News Article: Lebreton


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
Agreed,they dont have the capital nor the experience that would lead the NHL bog to think and vote for them to be viable owners
They already own the team, the BOG doesn’t get to vote on Olivia and Anna owning the team. Also, you don’t need experience owning a team to hire people to run the team. That’s what most NHL owners have done. In 10 years they’d have lots of experience :)

And once again, we really have no idea what their capital looks like, why do folks keep pretending as though they have the slightest clue? It’s so weird.

The only thing we know is that Eugene got fed up taking losses while attendance dropped. I seriously doubt that he would go to so much trouble to leave his daughters a boat anchor as a legacy. The optics around the team right now is not one that says that money is an issue.

EM being broke was HFSens fan fiction because it fueled the idea that he would be forced to sell the team and is could experience some vengeance.

In the end he stayed true to his word and not only never sold the team, but seemingly put it in good stead going forward before leaving it to his children.

I think it’s a great story, and a great opportunity for the legacy to be repaired and built upon, but whatever; perhaps a sale is in the works as GCK is so adamant about and this will all become a moot point.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
They have the same amount of money their father had....Until this team is sold to a real owner we are doomed to be a cap floor team
They actually could have access to the FULL Melnyk estate since mom is still in the picture.

Also, we were a revenue tied to expenses team because EM wanted that, not because he was broke.

It was so obviously a chicken and egg race to the bottom, so obvious that in the last year or so he was removed almost completely from the public eye so that the organization could start repairing its image and relationship with the fanbase and city.

Now we know that much of what happened in the last year was to set the team up for a fresh start after his passing.

Pretty cool to watch all of these positive changes unfold. I don’t know why folks continue to clutch on to old gripes and fantasies, the man is gone. Open a window, clear out the cobwebs, and let the old EM myths and grudges go.
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Global Matador
Mar 28, 2013
Hazeldean Road
So divisive. So negative. So superior. So toxic. Many lessons to learn from those who tried to lead down that path. Just look what's happening with our neighbors to the south.

It’s true. Some people come in here with their negative opinions and think everyone that isn’t in the same boat is part of some nefarious scheme. More shocking is when people then come in quickly to try and rile up further
animosity too. That is even worse.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
I'd like to be first one to complain about the foul urine stench in the indoor/outdoor concourse connecting LRT and the arena. You just know it's going to smell.
Great place for homeless to set up tent city during the cold winter months too!

Think of the panhandling opportunities


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
They probably aren't stupid but they lack experience. Success in the business world is all about building experience when the stakes are low so you know what to do when the stakes are high. That's why nobody is hiring the 4.0 GPA MIT grad out of school to be CEO of an engineering firm. Theory and practice are very different.

Anyways the girls can do what they want of course, but as a fan I'd rather have a successful experienced business man or woman because I think it's more likely for them to build a successful organization out of the Sens if they've done it somewhere else before.
But we do have that. We have a very experienced board, and we have Leblanc and Crowe running the business side of things.

The organization is in experienced hands at the moment, and it sounds like there will be more hires to come.

We actually don’t really want another owner that wants to get their hands dirty in hockey ops. Both kids have lots of time to learn all the ins and out of ownership, but they already seem to have focused on an area that they can affect immediately and that’s modernizing inclusiveness.

They also have the side door access to all of the top level goings on in the NHL, they are young, but they are also insiders in the tiny world that is NHL ownership.

I’ll be supportive if whatever they want to do, but I don’t see any indications that they aren’t and can’t do a great job for this organization.


Registered User
Feb 22, 2016
Caca Poopoo Peepee Shire
But we do have that. We have a very experienced board, and we have Leblanc and Crowe running the business side of things.

The organization is in experienced hands at the moment, and it sounds like there will be more hires to come.

We actually don’t really want another owner that wants to get their hands dirty in hockey ops. Both kids have lots of time to learn all the ins and out of ownership, but they already seem to have focused on an area that they can affect immediately and that’s modernizing inclusiveness.

They also have the side door access to all of the top level goings on in the NHL, they are young, but they are also insiders in the tiny world that is NHL ownership.

I’ll be supportive if whatever they want to do, but I don’t see any indications that they aren’t and can’t do a great job for this organization.

The board of Melnyk's connection. Eh, I mean they have experience running maybe the worst organization in the NHL. I guess that's something.

I didn't say anything about hockey ops. Of course the team doesn't want or need a Jerry Jones trying to play NHL 23 with his/her franchise.

Ya the girls will absolutely have help. But they may be less adept or quick to realize what is good help and who is competent without the familiarity of having to make those calls for years and seeing the results of those decisions.

I'm not saying they would for sure fail. But life is a game of probabilities. And the probabilities of building a successful organization are going to be better when people who have done it before are calling the shots. Frankly that's all I care about is having a model organization and icing a good team. Couldn't care less who's name is signing the cheques. And I think it's more likely for this scenario to play out with an owner who has deep pockets who has built a model organization in some other avenue before, rather than hoping the girls nail it on their first try.

It's kind of like would you rather hire Martin St. Louis or Barry Trotz as coach. I don't see any indications St. Louis can't do a good job, but I've seen Trotz do a good job for years, I think it's more likely to bet he'll do a good job again.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
I don't understand the emotional ties to two people we know nothing about and have never heard speak a word. The only connection so far is their asshole dad. There's just no good news story there after their dad's tarnished legacy and not having a clue who they are beyond a name.

I'm an Ottawa Senators fan, not an Ottawa Melnyk's fan. We should all only want what gives the franchise the best chance at success, period. If that were to be them, so be it, cheer them on, but I don't see any reasonable argument for them giving the best chance of success when there's apparently numerous big money groups looking to get in.

If you have an emotional attachment to them retaining ownership as any sort of priority here then you don't necessarily want what's best for the franchise imo. That's not to say they couldn't do well, it looks to me like an irrational emotional attachment from lines drawn in the sand previously.
Hash words.

Step back and reassess. Your view isn’t the standard for what’s best for the organization, nor is it as simple as it seems. In the end it’s a reflection of what you prioritize as a important. I won’t go too far into it, but it’s a defence mechanism to assume that one’s own opinion is the right one, while others are simply irrational. It’s also insulting. It’s easy to become entrenched in opinion, and rather than allow the posssibilty of being wrong, or allow room for more ‘right’ opinions we often diminish then murder the competition.

I find that the human side of things is often dropped in discussions here. Lots of data driven conversation, paper transactions, and a staunch desire for greener pastures with the benefits as absolutes, and the negatives non existent. I find all of that incredibly boring in the context of sports entertainment. That’s why our opinions vary so much on so many things I think.

I don’t much care for the idea that rich businessman will swoop in and save the team. I think all ownership roads end in the same place; the team and the fanbase have to heal and move forward together to make a viable business in Ottawa. Legacy is a powerful motivator, and can lead to some pretty special things, as we are already seeing, while the drive for profits is simply that. I’d prefer a mix personally. I feel like the daughters healing the legacy and building off of it a much more compelling sports story, and one that is more likely to forge a strong fan/team bond as we enter the next 30 years.

Sports fandom is all about emotional connections, why would ownership be any different. I see people tee off endlessly about past ownership, management, medical staff, etc… and yet somehow there is an assumption that folks are all of a sudden rational about new management? No, people just want someone to spend a lot of money on their team so that they can….. profit! To me, that isn’t ‘rational’ either; nothing is free, bird the hand, etc...

Anyways, I’ll take the emotional attachment everyday of the week when it comes to sports entertainment, otherwise what’s the point of including ownership changes into the overall arch of fandom?

I’ll support two embattled young woman in the face of middle aged male dominated backlash every day of the week, that’s the kind of emotional sports entertainment story that’s worth backing! I’m tired of old rich white dudes getting all the cake. If it has ti be rich, I’ll take a healing of drag and new with a spot of danger please!

Trying to make sports fandom ‘rational’ to me is the very definition of irrational :)


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
The board of Melnyk's connection. Eh, I mean they have experience running maybe the worst organization in the NHL. I guess that's something.

I didn't say anything about hockey ops. Of course the team doesn't want or need a Jerry Jones trying to play NHL 23 with his/her franchise.

Ya the girls will absolutely have help. But they may be less adept or quick to realize what is good help and who is competent without the familiarity of having to make those calls for years and seeing the results of those decisions.

I'm not saying they would for sure fail. But life is a game of probabilities. And the probabilities of building a successful organization are going to be better when people who have done it before are calling the shots. Frankly that's all I care about is having a model organization and icing a good team. Couldn't care less who's name is signing the cheques. And I think it's more likely for this scenario to play out with an owner who has deep pockets who has built a model organization in some other avenue before, rather than hoping the girls nail it on their first try.

It's kind of like would you rather hire Martin St. Louis or Barry Trotz as coach. I don't see any indications St. Louis can't do a good job, but I've seen Trotz do a good job for years, I think it's more likely to bet he'll do a good job again.
I hear that for sure, I suppose I just like the added story to the soap opera that is pro sports :)

I’m not as quick to paint everyone hired by EM with the EM brush. We aren’t the worst run organization due to personnel, we have one of the most underfunded front offices.

Now that we know what working for EM was like, it’s understandable that not only would he not want to have a large front office to have to argue with, but folks would hesitate to work there as well. I have a feeling that folks will be hired to bring things up to snuff.

As a side note, props to everyone who stayed focused and ran the franchise under these conditions for all that time.


Registered User
Oct 16, 2006
Hash words.

Step back and reassess. Your view isn’t the standard for what’s best for the organization, nor is it as simple as it seems. In the end it’s a reflection of what you prioritize as a important. I won’t go too far into it, but it’s a defence mechanism to assume that one’s own opinion is the right one, while others are simply irrational. It’s also insulting. It’s easy to become entrenched in opinion, and rather than allow the posssibilty of being wrong, or allow room for more ‘right’ opinions we often diminish then murder the competition.

I find that the human side of things is often dropped in discussions here. Lots of data driven conversation, paper transactions, and a staunch desire for greener pastures with the benefits as absolutes, and the negatives non existent. I find all of that incredibly boring in the context of sports entertainment. That’s why our opinions vary so much on so many things I think.

I don’t much care for the idea that rich businessman will swoop in and save the team. I think all ownership roads end in the same place; the team and the fanbase have to heal and move forward together to make a viable business in Ottawa. Legacy is a powerful motivator, and can lead to some pretty special things, as we are already seeing, while the drive for profits is simply that. I’d prefer a mix personally. I feel like the daughters healing the legacy and building off of it a much more compelling sports story, and one that is more likely to forge a strong fan/team bond as we enter the next 30 years.

Sports fandom is all about emotional connections, why would ownership be any different. I see people tee off endlessly about past ownership, management, medical staff, etc… and yet somehow there is an assumption that folks are all of a sudden rational about new management? No, people just want someone to spend a lot of money on their team so that they can….. profit! To me, that isn’t ‘rational’ either; nothing is free, bird the hand, etc...

Anyways, I’ll take the emotional attachment everyday of the week when it comes to sports entertainment, otherwise what’s the point of including ownership changes into the overall arch of fandom?

I’ll support two embattled young woman in the face of middle aged male dominated backlash every day of the week, that’s the kind of emotional sports entertainment story that’s worth backing! I’m tired of old rich white dudes getting all the cake. If it has ti be rich, I’ll take a healing of drag and new with a spot of danger please!

Trying to make sports fandom ‘rational’ to me is the very definition of irrational :)
I didn't think it was harsh, but sorry if it comes off that way. We are all entitled to an opinion, I just don't see anything to be attached to other than an idea of two people that we know nothing about and have never heard them speak a word, so imo it's attachment to something that is just an idea, an unknown probably based on pre-conceived notions and biases as those opposed are accused of. If you see a cause to cheerlead there then all the power to that and you present an opinion of it nobody else really does, so I'm not sure that's consistent with others and seems like a bit of an outlier social aspect you're interested in. I find that the same lines that were drawn here long ago are consistent with this issue. I don't discount the possibility that they could bring in outside investors and make this thing thrive, but of course having no ties to them, I would just prefer a bigger more experienced ownership group with the funds and clout from day one and skip the learning and building these young ladies would need to do. No need to build and learn, just take over, finally invest and then thrive. If there weren't so much basically confirmed interest in buying the team, then the conversation wouldn't be the same, obviously, but knowing that's hanging there, it is of course the preferred outcome of many.

In the end, yes, you're right, my motivations are simple and what I assume every fans would be. The wealthiest group, that is also most intent and willing to invest and make changes we feel are required. I also would like to take the human element out of it with more of a group than individuals. I am not here for the new Disney series about a set of young female owners making their mark as a good news story, I'm here for the Senators to have the best chance they possibly can to succeed on the ice and off and I honestly don't see an argument that they are that, they are just what we have whether we like it or not.
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High Jacques
Apr 8, 2005
Hash words.


All to many posts can use less biting tone, geez it’s Friday and sunny!

It’s been hard to read some of the recent posts.
Hash out, make out, be happy about the brighter future! Lebreton is finally happening, will strengthen financial viability of the long term future of a competitive team.


Registered User
Oct 16, 2006

Claims the phones have been lighting up for tickets since yesterday's announcement and really pumped up the budget and Dorion's plans for it this summer. Sounds like lots of changes/movement are expected from Dorion internally.

Last edited:


Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
They actually could have access to the FULL Melnyk estate since mom is still in the picture.

Also, we were a revenue tied to expenses team because EM wanted that, not because he was broke.

It was so obviously a chicken and egg race to the bottom, so obvious that in the last year or so he was removed almost completely from the public eye so that the organization could start repairing its image and relationship with the fanbase and city.

Now we know that much of what happened in the last year was to set the team up for a fresh start after his passing.

Pretty cool to watch all of these positive changes unfold. I don’t know why folks continue to clutch on to old gripes and fantasies, the man is gone. Open a window, clear out the cobwebs, and let the old EM myths and grudges go.
😊 Well that’s what we’ve been saying: If they spent more they could have raised more revenues. Instead we get browbeating fans or trying to pout their way to more fans coming. Not an inspiring leadership technique if you as k me.

But i agree, there is no evidence or correlation chart showing expenses were tied to revenues. It was because that's what Melnyk wanted to spend, not cause they were tied together.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
😊 Well that’s what we’ve been saying: If they spent more they could have raised more revenues. Instead we get browbeating fans or trying to pout their way to more fans coming. Not an inspiring leadership technique if you as k me.

But i agree, there is no evidence or correlation chart showing expenses were tied to revenues. It was because that's what Melnyk wanted to spend, not cause they were tied together.
I agree… things were toxic and then punitive and ultimately a childish game of chicken with only one person playing.

But that seems to all be over with now, and so far things feel pretty good!


Registered User
Mar 8, 2006

"When Vinik bought the franchise for a reported $170 million in the middle of a recession in 2010, the Lightning had 2,000 full season-ticket holders, less than a dozen suite holders and little corporate support. They played in an unfinished arena with few bells and whistles because they ran out of money when constructing the building in the mid-90s. There was almost nothing for fans to do in the barren surrounding area of downtown Tampa. They were about to miss the playoffs for a third consecutive season and were accruing annual losses well into eight figures."

Sound familiar?

Lebreton is amazing news and I am very happy about it. We need to pair it with new ownership that can afford to spend money to turn this team into something worth cheering for.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
They already own the team, the BOG doesn’t get to vote on Olivia and Anna owning the team. Also, you don’t need experience owning a team to hire people to run the team. That’s what most NHL owners have done. In 10 years they’d have lots of experience :)

And once again, we really have no idea what their capital looks like, why do folks keep pretending as though they have the slightest clue? It’s so weird.

WRT the “you don’t need experience owning a team to hire people…” thought: you may not need experience owning a team, but you absolutely would need experience owning or being close to the top of a similarly sized business. Which they don’t have. Just the concept of interviewing a bunch of people and choosing who to hire as President or whatever…. I mean that’s so far beyond a 20 something-fresh-out-of-school grad that no serious person would suggest it.

WRT “we really have no idea what their capital is” : I do know from fairly credible sources that Melnyk was very cash poor, and I don’t understand how that isn’t true of his daughters as well.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
WRT the “you don’t need experience owning a team to hire people…” thought: you may not need experience owning a team, but you absolutely would need experience owning or being close to the top of a similarly sized business. Which they don’t have. Just the concept of interviewing a bunch of people and choosing who to hire as President or whatever…. I mean that’s so far beyond a 20 something-fresh-out-of-school grad that no serious person would suggest it.

WRT “we really have no idea what their capital is” : I do know from fairly credible sources that Melnyk was very cash poor, and I don’t understand how that isn’t true of his daughters as well.
Fair enough, though there are good experienced people in place right now, and a wealth of league support in terms of finding hockey and business people while they learn the ropes. I really don’t see this as a problem.

As for the business side, I don’t put much stock in word of mouth, especially when being broke is attached to such fervent hope. He also made some noise that hinted at doing well during COVID.

Who knows, my stance is not to clamber for chance for the sake of change. The will sell if they want, or can’t afford the team. If they can afford it and want to keep it, then they should.

Time and patience will give us all the answers we need, no need to rush to judgement, there is never really a need to rush to judgement.


Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
Any timeline as to when construction will start and when the arena may be up and running?
Next January they hope to have lease arrangements sorted out. Well since they have 15-18 months to get financing in order, probably 2 -3 years before shovels in ground, likely closer to 3 with hurdles. Land also has to be cleaned up.
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