TV: Game of Thrones | Season 8 (Final) | Part IX -TV talk ONLY -NO Books, Spoilers, NO LEAKS

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Siamese Dream

Registered User
Feb 5, 2011
United Britain of Great Kingdom
The whole Arya Frey massacre was very poorly done and didn't make a whole lot of sense for a number of reasons and served no actual purpose other than for fan service because everyone loves how badass Arya is. The duel with Brienne was exactly the same.

I thought they should've killed off Arya in Braavos and when she got stabbed by the Waif my initial thought was holy f*** they've actually grown a pair and done it. But no she was obviously wearing some plot armour (well actually is just fan service armour because she's obviously entirely inconsequential to the overall plot) then somehow miraculously survives leading to the ridiculous chase scene with the Waifinator

Rhaegar Targaryen

Registered User
Jun 25, 2016
No one is talking about EW’s pretty big article on the final season of GOT? Some real interesting info in there.

Holden Caulfield

He's guilty
Feb 15, 2006
Are there spoilers in there? I tend to stay away from almost all media attention around the shows I follow. It usually spoils the drama.

No spoilers beside maybe a one sentence description of the setting of the opening scene of the season. Much of it is dedicated to talking about the secrecy they have taken to protect from spoilers this year.

Rhaegar Targaryen

Registered User
Jun 25, 2016
Are there spoilers in there? I tend to stay away from almost all media attention around the shows I follow. It usually spoils the drama.

There's a little bit of spoilers. Talks about where they go with the starting of the season, as well as an episode later in the season. No actual spoilers, though.
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Mr Fahrenheit

Valar Morghulis
Oct 9, 2009
If she turns into Wun Wun, I think you'd have a legitimate gripe. As is, she killed Walder, took his face and clothes, put some padding underneath the clothing and wore some lifts.

And when she turned into a thin 10 year old girl?

So you accept there are dragons, their human mom can’t be burned by fire, women giving birth to baby shadow assassins, Giants, White Walkers, people coming back from the dead, a three eyed raven with supernatural powers... but draw the line at shape shifters?

Makes total sense.

So you are saying that no matter what you either accept every single thing or nothing at all. So since you accept all those things you will just accept Sansa flying around, killing men by the hundreds, consuming the Lannisters with fireballs from her eyes, and bolts of lightning from her arse

Makes total sense
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Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
And when she turned into a thin 10 year old girl?

So you are saying that no matter what you either accept every single thing or nothing at all. So since you accept all those things you will just accept Sansa flying around, killing men by the hundreds, consuming the Lannisters with fireballs from her eyes, and bolts of lightning from her arse

Makes total sense

Braveheart is great and all, but that was pretty lame cmon.

If the Lord of Light gives certain followers supernatural powers, such as bringing people back from the dead, why is it suddenly an issue the followers of the Many Faces god can have supernatural powers?

Can you point out when the show told us one god is fake and the other is real? Because I somehow missed that episode...

Mr Fahrenheit

Valar Morghulis
Oct 9, 2009
Braveheart is great and all, but that was pretty lame cmon.

If the Lord of Light gives certain followers supernatural powers, such as bringing people back from the dead, why is it suddenly an issue the followers of the Many Faces god can have supernatural powers?

Can you point out when the show told us one god is fake and the other is real? Because I somehow missed that episode...

First of all the Lord of Light doesnt give anyone powers second of all it is never stated that god of death is real or gives anyone powers so we should start with that, not the other way around. The show also states that people believe that the world is inside the eye of a giant, can you point to the episode that shows this is fake?


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
First of all the Lord of Light doesnt give anyone powers second of all it is never stated that god of death is real or gives anyone powers so we should start with that, not the other way around. The show also states that people believe that the world is inside the eye of a giant, can you point to the episode that shows this is fake?

Doesn't the LoL give some people the power to resurrect the dead?

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
First of all the Lord of Light doesnt give anyone powers second of all it is never stated that god of death is real or gives anyone powers so we should start with that, not the other way around. The show also states that people believe that the world is inside the eye of a giant, can you point to the episode that shows this is fake?

Oh, so can you point me to the episode where it’s stated the Lord of Light doesn’t grant people powers? I must have missed that episode as well.

Many things are implied in this show with their gods, but nothing is concrete as to their existence or not.

Melisandre brought Jon Snow back to life somehow. She had no clue wth she was even doing. She was basically like, well, let’s try this shit out because I haven’t actually ever tried it so... and next thing you know Jon Snow is like what’s up I’m alive!

Melisandre pulled this off with help from her god, or some kind of worldly magic. So either some of these gods exist, or some form of magic exists in this world, maybe both. We don’t know exactly who has this magic, how it’s granted and which gods do and do not exist, that’s the entire point.
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Mr Fahrenheit

Valar Morghulis
Oct 9, 2009
Oh, so can you point me to the episode where it’s stated the Lord of Light doesn’t grant people powers? I must have missed that episode as well.

Many things are implied in this show with their gods, but nothing is concrete as to their existence or not.

Melisandre brought Jon Snow back to life somehow. She had no clue wth she was even doing. She was basically like, well, let’s try this **** out because I haven’t actually ever tried it so... and next thing you know Jon Snow is like what’s up I’m alive!

Melisandre pulled this off with help from her god, or some kind of worldly magic. So either some of these gods exist, or some form of magic exists in this world, maybe both. We don’t know exactly who has this magic, how it’s granted and which gods do and do not exist, that’s the entire point.

So you miss episodes and then argue about the things you missed?


Registered User
Dec 2, 2009
You even quoted yourself where you stated if they havent shown that they cant then they can.

We are never shown Littlefinger cant teleport so we can safely say that Littlefinger can in fact teleport
We are never told what armor is made of in Westeros so we can just accept that you can swim hundreds of feet under water in full armor

That point is that Arya, and the others, are normal people who after a few months of cleaning and training with a staff she can change her mass at will. I think its time for her to change in to Wun Wun and lay siege to Kings Landing. I could accept changing the face no problem, attribute it to the curing of the dead faces they collect. The fact that she can become anyone, with their exact size and voice is **** writing
This is not at all what I said. The Faceless Men are a mysterious organization of assassins with certain powers. We were previously told very little about them, besides that they can change faces and are exceptionally skilled at killing people. Arya is brought into train with their organization, and we are slowly told more and more about them, their practices, their religious beliefs, their abilities and methods, etc. Yes they are normal people, but they obviously practice some kind of magic. The entire face/voice swapping thing is a form of magic, since it's absolutely ridiculous in a real life setting. You can't just cut the skin off of someone's face and wear it and perfectly imitate them, don't be absurd. Is it really that hard to fathom that they can reasonable alter their body shape as well?

Lol, you JUST said you missed the episode

Im starting to realize im being ****ed with
What? Are you trolling right now, because that isn't at all what he said/meant. He was asking you about an episode which doesn't exist since you were making a claim. He asked you to point out the episode where it is stated that the Lord of Light doesn't grant powers, and sarcastically stated he must have missed that one (hint: it doesn't exist).

Mr Jiggyfly

Registered User
Jan 29, 2004
Lol, you JUST said you missed the episode

Im starting to realize im being ****ed with

Your sarcasm detector needs a few repairs.

You claim things to be factual that no one else knows are actually true, so you have obviously seen some double secret episode that no other GOT fan has.

So I’d love to know where I can see this mysterious episode, because GRRM has already stated that he left the existence of the gods in this realm to be ambiguous.
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Registered User
Dec 2, 2009
It can’t really be this hard to accept some shape shifting magic, can it?

The show has made a point to downplay magic compared to the books when it can, but different kinds of magic absolutely exist.

If various kinds of necromancy are acceptable, I don’t see why shape shifting can’t be too.
The reemergence of magic in the world with the birth and growth of the dragons is literally one of the themes of the series, but then people complain when there is magic.
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Throw More Waffles

Unprecedented Dramatic Overpayments
Oct 9, 2015
It can’t really be this hard to accept some shape shifting magic, can it?

The show has made a point to downplay magic compared to the books when it can, but different kinds of magic absolutely exist.

If various kinds of necromancy are acceptable, I don’t see why shape shifting can’t be too.

My problem is this: If Arya can really shape shift and act enough like Walder Frey to fool his whole family... then her character is simply too powerful and the writers have to use a Deus Exit Machina (and yes, the word "exit" there is not a typo) to get out of it.

In short, Arya could jump in Littlefingers teleporter and end the entire war in a matter of weeks. Look at just how easily she killed the Freys. Well... she can now do that to whoever she wants. She could wipe out the entire Lannister family by lunch time. But she just... doesn't.
Why? Who knows. Classic deus exit machina. They made a character too powerful and now the writers just have to sort of ignore her.

Does it ruin the show and keep me up at night? No. But it is bad writing and interrupts my willing suspension of disbelief. It wouldn't have been hard to create size/height limitations to her powers, making her a more believable "super hero".
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Mr Fahrenheit

Valar Morghulis
Oct 9, 2009
Im getting a headache trying to figure out what you are doing

So you missed the scenes then argue against scenes you didnt see and now say they dont exist cause you didnt watch them?
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