OT: Covid-19 (Part 56) Convoy Edition

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Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
Ah pis f*** them, not all of them....but many of them.
Lack of respect over and over and over again seems day freaking 1.

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Registered User
Jun 24, 2018
Left wing media? SO tired of this trope. There is right wing racist, and right wing woke. I don't see any news that is left wing. When was the last time you saw an argument for nationalization of anything beyond possibly the tepid childcare proposal. And this is only AFTER it was so successful in quebec that employers realized it could get more people back to work while being subsidized by the government.
Please tell me you’re kidding? 90% of the media is left leaning, if not completely left.

Miller Time

Registered User
Sep 16, 2004
. Heck, there isn't any violence so far! .

Ask yourself what would the likely outcome of today been had the police response been on par with the response we've seen in many other protests?

These "can't we all just get along narratives" might feel good on the surface, but dig a bit deeper and there are a lot of very faulty and heavily biased logical omissions required to land on this conclusion.

Had the RCMP engaged unlawfully (as they have repeatedly -according to Canadian courts- in targeting various indigenous protests) in preventing these people from protesting, without the legal permits other protest marches regularly have in hand, the outcomes of today would likely be different.

It's great that all the people of Ottawa had to endure was a few 1000 ppl marching hand in hand with nazis and people with other disgusting views... the disrespect of monuments celebrating the best of Canadian values like Terry Fox or the unamed soldier... and some crappy traffic delays.

That doesn't lessen the vile and rotten core of the key protagonists of this day. Sitting on the fence and plating nice with ppl trying to paint it with a softer brush isn't "good" or "decent", it's exactly how a community loses its way and rots from the inside out.

Hopefully, as these yahoo's head home , they don't fall sick and find themselves burdening the HCWs & health systems in small towns along the way... those that do, will be met with the kind of care and compassion reflective of Canadian values that are worth fighting for... as opposed to the crap today was about.


Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
Please tell me you’re kidding? 90% of the media is left leaning, if not completely left.
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Doc McKenna

A new era 2021
Jan 5, 2009
Please tell me you’re kidding? 90% of the media is left leaning, if not completely left.
Ok keep living in fantasy land. Do you see a labour section in a news paper? There is a business section and entire news outlets devoted to it. Do you see anyone saying to nationalize anything? How many news outlets are begging for new regulations.

All i see is privatize, deregulate, tax cuts, and excuses for businesses that damage the environment and evade taxes.

Have you noticed any descent in a psuh for war against russia, or positive stories out of china? They exist.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2018
A less-aggressive reply: You're right, I don't know you. It's possible you evaluate all media evenly – established and alternative – and form an opinion based on the weight of the full spectrum of information. If so, your opinion deserves the same respect as mine.

However, the sense I get is that information is being pre-selected for approval. For many people, alt-hosts have become the source of truth, while the entirety of 'MSM' – a cliche slogan I hate – is auto-rejected and presumed to be untruthful. That's a dangerous recipe, because some of the most popular alt-hosts make their money by generating anger and distrust. A little anger and distrust is healthy in a free society, but if that becomes the whole message we're in deep trouble. And that's what's happening – hosts are preaching their us-versus-them message to sell books and their show, and people are eating it up in the same way they ate up McCarthyism. It's a staged show disguised as news. But when called out for lies, the host claims to be a humble entertainer.

I won't presume to know where you stand on the above, but I believe we owe it to ourselves to assess the vast amount of information out there and hold it to a higher standard. Does the news we follow give us enough information to form our own opinions, or is it deliberately forming our opinions for us?
I had a reply typed up, but I am on my phone and it auto refreshed and disappeared. It was several paragraphs, I don’t have the energy to type it again. I appreciate this response and will reply when I have the energy to re-type what was lost.
Does this auto-refresh thing happen to everyone and is their a way to avoid it on a mobile?


Registered User
Aug 19, 2010
Guess who's lying about crowd size once again.....

This the same place on Canada's day

There's not even half that.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2018




I took these clips yesterday on my way down to Pembroke to meet with one of our other drivers from Sudbury to switch trailers before heading back to Montreal.

It takes me 45m to get to Pembroke after the trans canada hwy becomes a one way in both directions about 25m after passing through the capital which I do every evening.

During that 45m drive, I saw at least half a dozen columns of several dozen trucks and vehicles at a time heading towards the capital, and in the small town of Bromley which I pass through every evening the residents came out from their homes to cheer on the column and mingle with people who stopped on their way to the capital.

I posted a clip of me passing through the town, and out of curiosity and considering that my coworker had texted me to notify me that he was running late because of the convoy, I decided to pull over and talk with some of these folks.

I spoke briefly to about two dozen people, including some residents and others just passing through on their way to Ottawa, and asked them why did they support the convoy, where they anti-vax or anti-mandate, and if so, why?

To sum up the contents of those interactions, everyone except two people that I spoke to where vaxxed, however they were all unanimously opposed to vaccination passports for a variety of reasons but no one I spoke to was against vaccination itself.

I was asked by several people what my own stance was, and I told them that I am pro-choice and that people should make their own decisions, and that is not the governments task to coerce and forcefully pressure people to do what they want you to do or else.

Everyone who asked for my opinion agreed with my stance, and they all expressed a deep concern about what direction the country is taking and seriously questioning Trudeau’s leadership or lack thereof instead.

Want to know the two most commonly held reasons for their stance against vaccination passports?

A concern that the vaccine passport will be used as a conduit to an eventual social credit system for all, and the simple fact that they failed to fulfil the original purpose that they were intended for and are now causing more harm than good and creating divisions and fractures within our society that will have longterm ramifications.

And frankly, their concerns are valid in my estimation. These are people who are just regular folks, certainly nowhere anywhere near being either far right or left, that are concerned about the direction our nation is taking and not supportive of Trudeau’s stance and inflammatory rhetoric concerning the issue.

The usual suspects on this board and elsewhere online who are in lockstep with our dear leader and the traditional news media will have you believe otherwise, and in one fell swoop paint an entire group of individuals as villains because they dare to have an opinion of their own and take a stance on an issue that matters to them that doesn’t align with theirs.

But of course, it is not with people like this that news outlets want to speak and interact with as it doesn’t bring in ratings, nor does it fit with the image that both they and the government want to project to the public at large, for obvious reasons.
As far as the passport is concerned, it clearly and unequivocally failed to meet the two reasons that it was created for in the first place.

1- To allow people who have been vaccinated to not have to suffer through another lockdown and be able to resume their day to day lives with some degree of normality.

2- To prevent the unvaxxed from mingling with the general population as they were considered to be higher vectors of transmission, so isolating them would greatly minimize the spread of the virus.

Then omicron came along and completely turned everything upside down, again, and people were forced back into yet another lockdown despite being vaccinated, and the passport system failed to prevent another wave from occurring, bringing us right back to square one.

Ergo, since the passport failed in their intended purpose, as they did not meet the objectives that it was created for and intended to achieve and accomplish, that means, quite simply, that the project has been a clear an abject failure.

And yet, instead of acknowledging that obvious fact, they rather decided to double down on it and impose even more restrictions, and now even those of us that are vaxxed cannot go anywhere without showing our identity cards, and we cannot even resume the activities that we were told the passports would allow us to when they were implemented.

So yeah, I can’t say that I blame the people who are against passports, as they have clearly and irrefutably been shown to be ineffective, and for all intents and purposes utterly useless.

Especially when you consider that with the percentage of unvaxxed people being negligible with an over 85% vaccination rate nationwide, the fact of the matter is that it is us vaccinated folks who were able to spread the virus amongst the population at large.

But sure, let’s keep the passport and impose even more restrictions instead, for it has clearly shown to be effective in reducing transmission among the populace, and it’ll allow the rest of us to resume our lives and not have to live through another lockdown.

Because THIS time, it’ll surely fulfill its intended mandate and purpose, no doubt about it.
Bravo, it won’t stop the hot takes and bullshit here though.
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Lafleurs Guy

Jul 20, 2007
This is the canadian version of Jan 6 in the states. What do you think would be these peoples reaction to something from the other side. What if they hung a gay pride flag on Terry fox? What if "commies" had parked at the cenotaph? I was always taught that putting oneself in anther shoes can reframe your perspective. This is an abject lesson in that very thing.
I would speak out against it. And I would do so loudly.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2018
You mentioned Trudeau multiple times in your rant against vaccine passports. There is no federal vaccine mandate or passport so I don't understand why you or anyone would even mention the feds in the first place.

It makes zero sense.
There is on federal employees. Members of parliament can get an exemption while very few service men and women could. They made people go through the process knowing damn well they were going to deny them. Even service members that experienced issues after their first dose were not giving an exemption. They were given more time. Forcing them to test 3 times a week and treating them as if they were infected all in another attempt to force them into doing something they didn’t want. There was nothing transparent or fair about how they handled these, why make them even bother asking for an accommodation if they can’t get one? I think we know the answer.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2018
Where do you take your news then?
To be honest, I barely put on my TV for anything in the past year. I still pay for cable because it was cheaper to get a bundle than just internet I need for work. I watch the UFC and used to watch the Habs 82 times a year, but I can count the games I’ve watched on TV with one hand.

For the pandemic, I have mostly read papers, followed the entire 8 hour FDA approval video online. I think it was for 5-12 year olds. Data from the CDC, WHO etc. I don’t watch any msm networks anymore, including fox and friends lol. Watched some videos on the Pfizer trial data etc. I follow the gnb.ca Covid updates online as they come out and have to listen to reporter after reporter throw nothing but softballs. No one holds Higgs or Dr. Russell accountable imo. Reporters asking for more lockdowns and shit, it’s maddening tbh, but I like to know what’s going in the province. I follow the rules, but don’t agree with them. Our healthcare system was hurting long before Covid and nothing has been done in 2 years to change that. Forcing unvaccinated nurses to go on pay without leave and then later allowing nurses knowingly positive with Covid 19 to continue to work etc etc. it’s a shit show and has been from the beginning.
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Doc McKenna

A new era 2021
Jan 5, 2009
I would speak out against it. And I would do so loudly.
Just as we should right now. They are lucky the cops are conservative by nature, and even supported anti vax within their ranks. Because we saw what happens to protestors even in designated spots.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
There is on federal employees. Members of parliament can get an exemption while very few service men and women could. They made people go through the process knowing damn well they were going to deny them. Even service members that experienced issues after their first dose were not giving an exemption. They were given more time. Forcing them to test 3 times a week and treating them as if they were infected all in another attempt to force them into doing something they didn’t want. There was nothing transparent or fair about how they handled these, why make them even bother asking for an accommodation if they can’t get one? I think we know the answer.

Yeah also it's pretty clear trudeau wanted the "your papers please" system implemented nationwide with the help of the provinces.

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Registered User
Jun 24, 2018
You've slammed the press and come up with "both sides" type stuff while a convoy is heading to Ottawa. What exactly would you want the press to say here? Should they ignore what's being said by participants? Should they not report on the incendiary language?

What is the press supposed to do here? The whole convoy is a divisive exercise. How are they going to report on this so you'd be happy?
They could you know report that the vast majority of them are there to protest peacefully. That shouldn’t be so hard. There’s been all this talk about violence and 6 Jan and none of it was true.
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