Which Trade was Burke's best *** Reset April 28, 2014 ***


Formerly Eazy_B97
Jul 5, 2005
We'll start with this (my original post) and build from there. I'll bold the import part for you

It's cute when the draftophiles get all upset because people see value in using all areas to build a team.

I consider them pieces within draft built teams. Sharp and Hossa are surrounded by drafted talent. Chara and Thomas (now Rask) are surrounded by drafted talent. Richards and Carter, again, surrounded by drafted talent.

But of course you fail to see the big picture and completely miss the point. These are good pieces, but they are vastly outnumbered by many more pieces that are equal and greater in importance to the overall team composition.

You're few examples of once in a decade free agents and once in a blue moon trades are DRAMATICALLY OUTNUMBERED by the volume of homegrown core players added to teams each and every year.
So by "miss the point" you mean I was right about those teams having Core pieces and you need to find a was to shuffle around that fact?

You mean these teams build using all areas? I heard that somewhere else before.

You judge based on hindsight.

For example, you cling to the Zdeno Chara signing as proof positive that we don't need to draft a #1 defenceman but at the time did you support dishing out max term and value, recognizing this player as a generational defenceman now did you?

No, you were most definitely happy with Bryan McCabe and Kaberle...as were most Leafs fans who scoffed at the idea of signing a division rival's UFA.
You mean I judge based on results? Absolutely, I was happy with McCabe and Kaberle. I also wanted that d-core improved and had no issues improving that back-end.

I cling to Chara as proof that there are more ways to get a #1 d-man than simply drafting one. I have no problems if we draft, sign or trade for one, in fact I would urge Nonis to pursue all methods to look for one.

Who is failing to see the big picture now?

I have never supported anything that mortgages the future for a dismal present. For some unexplained reason, people like you proudly support this type of strategy. You support mortgaging the future for instant gratification only delaying the inevitable need to build the team with homegrown talent.

This is a fact.

We are in the exact same position we were coming out of the lockout and people like you have been proudly supporting all of these wasted years.
You know you're in trouble when you have to lie to make points. Maybe you should listen (or read in this case) what I am saying instead of trying to tell me what I think.

Again, you are simply outnumbered at every turn.

For every example you have of a good piece added by trade or free agency I can easily give you four more.

The numbers just don't agree with your stance on hockey, period.
My stance that you can build a team many ways, when the cup has been won with many different types of teams and personnel acquired using a variety of different methods? You sure the numbers don't agree with me? I'd check them again

You just aren't knowledgeable about hockey or you just refuse the raw facts that lay right before your eyes.
You mean the facts I just showed you?

I know exactly what I am teaching because I've been doing it for 7 years now. "Re-toolers" like you have been proven wrong over and over and over again by realists and yet you continue the same song and dance.
It looks like you're still in the remedial class at this point
If you support anything other than dismantling the Leafs' rotten core in favor of a draft rebuild you are basically giving the thumbs up to Kessel and Phaneuf leading the charge for the foreseeable future.

You are guilty by association.

And you will be proven wrong like you have been so many times.

Maybe in another 5 years you will learn something.

Doubtful though.
Oh you mean more garbage that you've created instead of actually listening? I assumed so, but thanks for confirming
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Registered User
Apr 8, 2007
We'll start with this (my original post) and build from there. I'll bold the import part for you

So by "miss the point" you mean I was right about those teams having Core pieces and you need to find a was to shuffle around that fact?

You mean these teams build using all areas? I heard that somewhere else before

You mean I judge based on results? Absolutely, I was happy with McCabe and Kaberle. I also wanted that d-core improved and had no issues improving that back-end.

I cling to Chara as proof that there are more ways to get a #1 d-man than simply drafting one. I have no problems if we draft, sign or trade for one, in fact I would urge Nonis to pursue all methods to look for one.

Who is failing to see the big picture now?

You know you're in trouble when you have to lie to make points. Maybe you should listen (or read in this case) what I am saying instead of trying to tell me what I think.

Except they do, you just aren't bright enough to understand it.

You mean the facts I just showed you?

It looks like you're still counting to potatoe

Oh you mean more garbage that you've created instead of actually listening? I assumed so, but thanks for confirming

So all in all...

The Leafs need a number one center, a number one defenceman, and many more support players that play two-way hockey in order to contend.

And based on everything EazyB97 has posted, being the master arithmetician he is and clinger of exceptions (not rules), he would prefer to NOT draft these types of players with great certainty, but wait for pigs to fly...err.. sorry...I mean sign or trade for all of these rare types of players.

You understand why I confused the two terms there.

Because NHL GMs simply, as a rule, do not let these types of players go without getting something equal in return. And since the Leafs are in win-now mode, they can't give up equal roster assets in return. That just brings us back to square one. What then can we trade? Oh let me guess, more draft picks and prospects.

And since the NHL free agent market is a BARREN WASTELAND with virtually no star-power left anymore yet still commanding GROSSLY ABOVE-MARKET RATES...I guess EazyB97 would like to see more David Clarkson / Tim Connolly / Mike Komisarek / Colby Armstrong type signings. Lord knows even if a good free agent did come around, you wouldn't recognize it. I believe you favored Wade Redden over Zdeno Chara did you not?

So while you wait for pigs to fly EazyB97, I think I will support the straighter, more forthright and logical plan to procure core talent.

That would be the entry draft.

I'm sorry, but you really do need to learn about this new CBA. It will help you out a great deal.

The age of trading and signing a contender was left at the wayside back in 2004.

It's time to acclimatize to the new NHL there bud.


Formerly Eazy_B97
Jul 5, 2005
It's a slow night, so I'll play along

And based on everything EazyB97 has posted, being the master arithmetician he is and clinger of exceptions (not rules), he would prefer to NOT draft these types of players with great certainty, but wait for pigs to fly...err.. sorry...I mean sign or trade for all of these rare types of players.
Where did I say this?

I remember saying this:
I have no problems if we draft, sign or trade for one (a #1 D-man), in fact I would urge Nonis to pursue all methods to look for one.

So what don't you understand here.

Because NHL GMs simply, as a rule, do not let these types of players go without getting something equal in return.
You mean aside from the "exceptions" list I posted and a few more on top of that? Either way, I'm game for drafting, signing and trading for D-men, but I've already said that and you didn't get it then, so why would you get it now?

And since the Leafs are in win-now mode, they can't give up equal roster assets in return. That just brings us back to square one. What then can we trade? Oh let me guess, more draft picks and prospects.
I'd trade a pick for a #1 d-man, wouldn't you? You'd pass on a Chara or Pronger type d-man because they weren't drafted by us? You wouldn't trade a pick/prospect to get a Weber, Suter, Pietrangelo?

And since the NHL free agent market is a BARREN WASTELAND with virtually no star-power left anymore yet still commanding GROSSLY ABOVE-MARKET RATES...I guess EazyB97 would like to see more David Clarkson / Tim Connolly / Mike Komisarek / Colby Armstrong type signings. Lord knows even if a good free agent did come around, you wouldn't recognize it. I believe you favored Wade Redden over Zdeno Chara did you not?
We'll go back a page or so for some of those names, I'm sure I saw them recently.

Personally I hope we stop signing guys like Clarkson and Komisarek to big money contracts and tossing away 2nds on guys like Bolland. Better asset management overall will be more of a factor than a change in methodology IMO.

So while you wait for pigs to fly EazyB97, I think I will support the straighter, more forthright and logical plan to procure core talent.

That would be the entry draft.
By waiting you mean, pursuing all methods actively and making moves that make best use of the assets?

I'm sorry, but you really do need to learn about this new CBA. It will help you out a great deal.
I really hope we're learning something here

The age of trading and signing a contender was left at the wayside back in 2004.
Agreed, you just can't win in this league signing players like Hossa, Chara, Thomas, Rafalski, Niedermay or trading for players like Pronger, Sharp, Horton, M. Richards, Carter, etc...

It's time to acclimatize to the new NHL there bud.
Looks like one of us has and the other has not

Again, I said it earlier, that's the beauty of being "someone like me". I have no problems drafting, trading or signing as long as it is done well and maximizes assets. Tough to argue against that point, which you're currently proving.
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Registered User
Apr 8, 2007
It's a slow night, so I'll play along

Trying to save face is more like it.

Where did I say this?

I remember saying this:

So what don't you understand here.

#1 defencemen/#1 centermen/ power forwards / all-round players are not traded for or signed in the new NHL.

This is again something that you just don't understand.

It simply doesn't happen.

You cling to a few freak happenstances that have occurred at a diminishing rate since 2005 as some sort of justification for ignoring the use of lottery picks to secure the core talent this team has been starving for.

For every home-run trade that happens in one year, I can show you a dozen or so home-run draft picks made by teams that recognized the value in securing homegrown talent.

Again, the numbers just don't favor your argument. At all.

You can spin it whichever way you want.

The Chara signing did not push Boston into contendership...their 2006 entry drafts did.

The Sharp trade and Hossa signing did not push Chicago into contendership...the 2006 and 2007 entry drafts did.

Again, this is plainly obvious. But keep clinging to your pie-in-the-sky delusions.

You mean aside from the "exceptions" list I posted and a few more on top of that?

Yes, exceptions that have occurred over the past decade. That is precisely what they are.

Trades in the NHL are designed to be even for both teams. If I trade you a Coke for a Pepsi...I didn't build anything now did I. Now if I have a preference for Pepsi, than that makes the trade ideal for me.

Obviously other factors play into trades such as risk and return but on the whole if you are looking to "build" through trades, you are playing with fire. Classic case is the Leafs.

They've been "building" with Kessel (while losing picks that became Seguin and Hamilton). The net loss there. is significant.

They've been "building" with Lee Stempniak (while losing Alexander Steen). The net loss there is also significant.

And of course you also conveniently ignore how trace amounts of talent manage to make it to the UFA period. There have been very few players of note that don't get retained by their drafted teams and the ones that do are pricing themselves out of the market for the bulk of teams looking for a safe long-term investment.

But ignore that too. And cling to more exceptions that are things of the past.

Either way, I'm game for drafting, signing and trading for D-men, but I've already said that and you didn't get it then, so why would you get it now?

No, you clearly don't prefer to draft considering your hostile views towards proponents of a draft rebuild.

And as history has demonstrated for the Leafs, that is exactly what they should have been doing since the lockout to this very day. And sorry for stealing your little line here but you didn't get it then so why would you get it now?

See how easy that is?

I'd trade a pick for a #1 d-man, wouldn't you? You'd pass on a Chara or Pronger type d-man because they weren't drafted by us? You wouldn't trade a pick/prospect to get a Weber, Suter, Pietrangelo?

You would weigh the cost-benefit and account for the window of opportunity you are granting yourself with regards to your already in place core talent. The Leafs have a brutal core of talent compared to most teams in the NHL so adding a Chara or Pronger (a veteran version I assume you are speaking of) is not the same as adding a Weber or Pietrangelo.

But this is a discussion for naught because none of those players are available by my estimation and the one's I would be interested would cost more than just one pick...but rather a package of picks and players.

The cheaper solution obviously is to, surprise surprise, just draft one...but that should be obvious.

We'll go back in the past for some of those names, I'm sure I saw them recently. Personally I hope we stop signing guys like Clarkson and Komisarek to big money contracts and tossing away 2nds on guys like Bolland. Better asset management overall will be more of a factor than a change in methodology IMO.

I have no idea what that first sentence means, but that's great that you acknowledge the Leafs need to get out of the free agent and trade market for player procurement.

But isn't that you're entire thesis here? We should use all methods?

Now you are backtracking and changing the story.

It's about asset management now.

Well I agree, to an extent. And if you understood what good asset management is and what assets the Leafs do realistically possess and what they can muster within the trade, free agent, and draft market, you'll easily come to the conclusion that the Leafs are due for more than a few core pieces to come by way of the entry draft.

Due to the higher odds associated with getting those kinds of players in the lottery position, most rational people understand that finishing in the bottom 5 is simply a necessary evil with the hope of one day having a solid core to work with.

And when the core is materialized, then it's time to look to the trade and free agent market for secondary pieces to push the team from a playoff team to a contender. The reason being of course is mid-round first and second round picks can't be reasonably expected to materialize core talent. That's not to say don't use them, but don't count on them.

By waiting you mean, pursuing all methods actively and making moves that make best use of the assets?

No I mean just waiting for a core player to fall from the sky by way of trade or a free agent signing.

Again, it's such a rare occurrence that I don't know what else say.

You're clearly waiting for a miracle and in the meantime the team's long-term forecast is suffering, as we watch this Dion-Kessel led team wilt year in and out without the fallback of having a lottery pick. Rielly was a start, not a finish for this rebuild.

I really hope we're learning something here

Well no offence but you have 27,000 posts spanning back to 2005 and here I am almost having deja vu. I feel like I am talking to a Leafs fan circa 2005 about why we need to re-tool.

Agreed, you just can't win in this league signing players like Hossa, Chara, Thomas, Rafalski, Niedermay or trading for players like Pronger, Sharp, Horton, M. Richards, Carter, etc...

You can win with those types of talents provided they are surrounded with MORE core talent which by and large are found in the NHL entry draft.


Looks like one of us has and the other has not

And again, I feel like I've just time travelled to 2005 arguing with a John Ferguson Jr. fan.

Again, I said it earlier, that's the beauty of being "someone like me". I have no problems drafting, trading or signing as long as it is done well and maximizes assets. Tough to argue against that point, which you're currently proving.

Clearly you do have qualms with drafting.

And you seem to pimp the free agent and trading market as some answer to our problems.

Of course what's plainly obvious to most rational Leafs fans is that it is that exact philosophy of shirking the draft in favor of band-aid solutions (trades, free agent signings) that got us into the very mess we are seeing today.


Formerly Eazy_B97
Jul 5, 2005
That's a lot of typing for a guy who still doesn't get it. No point trying any longer, if you haven't grasped it yet, you won't ever.

Have fun with your head in the sand, if you want to discuss anything I have actually said feel free to read it. Otherwise have fun continuing to make up your own stories to argue against.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2007
That's a lot of typing for a guy who still doesn't get it. No point trying any longer, if you haven't grasped it yet, you won't ever.

Have fun with your head in the sand, if you want to discuss anything I have actually said feel free to read it. Otherwise have fun continuing to make up your own narrative to argue against.

You don't get to decide "who gets it" and who doesn't there tough guy.

Because if you ask me, you argued and spun yourself into a mess of an argument repeating the same old song and dance since the JFJ days. And when you get called out for having such a invalid and distorted view, you once again go into insult-surrender mode.

Word of advice.

Try and man up and admit when you are wrong.

Shows character.


Feb 27, 2002
Mountain Standard Ti
Visit site
1. Kaberle for Liles/Biggs/Colborne
2. Beauchemen for Gardiner/Lupul
3. Versteeg for Percy/Leivo
4. Mayers/Hagman/Stajan/White for Phaneuf/Aulie/Sjostrom
5. Lebda/Slaney for Franson/Lombardi

Trying to decide, it's wasn't as easy as it first seemed, all are pretty good.

Transaction|Original Vote Cnt|Original Vote Results
Kaberle +2nd. for Liles/Biggs/Colborne|
Beauchemen for Gardiner/Lupul|
Versteeg for Percy/Leivo |
Mayers/Hagman/Stajan/White for Phaneuf/Aulie/Sjostrom |
Lebda/Slanley for Lombardi/Franson|


Donec nunc annum
Jul 8, 2011
You don't get to decide "who gets it" and who doesn't there tough guy.

Because if you ask me, you argued and spun yourself into a mess of an argument repeating the same old song and dance since the JFJ days. And when you get called out for having such a invalid and distorted view, you once again go into insult-surrender mode.

Word of advice.

Try and man up and admit when you are wrong.

Shows character.

But he's not wrong, the best teams draft well, and trade well and use free agency well.

It's as simple as it gets. Like 1 2 3.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2007
But he's not wrong, the best teams draft well, and trade well and use free agency well.

It's as simple as it gets. Like 1 2 3.

Actually he's entirely wrong.

The best teams have a multitude of homegrown core pieces, with a few trades and free agents sprinkled in.

Not a 1:1:1 ratio. More like a 5:1:1 ratio. So it's clear where the Leafs' priorities should lie when you account for the pieces we have drafted and where we lie in the standings.

I am not in favor of band-aid solutions. Band aid solutions like EazyB97 promotes, neither get us a core piece to build around but also interferes with the Leafs bottoming out in the lottery. So it works against us in two ways neither of which are good for the long-term health of the Leafs.

For that reason I voted for the Versteeg trade because at least it was a small step in the right direction for this team.

And there have been very few of those over the years.


Formerly Eazy_B97
Jul 5, 2005
Actually he's entirely wrong.

The best teams have a multitude of homegrown core pieces, with a few trades and free agents sprinkled in.

Not a 1:1:1 ratio. More like a 5:1:1 ratio. So it's clear where the Leafs' priorities should lie when you account for the pieces we have drafted and where we lie in the standings.

For that reason I voted for the Versteeg trade because at least it was a small step in the right direction for this team.

And there have been very few of those over the years.
Where did I outline the ratio?

Don't worry, we know the answer. It's the same as every other assumption you've made in this thread.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2013
Look at what the Leafs do to you. Burke looks like he's 80 years old since he left.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2007
Where did I outline the ratio?

Don't worry, we know the answer. It's the same as every other assumption you've made in this thread.

I thought you quit?

You outlined this ratio when you listed all those free agent and trade transactions that I have shown to be exceptions, not rules.

For every Chara signing of 2005 there are dozens of core players drafted that very year. (Crosby, Price, Kopitar, Quick, etc. etc.)

And for every Chara that lifts the Cup there is a cast of homegrown talent surrounding him.

So again, clinging to exceptions and building your whole franchise based on freak occurrences that have happened over the past ten years is pretty stupid.

But I really do think it's great that you have such an encyclopedic memory of all the one-off home-run trades and free agent signings over the past ten years.

Congratulations for your gift, but it's just not useful for building a winning hockey team.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2013
Pickering, ON
4. Regardless what people say about him, the Phaneuf trade was absolute gold. A bunch of scraps for a great defenseman. Phaneuf could walk off this team for absolutely nothing and it wouldn't bother me. Not like we gave up much more to get him ;)

2. Beauchemin for Lupul/Gardiner is a bit lower for me because Beauchemin is a guy that we could actually REALLY use in our line up right now. He's been very steady with the Ducks. Although I think this trade was AWESOME for us.

3. Leivo will be a very good player for us. Has a lot of top six upside. Also Percy is a very sweet D prospect as well. I think he'll be a top 4 guy in a couple years.

5. Lebda was GARBAGE! Getting Franson regardless of what you think about him was a sweet deal. Could potentially be traded for better pieces or possibly improve into a nice top 4 guy.

1. Liked this trade in hindsight, but it's pretty ordinary if you look at it now. Colborne did NOTHING for us and failed to live up to the hype. I'm not ready to give up on Biggs yet, but he hasn't exactly shun for us either. And as for Liles, well..


Registered User
Oct 31, 2006
When was Schenn traded and when was this pole created?

I agree. I've finished a pretty heavy project at work and am trying to stop thinking. I should have said nothing and just watched like I usually do. No clue really but it's a valid question.


The rest of the world sees Burke as a loser and dinosaur. After all that has happened I guess Leaf fans just love their people. Weird.


The rest of the world sees Burke as a loser and dinosaur. After all that has happened I guess Leaf fans just love their people. Weird.

The rest of the world is right. I love this board. Guys arguing that drafting core players is not the only way to win. Guys who are supporting possibly the worst sports franchise in the history of sports (since the NHL has been more than a 6 team league).

Oh boy, I love reading the same old drivel from Leafs fans who think they have the answers.

In the meantime I will watch playoff hockey from actual good hockey teams, who were built by actual hockey execs who actually knew what they were doing.

Lets wait until Jonathan Toews is 37 years old and ready to retire. Thats a great time to make a move for a player like Toews. Think of all the experience and rings he will have by then...:laugh:

I know..he is no Phil Kessel...not as fast...cant score as many goals...wont put up as many points but he is a pretty good player. Maybe the Hawks take Kessel for Toews and only if they throw in Seabrook to make up for the 15 more points that Kessel will put up for the Hawks.


Super Elite, Passing ALL Tests since 2002
Aug 19, 2002
But he's not wrong, the best teams draft well, and trade well and use free agency well.

It's as simple as it gets. Like 1 2 3.

Yep, most know this.

Where did I outline the ratio?

Don't worry, we know the answer. It's the same as every other assumption you've made in this thread.

:handclap: Wow, that exchange was a thing of beauty.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2008
The rest of the world is right. I love this board. Guys arguing that drafting core players is not the only way to win. Guys who are supporting possibly the worst sports franchise in the history of sports (since the NHL has been more than a 6 team league).

Oh boy, I love reading the same old drivel from Leafs fans who think they have the answers.

In the meantime I will watch playoff hockey from actual good hockey teams, who were built by actual hockey execs who actually knew what they were doing.

Lets wait until Jonathan Toews is 37 years old and ready to retire. Thats a great time to make a move for a player like Toews. Think of all the experience and rings he will have by then...:laugh:

To what I bolded.

If one honestly looks at our track record over the past what? 15 years or more , the only thing we have done with any proficiency worthy of hope/faith/trust is using high draft slots.

We only have JVR because we had the asset value in a 5th overall pick.

We only have Kessel because our 1rsts held high value, seeing that this was a very bad team that traded them away.

Kadri,MR, products of high draft slots.

What do we have on this roster that's worth mentioning that was not in one way or the other a product of our high draft slot asset values? berny,gards?


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