OT: Covid-19 (Part 24) Reunited

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Per Sjoblom

Registered User
Jan 3, 2018
No one likes things being thrown in their direction


:popcorn:That's a keeper, look at those gluteus maximus, even Kriss must be impressed by that musculature. he throws that thing like it was a tennis ball.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2014
In your head
The cop is baiting this guy into taking this breathalyzer, even when the guy admitted he drank, he tells him he doesn't know what the test is and it's pretty obvious from his demeanor the man is just scared and doesn't want to get slapped with handcuffs.

Now they "baited" him into taking a Breathalyzer... :facepalm: 1) someone can feel drunk and not be drunk. 2) The only way to be sure that someone is drunk is by offering him to take a Breathalyzer. 3) They need to be sure that he's drunk, before arresting him.

He was scared because he was apparently on probation... He did not want to return to prison, why did he DUI ?

You don't say....I thought you meant he literally turned into hulk...

Of course you won't.

So let me get that straight, you blame the police officers because they were not strong enough, because the moron took a taser gun after fighting and beating them, because they "baited" him into taking a Breathanalizer and because they arrested him and should have driven him to the "supposed house" of his sister...

You are clueless.

A simple case of a man sleeping turns into a 45 min discussion and a deadly shooting....but sure, this was handled brilliantly!

He was sleeping and the bad cop shot him... :facepalm:

Hey genius, one of them was fired, the other suspended and their chief resigned. So you might want to rethink your ''cops are irreproachable'' stance here.
And apparently they kicked him after he was on the ground shot, and they waited 2 minutes before first aid?? I guess that's all good too.

So every cop who shoots a black person will have to be fired now? Even when they've done nothing wrong as you believe?? That makes sense.
Free ride for black people then? Guilty or not, the cop will be fired. Sure...:facepalm:

Maybe the USA is that messed up. They most likely wanted to appease the rioters who think he was an innocent victim.

Not sure how you can watch this and think the cops did a great job.

The job was not great, in a perfect world it could have stopped if the suspect did not resist. Could have been prevented if the cops were strong enough, but it was not the case and I won't blame them for it.

For one, not insist on the breath test, clearly the man was uncomfortable with it and didn't know what it meant if the result didn't go his way. As soon as the results are out , they try to put the cuffs on him without telling him what they're doing.
The guy wasn't dangerous, they could have simply drove him home or bring him to his sisters.
His car is parked, he was at his daughter's bday so he had some drinks, ya drinking and driving is terrible but he's no longer doing it now, what's so bad about a little leniency and compassion?
No no you're right. He must be arrested or killed.

You want them to drive him to his supposed sister's house ? You want to give the benefit of the doubt to a guy apparently on probation ? I mean he sure has no incentive to lie...

I knew it was coming, "They should not have arrested him."

What kind of B.S is that ? The guy DUI and we want to give him a free pass ? Do you have empathy for human life ? The one that dies under criminals who DUI ? It seems that you have more empathy for the criminals who fight/shot the cops with a deadly weapon... It's disturbing.

He had to be arrested, they tried to do it, but he did not cooperate.

Honestly I'm speechless.

Grate n Colorful Oz

Hutson Hawk
Jun 12, 2007
Hockey Mecca
Yes, you did say it. You drew a direct link between police and sociopaths here:

And here, replying to my post discussing police character traits:

And here:

And the latest copout:

Too bad we didn't keep our discussion to the dominance/narcissism angle, because it's an interesting topic. Yeah, I have read about it, but it's been a lonnnggg time and it had to do with politicians, not police. Unfortunately, we can't talk politics, but we'd probably agree that there's an interesting overlap.

What i said is not "policemen are sociopaths". That's what you acsribed to me, then have the gull to call me out for "exagerating" yet you're the one who turned what I said into a complete generalization.

Please quote me saying exactly what you ascribed to me:

You said "you declared cops to be sociopaths and narssicists"

I never did that. You removed all nuance and qualifiers to turn it into a generalization. You're bordering on trolling. Shameful for a mod.

Lol "interesting overlap". Dominance is a major determinant in both narcissism (most narcissists being sociopaths, or rather, displaying sociopathic traits) and psychopathy, if you actually knew about it. It's textbook psychology. Only the lower end of the antisocial disorder spectrum does not have dominance as a major determinant.

You don't believe there's a higher incidence of psychopathy and narcissism in law enforcement than in the general population, good for you. Keep that fantasy alive, but don't go turning that into some spin about all cops being psychopaths and narcissists.

Btw, my family has close links with law enforcement. I've known quite a few cops in my life, including an ex-director of SQ, all great and nice people.

If ever you're ready to include the nuances to what I say, I'll gladly answer.


May 17, 2014
It was not unloaded, you can clearly see that the taser gun is deployed when the criminal shoot with it and at that moment he got shot.

The officer returned fire at a suspect armed with a spent (unloaded) taser. As soon that taser shot missed the threat level was zero.
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The 2 stooges….
Dec 21, 2012
What i said is not "policemen are sociopaths". That's what you acsribed to me, then have the gull to call me out for "exagerating" yet you're the one who turned what I said into a complete generalization.

Please quote me saying exactly what you ascribed to me:

You said "you declared cops to be sociopaths and narssicists"

I never did that. You removed all nuance and qualifiers to turn it into a generalization. You're bordering on trolling. Shameful for a mod.

Lol "interesting overlap". Dominance is a major determinant in both narcissism (most narcissists being sociopaths, or rather, displaying sociopathic traits) and psychopathy, if you actually knew about it. It's textbook psychology. Only the lower end of the antisocial disorder spectrum does not have dominance as a major determinant.

You don't believe there's a higher incidence of psychopathy and narcissism in law enforcement than in the general population, good for you. Keep that fantasy alive, but don't go turning that into some spin about all cops being psychopaths and narcissists.

Btw, my family has close links with law enforcement. I've known quite a few cops in my life, including an ex-director of SQ, all great and nice people.

If ever you're ready to include the nuances to what I say, I'll gladly answer.
Don’t forget that becoming an officer is like getting your drivers permit when you were 16!


hello my enemies
Aug 12, 2005
What kind of B.S is that ? The guy DUI and we want to give him a free pass ? Do you have empathy for human life ? The one that dies under criminals who DUI ? It seems that you have more empathy for the criminals who fight/shot the cops with a deadly weapon... It's disturbing.

He had to be arrested, they tried to do it, but he did not cooperate.

Honestly I'm speechless.

who's gonna die from a guy whose asleep in a parked car? this is a clear case of calling a cab and giving the guy a warning


Hardline Moderate
Jun 6, 2011
Ya but it needs to be sensationalized because this has been happening for decades and decades, we just have the luxury of technology with cameras everywhere and social media. This is one instance where the ''gotcha'' culture is actually very important.
And it's also quite scary to think about all the stuff we don't actually see. But we know, the Police is full of bad apples, it's not just a small minority.
In the 80s, 10% of Miami's PD was found to be corrupted and involved in a drug related scandal.
In the late 90s, there was the Rampart Scandal where they found 70 cops of the LAPD involved in corruption.
A Jersey Sergeant was arrested for stealing drugs..Chicago has cops on trial for corruption..The Mount Vernon Police Tapes where officers are caught admitting framing innocent people...
There's the real life Shield unit in Baltimore as well...

Like I said, these are just the things we know, I'm sure it's all over the Police force. What is happening today is just terrible for them.
Since I've gotten my driver's license about 20 years ago, my view of cops went down. I never felt like they're there to ''serve and protect'', instead I see 3-4 cops car hiding behind pillars on the highway so they can catch all those evil people driving on the carpool lane after 3pm, I've seen them stop 5 cars in a row.
Or when they hide in the bush and point their radar guns...Heck, I was pulled over because I didn't see a sign saying ''can't turn left on Monday from 7am-9am''...I didn't hurt anybody tuning left that day..I wasn't being reckless..but again, there were 5-6 cops on foot hiding behind trees jumping in front of all the cars who turned left. After getting my ticket, I saw they parked their cop cars on the next street so people couldn't see them.
And when I speak to them, it's always these dumbasses on power trips with zero empathy, can't even crack a smile.
That's what I have in my head when I think about cops.

So ya...I think it's quite important to point out the massive flaws within the police. Reform is a must.
I see the good that social media has done, but because it's viral by nature it's an uncontrolled force that often blows up beyond proportion. Right now there are people who don't trust cops, period. Some of them are right, but it doesn't really matter, because even when they're wrong the perception is out there, and the police are going to need a massive PR campaign to de-escalate the tension every time they show up on a call. Even assuming the police eventually weed out the bad cops and go through a reformation, some people will always distrust cops and the rest of us will continue to form our opinions based on what we see on social media. I don't get how anyone could seriously suggest de-funding police, when the best course seems to be re-funding towards more surgical training and creating links with the public that aren't based on interventions. How much can anyone like or trust cops if their only contact with them has been to be ticketed, questioned, or cuffed?


The 2 stooges….
Dec 21, 2012
What exactly are you debating? You haven’t said anything. What I said what is that there could be a correlation between military veterans and use of deadly force. I’m sorry it triggers you but if you train for years to do a certain task/activity it’s normal that it stays with you and can be hard to unlearn. This has nothing to do with my opinion of combat veterans. I have several friends who served in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Africa. Stop trying to make me look like a bad person for bringing up a valid point.
Officers With Military Experience More Likely to Shoot, Study Says
Shoot who?


Registered User
Mar 29, 2014
Explain to me how it's different.

Neither action warrants the response. Stop victim blaming.

If I walk up to someone and beat them up for no reason, and then people say "he deserved it for wearing a bro shirt and showing his arms" that would be a valid comparison.

That's victim blaming.
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Grate n Colorful Oz

Hutson Hawk
Jun 12, 2007
Hockey Mecca
Don’t forget that becoming an officer is like getting your drivers permit when you were 16!

I'm fully aware of the long process. Fitness tests, psych profile, lie detactors.

You assume the psych profiling is top notch. It is for a certain percentage of the population, but not for everyone. There's extensive research done in creating questionaires and overlapping techniques to detect dishonesty by the applicants in portraying their own behavior. There's been headway, especially in the last 20 years, but the screening process is still flawed. A complete approach would be to replace polygraph tests with fMRI, but it's costly. I know right now in neuro-psychology they're trying to bridge the gap using fMRI to detect where the applicants can fool the tests, to change those parts.


The 2 stooges….
Dec 21, 2012
Enough time to turn around to get shot in the back.

What should have ended as a trip to the county jail ended as trip to the morgue, it's just that simple.
Show me, because your opinion is sure as hell going to be tested in a court of law.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Now they "baited" him into taking a Breathalyzer... :facepalm: 1) someone can feel drunk and not be drunk. 2) The only way to be sure that someone is drunk is by offering him to take a Breathalyzer. 3) They need to be sure that he's drunk, before arresting him.

He was scared because he was apparently on probation... He did not want to return to prison, why did he DUI ?
Baited maybe the wrong word, insisted if you rather.
Why did he DUI while on probation? Because he's an idiot.

So let me get that straight, you blame the police officers because they were not strong enough, because the moron took a taser gun after fighting and beating them, because they "baited" him into taking a Breathanalizer and because they arrested him and should have driven him to the "supposed house" of his sister...

You are clueless.

Maybe putting it into a hockey analogy will be simpler for you. If a single forward is coming down your zone and he dekes out both Dmen, are you going to blame them?
You make it sound like he's Goliath and the cops are David.

Yes, it's their job to neutralize a suspect, it's their job to conserve their weapons, and it's their job to ''serve and protect''. They did none of these things. Guy was passed out, he wasn't a risk anymore, there was no need to use excessive force and they mishandled the situation.

Yes yes I'm clueless and mister student here with a wealth of world life experiences from the sounds of it knows whats up.
He was sleeping and the bad cop shot him... :facepalm:

No man, he was a good cop and handled things brilliantly remember? Hence his promotion to unemployment.

Maybe the USA is that messed up. They most likely wanted to appease the rioters who think he was an innocent victim.

Or maybe not and they are gone because they handled things poorly. Or maybe the Police Department is clueless too and you hold the truth.

The job was not great, in a perfect world it could have stopped if the suspect did not resist. Could have been prevented if the cops were strong enough, but it was not the case and I won't blame them for it.
They didn't do a good job, the guy was a bozo. He still did not deserve to die. That's all there is to it.

You want them to drive him to his supposed sister's house ? You want to give the benefit of the doubt to a guy apparently on probation ? I mean he sure has no incentive to lie...

I knew it was coming, "They should not have arrested him."

What kind of B.S is that ? The guy DUI and we want to give him a free pass ? Do you have empathy for human life ? The one that dies under criminals who DUI ? It seems that you have more empathy for the criminals who fight/shot the cops with a deadly weapon... It's disturbing.
It's disturbing because you can't even understand the point. You have a wall of simplicity in front of your face ''guy resisted arrest, grabbed a taser from the cops, ran, aimed/shot, and they killed him in response'' justified, case closed.

Because you don't deserve to die for a DUI, even if you resist arrest and get a hold of a taser.
Do you know why he was DUI...do you know why he has his rap sheet...do you know his upbringing and the struggles of his life? I guess who gives a crap about any of this because OMG he stole the taser and shot it at the cops! Kill that guy! :facepalm:

He had to be arrested, they tried to do it, but he did not cooperate.

Honestly I'm speechless.
No he didn't have to, just like cops didn't arrest me when I was trespassing lost wasted and instead they just drove me home, didn't even give me a big ticket, just a tiny fine so they can file something in response to call.
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May 17, 2014
Show me, because your opinion is sure as hell going to be tested in a court of law.

Well I'm not the prosecution and you are not the jury. So we are not going anywhere with that line of thinking.

And AFAIK, neither officers entered a plea yet. I'm guessing one is going to take a plea-barging since he is state witness in the case, we'll see for the other.


The 2 stooges….
Dec 21, 2012
Well I'm not the prosecution and you are not the jury. So we are not going anywhere with that line of thinking.

And AFAIK, neither officers entered a plea yet. I'm guessing one is going to take a plea-barging since he is state witness in the case, we'll see for the other.
So be it if they are guilty! Seriously.
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