Avengers: Infinity War *Spoilers* For those who have seen it. Stay away if you haven't!


Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
Well, spoiler alert for those who do not want to know the plot of the Avengers 4 - don't look under spoiler.
I think this movie set up a really clear basis for the next scenario: "Thanos regrets his decision to kill Gamora. He uses the Time stone to make her alive again, simultaneously erases everything that happens after her death." It is basically the only explanation why Dr.Strange gave up the Time stone and why Russo brothers spent so much time for Thanos character development and specifically his relationship with Gamora.

Thanos looked content and very pleased with himself at the end of the movie. I doubt he has a change of heart.
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32 Years of Fail
Apr 15, 2006
San Diego, CA
I don't see how time travel invalidates it and we don't even know if time travel is how things are "fixed". The only time travel in this movie was when Strange viewed the 14M plus scenarios saying he saw only one that worked.

Thanos went back in time to get the last stone from Vision, was the first thing I thought of when everyone went to dust. I hope they don't take the route of bringing everyone back but I think it's a strong possibility.
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Aug 7, 2005
Well you certainly can't bring them all back. Otherwise the whole movie is rendered pointless

No matter what happens, all the heroes who watched their loved one's die are going to be changed forever. For example, Tony had the kid he cared about and did everything in his power to keep safe die in his arms. Peter stared in to his eyes and told him how scared he was while pleading for it to not happen. This right after Tony was hoping for a baby with Pepper. I won't even get in to the other survivors.

Those who died will also remember something.

Pierce Hawthorne

HFBoards Sponsor
Apr 29, 2012
Caverns of Draconis
Well you certainly can't bring them all back. Otherwise the whole movie is rendered pointless

They're not all going to come back but that doesn't mean what you said is going to be accurate.

There's absolutely 0% chance they're killing T'Challa, I dunno if I've ever seen anything more out of left field before. He's almost certainly going to be the face of Marvel going forward after Avenger 4 along with Captain Marvel. I mean Black Panther 1 is one of the highest grossing films of all time and only behind Infinity Wars and maybe Avengers from Marvel.

They're not killing him.

And I'd say it's only the smallest bit more likely that Doctor Strange dies. He's also going to be an integral character for the next phase and while they haven't confirmed a Doctor Strange yet, it's been heavily rumored for a long time and the only reason they haven't confirmed it is likely because of his importance to the story line in part 2 of the infinity wars and the fact they need to at least put on the image of uncertainty regarding that character.

I'd say the following characters are almost certainly going to be alive through Infinity Wars Part 2:

Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Dr. Strange
Bucky(He's going to be the next Cap, they hinted at this already IMO in the end scene of BP and him and T'Challa becoming close friends already)

Then, I'd also be willing to bet that this next list of characters will almost certainly be dead after part 2:

Captain America
Iron Man(Maybe not dead, but removed from the equation permanently)

That leaves the following list of characters who I think have futures that are completely up in the air right now. Of this list I suspect more then half of them end up dead permanently but a good few survive as well:

Black Widow
Scarlet Witch
War Machine


Bolded are the ones I think end up dying. But I'm also very unsure about Thor and Hulk. On the one hand I would normally expect them both to die, but I think Thor has risen a tonne in the MCU the last 6 months as a character since Ragnarok was so well done and followed up with some real strong character development here in Infinity Wars as well. Throw in that Hemsworth has said he'd love to continue making Thor movies and I think there's a real chance he ends up being the only lead original Avenger to survive.

I'm also not really sure what happens with the rest of the gang from GOTG. I have Drax dying but I could see him staying alive because of how well his comedy has been perceived by fans. On the flip side Rocket and Groots future likely rests in what happens with Thor as well. As I think the foundation for a new team up movie involving those 2 and Thor could be in the makings if they choose to keep Thor around long term. But if they dont, I could see one of Groot or Rocket dying.

The thing about the Guardians of The Galaxy franchise is that it's potentially not very difficult for them to make a Vol. 3 with a lot of new faces taking over. We saw at the end of the GOTG 2 movie they teased the original Guardians team and that could be a foreshadowing to changes coming up of our current GOTG team with some new players in it.

I think Marvel has done a good job of being very secretive abut what's going to happen after Infinity Wars Part 2. It's left a lot of things up in the air for the future that they can wait to decide based on how these 2 movies are perceived before going forward. Outside of the obvious sequels that would be coming(BP 2 and Spider-Man 2), they really have a chance to do anything as we get passed this event.
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Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
Thanos went back in time to get the last stone from Vision, was the first thing I thought of when everyone went to dust. I hope they don't take the route of bringing everyone back but I think it's a strong possibility.

I am not sure I get what you are saying.


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
Well you certainly can't bring them all back. Otherwise the whole movie is rendered pointless

I don't think they all come back but many of them will as in the comics when what Thanos has done was reversed. It might be that those that end up dead at the end are not even some of the ones that died in the first place,

The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
They're not all going to come back but that doesn't mean what you said is going to be accurate.

Its no coincidence that the original 6 are left alive at the end. A4 will be their final story bringing everyone else back. Everyone who died post Snap are coming back and have sequels and stuff.

I was so caught up in that scene tho! Groot dying again!!! I was so suprised Marvels new money truck BP bit the dust and man...Spiderman got me teary eyed.

They did a good job of making me say "screw the whole Marvel never lets anyone be dead thing I WANT THEM ALL BACK NOW!!! :cry: "

The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
I also expect GotG 3 to be about The guardians bringing the soul stone back to that planet and getting Gamora back. A soul for a soul.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
Spider-Man’s was the saddest, but BP was a genuine shock to me. I kinda lost track of who went after him because I was so surprised. For as well as the Tony/Peter dynamic worked, Okoye watching her king who she adores fade away was almost as impactful.

I can’t get over how much they’re absolutely nailing this ‘cinematic universe’.
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DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
I was just randomly going through the YouTube rabbit hole and found this. Pretty hilarious in retrospect. Relevant part starts at 2:15

Don Cheadle's reaction is great. I almost feel bad for Ruffalo.
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32 Years of Fail
Apr 15, 2006
San Diego, CA
I am not sure I get what you are saying.

In the post I quoted, you said the only time travel utilized was by Dr. Strange, but that's not true. Thanos went back in time, brought Vision back from the dead, and ripped the stone out of his head. My point was that after seeing that scene, I'm not convinced that they won't do something similar in order to bring back most or all of the people who turned to dust. Consequently, those deaths were not nearly as impactful to me as they apparently were to a lot of people.
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Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
In the post I quoted, you said the only time travel utilized was by Dr. Strange, but that's not true. Thanos went back in time, brought Vision back from the dead, and ripped the stone out of his head. My point was that after seeing that scene, I'm not convinced that they won't do something similar in order to bring back most or all of the people who turned to dust. Consequently, those deaths were not nearly as impactful to me as they apparently were to a lot of people.
I don't remember there being any time travel when he took the stone from Vision. When did Vision die and why would he have to be alive for Thanos to take the stone? And my post was about time travel by Doctor Strange as people seem to complain about why he didn't time travel to stop Thanos.


Registered User
May 5, 2014
In the post I quoted, you said the only time travel utilized was by Dr. Strange, but that's not true. Thanos went back in time, brought Vision back from the dead, and ripped the stone out of his head. My point was that after seeing that scene, I'm not convinced that they won't do something similar in order to bring back most or all of the people who turned to dust. Consequently, those deaths were not nearly as impactful to me as they apparently were to a lot of people.

My opinion is that the death doesn't have to actual be real for that moment to be impactful. As as I said earlier in this thread, Batman's "death" is TDRK is impactful, and him being showing alive doesn't change that - because it's all about the moment and the reaction of those around. Black Panther dying was a lot because of Okoye; Spider-man dying was a lot because of his reaction and Stark's; Groot was a lot because of the reactions around him. Things like that. As long as those deaths are relevant to the next movie (like, for example, it needed to be done in order for Thanos to be defeated), they played their purpose and are still impactful in the moment they happened.


Registered User
May 5, 2014
I don't remember there being any time travel when he took the stone from Vision. When did Vision die and why would he have to be alive for Thanos to take the stone? And my post was about time travel by Doctor Strange as people seem to complain about why he didn't time travel to stop Thanos.

Thanos turned back time to get the infinity stone from Vision. Wanda destroyed it originally, but Thanos turned back time, fixing the stone and bringing Vision back to life, and then took the stone. So Wanda had to watch Vision die twice, which is tough.


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
Thanos turned back time to get the infinity stone from Vision. Wanda destroyed it originally, but Thanos turned back time, fixing the stone and bringing Vision back to life, and then took the stone. So Wanda had to watch Vision die twice, which is tough.
Ohh ya that part duh. Stupid brain.

Adam Warlock

Registered User
Apr 15, 2006
I think we over analyze all this stuff too much. Knowing what movies are next and whose contract is up doesnt take away from this being an incredibly emotional and well done movie. I'll even say it was a masterpiece.

I love what the Russo brothers did. Killing off the new characters was not at all expected and makes part 2 that much more interesting.

We got what we were promised...an epic culmination of 10 years/19 movies of story telling with an incredible villian.


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May 19, 2002
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My thoughts on avengers:

Thanos - great Villian and you can sympathize with him and understand his reasonings behind doing what he’s doing ( he lost his world due to overpopulation so he’s gonna save the universe by ensuring it doesn’t happen elsewhere); Josh Brolin did an amazing job and I can see Thanos reaching Vader sequence movie villian levels after A4 even if he looks like stone cold Steve Austin.
The fact that they built up his backstory for this in just one movie is amazing. I hope they are able to do this more going forward for the Bad guys espically whomever they start to build towards for the next few avengers movies.

Black order- so disappointing their use in this movie. Apart from ebony maw did they even name the rest of them? They never explained that glaive was immortal while his blade is in his hands despite showing multiple shots of him dropping it and proxima midnight saying you will never get a chance again (to kill him) they should have been killed off early in the next film

Loki - I liked they killed him off to show the strength of tHanos

Spider-Man - that death scene was tough and I dislike the actor as I hate he keep getting younger

Black panther dying was a shocker to me as I figured he would be around to help lead the assault on thanos in a passing of the torch from stark

Thor - won’t be killed off as they got him his new hammer, he just became king of Asgard and they introduced Valkyrie who got over well with girls his arc of going back from being weak and deafeated to the bad ass god of thunder was great.

Hulk is interesting and I hope they give us a reason he won’t come out.

Gamora - it was obvious what was gonna happen to her the moment she started taunting thanos about not having anyone he loved. And I kinda didn’t hate that moment

Drax - great one liners: “I’ve learned the art of staying perfectly still” “I’ll do you one better why Gamora”

Overall Comedy - I thought for the fact that the j universe was in jeopardy there were too many jokes but some of the more dead pan humor really did go over great. “I am Groot - I am Steve Rogers”

Places - I liked how they were able to tie all the places together aka having a reason to go to wakanda etc. that was reasonable and not like “oh I like the sunshine in wakanda”


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
My opinion is that the death doesn't have to actual be real for that moment to be impactful. As as I said earlier in this thread, Batman's "death" is TDRK is impactful, and him being showing alive doesn't change that - because it's all about the moment and the reaction of those around. Black Panther dying was a lot because of Okoye; Spider-man dying was a lot because of his reaction and Stark's; Groot was a lot because of the reactions around him. Things like that. As long as those deaths are relevant to the next movie (like, for example, it needed to be done in order for Thanos to be defeated), they played their purpose and are still impactful in the moment they happened.

If someone says a teenage Spider-Man begging Stark, his mentor, to stop him from dying did not have a huge impact...well you have no emotions.


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
My thoughts on avengers:

Thanos - great Villian and you can sympathize with him and understand his reasonings behind doing what he’s doing ( he lost his world due to overpopulation so he’s gonna save the universe by ensuring it doesn’t happen elsewhere); Josh Brolin did an amazing job and I can see Thanos reaching Vader sequence movie villian levels after A4 even if he looks like stone cold Steve Austin.
The fact that they built up his backstory for this in just one movie is amazing. I hope they are able to do this more going forward for the Bad guys espically whomever they start to build towards for the next few avengers movies.

Black order- so disappointing their use in this movie. Apart from ebony maw did they even name the rest of them? They never explained that glaive was immortal while his blade is in his hands despite showing multiple shots of him dropping it and proxima midnight saying you will never get a chance again (to kill him) they should have been killed off early in the next film

Loki - I liked they killed him off to show the strength of tHanos

Spider-Man - that death scene was tough and I dislike the actor as I hate he keep getting younger

Black panther dying was a shocker to me as I figured he would be around to help lead the assault on thanos in a passing of the torch from stark

Thor - won’t be killed off as they got him his new hammer, he just became king of Asgard and they introduced Valkyrie who got over well with girls his arc of going back from being weak and deafeated to the bad ass god of thunder was great.

Hulk is interesting and I hope they give us a reason he won’t come out.

Gamora - it was obvious what was gonna happen to her the moment she started taunting thanos about not having anyone he loved. And I kinda didn’t hate that moment

Drax - great one liners: “I’ve learned the art of staying perfectly still” “I’ll do you one better why Gamora”

Overall Comedy - I thought for the fact that the j universe was in jeopardy there were too many jokes but some of the more dead pan humor really did go over great. “I am Groot - I am Steve Rogers”

Places - I liked how they were able to tie all the places together aka having a reason to go to wakanda etc. that was reasonable and not like “oh I like the sunshine in wakanda”
I must admit I was hoping for more from the Black Order, they ended up being weaker than they should have.


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