Confirmed with Link: Murray steps down, Dorion is our new GM

Langdon Alger

Registered User
Apr 19, 2006
Bout damn time!




youtube dot com /watch?v=CdqMZ_s7Y6k
Aug 14, 2013
In that TSN 1200 interview, when asked about whether he'd be willing to pay what it'd take to get a top level coach, Melnyk tried really hard to say "I am not spending that much money on a coach" in every way he possibly could without actually using the sentence "I am not spending that much money on a coach".


Registered User
Aug 5, 2012
False. He said that he's willing to pony up for a coach that he knows would be here long term.

You're taking things out of context.


Feb 13, 2010
The NHL Sens site has not updated the management team profiles yet.

I'm wondering if BM has retained the role of President of Hockey Operations. If he did that would still leave him with the ultimate say. Even though Dorion would be the GM and have all day to day responsibilities, BM could still override him on trade and hiring matters if he totally disagreed. That's true in many organizations.

It will be interesting to see who holds the title of Pres. of Hockey Ops when the dust settles.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2012
The NHL Sens site has not updated the management team profiles yet.

I'm wondering if BM has retained the role of President of Hockey Operations. If he did that would still leave him with the ultimate say. Even though Dorion would be the GM and have all day to day responsibilities, BM could still override him on trade and hiring matters if he totally disagreed. That's true in many organizations.

It will be interesting to see who holds the title of Pres. of Hockey Ops when the dust settles.

No. He's just an advisor now.

During the presser on Sunday Murray said that he'll be having discussions with Dorion about pretty much everything but that it'll be up to Pierre to decide what he wants to do.


Nov 9, 2010
Parts Unknown

Good stuff by Maclean on melnyk right at the beginning. He's just guessing though on murray being pushed out.

Sens-related Sound Bytes from Doug Maclean (for people who don't care to listen)

re: the coaching change & Eugene Melnyk
- "For me, it's enough already. Eugene's got to look this one right in the eye. Everyone talks about Brian Murray firing coaches, come on, Eugene is all over this one. He was all over (Paul) Maclean too. He gets to hate coaches faster than Bryan Murray does. I've had my fill of this. And now today they say 'we're going to hire the best coach possible', yeah right. You're going to give Claude Julien $3-4mil to come in there? And if they do, if they do, it'll come right off the player's salaries. That's where the money will come from. So enough already of... I've had my fill of it. I know, 7 coaches in 10 years... Eugene, he can say whatever he wants on your show, but he gets to hate them faster than anybody in hockey".

re: Melnyk talking about O'Connor starting early in the season/ questioning choices in opening games
- "You don't say that with 9 games left in the season. That's a group decision. This was the hottest goaltending prospect in the country when they signed him, there was umpteen teams chasing him. I get it that (starting him) was a mistake, but to say it with 9 games left in the season, to make a deal of it, to say "stupidity" in the same sentences, enough already. I have no idea where this goes."

re: do you think Bryan wanted to go?
- "Not a chance. Not a chance. Not a chance. I don't know if he was pushed (out), but something happened. I guarantee you something happened.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
Fact: Claude Julien was once traded to The Nordiques as compensation for St Louis hiring Head Coach Jacques Demers.

Could happen again, the writers in Boston are saying that a Big chunk of the Bruins management want Julien fired, but they want compensation for him (essentially they don't want him coaching Ottawa) - so Ottawa and Boston might be working on a coaching trade.

Nac Mac Feegle

wee & free
Jun 10, 2011
Fact: Claude Julien was once traded to The Nordiques as compensation for St Louis hiring Head Coach Jacques Demers.

Could happen again, the writers in Boston are saying that a Big chunk of the Bruins management want Julien fired, but they want compensation for him (essentially they don't want him coaching Ottawa) - so Ottawa and Boston might be working on a coaching trade.

Seems petty.

Did we get compensation for them getting Peter Chiarelli?


Registered User
Jan 7, 2016
I love that Murray has stepped aside... For the first time in a while I'm excited for the off season.

Last time we promoted the scouting guy to GM (MJ) ... Turned out to be the best GM we ever had


Registered User
Jan 7, 2016
Seems petty.

Did we get compensation for them getting Peter Chiarelli?

The compensation rules happened after that... I don't blame Boston, I would not want Ottawa getting him either.

I remember tho we got Rob Zamner (spelling) for Rick Dudley back in the day


Registered User
Jan 7, 2016
So Boston is forcing compensation then... Good on Sweeney, don't throw away assets


Registered User
Jan 7, 2016
Its a very risky move by Boston that could backfire.

What's the worst case? Bruins suck next year, fire Julien and draft high

Brad Marchad scored 37G in Juliens structured system

Boston has a worse defense then Ottawa... I'd rather get Julien some D if I was Neeley then fire the guy and start over


Registered User
Sep 26, 2009
I finally heard the Melnyk quotes that caused some here to lost their minds.

Good lord, talk about twisting of words to meet an agenda.

You had your GM in the morning say he could sign any catch he wanted, then you have Melnyvk come on and say that's not true, throw an EK trade scenario in there and say he hasn't talked to his 'friend' Dave Cameron yet because he's to scared to.

The guy just needs to shut up and let the GM run the team. Every time he opens his mouth he contradicts the team or throws someone under the bus.


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