OT: Anything Goes 35 - Tony O Edition

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Jan 12, 2011
And that’s why I’m not convinced it’s schtick.

So when it comes to prospects and it’s on a different forum here he can post fine but here he goes, for lack of a better phrase, full Pejorative Slur?

I don’t buy it. He does it on person. The commitment is impressive.


Lot of brains but no polish
May 18, 2014
Is there anything worse than packing/moving?

The worst.

Last time I moved we paid the movers to pack up the kitchen. Individually wrapping each plate/glass is the worst part of the process by far.
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Jan 12, 2011
Last time I moved we paid the movers to pack up the kitchen. Individually wrapping each plate/glass is the worst part of the process by far.

We didn't have the nicest plates and silverware so we just chucked them and bought new shit that'll be delivered to the new place. Sold our couch too, and new one also being shipped to the new place.

But the whole process still f***ing sucks.

We normally get movers but are selling or chucking most shit outside of clothes, bikes, bed, computers, and TV.
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Feb 27, 2002
I post what I post..sorry for my fat fingers trying to hit small letters on a smartphone keyboard...I know typis are annoying..I will try to be more onservantvand correct typing errors..But as to content ..I believe I make some valid points..

So today ..I gove you a valuable movie critique that could save you from wasting good money ...this is not my review but rather that of Lionel of Lionel Nation which you can find on YouTube..

He states in the header for his clip on this topic of the "Joker" movie thusly:

'Joker' - Hands down the worst movie on the Pantheon of Imbecilic,Insipid,Hyped ,Base ,Pointless.

....then he goes on to add:"the worst movie ever"...

He also said Jacquin Phoenix is nothing special in acting the character of the Joker ...that Jim Carry half-asleep could do better...that Phoenix was better in the Johnny Cash movie ...

I think the implication is that Hollywoidviscputtong on another con job to extract money to watch a bad movie by hyping it to be something great...be careful of hpur hard earned money and do not fall into their trap.

I was intending to go see it..but I trust a lot of the things Lionel brings forth in his commentary on news and culture
...do notvahree with everything ...but with quite a lit of his views.so I will a oid this Hollywod re-take version quadrillion of anothervploy to extract mucho dinero from a gullible public.

I suppose there may be some who like the movie ...but maybe their taste is on their tucchus as the old yiddish saying goes..

Of course Hollywoid trying to make big doughaboutca film that humanizes a killer and is supposed to exonerate his crimes because he was given so many hard knocks in life thatvhevjustvhad torture bad is typical Holkywood insanity.

Next we will see a humanization story on Hitler...waitca minute...theyvalready didvthat on t.v. in Preacher ..bit that was at least a Parody of the absurd...so it was funny and ok in the context..but seriously trying to humanize and explain away bad killers with some validcexcise then trying to get suckersvto pay hefty procrsctongo see it in theaters notto mention the corporate brand placements they put into their movies to make even more bucks off the stickers falki g over to buy products or services from those companies...it fiscal part of not ART but rather the Hollywood Greed Machine.

If you have gone to see the movie and loved it...maybe you are easily manipulated by propaganda and fake news too..maybe your mond has been bended by the pressures of a fake consensus and so you must conform to the accepted script they designed to getvyouvto believe "all critics agree" and that "the buzz" is that Phoenix will be up for an Oscar he is asogreat in this movie...or that they quite some (paid off?) movie critics who give it 5 stars...or that the movie has brought on serval hundred million or over a billion worldwide already in the first weekend ..so it must be a great movie "you must see"...so that all the hype must be true..and that you are nobody with your peers and friends unless you too have gone to see it and parroted back the consensus supposed to agree view...and if you hated it or thought it was not upto the heights of the hype,then

1.Hollywood does not care...they have already extracted money from your wallet...


2.You have come away from the film with a cognitive dissonance ...that is:

"There must be something wrong with me... because this movie was supposedly applauded so widely on all the Pre-release blogs ...by all the sneak peek reports,by all the ads...They mustvhavevitvroght...My opinion must be in error...something is wrong with me!

In this result ...You get the double whammy of monetary loss for a waste of time plus a dose of self-doubt about your sanity.

Hollywood gets enriched because you were a sucker for going to see their hyped nothingburger,and they laugh at your gullibility to buy into their hype.

And 1 last thing on this:

Lionel also trashes Bobby DeNiro for his bad acting which he says has been going on a lot in his movies of the last several years...I will leave that observation for you to debate or agree with .

To me Bobby has been a caricature of himself forcquitexawile noe..not so much a greatcactorcas just Bobby doing Bobby schtick...he left his best work way back in the Godfather movies...now he is more a spokesman for the Hollywood Left TDS crowd than he is a great actor anymore..He sold his soul to the Hollywoid Corporate propaganda machine in all its various manifestations.

American culture ...love it or hate it,you gotta admit when they con you into believing something is great when it really stinks and you conform to the hype ,it does not matter whether it is a movie or a car or a food product(you really are supposed to prefer plant'based burgers over real beef burgers now..and if you disagree ...You are branded as a global warming terrorist who has to be conformed to the new politically correct way of the new consensus of mass opinion of what is hood forvyou and society)...you are being manipulated to do what They tell you you should be doing or agreeing with.

The 'Joker' is one big Joke ...on You!

I for one instead laugh at THEM ...cause I am not going to fall for their Jokes ...

But then...Jimmy Fallon,Jimmy Kimmel and other "conedians" on late night t.v. are really not that funny...very rarexyou het any true belly laughs ...maybe that is less an indictment
of their own talent ut more on the lack of a true funny one of their joke writers?

Of course...when they do their anti'Trunp schtick jokes it seems more like a lame bit of agenda propaganda and often Mean to boot..not very funny ..

Many years back when the late night comedians joked on "Dubya" who was Presodent...you could laugh.. because the jokes were actually funny but not mean..
Something has changed...Somebody has conned
a large portion of Anerica to believe what they want tou to believe..whether it is true ir not..to believecwhatvuscunfunny is worthy of laughter,not justcsme snicker laughter butvtobe regarded as genius comedy...ir genius dramatic acting..

You must believe what They say what theyy tell you about news,art,comedy,drama,about what is good and what is bad ...about what is excellence ,what is incompetence,about how you must act,about what you can and cannot do to say ...yourcown opinions do not matter..you must conform to the correct opinion
on...that is what they tell you is correct and is the "majority" consensus.

Facts do not matter...getting you to conform to their agenda..that what matters.

The Media is the Message ..so You must blindly follow the controlled media messages you gotta TRUST anything they tell you and not question it.

So even a simple thing like thehyoe other Joker movie is there to get you to believe you must watch it..but what messages does the movie give?
We cannot course speculate that the main point us that even killers are human beings and they are "victims'of some bad circumstances they experienced in their youth or other tragedies life threw at them .. so their later turn to criminality is not realky their fault..be sympathetic to this "excuse" for their crininal behaviour...

But maybe there are more moral messages in the movie they want to plant in your brain.. but for that I guess you have to see the movie...even though it stinks as a movie(accordibgvto Kuonel).
So even if you are worried about wasting money on this ,the truly curious of you may wish to spend Nyway to see if you can detect even more "messaging" THEY want to brainwash you with.

If so ..go and report back here on what other ideas they wish you to be indoctrinated with from this movie.

I am sure there are other such ideas...

I am sure some of you are smart enough to detect them whether they are overt or sublime al.

I for one will be parking my money though.. and wait for the movie to show up later on t.v. and then I will try to detect more propaganda messages in it...unless somecsmart oeoplechave done that task already .
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Registered User
May 5, 2014
So, let me get this straight...

You're criticizing me for liking a movie that I went to and saw, because apparently my opinion is just based on everyone else's opinion. But... it's okay for you to say the movie is bad, even though you didn't watch the movie yourself to form that opinion?

Ain't that some sound logic.

Also, thanks for trying to "be more onservantvand correct typing errors." Seems like you're off to a good start.

Kaners Bald Spot

Registered User
Dec 6, 2011
Kane County, IL
I'm trying to figure out why tf I've gone off the rails lately. I used to be a pretty rational poster now everyone thinks I'm nuts. What happened?
I've almost gotten to the point where I feel like I have damaged my reputation as a poster both here and at SoxTalk so badly that it isn't worth posting anymore.
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