OT: Covid-19 (Part 23) Takin' it to the street

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Registered User
Mar 29, 2014
what is there to discuss ? at one point you can't excuse everything. I mean if it comes out that Chauvin got bullied is school, will it make more sense to you? If floyd told him he was going to kill his dog, will it change anything? WE pay the police force to hold the moral high ground in those situations and break the cycle of hate, not create it. Of course you can make excuses for everything, but the buck needs to stop somewhere. Resisting an arrest doesn't lead you to take punches or die, it doesn't work like that. There are no logical narratives that would shift the blame to the victim. What if the person is mentally ill ? drunk? depressed? hit them harder ?

Let's take the example of Allan Adam, These cops have pepper spray, tie wraps, tools available to them to deal with situations that could go south. He punched that man because he wanted to, not because it was necessary. The root of the problem is that the RCMP came out and said after the video that it didn't picture officers using excessive force. So my point is, I guess we are not enough people ''parotting consensus'' for things to change. And by providing context like you do, you open the door to the kind of thinking that leads the RCMP to conclude that there is nothing to see here. There is a greater good to be reached for when situations like this present themselves, and by shifting part of the blame you contribute to prevent change, not create it. There will be no reforms at all if you don't display your outrage, so don't see yourself as someone above all those people taking it to the streets. Without them, the conversation you are trying to have is pointless.

Again, and this is getting tiresome, I'm not excusing anything. I'm not justifying. I'm not shifting blame. I'm not agreeing with actions.

By all means, display your outrage, I'm not the one claiming there is something wrong with you for sharing your opinion or discussing the matter.

And why say "so don't see yourself as someone above all those people taking it to the streets"? I certainly don't, so why are you saying that to me, instead of whoever it's meant for, that being whoever said they're better than the protestors?

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Who said we're going to solve police reform on a HF forum over a few posts? I certainly didn't. I just feel that if we're discussing the matter, nothing I've said should be considered out of bounds in any discussion.
I was simply making the point.

I think police reform should be and is the major talking point. That doesn't mean some of can't discuss other aspects of the situation.

You can discuss police training, and comparisons with military training. I may or may not jump in and share my thoughts. I welcome any conversation in general.
I have mentioned it before, while some are suggesting defunding the police, I think the opposite might be needed. Invest more, make the training programs a lot more thorough and in depth, put a lot of that into psych training, if you're a frail 80lbs woman or an out of shape 300lbs men..obviously you shouldn't have a job where physical confrontations may occur. It should also be ongoing.
Make becoming a police officer more difficult and with that, increase the pay.

If you care to address how many packs of gum can be stolen, or how many warnings given to a specific person before arrest, that would be great. Because even though "it's only a pack of gum", you can't just let people steal all the gum in a dep over and over. Eventually something must be done to change the behavior.
I don't care to address the finer details of ''how many packs of gum can be stolen''. I wasn't being literal, just saying the focal point of discussion should be police reform.


Registered User
Mar 29, 2014
Yeah, let's not talk about how or why it leads up to you getting arrested in the first place. smart. Techniques like stop and frisk were used not too long ago. I think you need to go do some reading, it might affect your worldview.

I'm aware of stop and frisk. Why would I need to read about it?

Also, the cases I've seen where resisting arrest escalated the situation did not involve the use of stop and frisk. They involved someone breaking the law, and being arrested.


Feb 16, 2007
The Island
You know what really pisses me off? I have fat/large head, and these f***ing face masks take away all of my peripheral vision and my depth perception! I shit you not! I was trying to unload my grocery cart yesterday while wearing a mask. I kept on bumping into the safety plexiglass walls, on my left and right, while trying to gain focus on an item in the cart!
My wife saved me LOL
You might be wearing it wrong.



Registered User
Mar 29, 2014
I was simply making the point.

I have mentioned it before, while some are suggesting defunding the police, I think the opposite might be needed. Invest more, make the training programs a lot more thorough and in depth, put a lot of that into psych training, if you're a frail 80lbs woman or an out of shape 300lbs men..obviously you shouldn't have a job where physical confrontations may occur. It should also be ongoing.
Make becoming a police officer more difficult and with that, increase the pay.

I agree 100%.

I don't care to address the finer details of ''how many packs of gum can be stolen''. I wasn't being literal, just saying the focal point of discussion should be police reform.

Yes, and part of your ideas on police reform involve having a conversation with the suspect, instead of arresting them. That is a possible avenue, but what happens when the conversations fail to change the behavior? Eventually the criminal will need to be detained or something similar, unless you are willing to just let people steal whatever they want. Once we have replicators, like in Star Trek, this will all be a moot point but until then, there is a problem.


Oct 7, 2017
Unbelievable the people who're throwing their mask on the ground (I've seen that)...

The Earthians have reached the bottom...


Registered User
Apr 7, 2014
In your head
It's very obviously fake and not actually by a history professor. Not that it really matters if it were, but the idea that it was written by a black UC Berkeley history professor is supposed to add credibility to the claims. People have already looked into it, there is only 1 black male professor in this faculty and 2 black female professors (one is not American, while the letter claims to be by an American). None of these people wrote the letter as they all support BLM, and considering they claim to want anonymity for fear of being fired, doesn't really make much sense to say you are a black UCB history professor when that effectively identifies you right off the bat.

I don't understand why someone would post things without examining the validity first. Here, an obvious fake letter, and before, actual neo-nazi talking points. "Honest mistake" he claims.

It's apparently a fake, but good points are made.

Regardless of who talk the points, if they are valid, who cares ? I posted things from reddit, I can't know the meaning of every username. It seems hard to understand for you.

You are still bitter, because I disagree with you ? If you want to believe that I'm a white supremacist, but I'm not white. At least has decency to tag me... Don't insinuate something, say it. You have no balls, even on an anonymous board...

You are the kind of person who thinks that every guy from the right is a nazi... I can't help you.


No Reverse Gear
Jan 1, 2010
Badges, we don't need no stinking badges.

Gun sales are up 72 percent year over year for April, and 80 percent for May in the States.


waffledave, from hf
Aug 22, 2004
It's apparently a fake, but good points are made.

Regardless of who talk the points, if they are valid, who cares ? I posted things from reddit, I can't know the meaning of every username. It seems hard to understand for you.

You are still bitter, because I disagree with you ? If you want to believe that I'm a white supremacist, but I'm not white. At least has decency to tag me... Don't insinuate something, say it. You have no balls, even on an anonymous board...

You are the kind of person who thinks that every guy from the right is a nazi... I can't help you.

I'm sorry, but on principle I do not engage directly with white supremacist talking points or anyone who regurgitates and spreads them to others on the internet.
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Registered User
Apr 7, 2014
In your head
Yet you paint yourself in the corner by saying george floyd wasn't a saint when its completely irrelevant. Even if he was a murderer he is entitled to a trial and due legal process. Depriving him of that is the ultimate crime here. When cops run around acting like jury, judge and executionner in our society there is a f***ing problem, and that's what we are all discussing. You sir, are completely off topic. I don't know george floyd and he could be the badest man alive, its still no reason to murder him in broad daylight.

You can't make it "less wrong"

But who said the killer cop did the right thing ? NOBODY ! It was not a reason to murder him.

You can be against both acts, it's not mutually exclusive. Floyd was not a good human being and people needs to know it. He was riding high as f***, he was not even able to walk properly, he has no respect for human life, if it was the case, he would not drive under drugs and risk lives of other people. I have no respect for both.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Yes, and part of your ideas on police reform involve having a conversation with the suspect, instead of arresting them. That is a possible avenue, but what happens when the conversations fail to change the behavior? Eventually the criminal will need to be detained or something similar, unless you are willing to just let people steal whatever they want. Once we have replicators, like in Star Trek, this will all be a moot point but until then, there is a problem.
Well there is no point in going into details as there are endless scenarios. If they approach a man who did a petty crime like stealing a pack of gum, you approach him telling him right away you wont arrest him and just want to chat and his response is to tell you F-off and takes a swing, well, obviously that changes things. As I said though, we can play around a million scenarios, point is change the current approach.

Per Sjoblom

Registered User
Jan 3, 2018
I have a Golden! Bastards can smell a goldfish cracker, wedged in a seat cushion, from my daughter when she was 10...

Same with my current and the old one. I turn on the fan loud, I wait and I can hear him snoring in the bed room, I sneak into the kitchen, put a croque monsieur into the convection oven for 8 minutes. I make sure the bell sound is not heard since I open the door to the oven before it tolls. The fan is blowing loudly in my direction and not into the bedroom. I load up the hot sandwich onto a plate, add some tomatoes and cucumber. I sneak out of the kitchen into the living room and wham, there he sits waiting looking like he's in deep sorrow with his brown eyes. If I ignore him he starts pounding the back of my chair until I give in, I always give in. :)


Hardline Moderate
Jun 6, 2011
Obviously not during the act itself, that's preposterous. I'd be trying to stop the murder.

However, if I wanted to figure out how these things happen, I would consider that him being the victim of violence might have played a role in any violence he himself committed.
We are where we are because of the disgusting actions of the police officers, not because of Floyd's past. Once Floyd was restrained, his past became irrelevant. At that point, the show was over and all the officers needed to do was to act professionally. Instead, they just sat there on a subdued man's neck for 400 seconds and allowed him to die, which created this entire shitshow. They had 400 seconds to act professionally, or even humanely, and refused. Nobody's past has anything to do with those crucial minutes when years of training failed four police officers. Or maybe they failed their training. That's where the focus needs to be, not on Floyd, who was just another unspectacular suspect who got in the way.


Registered User
Mar 29, 2014
Well there is no point in going into details as there are endless scenarios. If they approach a man who did a petty crime like stealing a pack of gum, you approach him telling him right away you wont arrest him and just want to chat and his response is to tell you F-off and takes a swing, well, obviously that changes things. As I said though, we can play around a million scenarios, point is change the current approach.

I provided a very specific scenario.

The thief refuses to stop stealing. Let's say he's a POC.

So, the cops tried talking to him. He doesn't care. Eventually he needs to be arrested for theft. They go to arrest him and he resists (I'll accept the notion provided earlier in the thread and say he even resists out of fear, whether warranted or not). Do police then take steps to make sure he complies? Do they hold him on the ground until someone sedates him with drugs? Call up another POC from a special department created just to assist in the arrests of POC to come in and speak to him further so he feels more at ease and allows himself to be put in the vehicle? What if he doesn't trust them either? Do they just let him go since he's scared of police? What are the people we pay to police supposed to do? Specifically?

This isn't just about police training, it's about interactions with police, and interactions aren't one sided.
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