OT: Shooting at Parliament

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Registered User
Dec 18, 2012
I really hope the person who killed the shooter/terrorist isn't awarded with a medal, or called hero. He did what he had to do, leave it at that no need to celebrate the suspects death.

As terrible of a deed it was, he did something that was not only his job, but something that potentially saved the lives of many Candians. I commend this citizen for protecting not only my life, my sister's life, but all of Candian's lives. It's terrible thing that had to be done, but yes, I celebrate the shooter's death. I know this is terrible (in general), but I take such an attack on a Canadian military person as personal. And that said, anyone that knows me personally would realize that I'm generally against military action.

It really saddens me to see this happen - not just in Canada, but around the world.


Don't Hold The Door
Mar 16, 2009
Via CBC's live blog:

Those familiar with the Parliament Hill gunman in his final days say he was angry about failing to get a passport and struggled with drug addiction.

Norman LeBlanc, a 60-year-old former truck driver who frequents the downtown Ottawa shelter where Michael Zehaf Bibeau was bunking, says he so angered some of the men at the facility that there was almost a fight in recent days.

LeBlanc says Zehaf Bibeau ranted at length about how much he hated Canada, and was furious about having failed to get a passport in order to leave.

He says the griping almost prompted some of other men at the mission to take Zehaf Bibeau outside and beat him up.

Others at the mission say that following the shooting Wednesday, police descended upon the shelter and removed a duffel bag from Zehaf Bibeau's locker that was so heavy it required two men to haul
it outside.

Zehaf Bibeau, who told people he had come to Ottawa from Vancouver to secure a passport, often prayed with two Somali men in the shelter in an east-facing window in accordance with the Muslim

Seems like there was a heck of a lot more going on inside the head of Zehaf-Bibeau than extremist ideals.

Big Papi

Who's Mel Bridgeman?
Jul 10, 2009
I disagree with Jared Crozier at HB. Yesterday's events did not change our city forever. That happened long ago with the FLQ crisis which was much more frightening. We have also had other incidents of terrorism in Ottawa, like the Cuban related bombings in the 60's, the Armenian attacks in the early 80s which included the killing of a Canadian security guard, and the bus hijacking in '89.

It did't change the city, it reminded us that as the capital city we are a target. This was not our "9/11" as some have suggested. It was a terrible day in a wonderful city, but it was not the first time something like this has happened here, nor will it be the last, sadly.

There was also a bomb that actually detonated in Centre Block in the 60s by a crazy guy named Paul Joseph Chartier (not related to the FLQ Crisis), luckily only he was killed.

We may like to think that in this day and age we are most important and nothing could be worse...and this is a horrible thing that happened....but there certainly has been equal or worse things that have happened in the past...and just like in this instance, we will keep on keeping on.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2008
Anyone know whats going on at Hazledeen mall in Kanata? Apparenlty someone seen with a rifle or police got a call, mall is on lockdown. Not sure how accurate this info is


streamable 3rah1
Mar 17, 2011
it's too easy to jump to different conclusions for every info snippet regarding the killer's personal life comes out


Registered User
Jan 22, 2013
Anyone know whats going on at Hazledeen mall in Kanata? Apparenlty someone seen with a rifle or police got a call, mall is on lockdown. Not sure how accurate this info is

People need to calm the hell down. If someone showed up at a mall with a rifle they would start shooting people. They wouldn't walk around and then leave.


Dec 29, 2010
Anyone know whats going on at Hazledeen mall in Kanata? Apparenlty someone seen with a rifle or police got a call, mall is on lockdown. Not sure how accurate this info is

My wife told me it's on lockdown but not much else (she heard from someone else). There was also a gas leak at Terra20 in Kanata that had everyone evacuating (she's home now).

Weird stuff going on.

Also why do people keep bringing up other events in comparison to this one? Different age. Completely different circumstances. The world is in a completely different state.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2010
Apparently someone reported someone walking around the mall with a rifle.

Police showed up, and searched for an hour, without finding anything.

Big Papi

Who's Mel Bridgeman?
Jul 10, 2009
My wife told me it's on lockdown but not much else (she heard from someone else). There was also a gas leak at Terra20 in Kanata that had everyone evacuating (she's home now).

Weird stuff going on.

Also why do people keep bringing up other events in comparison to this one? Different age. Completely different circumstances. The world is in a completely different state.

Yes it is a different age, but I'm sure it was a shock for the people of Ottawa to see Tanks on Campus at Ottawa U during the FLQ Crisis, Ministers being plucked off their front lawn by a local terrorist group. Talk to people who grew up in the North of Ireland during the Troubles... it may not be the same circumstances, but to deny the similarities is silly, imo. The result can still be the same, no?


Registered User
Feb 3, 2008
yeah i don't think it was anything serious. It was reported though (not sure by 1 person or multiple people) and the mall was on lockdown for less than an hour. Maybe 30-45 min.


Registered User
The security camera footage of how the shooter managed to get to the front of Parliament is pretty interesting.


To clear up one of the story lines that seemed to be gaining some interest...

Paulson also confirmed that Zehaf-Bibeau was not one of the 90 suspected extremists that the Mounties have on a high-risk traveller list. His passport had also not been revoked. Rather, he had applied for a passport and the RCMP were still in the process of conducting a background check.


Don't Hold The Door
Mar 16, 2009
The RCMP also do not seem to believe that the attack in Ottawa and the one on the two soldiers in Quebec are related or part of a larger plot.

Boohoo CNN.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2007
I disagree with Jared Crozier at HB. Yesterday's events did not change our city forever. That happened long ago with the FLQ crisis which was much more frightening. We have also had other incidents of terrorism in Ottawa, like the Cuban related bombings in the 60's, the Armenian attacks in the early 80s which included the killing of a Canadian security guard, and the bus hijacking in '89.

It did't change the city, it reminded us that as the capital city we are a target. This was not our "9/11" as some have suggested. It was a terrible day in a wonderful city, but it was not the first time something like this has happened here, nor will it be the last, sadly.

I am sure a lot of people on this board never heard of the terrorist FLQ. Very well said.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2010
Ottawa, Canada
The RCMP also do not seem to believe that the attack in Ottawa and the one on the two soldiers in Quebec are related or part of a larger plot.

Boohoo CNN.

Again, the only connection they can really make is if these guys were inspired by the ISIS call to action. That will require months of research and profile development.

They're called "Lone Wolves" for a reason.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2011
I work at the Library of Parliament, there are three locations for the LoP one on Sparks, one in Gatineau and finally the one in centre block(the parliament). Yesterday I was scheduled in to work from 8h30 to 11h30 at centre block because I have class after, but my class got cancelled because my exams were coming and I didnt sleep the whole night before because I was studying. I then decided in the morning to call in sick so i could stay home and study... Not worth it to work for 3h and then go back home(south keys area).

I worked today and got feedback from people who worked at centre block, apparently they stayed until 9h30pm in lockdown..

The gods were with me yesterday! I'm lucky I didnt get to experience this tragedy.


Differently Financed
Jun 14, 2010

He also vowed to expedite a bill to increase powers for CSIS and the RCMP today. Fun stuff.

Ugh. This is gonna get ugly. I expect our freedoms to be taken away, like in the US and Australia. Harper has a majority and doesn't need to worry about getting re-elected.


Registered User
Dec 18, 2012
Via CBC's live blog:

Those familiar with the Parliament Hill gunman in his final days say he was angry about failing to get a passport and struggled with drug addiction.

Norman LeBlanc, a 60-year-old former truck driver who frequents the downtown Ottawa shelter where Michael Zehaf Bibeau was bunking, says he so angered some of the men at the facility that there was almost a fight in recent days.

LeBlanc says Zehaf Bibeau ranted at length about how much he hated Canada, and was furious about having failed to get a passport in order to leave.

He says the griping almost prompted some of other men at the mission to take Zehaf Bibeau outside and beat him up.

Others at the mission say that following the shooting Wednesday, police descended upon the shelter and removed a duffel bag from Zehaf Bibeau's locker that was so heavy it required two men to haul
it outside.

Zehaf Bibeau, who told people he had come to Ottawa from Vancouver to secure a passport, often prayed with two Somali men in the shelter in an east-facing window in accordance with the Muslim

Seems like there was a heck of a lot more going on inside the head of Zehaf-Bibeau than extremist ideals.

Yikes... he was staying at the Mission eh? I regularly walk by there after classes. I wonder if I've ever sold the guy beer (though I don't usually work at the Rideau Beer Store, I work at one nearby) - I serve a ton of customers who stay at the mission/very low income people. Really sad situation... still can't get over this.


Differently Financed
Jun 14, 2010
Um... yes, he does.

Unless you mean it within the context of "there's now way he's getting re-elected, so he doesn't have to worry about it", in which case sure, that makes sense.

I thought he can't be elected more than twice?


Registered User
Mar 13, 2013
I just watched the compilation footage of the event on CBC, and apparently it took only 80 seconds from the gunman to make it from the first shooting up into the Parliament building. A guy named Son, who was security at the front, saw the gun and grabbed it while yelling "Gun!" to alert the other security. Son ended up with a bullet in the foot, but it was his quick action that limited the amount of damage this guy was allowed to do.

In all honesty it seems as though the response was amazing. I really hope they don't change too much aside from maybe adding extra security personnel, seeing as what we had worked very well.
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