OT: Covid-19 (Part 58) Valentine's Edition

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Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
They they they they they every.... Who's they? You're just lumping people into the same group and trying to discredit it as a whole. People are individuals, stop parroting trudeau's divisive rhetoric, stop playing identity politics. Again trudeau a couple days ago accused the entire CPC of standing by the swastika and then walked out of the House. Ffs, open your eyes, this is not how democracy works.

A democracy works when ideas are debated. When someone resorts to smear tactics, lies, insults and force to silence anyone who disagrees with him, what do you call that?

Also yes, trudeau was elected, but that doesn't give him four years of dictatorial control of over Canada, that's not how it works either. Emergency act when he literally did nothing to diffuse the situation... Shameful.

A called them they cause they are not us. They, are every single one of the protesters right now. I don't know what Trudeau said, I don't listen to him but I surely know who you are listening to cause there's just a small group thinking and talking like that and they are all parroting the same thing as you are.

How do you called people intimaditing the back bone of any democracy, the free press?
You're actually doing it without even realizing that this is anti-democratic while whining about democracy.

Who started to attack the free press? Trudeau?

And again the dictatorial thing....parroting.
The Canadian Liberals are probably the weakest party in the world....give your head a shake man.
If he would be dictator he wouldn't called for an Election last year cause he didn't had to.

You want to a debate? Go to your party and ask for it and if it doesn't come, then suck it up.
I want a debate for mandatory vaccine, are you ready to have it?

We live in you of the most free country in the world and the best proof of that is this protest that lasted for 3 weeks without being even stopped.

Stop playing the victims it's getting old.....and that's what your medias wants to radicalize you and it's working.
And you haven't answer the most basic questions: What are they protesting for right now?

A dictator wouldn't have waited one day to throw them out.


Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
They also explicitly said a ton of things that directly contradict what you're saying. Which organizers? What did they say exactly?

People can rally behind a cause, protest with a group and not necessarily share all its goals. If i spot you at a blm protest, should I a) assume you're protesting against racism, or b) automatically assume you want to upend the nuclear family structure?

If you don't know why you protest and what the protest is asking for.....you're too dumb to be in the protest.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2019
How much longer are you going to ignore the fact that the organizers explicitly stated that their goal was to usurp the prime minister and form their own government?

we had an election 6 months ago with covid restrictions on the ballot. The party pro restrictions won the vote.

a minority of folks thought they could take a city hostage to overthrow a duly elected government. One faction declared themselves sovereign citizens with the ability to make public arrests. Another faction suggested the use a violence. They all but declared themselves a parallel power to a democratic government.

Parallel power? Usurp the government? What an insane melodrama...

They were camping/partying on Rideau street and driving around honking their horns.
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Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
Parallel power? Usurp the government? What an insane melodrama...

They were camping/partying on Rideau street and driving around honking their horns.

The melodrama is coming from the poor poor victim of the ex-drama teacher they think is now a dictator.....3 weeks of melodrama.

If they were only partying\camping on Rideau street = IT'S ILLEGAL and why they don't wanna leave, measure are taking off? Why are they not leaving?
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Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
A called them they cause they are not us. They, are every single one of the protesters right now. I don't know what Trudeau said, I don't listen to him but I surely know who you are listening to cause there's just a small group thinking and talking like that and they are all parroting the same thing as you are.

How do you called people intimaditing the back bone of any democracy, the free press?
You're actually doing it without even realizing that this is anti-democratic while whining about democracy.

Who started to attack the free press? Trudeau?

And again the dictatorial thing....parroting.
The Canadian Liberals are probably the weakest party in the world....give your head a shake man.
If he would be dictator he wouldn't called for an Election last year cause he didn't had to.

You want to a debate? Go to your party and ask for it and if it doesn't come, then suck it up.
I want a debate for mandatory vaccine, are you ready to have it?

We live in you of the most free country in the world and the best proof of that is this protest that lasted for 3 weeks without being even stopped.

Stop playing the victims it's getting old.....and that's what your medias wants to radicalize you and it's working.
And you haven't answer the most basic questions: What are they protesting for right now?

A dictator wouldn't have waited one day to throw them out.

Dude I made my point, you just said you don't even know what trudeau said, you don't listen to him, so I honestly dunno what you're rambling on about. You're just repeating yourself.


Registered User
May 26, 2011
The melodrama is coming from the poor poor victim of the ex-drama teacher they think is now a dictator.....3 weeks of melodrama.

If they were only partying\camping on Rideau street = IT'S ILLEGAL and why they don't wanna leave, measure are taking off? Why are they not leaving?
Right on man This isn’t a f***ing party It’s the a the fringe 10% of the population claiming they lost their freedom
They lost nothing at all but the ability to cross the border And that fringe 10% doesn’t realize that the US has made it mandatory to cross the border without being double vaxxed
Calling Trudeau a dictator is so utterly ridiculous that it can’t even be put into words
Dictators don’t give out billions of dollars in CERB


Registered User
May 26, 2011
Great job bringing in the Emergency Act.

It had to be done to bust up the freedom-sucking border blockades and the siege of a Canadian city.

Amazing job by the police officers. :thumbu:

Now it's time to build a nice Gulag in Resolute Bay for non-recoverable conspiracy theorists. :)
If only A gulag is too good for these f***ing loser protesters that aren’t even protesting covid restrictions
Good friend the family is a trucker and he has completely distanced himself from these losers


Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
Right on man This isn’t a f***ing party It’s the a the fringe 10% of the population claiming they lost their freedom
They lost nothing at all but the ability to cross the border And that fringe 10% doesn’t realize that the US has made it mandatory to cross the border without being double vaxxed
Calling Trudeau a dictator is so utterly ridiculous that it can’t even be put into words
Dictators don’t give out billions of dollars in CERB

Do your actually see this as a good thing? There's no virtue in handing out printed money and devaluing the currency. Have you seen the price of goods, fuel, real estate?

They lost nothing at all but the ability to cross the border? You mean their fundamental Charter protected right to do so? You're acting like this is no big deal.


Registered User
May 26, 2011
Do your actually see this as a good thing? There's no virtue in handing out printed money and devaluing the currency. Have you seen the price of goods, fuel, real estate?

They lost nothing at all but the ability to cross the border? You mean their fundamental Charter protected right to do so? You're acting like this is no big deal.
Jesus man what did they lose ? Get vaccinated It’s a bullshit excuse But I’m not gonna argue with conspiracy theorists both my wife and I work in health care We believe in science
And these right wing loser are now harassing health care workers here in BC AND ELSEWHERE
we’ve had 2 bomb threats in 2 weeks since tbis started
None in last 4 years You and these guys didn’t lose your freedom These “trumpers” look at the donors


May 17, 2014
Do your actually see this as a good thing? There's no virtue in handing out printed money and devaluing the currency. Have you seen the price of goods, fuel, real estate?

God, how lost can you be?
The inflation isn't driven by the devaluation of the CAD (which -isn't- devalued btw, CAD value is HIGHER today than it was in the year leading to the pandemic, but nice try I guess)

They lost nothing at all but the ability to cross the border? You mean their fundamental Charter protected right to do so? You're acting like this is no big deal.

And just how many times do we need to go over this?
You never had the right to enter the US freely. Unvaccinated people trying to enter the US get turned around by the USDHS, this isn't the CBSA preventing them from leaving Canada.


Registered User
May 26, 2011
God, how lost can you be?
The inflation isn't driven by the devaluation of the CAD (which -isn't- devalued btw, CAD value is HIGHER today than it was in the year leading to the pandemic, but nice try I guess)

And just how many times do we need to go over this?
You never had the right to enter the US freely. Unvaccinated people trying to enter the US get turned around by the USDHS, this isn't the CBSA preventing them from leaving Canada.
Some are having a hard time understanding this That’s why it’s a bullshit protest You can’t enter the states unvaccinated!! Are these anti vaxxers that daft?


Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
Right on man This isn’t a f***ing party It’s the a the fringe 10% of the population claiming they lost their freedom
They lost nothing at all but the ability to cross the border And that fringe 10% doesn’t realize that the US has made it mandatory to cross the border without being double vaxxed
Calling Trudeau a dictator is so utterly ridiculous that it can’t even be put into words
Dictators don’t give out billions of dollars in CERB

It's more than ridiculous...I don't even know what to call it.

I actually hated Trudeau since the very beginning for not having any backbone, soft politican that safe play it to everyone. No guts and no balls, just riding on his popular name and his acting skills playing the nice boy.....but calling him a dictator, it's insane. Just insanity . Imcompetent, yeah sure.....this is all to fit their narrative of being victims.

Hey, I can go buy one ounce of weed sold by my government right now and smoke it freely if I have 21 years old +...Many of those protesters were young party animal.....saw many people of 18-20 drinking....in Freedom Land Florida, it's illegal to drink and go in clubs and bars at that age and it's up to 5 years in jail for that amount of weed.
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Registered User
Aug 7, 2009
They also explicitly said a ton of things that directly contradict what you're saying. Which organizers? What did they say exactly?

People can rally behind a cause, protest with a group and not necessarily share all its goals. If i spot you at a blm protest, should I a) assume you're protesting against racism, or b) automatically assume you want to upend the nuclear family structure?



Registered User
Oct 25, 2019
Some are having a hard time understanding this That’s why it’s a bullshit protest You can’t enter the states unvaccinated!! Are these anti vaxxers that daft?

Plenty of people warned that vaccine passports and vaccine mandates were divisive and would lead to exactly this kind of eventuality. Virtually the entire western world has seen protest action against these government measures. If you are surprised people are angry and protesting these kinds of measures you simply were not paying attention to anything outside of your own information silo.


Registered User
May 26, 2011
Plenty of people warned that vaccine passports and vaccine mandates were divisive and would lead to exactly this kind of eventuality. Virtually the entire western world has seen protest action against these government measures. If you are surprised people are angry and protesting these kinds of measures you simply were not paying attention to anything outside of your own information silo.
Lol the fringe 10% Sure thing Dude, it’s your choice not to be vaccinated Live with your decision and take it like a man This protest has zero to do with mandates considering that most mandates have been put in by provinces not the feds


Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
God, how lost can you be?
The inflation isn't driven by the devaluation of the CAD (which -isn't- devalued btw, CAD value is HIGHER today than it was in the year leading to the pandemic, but nice try I guess)

And just how many times do we need to go over this?
You never had the right to enter the US freely. Unvaccinated people trying to enter the US get turned around by the USDHS, this isn't the CBSA preventing them from leaving Canada.

I guess devaluing isn't the right term. Inflation.

Unvaccinated people are no longer allowed to travel freely within the country, nor are they allowed to leave. This goes against section 6 of the Charter.


Registered User
May 26, 2011
I guess devaluing isn't the right term. Inflation.

Unvaccinated people are no longer allowed to travel freely within the country, nor are they allowed to leave. This goes against section 6 of the Charter.
Say what?? You’re telling me unvaxxed person can’t drive across Canada?? When did this happen??
You’re spewing false information man
Been watching Tucker Carlson or Hannity?
Dude you just blatantly lied
Stop making bullshit up man you’re just like the protesters in otttawa BS and more BS followed with a little more BS
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Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
Jesus man what did they lose ? Get vaccinated It’s a bullshit excuse But I’m not gonna argue with conspiracy theorists both my wife and I work in health care We believe in science
And these right wing loser are now harassing health care workers here in BC AND ELSEWHERE
we’ve had 2 bomb threats in 2 weeks since tbis started
None in last 4 years You and these guys didn’t lose your freedom These “trumpers” look at the donors

"you guys"? You're lumping me in with people making bomb threats? Really? Who's the conspiracy theorist? Lol

Bullshit excuse is all you got against people having their fundamental rights violated? Your lack of concern for the upholding of the Charter is clear.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
Say what?? You’re telling me unvaxxed person can’t drive across Canada?? When did this happen??
You’re spewing false information man
Been watching Tucker Carlson or Hannity?
Dude you just blatantly lied

That's unreasonable for someone who needs to travel by plane. Are you also supposed to drive across the ocean?


Registered User
May 26, 2011
That's unreasonable for someone who needs to travel by plane. Are you also supposed to drive across the ocean?
Dude again You can’t enter the US unvaxxed and a lot of European counties have followed suit
How is this Trudeaus fault? It’s not
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