Confirmed with Link: Flames Trade Neal for Lucic (12.5% retained) and conditional 3rd round pick

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Registered User
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, and he supposedly was last summer too. I know the kind of training he does. During the season, on a trip to LA, he broke a chandelier in a restaurant (among other things) and got a $10,000 US bill for it. Prior to the last game of the season, Lucic got into a brawl in a Boston Pizza in Airdrie, and the resulting break up in the fight resulted in him getting a broken leg. I also know, he was in the same (obviously) condition during both incidents. Why do you think his game fell off so much so quick? Hopefully, for his sake, he can turn himself around like Kassian did. But he has to admit he has a problem first. I hope his skills coach isn't the same one as last summer for his sake and yours. And though a 3rd rounder isn't much, if Looch does manage say 15 goals, and Neal doesn't score 25 or more, then we keep our 3rd round. So I hope Looch does get 15.

No, he specifically said he wasn't training with a skills coach last summer.


Registered User
Aug 14, 2017
Problem is Lucic isn't performing in the reg season. He has issue's. Neal was PO's at the team, and take it any way you like but he went to the finals two years in a row and lost both. That's not easy to take and he didn't have enough of an off season to get in shape again. It all went downhill from there on him. Neal has had multiple 20 goal season, and a 40 goal season. Lucic has had one 30 goal season. Neal will score 40+ in Edmonton long before Looch gets 30 in Calgary - guaranteed. Neal is also with a skills coach, he's working out with McDavid (whom he's good friends with) in Gary's Roberts camp, and he is finally having a proper off season to reset. Also, his centerman is going to be far better than anything he was set up with in Calgary (no offense there guys but RNH/McDavid/Draisaitl - take your pick as a centerman for Neal).

Bottom line is this trade could be a godsend for the Oilers. We desperately need a 'shooter' on the RW. Slow or not is irrelevant. You know who else is slow? Patrick Laine. You know who's 'fast' - Jesse Pulujarvi (faster than Laine anyway) - so who would you rather have? Neal doesn't have to skate with McDavid he just needs to get in the right position for the one timer, of which any of RNH, Drai, or McD can do much better than any Calgary center. Ask Looch - he was getting all kinds of chances but he's not a shooter, whereas Neal is.

I predict 32 goals for Neal this upcoming season and 50+ points. If any Flames fan doesn't think that won't make a difference in the standings, think again. Not saying playoffs here, I think we are still a long way from that (goaltending being the #1 issues for sure here) but Neal will fit in nicely.

Look on the bright side - you'll get your 3rd round pick :)

As for the underlined He is a professional and that is no excuse at all. If you are tired take time off. This is not the first time a player has gone to back to back SCFs. You are getting paid alot of money to play this game and I have not heard this excuse used before. Sorry i sucked but you know i played in the last 2 SCF so i just didnt feel like giving it my all???? Come on man you this is just bs.

As for the underlined you have named 2 centers and a winger and only 1 is better not the other. He had Chances on the top line and 2nd line and that did not work out for him. I will give you that neals play style did not work here cause we have better players that did what he did and are better all around then neal. BTW nice wording there as Neal needs a good play maker to set him up doesnt matter if he is a winger or center.

Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
Wow it’s been slow around here, this is the first Modding I’ve had to do in like 2 months.. So, uh, guys don’t break the site rules. I’m not above the Oiler mods, I’m actually lower. Don’t come on our board and troll, and also no to troll feeding.

Thanks, from your friendly neighbourhood Hox!


Registered User
Apr 16, 2018
Wow it’s been slow around here, this is the first Modding I’ve had to do in like 2 months.. So, uh, guys don’t break the site rules. I’m not above the Oiler mods, I’m actually lower. Don’t come on our board and troll, and also no to troll feeding.

Thanks, from your friendly neighbourhood Hox!

I think I get the joke? Maybe I'm just seeing something that isn't there.


Setting up the play?
Sep 17, 2012
Bottom line is this trade could be a godsend for the Oilers. We desperately need a 'shooter' on the RW. Slow or not is irrelevant. You know who else is slow? Patrick Laine. You know who's 'fast' - Jesse Pulujarvi (faster than Laine anyway) - so who would you rather have? Neal doesn't have to skate with McDavid he just needs to get in the right position for the one timer, of which any of RNH, Drai, or McD can do much better than any Calgary center. Ask Looch - he was getting all kinds of chances but he's not a shooter, whereas Neal is.

I predict 32 goals for Neal this upcoming season and 50+ points. If any Flames fan doesn't think that won't make a difference in the standings, think again. Not saying playoffs here, I think we are still a long way from that (goaltending being the #1 issues for sure here) but Neal will fit in nicely.

Look on the bright side - you'll get your 3rd round pick :)

Oh man, are you in for a treat! Look, coming in here and trying to school Flames fans (who just watched Neal play 67 games up close) on exactly what Neal is and what he's capable of is pretty silly. I'm not sure why you'd want to stick your neck out like that. Your takes here are bizarrely optimistic given the player you are getting and the season he just had. If you'd watched his games last year, you would first and foremost not be claiming he's a shooter. You would also not be making any kind of comparison to Patrick Laine, who is a liability at 5-on-5 but has value because of how much of a weapon his shot is, because you would realize that only the first part of that comparison is relevant. You would certainly not be calling for 32 goals. I would invite you, though, to have a look at the thread on this board from his signing, as some of the bold predictions will seem very familiar.

But, alas, hope springs eternal. The one thing to realize is that the Flames fans who are happy about this trade are not necessarily happy because they expect a huge bounce back from Lucic. It is moreso just that we've slightly increased cap space and cleared up a locker-room issue, and not lost anything- and I can't stress this enough- at all on the ice in terms of talent. Neal came to town with high expectations after shopping himself around as an FA. He was handed his top line spot at the start of the season. He ended up being given way more ice than he deserved, and still complained the whole time. Lucic does not come to town with those expectations at all; at least not from fans. So it's going to be way easier for him to avoid the flack that Neal got. There are some Flames fans that aren't thrilled with the trade, but trust me, it is not because they would entertain the notion that the Flames handed the Oilers an actual top-six option that will help their team. The one tough pill to swallow is just that we gave up a player who can (and barring some kind of Space Jam-esque talent injection, certainly will) be bought out for one who realistically can't. So if you want to make Flames fans salty, focus on that. The "actual hockey player James Neal" angle is mostly just humorous.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2012
Oh man, are you in for a treat! Look, coming in here and trying to school Flames fans (who just watched Neal play 67 games up close) on exactly what Neal is and what he's capable of is pretty silly. I'm not sure why you'd want to stick your neck out like that. Your takes here are bizarrely optimistic given the player you are getting and the season he just had. If you'd watched his games last year, you would first and foremost not be claiming he's a shooter. You would also not be making any kind of comparison to Patrick Laine, who is a liability at 5-on-5 but has value because of how much of a weapon his shot is, because you would realize that only the first part of that comparison is relevant. You would certainly not be calling for 32 goals. I would invite you, though, to have a look at the thread on this board from his signing, as some of the bold predictions will seem very familiar.

But, alas, hope springs eternal. The one thing to realize is that the Flames fans who are happy about this trade are not necessarily happy because they expect a huge bounce back from Lucic. It is moreso just that we've slightly increased cap space and cleared up a locker-room issue, and not lost anything- and I can't stress this enough- at all on the ice in terms of talent. Neal came to town with high expectations after shopping himself around as an FA. He was handed his top line spot at the start of the season. He ended up being given way more ice than he deserved, and still complained the whole time. Lucic does not come to town with those expectations at all; at least not from fans. So it's going to be way easier for him to avoid the flack that Neal got. There are some Flames fans that aren't thrilled with the trade, but trust me, it is not because they would entertain the notion that the Flames handed the Oilers an actual top-six option that will help their team. The one tough pill to swallow is just that we gave up a player who can (and barring some kind of Space Jam-esque talent injection, certainly will) be bought out for one who realistically can't. So if you want to make Flames fans salty, focus on that. The "actual hockey player James Neal" angle is mostly just humorous.

LOL - I guess you haven't seen Lucic play lately then have you? I know you didn't last game of the season, he was too busy getting his leg busted in brawl (and I'll leave it you to figure out what kind of condition he was in) at a BP's in Airdrie the night before the game. I find it funny how Flames fans focus the only this past season. Hey, not saying you're not going to be right here, for all we know Lucic could outscore Neal (how likely do you honestly think that is - here's something for you to chew on - Neal had ONE more goal than Lucic playing 13 less games and playing like absolute crap. Do you honestly think, at 31 years old, playing with much better centermen, and pretty much zero competition, he isn't going to be setup for a more Nealisque season - which btw is 26 goals a season do the math ).

All I know is, all of us in Edmonton were laughing when this trade was first suggested. Even on the sports talk radio here, the insiders were unanimous in saying "Why would Calgary do that trade? What's in it for them?" as for the most part we all thought that the Lucic contract was untradeable and definitely is buy out proof. The fact this trade was pulled off for as little salary retention as we had is a miracle. The fact we got a shooter is another miracle in of itself . Did you not look at his career stats? Look at his highlights, he didn't score 280 goals by having pucks go off his shins nor not on breakaways either (he's too slow remember) so how the heck else did he score all those goals lol. Get back to me say in January - feel free to rub it in if Neal is struggling and Lucic is, if not outscoring, making all those other flame players 'tough'. The other hilarious thing about all this is Colorado isn't exactly a 'big, bruising' team like St.Louis is. Having a Lucic on your team won't make Johnny G and co. want to play in the tough areas. They get knocked off their game too easily - they need to learn how to adapt and play in the playoffs. Toughness comes from within, it doesn't come from some guy on the bench who can only play 14 minutes a night and a puck turnover machine in the o-zone. But don't take my word for it, like I said, get back to me in January.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2012
As for the underlined He is a professional and that is no excuse at all. If you are tired take time off. This is not the first time a player has gone to back to back SCFs. You are getting paid alot of money to play this game and I have not heard this excuse used before. Sorry i sucked but you know i played in the last 2 SCF so i just didnt feel like giving it my all???? Come on man you this is just bs.

As for the underlined you have named 2 centers and a winger and only 1 is better not the other. He had Chances on the top line and 2nd line and that did not work out for him. I will give you that neals play style did not work here cause we have better players that did what he did and are better all around then neal. BTW nice wording there as Neal needs a good play maker to set him up doesnt matter if he is a winger or center.

Hmmm, ok - try it. Play to mid June two years in a row. losing in the final both times, then get back to me how soon you can recover from that. You think it's easy? And talk about being a pro? Hate to troll on this tbh but if you think Neal was unprofessional wait until you get a load of Lucic. BTW - I absolutley don't wish the man ill will. Believe it or not I hope he does well down there. He's in a severe downward spiral in his life and maybe this trade will turn thing around for him. As for Neal, yeah, that did affect him. He came to camp out of shape compared to the rest of they players, Lindholm was outstanding (great pick up there btw) and Neal is not a checker - and we didn't get him to play 3rd / 4th line. We don't have that competition for him. I think he'll thrive here. If he doesn't, who cares? I don't, we got rid of Lucic and Neal's contract can be bought out AND we don't have to protect him in the expansion draft. Sure, I know all about the fact Lucic could waive too, what the heck do you think we've been talking about up here prior to this trade? But what I don't know, and no one can answer, is if he waives, can he waive only for the expansion draft (i.e. Seattle which won't touch him btw unless the Flames throw picks in and players to bribe them - and trust me you guys could be talking about doing that in two years) or if he waives he waives period and can be moved to any team? If its the latter, trust me, he won't waive. If it's the former, I'm sure he will.

Johnny Hoxville

The Return of a Legend
Jul 15, 2006
LOL - I guess you haven't seen Lucic play lately then have you? I know you didn't last game of the season, he was too busy getting his leg busted in brawl (and I'll leave it you to figure out what kind of condition he was in) at a BP's in Airdrie the night before the game. I find it funny how Flames fans focus the only this past season. Hey, not saying you're not going to be right here, for all we know Lucic could outscore Neal (how likely do you honestly think that is - here's something for you to chew on - Neal had ONE more goal than Lucic playing 13 less games and playing like absolute crap. Do you honestly think, at 31 years old, playing with much better centermen, and pretty much zero competition, he isn't going to be setup for a more Nealisque season - which btw is 26 goals a season do the math ).

All I know is, all of us in Edmonton were laughing when this trade was first suggested. Even on the sports talk radio here, the insiders were unanimous in saying "Why would Calgary do that trade? What's in it for them?" as for the most part we all thought that the Lucic contract was untradeable and definitely is buy out proof. The fact this trade was pulled off for as little salary retention as we had is a miracle. The fact we got a shooter is another miracle in of itself . Did you not look at his career stats? Look at his highlights, he didn't score 280 goals by having pucks go off his shins nor not on breakaways either (he's too slow remember) so how the heck else did he score all those goals lol. Get back to me say in January - feel free to rub it in if Neal is struggling and Lucic is, if not outscoring, making all those other flame players 'tough'. The other hilarious thing about all this is Colorado isn't exactly a 'big, bruising' team like St.Louis is. Having a Lucic on your team won't make Johnny G and co. want to play in the tough areas. They get knocked off their game too easily - they need to learn how to adapt and play in the playoffs. Toughness comes from within, it doesn't come from some guy on the bench who can only play 14 minutes a night and a puck turnover machine in the o-zone. But don't take my word for it, like I said, get back to me in January.

The whole argument that Neal didn’t play with talented players is a completely false statement. The Flames were 2nd in goals overall last season. Neal was hands down our worst forward, seriously he was that awful. Essentially he was the worst player in the entire NHL. As well, he pouted and he quit like Tanguay did on his team. This is a guy who was benched in the playoffs for crying out loud. The Flames are a better team for not having Neal on it, because he was a liability.

He will likely score some goals in stretches for you, but at this point he’s far more of a minus than plus player.

Corpus X

Wearing Stanley's cup.
May 24, 2014
Awe man! My drinking posts were on point! Why delete such magnificent work?! I'm so upset I'm going to pour a scotch... Cheers to NEAL!

You can say whatever you like @JetsOilersfan but the reality is that we have zero idea what Lucic or Neal will do until puck drops. You can come in here like an oblivious Olier fan over the last 11 years of futility and believe, like every year, that this is the year, and adding one man will totally change the fortunes of one team. Hall nor McDavid haven't done this. Also if I posted like you have on Oiler HF I'd be banned by now. Welcome to rational forums.
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Jan 20, 2016
Hmmm, ok - try it. Play to mid June two years in a row. losing in the final both times, then get back to me how soon you can recover from that. You think it's easy? And talk about being a pro? Hate to troll on this tbh but if you think Neal was unprofessional wait until you get a load of Lucic.

The Oilers have had Eberle(2008),(2010 2nd Overall)Hall, Nuggent-Hopkins (2011 1st Overall), Yakupov (2012, 1st Overall), Nurse (7th Overall), Draisaitl (2014 - 3rd Overall), Connor (2015 1st Overall), and Puljujarvi (2016 4th Overall) and somehow the team up North has only had 1 playoff appearance since 2006. Heck almost half of the players are no longer with the steaming pile of crap to the north.

Edmonton is better at assessing talent? Get outta here. If there was any talent in that department EDM would be this era's dominant force. 8 players and over 25% of a line-up drafted and the team can't make the playoffs.

The bottom 9 in Edmonton with the exception of Hopkins are worse than any other team. Chaisson, Granlund, Russell, Mike Smith, and Neal were cast offs from a deep Flames line-up.

Somehow there is credibility in the statement that Neal is not a possession nightmare? Really??? Neal played with Johnny and Monahan and found no traction... EVER... and somehow things are going to be better playing with the most talented North-South player in the league? Sorry if he can't score with Johnny setting him up there is little hope for others. Somehow Lindholm given an opportunity put up a career season.

Lucic on the other-hand has never finish worst than second in possession for the Oilers and was first last year.

Neal will likely score a few more goals this year but his impact will be far less impressive than Lucic's role in Calgary. We don't need Lucic to score (FYI Lucic only had one less goal last year on a far less talented team) as the Flames were #2 in the NHL for scoring... All without a single pick in the top 3 within their entire existence.

The Oilers are going to be a lottery team again this year with the nightmare in the bottom 9 and Calgary will be challenging for the division title. Then we will see the real value of Milan Lucic.

Kris Russell as a second pairing d-man ... Laughable. How much was Koskinen overpaid?? $2M a season. Yeah I think Tre is a way better judge of talent.


Absolute Horse Shirt
Dec 15, 2014
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Lucic was at Boston Pizza? How often does he go? Was he also spotted at Mr Lube? Could that have helped to grease the wheels a little bit?

Maybe why Treliving pulled the trigger so damn fast.


Papa Shango
May 15, 2012
RE: Neal

The name Dany "Heater" Heatley seems to look like trajectory James is currently on. Guys who can only score, but who have never been fleet of foot, have the ability to fall off a cliff at a massive speed. I'm not saying getting Lucic was a win, but it was a win for this teams' bottom 6 compared to the Real Deal. James was never getting top 6 minutes on this team, he was going to be a PP2, 12-13 minutes a night player for us.

Lucic gets shit on more than he deserves, because of what he represents in Edmonton. A failed management team that moved one of the best wingers in the world, for an average top 4 D and to sign Lucic. If Neal was on Edmonton and did what he did last year there, he'd also be considered an absolute pariah.

I think Neal will outperform Lucic this year, because they're going to feed him all the minutes in the world. He'll likely finish with something like 23/20; but it'll be at the cost of spending a lot of PP1 minutes and ice time for Edmonton. On paper it'll look like a win, but delving deeper; paying Neal 6.5M to score 20-25 goals and play him 4-5 minutes more than he should will come out bust. He'll be a negative GF% player, a negative CF% player; but he'll get some number. Lucic will likely not put up any kind of significant numbers, probably something like 12/15; but his minutes will be tied into it. Also, this team with him, will play a lot bigger; if people don't think intimidation has nothing in this league; watch how Nikita Zadorov made every Flame look like they were 5'6'' and 150 lbs last spring.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2017

How about you leave HFFlames to Flames fans and **** off?

Sorry boys, I’ll check out too I just hate when people come to our sub, like the sub is a sanctuary for the fans of the team.

It shouldn't be but I know your mods have made it that way for you so can understand why you would think that.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2012
The Oilers have had Eberle(2008),(2010 2nd Overall)Hall, Nuggent-Hopkins (2011 1st Overall), Yakupov (2012, 1st Overall), Nurse (7th Overall), Draisaitl (2014 - 3rd Overall), Connor (2015 1st Overall), and Puljujarvi (2016 4th Overall) and somehow the team up North has only had 1 playoff appearance since 2006. Heck almost half of the players are no longer with the steaming pile of crap to the north.

Edmonton is better at assessing talent? Get outta here. If there was any talent in that department EDM would be this era's dominant force. 8 players and over 25% of a line-up drafted and the team can't make the playoffs.

The bottom 9 in Edmonton with the exception of Hopkins are worse than any other team. Chaisson, Granlund, Russell, Mike Smith, and Neal were cast offs from a deep Flames line-up.

Somehow there is credibility in the statement that Neal is not a possession nightmare? Really??? Neal played with Johnny and Monahan and found no traction... EVER... and somehow things are going to be better playing with the most talented North-South player in the league? Sorry if he can't score with Johnny setting him up there is little hope for others. Somehow Lindholm given an opportunity put up a career season.

Lucic on the other-hand has never finish worst than second in possession for the Oilers and was first last year.

Neal will likely score a few more goals this year but his impact will be far less impressive than Lucic's role in Calgary. We don't need Lucic to score (FYI Lucic only had one less goal last year on a far less talented team) as the Flames were #2 in the NHL for scoring... All without a single pick in the top 3 within their entire existence.

The Oilers are going to be a lottery team again this year with the nightmare in the bottom 9 and Calgary will be challenging for the division title. Then we will see the real value of Milan Lucic.

Kris Russell as a second pairing d-man ... Laughable. How much was Koskinen overpaid?? $2M a season. Yeah I think Tre is a way better judge of talent.

Oh I'm so happy you brought that up. Now who's trolling who lol. Sky is blue (sort of, when you can see it), water is wet, and the Oilers suck. Tell me something I don't know. This is how you defend the trade? And the bold. Yes, Neal had exactly ONE more goal than Lucic. That is 100% correct. Fact, Oilers missed the playoffs last two years, Fact - Neal went to the finals last two years. Fact, Lucic reported to the Oilers this past season, now wait for it, and sit down please - the "BEST SHAPE OF HIS LIFE" - Neal showed up in terrible shape and entitled to boot. Also, Lucic played in 81 games, breaking his leg in a bar brawl in Calgary the night before the final game, - Neal played in 67 games due to an injury he suffered.

Did you digest all that? Get back to me in January - oh, you'll be ahead of us in the standings no doubt. I don't care. I'm a fan, not a manager of the team, I can't control what GM's and Scouts and DoP's do up here. So I'm sure you guys will be well ahead of us in standings. I hope so as you do have a much better team down there. I'm actualy, originally, from Wpg, and a Jets fan from way back (hated the Oilers obv) hence my handle. But that was the Phoenix Jets, not the Atlanta Jets. I actually am a neutral BoA as i lived in Calgary after leaving Wpg for 7 years - and was living in Calgary when the Jets left. I'm extremely happy for the fans of Calgary that finally you're getting a new arena (or look to be anyway I don't think it's finalized but it looks like it will be).

All I'm doing is pointing out that #1 - Lucic was absolutely done here, he has MAJOR issues in his personal life and something happened in late December of '17. He wasn't hurt, and he had what, 11/12 goals at that point. He fell off a cliff and the rest is history. He was a massive Albatross here and trust me, he was a major contributor to us missing the playoffs these past two years. We have a terrible bottom 6, you said so yourself. Who do you think was playing in the bottom 6 most of last year here? The fact we got rid of this guy AND received a player who historically has scored 26 goals a season on average is unbelievable. You think, at 31 he's done? Lucic is 31 too. You think Lucic will have an impact there? A bigger one than Neal? Well last year, with Neal, you won the division! Wow. He sure was negative there wasn't he? Did you see where we finished? What impact do you think Lucic had?

Can't wait for the season to start - good luck with Lucic - I hope he turns his life around down there. I'm not worried at all about Neal - he'll be fine. You'll see.


Deranged Homer
Jun 27, 2012
Oh I'm so happy you brought that up. Now who's trolling who lol. Sky is blue (sort of, when you can see it), water is wet, and the Oilers suck. Tell me something I don't know. This is how you defend the trade? And the bold. Yes, Neal had exactly ONE more goal than Lucic. That is 100% correct. Fact, Oilers missed the playoffs last two years, Fact - Neal went to the finals last two years. Fact, Lucic reported to the Oilers this past season, now wait for it, and sit down please - the "BEST SHAPE OF HIS LIFE" - Neal showed up in terrible shape and entitled to boot. Also, Lucic played in 81 games, breaking his leg in a bar brawl in Calgary the night before the final game, - Neal played in 67 games due to an injury he suffered.

Did you digest all that? Get back to me in January - oh, you'll be ahead of us in the standings no doubt. I don't care. I'm a fan, not a manager of the team, I can't control what GM's and Scouts and DoP's do up here. So I'm sure you guys will be well ahead of us in standings. I hope so as you do have a much better team down there. I'm actualy, originally, from Wpg, and a Jets fan from way back (hated the Oilers obv) hence my handle. But that was the Phoenix Jets, not the Atlanta Jets. I actually am a neutral BoA as i lived in Calgary after leaving Wpg for 7 years - and was living in Calgary when the Jets left. I'm extremely happy for the fans of Calgary that finally you're getting a new arena (or look to be anyway I don't think it's finalized but it looks like it will be).

All I'm doing is pointing out that #1 - Lucic was absolutely done here, he has MAJOR issues in his personal life and something happened in late December of '17. He wasn't hurt, and he had what, 11/12 goals at that point. He fell off a cliff and the rest is history. He was a massive Albatross here and trust me, he was a major contributor to us missing the playoffs these past two years. We have a terrible bottom 6, you said so yourself. Who do you think was playing in the bottom 6 most of last year here? The fact we got rid of this guy AND received a player who historically has scored 26 goals a season on average is unbelievable. You think, at 31 he's done? Lucic is 31 too. You think Lucic will have an impact there? A bigger one than Neal? Well last year, with Neal, you won the division! Wow. He sure was negative there wasn't he? Did you see where we finished? What impact do you think Lucic had?

Can't wait for the season to start - good luck with Lucic - I hope he turns his life around down there. I'm not worried at all about Neal - he'll be fine. You'll see.

I didn't read any of the novels you posted in this thread.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2012
The whole argument that Neal didn’t play with talented players is a completely false statement. The Flames were 2nd in goals overall last season. Neal was hands down our worst forward, seriously he was that awful. Essentially he was the worst player in the entire NHL. As well, he pouted and he quit like Tanguay did on his team. This is a guy who was benched in the playoffs for crying out loud. The Flames are a better team for not having Neal on it, because he was a liability.

He will likely score some goals in stretches for you, but at this point he’s far more of a minus than plus player.
Neal played 30% of his ES ice-time with at least 1 of Gaudreau, Monahan, Tkachuk or Lindholm. He recorded 4 points in that time.
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