Prospect Info: 2013 Development Camp (July 3rd - July 7th)

Le Barron de HF

Justin make me proud
Mar 12, 2008
Thank you for the reports throughout the week guys, I'm sure it's appreciated by everyone on here. Glad to hear our less hyped prospects like Holland, Bournival, Bennett, Nystrom, Ellis and Vail looked good today.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2009
I really like the reports concerning our defensive prospects and some of our less heralded forwards. It's awesome to see that Collberg's looking like a first line prospect, but it's also great to hear about Nystrom and Holland.

One thing that I didn't hear about: Didier seems to be really big, mobile, strong, and solid. Does he hit? Hard, preferably?

This isn't the best place to really examine that. Guys were clearly slowing down as they closed in on a hit to create just enough separation while not putting the opposing player in harm's way for the most part. All signs seem to point to him being a pretty good hitter as he's pretty tall (6'3''), has an NHL-ready body and looks as strong as anyone out there, skates very well, and went for the hit whenever it was required (as opposed to going for the hit when a simpler play could have been made). I wasn't a huge fan of his going into today but he sure changed my mind.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2011
This isn't the best place to really examine that. Guys were clearly slowing down as they closed in on a hit to create just enough separation while not putting the opposing player in harm's way for the most part. All signs seem to point to him being a pretty good hitter as he's pretty tall (6'3''), has an NHL-ready body and looks as strong as anyone out there, skates very well, and went for the hit whenever it was required (as opposed to going for the hit when a simpler play could have been made). I wasn't a huge fan of his going into today but he sure changed my mind.

Awesome. What do you think needs to progress in his game in order for him to make the show?


Registered User
Apr 16, 2004
Just came back from the camp, stayed after the game to get some autographs and to talk with a few players.

I was seated right beside the Fucale family :laugh: He had his whole family over, they were like 25 and cheered every time Zach made a save. Got to love their passion. Especially, his dad, he was so pumped before the game started.

So a few notes from the players in today's game :

Sven Andrighetto : Not a good day for him, did not see his quick release and comitted way too many errors, bad passes and turnovers.

Nathan Beaulieu : Honestly didn't seem to care much. The game was really intense, lots of hard hitting, but Nathan just really took it as a summer practice, and really didn't push hard. Pulled a couple of nice moves though. And also met him after the game and I must say that he's not the nicest guy around. Some kids tried to say hi and talked to him and he seemed really annoyed by it and walked away as quick as possible with Tinordi.

Mac Bennett : His skating is above-average BY NHL STANDARDS. I thought he really showed what he can do, and he's really not all that small. I'm positive he will be in the NHL. He looked confident defensively and can pinch from time to time in offense too because of his amazing skating.

Michael Bournival : Good skating, a 'North-South' player, but will need to add to his build because he was getting physically outplayed out there.

Tim Bozon : Didn't really notice him all that much except for one or two shots.

Sebastian Collberg: Color me surprised. I did not expect him to be so creative and dominant offensively. If there were + and - today, he would be like a +4 or +5.

Michael Condon : Shades of Petr Budaj. Very good at blocking the first shot, but no rebound control from what I've seen.

Jean-Sébastien Dea : Really not impressed. Seemed to float around a bit.

Gabriel Desjardins : Those that were saying that he's pretty much Desharnais are right. Smallish (although not as small as DD) forward with good passing abilities but not much else.

Ben Duffy : If I'm not wrong, he got a hat-trick. His line with Collberg and Nystrom were literally the best line out there. I'm not sure where he comes from but definitely had the ability to finish.

Morgan Ellis : Sound defensively, nothing flashing, but intercepted a few passes and blocked a few shots. Pretty much a potential Gorges.

Stefan Fournier : VERY good around the net, and very physical. But severely lacks speed. He was one of the slowest players out there and got beat a several times by defensemen coming back from pretty far behind.

Zachary Fucale : Very calm in his net, Price-like. He got beat by a few perfect shots, but it's normal considering that there were a lot of AHL players and he's a very green rookie. He is gonna be really good.

Jérémy Grégoire : On the ice, he wasn't really noticeable. But I just wanted to say how nice he is off the ice. He was very friendly, and just had that vibe about him that he wasn't faking it.

Patrick Holland : Way too cute with the puck. If he wants a chance of not being the next Ben Maxwell, he has to improve his fundamentals better. But he is patient with the puck and still has potential.

Charles Hudon : He was on a weak team on a pretty weak line, but Hudon looked kinda stressed out or something out there. He even fanned in the shootout, not sure what was up with him.

Louis Leblanc : Decent effort, but he doesn't handle the puck really well. Also, I saw him after the game outside, and man...he's REALLY not tall and really as skinny as we see on TV. He hasn't put on any weight at all since his draft...But he had several injuries, so it might have something to do with that.

Michael MacCarron : He's pretty much a project. He is VERY raw. He has some tools, a good shot, amazing size. But he just looked awkward and really not NHL-ready. He needs constant improvement to make it.

Erik Nystrom : So why isn't this guy highly regarded in our prospect pool? Showed some very good vision, puck handling, playmaking ability, seems like a guy that would be very useful in our current system

Martin Reway : Good skillset, but he looked tiny...

Braeden Shaw : Hitting machine. That is all.

Colin Suellentrop : Very sound and calm defenseman. If we didn't have so many defensemen already, would have been worth keeping.

Christian Thomas : He is pretty short, but he stays on the puck and can get away from checks. Tinordi tried to nail him but he came back out with the puck. Very resilient. Reminds me of Gallagher.

Jarred Tinordi : He shouldn't even be here. He was totally in an another league. He was a step ahead of everyone. Dominant physically, and got a few good wrist shots on goal.

Bob b smith

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
Typical comments on Collberg: "He looks amazing and dominant but I don't get it when looking at his stats in Sweden".

The problem is people are comparing apples and oranges. All prospects play in several leagues that are tough to evaluate as a NA... However, if you compare his stats head to head against other top players and prospects from Sweden, you realize that his stats (his achilles heel) actually shows how exceptional a prospect he is...

This season (his post draft year) he played against men and scored more prorated goals than did Zibanejad and Silfverberg that year. The season before where he had 0 goals, 0 assists, 0 points againsts men (the real knock against him) they basically made him ride the pine or play little minutes.

Let's compare prorated points of top Swedish prospect in J20, all 1 year before the draft (they all played substantial games in that league)

1. Lindholm (#5, 2013): 42-16-41-57
2. Collberg (Habs) : 42-25-28-53
3. Forsberg (#11, 2012): 42-25-22-47
4. Burakovsky (#23, 2013): 42-17-25-42
5. Silfverberg (Sens-Ducks) : 42-11-17-28
6. Wennberg (#14, 2013) : 42-1-18-19
7. Zibanejad (Sens): 42-6-6-12

Let's compare prorated points of top Swedish prospect in J18, all 2 years before the draft (they all played substantial games in that league)

1. Collberg (Habs) : 22-18-22-40
2. Lindholm (#5, 2013): 22-10-28-38
3. Forsberg (#11, 2012): 22-14-8-22
4. Wennberg (#14, 2013) : 22-8-12-20
5. Silfverberg (Sens-Ducks) : 22-5-13-18
6. Burakovsky (#23, 2013): 22-7-6-13
7. Zibanejad (Sens): 22-4-4-8


Registered User
Oct 13, 2012
Wow these reports are great. Thank you all so much!

So how good does Collberg look? Like elite or near elite upside?

Always been intrigued by Nystrom. Does he look like he has a shot with us?


Registered User
Apr 16, 2004
Wow these reports are great. Thank you all so much!

So how good does Collberg look? Like elite or near elite upside?

Always been intrigued by Nystrom. Does he look like he has a shot with us?

Collberg looked like the most creative offensive forward out of the whole crew.

Nystrom played really well also, they were linemates. Wouldn't mind giving him a shot.

Mike Mike Caron

Registered User
Aug 29, 2010
Just found those 2 goals from Brady Shaw in BCHL:

He seems to be a guy who's not afraid to go to the net.


My cap runneth over
Jul 1, 2012
Again, Bournival is a gym rat(Pierre McGuire would be salivating) so what you see is what you get. Thanks for the reports.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Thanks a lot WhiteSnake for the report.
I was actually in Brossard as well this morning and for the most part (I'd say 90%) I agree with everything you said in your report, pretty accurate !

Here are a couple thoughts on the prospects :

- Condon : Played really good, made some key saves, good rebound control, didn't give up a goal in the 30 minutes he played.
- Delmas : Did not look good at all today, some questionable goals and almost scored in his own net at one point.
- Collberg : Best player by far on the ice today !! He was a constant threat with the puck, making smart passes, very quick decision making, NHL release. Very excited about this prospect.
- Nystrom : Apparently he had a really quiet week, but it was a very good performance for him this morning. His line with Collberg/Duffy was the best one and he fed Duffy with perfect passes on two of his goals.
- Duffy : Everything was clicking for him today, he is a threat around the net. He is indeed very offensively minded, sometimes cheating in the d-zone, but everything worked his way today, he probably had 2-3 2on1 that he failed to convert (always forcing a pass) in addition to his 3 goals. However, he wasn't much involved defensively, losing a lot of 1on1 battles and shying away from physical contacts all the time. It was a great showing indeed, but I would not offer him a contract (not even 1way AHL) due to the fact that we already have too many similar players ahead of him (Holland, Andrighetto, St.Pierre, Thomas).
- Hudon : He was absolutely terrible today. He looked like he didn't care, was way too casual, constantly turning the puck over (twice on his first shift of the game). However, I am not worried about him, with his showings at the WJC and in Hamilton, so I am not putting in too much weight on this game.
- Bournival : Just relentless, constantly buzzing and pressuring the puck. You always know what to expect with him, constant effort.
- Fournier : Wasn't impressed, big body, but he was pretty much invisible today. Might be a little let down after signing the big contract, I don't blame him.
- McCaron : BIG project.... He looked terrible today, always behind the play, did not create offense at all, not very physical. Even more concerning is that he lost a lot of 1on1 battles, getting outmuscled. I still believe he will be an NHLer down the line, but he is still very raw, I hope he goes the OHL way, but I wouldn't expect big numbers from him in his first season (< 1 PPG).
- Holland : Some good flashes, he is great at carrying the puck in the neutral zone (almost Gomez-like), also a sick snipe on Fucale's glove.
- Belzile : Some smart plays, always knows what to do with the puck before it comes to him, worked hard, but he did not stand out much.
- Leblanc : He was pretty good today, much much better than when I watched him in Hamilton last year. He looked more confident with the puck and also a little faster. Hopefully the summer training pays off. However, I am really worried about his potential, I don't think he will become more than a decent 3rd liner in the NHL. His on-ice vision is very limited, often keeping the puck in the neutral-zone when he should move it forward, also not so good hands, he is very predictable in his play, always makes the same moves. I don't really mind it as long as they work, but I have a feeling he won't be really effective against top NHL defencemen. Still have hope here !
- Henley/Trainor/Desjardins/Cichy/Dea/Gregoire : Totally invisible today, it was going too fast for them.
- Tinordi : A man among boys, just a steady presence on the back end, he makes it look easy.
- Beaulieu : Terrible game for him, looked like he did not care, was very nonchalant. Sometimes he had great rushes in the O-zone, keeping the puck for 15-20 seconds but then he would make a pass to nobody, causing a turnover, bad decision making overall. On a more positive note, he is such a fluid skater, so fast and he makes it look easy. I just wish he had a little more passion in his game.
- Ellis : Did not stand out, which is a good thing, steady, keeps it simple.
- Grassi/Gravel/Brouillard : Did not look very good, Grassi kept turning the puck over.

I'm torn about McCarron playing in the OHL. Will he play a top-6 role, 1st-2nd pp-unit on a pretty stacked team that will surely look to add players because they are hosting the Mem Cup? Not sure. And after his draft status, his size, and his comments at the draft, he's going to be challenged every night.
But he'll get to play more games and he will be able to keep up his fighting prowess.

In college he'll play less games but will be playing for a coach who will have vowed to get him to the NHL. He'll get to work on his hands and his quickness. He'll also get to work on this puck creativity playing in some bigger rinks (more time).

Tough call. Interested in seeing what he chooses.


The 2 stooges….
Dec 21, 2012
Typical comments on Collberg: "He looks amazing and dominant but I don't get it when looking at his stats in Sweden".

The problem is people are comparing apples and oranges. All prospects play in several leagues that are tough to evaluate as a NA... However, if you compare his stats head to head against other top players and prospects from Sweden, you realize that his stats (his achilles heel) actually shows how exceptional a prospect he is...

This season (his post draft year) he played against men and scored more prorated goals than did Zibanejad and Silfverberg that year. The season before where he had 0 goals, 0 assists, 0 points againsts men (the real knock against him) they basically made him ride the pine or play little minutes.

Let's compare prorated points of top Swedish prospect in J20, all 1 year before the draft (they all played substantial games in that league)

1. Lindholm (#5, 2013): 42-16-41-57
2. Collberg (Habs) : 42-25-28-53
3. Forsberg (#11, 2012): 42-25-22-47
4. Burakovsky (#23, 2013): 42-17-25-42
5. Silfverberg (Sens-Ducks) : 42-11-17-28
6. Wennberg (#14, 2013) : 42-1-18-19
7. Zibanejad (Sens): 42-6-6-12

Let's compare prorated points of top Swedish prospect in J18, all 2 years before the draft (they all played substantial games in that league)

1. Collberg (Habs) : 22-18-22-40
2. Lindholm (#5, 2013): 22-10-28-38
3. Forsberg (#11, 2012): 22-14-8-22
4. Wennberg (#14, 2013) : 22-8-12-20
5. Silfverberg (Sens-Ducks) : 22-5-13-18
6. Burakovsky (#23, 2013): 22-7-6-13
7. Zibanejad (Sens): 22-4-4-8


How can we get him to North America?

Koivu 11

Registered User
Jul 23, 2002
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Figured I'd mention this...Went to camp friday and saturday. Had an hour long talk with Mac Bennett's dad and his dad's buddy. It's actually the second time I talk to his dad, 2 years ago he was here with his wife and was telling me and a buddy how Mac chose the NCAA route over the choice to play in Gatineau, then Hamilton. But it was just a quick convo.

They were impressed by Andrighetto Saturday as he was dominating with dangles, and his dad's friend is a huge long time habs fan. Real cool guys, they told me the height and weights for this camp were from last year because I mentioned Mac looked alot bigger and they said ya, now he's at 195 and it's listed at like 180 something...They said his upper body/arms got huge.

Also noticed a lot of people here talking about his skating, well when Mac's dad left for a minute to go grab a drink, his buddy was expressing his dislike of Tortorella and mentioned how he called out Hagelin in the playoffs and all that, then he goes "hey, his dad won't talk about it much, but Mac used to beat Hagelin in races all the time in college"...and he can fly.

Real good hockey family, they love the city, and come down every year just to enjoy the sights and festivities, restos/bars around the arena.

He just got named captain of the Wolverines the other week and should join Hamilton late in the season, could be big surprise to most fans.
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Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Ben Duffy has 9 penalties in 334 games. That's unheard of. Just wanted to point out that cool little tidbit of information.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2002
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Thanks for all the reports guys.

I don't thing anyone should worry too much about bad performances from a few players here and there (Beaulieu, Hudon, Bozon, etc.)... This is the final day of what must have been a very difficult and tiring week for these guys and it's expected that some guys have an empty tank by the end of it. I think we should really concentrate on the positives at this point. Therefore, I'm really happy to hear about Collberg and Nystrom, as well as Bennett and Leblanc.
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Registered User
Nov 8, 2009
Collberg's points in SHL is because he's been used in a limited role in the bottom 6, with few stints in top 6 and very little powerplay. With Frölunda basicly being a different team this year, Roger Rönnberg(Head Coach for Sweden U-20 that won gold two years ago) will be looking at Collberg to be one of the leading offensive forces. I'd think(and hope) Collberg could score 15-20 goals this season. Wich is alot in SHL. This last season only 3 players scored 20+ goals.
Dec 2, 2010
Collberg's points in SHL is because he's been used in a limited role in the bottom 6, with few stints in top 6 and very little powerplay. With Frölunda basicly being a different team this year, Roger Rönnberg(Head Coach for Sweden U-20 that won gold two years ago) will be looking at Collberg to be one of the leading offensive forces. I'd think(and hope) Collberg could score 15-20 goals this season. Wich is alot in SHL. This last season only 3 players scored 20+ goals.
Yup the well-versed users here know about his usage and how difficult for young players to get serious ice time let alone score a lot. As you said, Ronnberg loves him from the U20 and he'll see top 6 minutes but I just hope he's stronger physically and he can stay healthy.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2006
Can Bennett be compared to Nick Leddy? Jack of all trades, master of none with fantastic skating.


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