Recalled/Assigned: Jarred Tinordi sent down (Nov 12)

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Without deviation progress is not possible
Jun 27, 2011
Well, seeing how bad they play despite having actually a very decent roster on paper makes you wonder if they Hamilton is a good learning environment.

The prospects seem to be okay when promoted, if not great.

Looks to me like the problem is with the senior team.


95% Elliotte
Jul 3, 2002

Talking about Tinner:

« Quand tu fais les mêmes erreurs à répétition, tu commences à perdre ta confiance. Après ça, tu t’aperçois que ça commence à aller vite », a commencé à expliquer Therrien, rieur, après avoir rassemblé ses idées.

« C’est comme faire du patin à roulettes, a-t-il ensuite imagé. Dans la piste cyclable, tu es correct. Mais si on te demande d’aller faire du patin à roulettes sur l’autoroute, tu vas t’apercevoir que ça va un peu trop vite. Et là tu vas perdre ta confiance. »

" When you make the same mistakes repeatedly , you start to lose your confidence. After that, you realize that it starts to go fast, " began to explain Therrien , laughing , after collecting his ideas.

" It's like roller skating , he was then imaged . In the bike path, you are correct. But if someone asks you to go rollerblading on the highway, you'll see you it goes a little too fast. And then you will lose your confidence. "

What repeated mistakes? roller skating on the highway?! WTF u talking about Michel ?



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 26, 2010

Talking about Tinner:

" When you make the same mistakes repeatedly , you start to lose your confidence. After that, you realize that it starts to go fast, " began to explain Therrien , laughing , after collecting his ideas.

" It's like roller skating , he was then imaged . In the bike path, you are correct. But if someone asks you to go rollerblading on the highway, you'll see you it goes a little too fast. And then you will lose your confidence. "

What repeated mistakes? roller skating on the highway?! WTF u talking about Michel ?


Maybe it is going to be Tinner that gets traded..

That is really harsh.


Fear the Weber
Feb 11, 2007
I'm still ****ing pissed! FFS.

Tinordi is ready. We CAN't expect a rookie to make zero mistakes. It's part of their devlopement!! You are ruining a rookie's confidence by benching after every little mistakes he makes!

**** that! :rant:

FYI, he looked way better than Beaulieu.

Both of them should be in.


If you rebuild, they will come.
Jan 5, 2003
As for the Gonchar a cap clearing move, it was adequate, and that is the only thing Gonchar was useful for. But with all due respect to a once great D-man, he is, at this point, probably more useless on the ice than Bou is, and thus my expectations, even as a fill in, are incredibly low.

Which is a great thing for us Habs fans....;)


Registered User
Jun 15, 2012
Nova Scotia
I think Tinordi going down to Hamilton will be bad for him. Because Bergevin said in training camp the speed of NHL was Tinordi's weakness. He just got use to NHL game and was playing this will slow down his timing again


Registered User
May 31, 2013
i think tinordi was sent down to hamilton because theyre auditioning beaulieu, i'd be surprised if he finished the season with us


Habs cup - its in the BAG
Sep 19, 2006
Yes, we are trading our two top young D prospects that are NHL ready or close when our D consist of Markov, Weaver and Gonchar.

You guys are geniuses.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
I really don't see what's wrong with Therrien's comments. He's not being that harsh. If they think Tinordi keeps making the same mental mistakes, then he is correct, it will begin to weigh down on him and he will lose confidence. Tinordi is clearly not confident enough yet, I think we can all see that. You can tell when he handles the puck a lot of the time.

Sending him to the AHL can't hurt him in any way. If anything, it could help with his confidence issues. He's still a young kid. With confidence issues, you don't give them more pressure. Sending him down to the AHL is a fine alternative.


Tanking enthusiast
Sep 19, 2013
Yes, we are trading our two top young D prospects that are NHL ready or close when our D consist of Markov, Weaver and Gonchar.

You guys are geniuses.

This is the truth, when Markov leaves it could be an absolute nightmare


Registered User
Feb 21, 2008
Not sure if it was posted, but this might be the quote of the year:

Therrien said the 22-year-old defenceman is still adjusting to the pace in the NHL.

“You have to be able to make decisions faster than in junior or the AHL,” the coach added.

That prompted Marc-Antoine Godin of La Presse to ask how Tinordi could adjust to the pace in the NHL if he was playing in the AHL?

An obviously flustered Therrien paused before saying: “Good question.”


Registered User
Jan 23, 2013
So..... does Tinordi handle and distribute the puck well? Mmmm, not really. Has he been a force physically? Mmmm, not really. Has his positioning and defensive game been above average (even compared to Beaulieu)? Mmmm, not really.

I'm not saying he's been bad but he hasn't brought his game to the next level. Nothing wrong with giving him more time to develop and letting Beaulieu play consecutive games.


Mar 4, 2002
Visit site
So..... does Tinordi handle and distribute the puck well? Mmmm, not really. Has he been a force physically? Mmmm, not really. Has his positioning and defensive game been above average (even compared to Beaulieu)? Mmmm, not really.

I'm not saying he's been bad but he hasn't brought his game to the next level. Nothing wrong with giving him more time to develop and letting Beaulieu play consecutive games.

I actually thought he was better than beaulieu thus far.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2013
I actually thought he was better than beaulieu thus far.


I guess he didn't have as many turn overs. I definitely didn't feel as if he brought as many positive aspects as Beaulieu though. He hasn't really fulfilled his role as a physical presence and shutdown defender and he isn't skilled enough to bring much else. I think it's a very difficult role to play and takes a lot of experience, nothing wrong with giving him more time.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2005
I would be shocked if Tinordi was traded. He is the only D-man in the system with that type of game. I think Beaulieu could be moved. I just don't think he has a toolbox.


Registered User
Jul 15, 2005
I actually thought he was better than beaulieu thus far.

on the surface it looks like that but consider the following
Tinordi's game has been a very very simple game.
Does not generate offence, does not distribute the puck out of the zone, does not skate the puck to the offensive zone, does not pinch, doesnt even go for the big hit.

Beaulieu's game on the other hand is complex. He tries to generate offence, make outlet passes, skate puck to the offensive zone, pinch and he has looked equal or slightly worst at times cause he might make a mistake where tirnordi doesnt.

Thing is when you're trying to make things happen and you make a mistake its one thing, but when you're playing a safe game and you still make mistakes it looks worst.

I think thats what it came down to in the end.
Beaulieu is making mistakes while developping and trying to make things happen, Tinordi is making mistakes on the basics.

I still think he needs to hone his game. Defensemen that will play a big mean game take time to develop. He need to learn his timing, his limits, needs to find that fine line between mean and dirty. Not easy


Not sure if it was posted, but this might be the quote of the year:

Therrien didn't think much about it.

The answer is simple: at this point, it's about rebuilding Tinordi's confidence and have him retake good habits, rather than cheating in the NHL.

phoque taupe

Registered User
May 15, 2010
Not sure if it was posted, but this might be the quote of the year:

saw it earlier.
management's logic

amd it was exactly my point...
will Tinner learn much more by playing 25 min in a slower paced game?

At this point he really needs the NHL experience.
Beaulieu will get some, but right now we have enough of PMD

Apoplectic Habs Fan

Registered User
Aug 17, 2002
So to learn the NHL game and make decisions at NHL speed, the answer is more AHL.

We shouldn't be overly surprised that young players aren't developing properly at the NHL level with type of staff we have in place.

JJ shouldn't be within 100 meters of any defenseman let alone the prospects.

Outside of Galchenyuk who is simply a special talent, what young player has truly progressed since the lockout?


Registered User
Mar 29, 2013
Not sure if it was posted, but this might be the quote of the year:

This league going a little fast for MT's brain.
He's been making the same mistakes for close to 3yrs now.
WTF Therrien you vegetable. We know you don't like Tinner ever since RyJo. You can't credit him for anything good he has done and bust him every chance you get.
Folks I've discovered the reason we sucked so hard against TB, Cal, and Chi. it was Tinner all along.

As i clearly indicated in my previous post Tinner has to play NHL not AHL.
MB wake the **** up this madman is ruining your prospects. :help:


Go Habs Go
Mar 21, 2002
The main thing for Beaulieu and Tinordi at this point is to play. Having one in the press box is not good idea...I was a fan of Drewiske as #7 instead of #24 or 28 to begin the season.

agreed. hate to see either sit when they both have things to work on, was against both being on the team unless they were both going to play most nights.

I think Tinordi is better than the current version of Gonchar, I'm kind of confused where MB is going here.

don't agree, although I haven't watched much of Gonchar, he has put up 49 pts in 121 games over the last 2 seasons. The Habs PP is so bad they have to do something if they want to remain among the top teams in the NHL points wise.

They should send Bowman back - he brings nothing to the table.

I was surprised he got the call over Dumont.

Andrighetto is probably the best offensive weapon we have in Hamilton.

Hudon leads the team in scoring as a rookie, just saying.

I still have that feeling Bergevin isn't done and he will be targetting a young forward, get the feeling one of Tinordi or Beaulieu will be moved


Have to be concerned with Tinordi 4 1/2 years after being drafted and he still is not good enough to play a regular shift.

not really, although I've been saying for some time that I don't think either Tinordi or Beaulieu will be as good as many around here hope they will be. Not saying they won't be full time NHLers, just that I would temper expectations on both.

What are the odds of Tinordi demanding a trade?

I'd say slim or none.

No panic for Tinordi. I truly believe both him and Beaulieu should be regular in the line up and learning on the fly.

Not on a team that wants to win a cup, I wouldn't have both as that's a lot of growing pains if you have 2 of your top 6 learning on the go. The Habs have a great shot at going to the finals since the east is so weak and we have one of the best goalies in the world.

I think Tinordi going down to Hamilton will be bad for him. Because Bergevin said in training camp the speed of NHL was Tinordi's weakness. He just got use to NHL game and was playing this will slow down his timing again

I don't see why it would be bad for him, he needs to play and he still has things he can work on in the AHL.

i think tinordi was sent down to hamilton because theyre auditioning beaulieu, i'd be surprised if he finished the season with us

that makes a lot of sense. :nod:

I would be shocked if Tinordi was traded. He is the only D-man in the system with that type of game. I think Beaulieu could be moved. I just don't think he has a toolbox.

agreed 100%

So to learn the NHL game and make decisions at NHL speed, the answer is more AHL.

I do think it will help as he needs to play and play as much as possible imo. Plus it should help his confidence in the long run. I know he has trouble with pace of the NHL but imo he has more then that to work on and getting limited time in the NHL is not what I wanted to see for him.

Skip Bayless

The Skip Bayless Show
Aug 28, 2014
I don't like the fact that they're so unwilling to live with rookie's mistakes. Both Tinordi and Beaulieu didn't break anything at camp, but they were progressing as they were getting ice-time in a blue line that has been hazardous on most nights.

I just don't know what they expect out of them. To have an impact right away and stabilize the D? It's rare that young D have that impact right away in this league, so why not play them both more often and live with the growing pains? They say the same thing about Pateryn too. It's quite obvious to me that it's a built-in excuse to avoid mistakes on the ice and play "safer" vets. Bergevin said multiple times that he was ready to take one step back for two steps forward this year, but I didn't know the expectations for both of these guys were as high considering the fact that:

a)Hamilton has been really bad for 2 years
b)Our D is pretty questionable

I'm starting to worry about these two guys' development and what's going on in Hamilton.
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