TV: Survivor: Winners at War - Season Discussion Thread


The Eternal Optimist
Jun 14, 2011
Kitchener, Ontario
Really poor play by Denise on the second idol but it is what it is. I think that would have made more sense if you expect them to continue on with 3 tribes of 4, but how do you not merge with these numbers now? 9 jury members for a Final 3 seems right.

Hindsight shows she didn't need to play the second, but she was probably thinking they may have been trying to split the vote. This way she guaranteed Sandra went home. Also ballsy move to take out Sandra using her own idol.


Feb 4, 2003
New Hampshire
I was hoping Parvati could work her magic on Nick, but she never really got a foothold this year. She's my favorite all-time, so I was hoping she would go further.

Wendell is emerging as kind of a jerk to me. I don't know if it's just the edit, or if he's a jerk.

Curious to see how it plays out now that pretty much all the old school players are gone. Sophie is playing a quiet great game; and Yul is one of those sneaky good players that seems to be strong but fly under the radar somehow. They are the two I'm cheering for now. Probably the kiss of death for them!! LOL


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Bucks County.
Denise deserves to win this year.

It was a great move. Buy the idol and then use the idol against that person to ensure they go home. Almost worth having the fire tokens exist in the game.

I was hoping Sandra would have respected the game move to the point she would have "gifted" Denise her fire token on the way out. That would have made the whole thing even better.
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Trap Jesus

Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
Denise has certainly solidified herself as the ultimate "scrapper" in Survivor history IMO. It's crazy how many tribal councils she's been to.

Trap Jesus

Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
Depending on what we see next episode, it's looking like it might be the Yul alliance pitted against the meat shield crew.




Wild Cards:


I feel like Sophie and Sarah are both set up exceptionally well. Their ability to expose the cracks in the Rob/Ben/Adam trio and bond together in the process is going to be an interesting thing to keep an eye on as either one could potentially convince the other to join their alliance.

Jeremy and Michele have a strong connection but it's tough to get a read on Ben, Denise and Adam. Denise and Adam bonded but I wonder how long Denise would be willing to work with Adam for considering he's seen as untrustworthy to almost everyone on the island. Ben and Adam were together kind of just because they were forced together IMO.

Glenn Isildur Healy

Registered User
Oct 8, 2013
CBC Studios
Depending on what we see next episode, it's looking like it might be the Yul alliance pitted against the meat shield crew.




Wild Cards:


I feel like Sophie and Sarah are both set up exceptionally well. Their ability to expose the cracks in the Rob/Ben/Adam trio and bond together in the process is going to be an interesting thing to keep an eye on as either one could potentially convince the other to join their alliance.

Jeremy and Michele have a strong connection but it's tough to get a read on Ben, Denise and Adam. Denise and Adam bonded but I wonder how long Denise would be willing to work with Adam for considering he's seen as untrustworthy to almost everyone on the island. Ben and Adam were together kind of just because they were forced together IMO.

The X-Factor is who comes back from EOE.

In terms of the wildcards, I think Denise will link up with Jeremy and Michele. I could see Ben joining that group as well. I think Adam burned too many bridges (we didn't see much of Adam and Denise together after the betrayal that I don't think they're a link anymore). I could see Adam flipping to Yul's group + I think Yul and Adam would work together great.

I think Tony will try to get back with Sarah. Sophie and Sarah will be tight and will be the power players post merge. I could see Sophie and Sarah going back to Yul's group for a vote or two and then I'm just picturing Sophie blindsiding Yul at some point.

Kim, I'm not sure. I hope she has a strong 2nd half but she may play a "as long as it's not me" type of game the rest of the way.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2010
So only one player will come back from extinction? I like more players on extinction than in the game left. I am afraid that some lame player will win this season like Adam or Michelle.

Pavel Buchnevich

Drury and Laviolette Must Go
Dec 8, 2013
New York
I’ve watched every season, so this one was the most anticipated by far. I remember watching all of these players, and some were among my favorites. It’s been a good season so far, but I believe we haven’t yet seen anyone run the game because the players are just too good for that. There are no bad players.

This would be my power rankings to win. And I don’t think any Edge of Extinction players have a chance in a season like this.

Can’t win: They won’t win unless three of these players are in the final three.

Nick-Don’t believe he’s enough of a threat to win a season like this. One of the weaker winners.

Michelle-Same as Nick.

Sophie-Same as Nick and Michelle.

Ben-You can’t brute force your way to winning a season like this.

Denise-Great move the other night. Still don’t see her as a real threat to win.

Yul-He doesn’t want to play the modern game.

They could make a late run at it: These players haven’t been good so far, but have obvious skills to win the game.

Tony-He’s been average until last week. Last week was brutal. But the longer you keep him in there, the more the chance he takes over eventually.

Kim-Didn’t start in a good position. Has worked her way into an alright position. She’s not playing the game much, but maybe that’s been her strategy after the weak start.

Jeremy-Not in a good position in regards to numbers and allies, but the guy is a proven very good player and is going to play. He won’t sit back.

Favorites: These players are the early favorites.

Adam-His move to go at Rob took guts. It didn’t completely work out but also didn’t completely fail. Not in a bad position with the game and he’s played from the start.

Wendell-Very similar to Adam, but without the Rob move. Taking out Parvati wasn’t that much worse. A little reckless so far, but he’s not in a bad position.

Sarah-I think she’s the top favorite right now. She has allies, has shown good game play, and like when she won, everyone respects her game but she’s not on their radar to take out.


Replacement Level Poster
Jan 16, 2012
Michelle looks so good :blush::blush:. I don't remember thinking she was this attractive in her original season.
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Registered User
Dec 8, 2013
Big brother Canada just stopped production because of the coronavirus, do you think that Survivor may do the same?

Glenn Isildur Healy

Registered User
Oct 8, 2013
CBC Studios
I’ve watched every season, so this one was the most anticipated by far. I remember watching all of these players, and some were among my favorites. It’s been a good season so far, but I believe we haven’t yet seen anyone run the game because the players are just too good for that. There are no bad players.

This would be my power rankings to win. And I don’t think any Edge of Extinction players have a chance in a season like this.

Can’t win: They won’t win unless three of these players are in the final three.

Nick-Don’t believe he’s enough of a threat to win a season like this. One of the weaker winners.

Michelle-Same as Nick.

Sophie-Same as Nick and Michelle.

Ben-You can’t brute force your way to winning a season like this.

Denise-Great move the other night. Still don’t see her as a real threat to win.

Yul-He doesn’t want to play the modern game.

They could make a late run at it: These players haven’t been good so far, but have obvious skills to win the game.

Tony-He’s been average until last week. Last week was brutal. But the longer you keep him in there, the more the chance he takes over eventually.

Kim-Didn’t start in a good position. Has worked her way into an alright position. She’s not playing the game much, but maybe that’s been her strategy after the weak start.

Jeremy-Not in a good position in regards to numbers and allies, but the guy is a proven very good player and is going to play. He won’t sit back.

Favorites: These players are the early favorites.

Adam-His move to go at Rob took guts. It didn’t completely work out but also didn’t completely fail. Not in a bad position with the game and he’s played from the start.

Wendell-Very similar to Adam, but without the Rob move. Taking out Parvati wasn’t that much worse. A little reckless so far, but he’s not in a bad position.

Sarah-I think she’s the top favorite right now. She has allies, has shown good game play, and like when she won, everyone respects her game but she’s not on their radar to take out.

Adam - I love Adam but he has no ally. If Yara goes to tribal, he's the overwhelming favorite to get voted out. He betrayed half his tribe because of a silly move. So no one will want to work with him from the original Sele. He tried to do an apology tour but don't think anyone bought it.

Sarah - I agree

Wendell - Getting a horrible edit. Not very well liked and a passenger in his alliance

Yul - Leader of his alliance (with Nick, Sophie, Wendell). Made connections with players like Kim, Sandra, Sarah as well. Playing a very good game. Him creating a target with the poker alliance was great and even better because he's had no repercussions.

Sophie - Playing a terrific game so far. Has an idol, got Kim give her her half idol (so has information and another connection), dominating challenges, in a strong alliance and extremely likeable.

Michele - Great social game thus far and constructed the Ethan blindside. One of those players who will be underestimated and could be too late to knock her out when they realize how good of a game she's playing.


Mar 1, 2002
Hulu has all the Survivor seasons.

I started at some point in 2019, I am up to Season 11. They still haven't added immunity idols yet, was such a different game back then.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2016
Hulu has all the Survivor seasons.

I started at some point in 2019, I am up to Season 11. They still haven't added immunity idols yet, was such a different game back then.

I did the same thing. Started rewatching in 2017 and I am up to season 31 (Cambodia). By far my favorite seasons are Pearl Islands, Cook Islands, Heroes Vs Villains, Blood vs Water, Cagayan, China, Phillipines, and Cambodia. Least favorite seasons are Thailand, Fiji, Gabon, and Nicaragua. God Nicaragua sucked soo badddd.


Mar 1, 2002
Australia was really good.

Right after I posted above, I got to episode 8 of season 11 and they introduced the hidden immunity idol for the first time.

Season 11 was the season Danni won. Had I watched the season before I picked a winner this year, I would not have picked her. She skated up until the last 7 when she started to win challenges and play the game, but she was about the 4th most deserving player that year. And they didn't understand the game well enough. Danni only won because she spent $200 of the $500 on the auction to get help on the next immunity challenge, which she won. Had she not won, she was next to go. Nobody understood how valuable it was, they rather would have won the loved ones visit. So, I guess she did outwit for sure.


Mar 1, 2002
Sandra is a quitter. GOAT's never quit.

And I really want Michelle to win. She's playing a great game. As much as I don't like Rob, he killed it finding those coins. But where did he hide them???


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