie.

That is the travesty in itself as an avid EASHL player, who only plays 6 v 6, it would be nice to see other teams come up through the ranks.

Can't do it though when you allow the glitchy ****** bags the ability to turn and curve shot at will.


Registered User
Jul 21, 2011
I only care about Be a Gm, its all a play and there are many things that need changing but for me, player progression is the biggest factor.

Some things I think should change are:

Trading The value of picks and players is amazingly off, they should make some sort of hidden rating system into the game(or even make it visible) that stops you or the cpu from offering up rediculous offers to each other. I should not be getting offers like a 35yr old 82 ovr winger plus two useless prospects that wont become even 80 ovr, for a 24yr old 85 winger plus my 1st.

The system should be based on some sort of number attached to how high the ovr is and how old the player is, and will be affected by if a team is looking for a particular type of player. So like in real life an amazing 1st line Center would be much more highly valued by Tor, and maybe have even value to a team like Van or Dal and have negative value to a team like Sj or Pit. So to Tor and 85 LW might have a trade value of 65/100 but an 85 C might have a 75/100 rating thus toronto would be super happy to make the trade.

I think it should be a hidden stat so that you cant try to cheat the system or so you can "test the waters" with a team to try and get as much as possible if you know they might really need/want a particular player.

Obviously the idea that you could offer--counter offer needs to be in the game and also, as many have stated, the ability to "auction" off certain players or find out what it would take to get a player from another team would be awesome.

Free Agency Pretty much what everyone has already said, free agents should lower their salary expectations as the free agency periods goes on, also players should be willing to not sign any contract if they are not happy with their role on the team, or if they think they might not get a good role on your team if they are not already a part of it(so like a 1st/2nd line center FA wont be as willing to sign onto a team that has a higher rated 1st and 2nd line center than him) Also a little more realistic contracts would be nice.

Player roles Roles need to affect players. My sniper should feel like a sniper, my playmaker feel like a playmaker and my defensive defenseman feel like one as well. I also want to take this a step further and actually make the 3rd and 4th line players feel like 3rd and 4th line players. This means that if I have a line like Clutterbuck-Ott-Avery out there they should be absolutely reaking havoc on opposing players and totally dissrupting play and getting under the other teams skin causing fights and getting retaliation penalties left and right. It sucks that the only way to play is to have 4 "scoring" lines and the role player types mean basically nothing. The stats like aggressiveness and discipline might actually play a role if implemented right. Someone with high disc wont get into scrums and fights or take dumb penalties when ott is playing, where some rookie with very low disc would be far more likely to get caught up in the emotion and do something stupid.

I should be able to have a "shutdown" line is what Im ultimately saying. Or an "energy" line.

Player Rating This is my real gripe about the GM mode. Player ratings fail miserably and in many ways.

There is no way playing with crosby should feel basically the same and playing with someone like hemsky or vanek. They are miles apart. Ratings in certain stats should actually make a difference. If im 99spd someone with 80spd should never touch me without taking a perfect path towards me. Just imagine someone like Doug Murray trying to follow someone like Grabner, there is not a chance in hell he gets near him unless he cuts him off on his intended path.

This all starts with the idea that superstars should feel like superstars. Also 99 in any stat should be almost impossible to get and really should feel like you are amazing at that stat. Stamkos shooting should be miles better than Nichol shooting, and Chara hitting should be miles better than Hall hitting. Having a maxed stat should really make you feel like top dog in that department.

This goes back to roles in the game when it comes to OVR rating. If i have a sniper, to become 99 he does not neccessarily need a whole lot of defensive or athletic traits to be high to be an amazing sniper. Same with most other categories that are one dimensional. The only categories that require balanced stats are TWD and TWF. So to be a little more clear to gain 99 in a given "role" would be something like as follows:

Sniper- 95+ in shooting stats and 80+ ovr in Def and Ath
Playmaker- 95+ in passing/puck control skills and 80+ ovr in def ath
Dangler-95+ in dekes plus atleast 85+ ovr in puck handling/shooting stats plus 80+ ovr in def and ath
Offensive Def- 90+ in off and ath stats as well as 80+ in def skills
Defensive Def-92+ ovr def and ath stats plus 80+ ovr in off skills
TWD- 87+ ovr in all categories
TWF-87+ ovr in all categories

Powerforward is the only one that kind of needs a little more non-stat qualifications to really become 99 at. As someone who is 5'9 170 will never be a power forward, so size and weight have to play a factor in it. This should also play a minor role in the other categories as well but not have the same ramifications that it does in a power forward.

Potential I like the idea of potential, I however do not like how it works. A player with A pot in all stats will always become a great player, that is not the case in real life nor should it be in the game.

A players OVR should be affected by not only his potential but also his stats froms season to season.

In other words an 18yr old A A A prospect has the potential to be a 99 in his given role, but unless he goes above and beyond what someone expects of him he will never be a 99. If he were to produce at an expected level he would only reach maybe 92ish. An example of what I mean would be sort of like this, the player is an 18yr old sniper with A A A Potential. His statistical goals within his rookie year might look like:

A= 50+ goals
B=40-49 goals
C=30-39 goals
F= <20 goals

Lets say that rookie started the season at 73 OVR. If he hit A stats he would go to 82OVR, B he would be like 79-80, C he would be 77-78, D would be like 74 and F would be 72-73.

If he were to have hit A stats the first year and made it to 82 OVR his potential would stay the same and his stats would go up slightly for him to get the A again. If he gets an A in stats each year till he is around 24-26 years old he would be very close to 99 player, and then his potential would level off to C C C and as long as he keeps going above and beyond expectations he would get to 99 around age 28-30 and be able to keep it there by getting a C stat rating until age/injury inevitably forces his decline.

A stats plus Potential based system would make it so that not all top prospects reach their full potential if you dont make the effort to ensure they are getting their needed stats, and can also make some lower draft picks become better than they may have in the system we have now. Potential would still dictate the overall ceiling on a given prospect but would not dictate where exactly they actually wind up OVR in their prime.

Other additions I want to see

CoachesHiring/Firing coaches, along with coaches having statistical bonuses for players and general playstyles. They should have OVR's that go up and down each year depending on how well their team does as well.

ScoutingBeing able to scout specific players, or teams. Also scouting should actually give more detailed info on players if you spend time scouting them. A scouted players potential should be visible, even if its still a little vague, or some sort of commentary like "He looks like he will be a solid 3rd liner, or maybe make it onto the 2nd line if he really works hard on his hands/speed/strength/disc/etc" or "This guy has superstar written all over him, just make sure he has some good finishers on his line and watch the points add up!".

Chemistry. This applies to player chemistry and coach chemistry. Its annoying when I have two snipers like Ovi and stamkos on a line with a playmaking center like thornton or crosby and the goals dont rack up in amazing fashion. Obviously ratings can come into play on chemistry as well, not just player types. Also this can affect how good your 3rd and 4th line are, as maybe something like all the 3rd line players are very close in aggression and spd and disc, so they play amazing together as a shutdown line.

There are more things I want changed, many of which have been discussed over and over in this thread, but I dont feel like listing them at this point.


Registered User
May 28, 2010
Potential I like the idea of potential, I however do not like how it works. A player with A pot in all stats will always become a great player, that is not the case in real life nor should it be in the game.

A players OVR should be affected by not only his potential but also his stats froms season to season.

In other words an 18yr old A A A prospect has the potential to be a 99 in his given role, but unless he goes above and beyond what someone expects of him he will never be a 99. If he were to produce at an expected level he would only reach maybe 92ish. An example of what I mean would be sort of like this, the player is an 18yr old sniper with A A A Potential. His statistical goals within his rookie year might look like:

A= 50+ goals
B=40-49 goals
C=30-39 goals
F= <20 goals

Lets say that rookie started the season at 73 OVR. If he hit A stats he would go to 82OVR, B he would be like 79-80, C he would be 77-78, D would be like 74 and F would be 72-73.

If he were to have hit A stats the first year and made it to 82 OVR his potential would stay the same and his stats would go up slightly for him to get the A again. If he gets an A in stats each year till he is around 24-26 years old he would be very close to 99 player, and then his potential would level off to C C C and as long as he keeps going above and beyond expectations he would get to 99 around age 28-30 and be able to keep it there by getting a C stat rating until age/injury inevitably forces his decline.

A stats plus Potential based system would make it so that not all top prospects reach their full potential if you dont make the effort to ensure they are getting their needed stats, and can also make some lower draft picks become better than they may have in the system we have now. Potential would still dictate the overall ceiling on a given prospect but would not dictate where exactly they actually wind up OVR in their prime.

This kind of does happen. I've simmed and played multiple seasons/franchises/whatever and have had a guy like Granlund end up anywhere from an 85 to a 91 depending on how I utilize him. Jonas Brodin, another Wild prospect, has maxed out at 84 at worst and 92 at best, depending on how long I leave them unsigned and how long they are in the AHL, how long they are in the NHL and how much I play them in what situations.

Same with Hall, he's pretty much guaranteed to get up to 90 or so, but I've seen him end up as high as 98 and as low as 89. If you play and go crazy with a guy/line, then they end up higher overall. I've traded for Giroux, got him to 140-150 points, and the next season he's at 92 overall with B potential still, ending up at 96. I've also traded for him and put him in a third line role and he ends up with 60 points and maxed out at 89.

I've also had low level prospects on the Wild get amazing results thanks to playing them a lot. One time I had absolutely no LW guys, traded for Schwartz in St Louis. He was a 78 B-, B, B I believe. He got 70 points playing on a line with Koivu and Setoguchi. The next season, he was an 83 B, B, B. Played with Koivu and Lupul and got 85 points or so. Then he was an 86 with B, A-, B. I haven't finished his development yet but right now he's a 91 with B, B, B at 24 or 25 years old.

On the flip side, it simply doesn't work sometimes. I had Jason Zucker, a Wild prospect, play on an NHL first line one time. He's a 76 B-, B, B- I believe at the start. He had 70 points his first season, and the next season he was a 79 B-, B-, B-. I got him up to a PPG at 82 points, and he went to 81 C, B-, B. He ended up topping out at 90 points a season but only got to 84 overall. Same thing with Charlie Coyle. Went into the NHL 2nd line as a 73, got 60 points for two seasons and then got up to 80 points in his third season but somehow did not get over 82 overall. Oh well.

I'm sure this is the case for all of the teams, I just have more experience playing as the Wild.

The system is already in place, it just isn't perfect.

Pay Carl

punished “venom” krejci
Jun 23, 2011
haha I was just doing Be a GM, and I had the greatest rebuild going. I had managed to trade Jagr/Selanne for Bobby Ryan (they are old and retiring after that seson anyway), and then traded Gonchar and Ryan Smyth and I think a 2nd for oui Eriksson (Gonchar and Smyth both UFA's at the years end), traded for Eller and Pacioretty too. I had drafted Matt Duchene, Giroux, Pietrangelo, Carlsson, Shattenkirk, Schnieder, Jack Campbell, Landeskog, RNH, Larsson, De Haan, Niederiter, Couturier, and a TON more that I cant remember.

So I endured 2 seasons of medicrity knowing that it was just giving time for my players to get good, and RIGHT as they were about to get good, after the two seasons... I GOT FIRED

So my point was, GM's need to be allowed to REBUILD in Be a GM without being fired. Whatever GM inherits that team will have a dynasty haha


Detroit vs. Everybody
Jan 7, 2011
Atlanta, GA
1. Different goal scoring cut scenes.

2. Draft picks should mean more in trades.

3. Fix the framerate.

4. Only goals I score are top shelf... Didn't have that problem in NHL 10, but it seems that way in '11.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2011
I think being able to trade conditional draft picks would be pretty cool. It wouldn't be hard at all to put into the game either, I'd imagine.


Registered User
Sep 27, 2009
Toronto, Canada
All I ask is please for the love of god let me skate while I'm on the backhand. Dumbest thing ever that the players stop moving their feet for no reason when you go to the backhand, and it's been that way since like 08.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2011
1. Different goal scoring cut scenes.

2. Draft picks should mean more in trades.

3. Fix the framerate.

4. Only goals I score are top shelf... Didn't have that problem in NHL 10, but it seems that way in '11.

You do know you have the ability to aim, right?


I'm off the planet
Nov 5, 2011
So my point was, GM's need to be allowed to REBUILD in Be a GM without being fired. Whatever GM inherits that team will have a dynasty haha

In the options before you start, you can change "GM Firing" to off.



I'm off the planet
Nov 5, 2011
after 3 years, and ur team has failed in those 3 years, you will be fired from ur team and go on to another one

happens to me all the time even with GM firing off

I do see your point, all though that's technically not being fired, they just don't offer you a new contract. This hasn't happened to me in a long time, but I do realize it is still a problem.


G'night Sweet Prince
Dec 23, 2008
I have no idea what you two are talking about. With GM firing off, at the end of your contract, you get the option to choose what type of team you'd be interested in managing from your agent, and in the list of available teams, there should be your original team. In my current BeAGM, I finished with 19, 29, and 27 wins failing to meet the owner's requirements and I just signed a four year contract with that same team.


Feb 4, 2003
New Hampshire
So many great ideas already in here; just to reiterate a couple things I'd like to see:

Scouting/Development: I think a hockey's future rating approach would be awesome, and I'd like to have a little more control over the distribution of points to the development of a player.

Create-A-Team: Agree with TflyingV, they need to add more jersey templates, or at least let you use existing/classic jerseys. And for God's sakes add in more city/team names. I still can't believe they don't have Hartford on the list!!

Rotations: I think they should develop a rotation system for simming; that lets you choose how often you want to roll each line. Much like the minute distribution system in NBA games.

Coaches/Referees: I've been saying for years, have coach templates, so that each team plays a certain style of game. Also, have referee templates, so each game is called slightly different as well. Would add some awesome variety to every game.

Other than that, so many other good ideas on the thread already, and so many little graphic & gameplay tweaks that could help.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
According the the new teaser they might have changed the skating engine....THANK GOD!!! That was my number 1 wish and an upgrade in the deking system as well!


I'm off the planet
Nov 5, 2011
I have no idea what you two are talking about. With GM firing off, at the end of your contract, you get the option to choose what type of team you'd be interested in managing from your agent, and in the list of available teams, there should be your original team. In my current BeAGM, I finished with 19, 29, and 27 wins failing to meet the owner's requirements and I just signed a four year contract with that same team.

Whenever that has happened to me, I didn't get contract offers from the same team, only other teams.


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