OT: Coronavirus XXXV: Y'all Got Any More of Them Vaccines?

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Mar 1, 2007
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Jul 27, 2006
A thread by Dr. Deena Hinshaw

Here is a summary of today’s #COVID19AB update.

Over the last 24 hours we have identified 573 new cases and completed 10,894 tests, giving a positivity rate of 5.3%. (1/3)

There are presently 676 people in hospital, including 114 in intensive care. Sadly I must also report 13 new deaths. My thoughts go to everyone mourning a loved one today. (2/3)

Please continue to follow the measures currently in place. Every action we take can help reduce our case numbers and hospitalizations. Refrain from indoor gatherings, wear a mask in all indoor public settings, and stay home when sick. (3/3)


Registered User
Jul 27, 2006
A thread by Dr. Deena Hinshaw

Here is a summary of today’s #COVID19AB update:

There are 463 new cases with 9,511 active cases across Alberta. An additional 10,237 tests were completed over the last 24 hours, giving a positivity rate of 4.4%. (1/3)

There are currently 652 people in hospital, including 111 in intensive care. Sadly, I must also report 24 new deaths. My heartfelt condolences go to the families and friends grieving a lost loved one today. (2/3)

We continue to see encouraging signs with the decline in active cases and hospitalizations. Let’s keep the momentum going and follow all public health guidance to reduce the spread of COVID-19. (3/3)


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Jan 4, 2011
2 people in their 20s in Calgary zone among Alberta’s COVID-19 fatalities Saturday

I wonder if autopsies will show something underlying but two young lives lost.
My office mates uncle passed just before Christmas from covid19.
Had underlying issues, but nothing that was life threatening, 60 years old.

I am so damn sick of this shit.

Things are getting better right now in Italy, but many are understandably afraid of yet another wave.
We're at almost 0.27% deaths in a region of 10'000'000 people. Just crazy.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
Some strange and unsettling things creeping up amidst attitudes in coronavirus. I spotted this with the vitriol about the kid skating in the park not wanting to get off the ice.

Now I'm seeing it with the public shaming of the two people that surreptitiously sought vaccine from the Yukon.

Now I'm not defending these people. I would view such actions as cowardly, self important, self serving, and part of the me first avarice that has been ingrained in our society since the elitist me self indulgent 80's.

The reason I'm commenting is the Yukon News decision, and the fire bombing of this around twitter, social media, this going viral, its classic social shame, and as we've seen in past instances the consequence can be death, assault, etc. It can be losing livelihood, jobs etc. The reason identity is outed is for no specific purpose as anger, revenge, and punitive social shame. Whatever the consequences of that may be.

So interestingly in present day we are unabashedly accepting social shaming as a form of punishment, of social media trial, jury, and execution of reputation in one action vitriolic response. Viral damnation. No need for hell.

There are a lot of murderers, criminals embezzlers, lethal drug dealers, rapists that don't see this kind and degree of published vitriol. Presently in society we are reserving our worst anger around those that are involved in Covid 19 in some way. There are dealers of opioids on the streets that have killed people. We reserve none of our vitriol for those kind of pond scum that kill people. That kill even their friends and acquaintances dealing fentanyl, carfentanil. I've rarely seen a drug dealer shamed. I'm aware of drug dealers that are connected to the deaths of 100 people. yet exhume those Facebook accounts and those are the popular people, the dealers of death, with hundreds of friends on facebook and the biggest parties.

We're a strange society that has lost our way. Theres no rules, priorities, or even establishing who the real enemies are. 2 people that cheated a hit of vaccine are the worst criminals in this nations today, if one looks at the rabid social media accounts. Its insane how this disproportionately gets blown up.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2013

What arrogance from these two. Bad enough they jumped the queue to get the vaccine before people at a higher risk than them but they also travelled to an isolated community to do it, putting those people at a greater risk. What do you do with this narcissistic human garbage? They’re wealthy, a fine isn’t going to hurt them.
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Apr 30, 2009
What arrogance from these two. Bad enough they jumped the queue to get the vaccine before people at a higher risk than them but they also travelled to an isolated community to do it, putting those people at a greater risk. What do you do with this narcissistic human garbage? They’re wealthy, a fine isn’t going to hurt them.
Need to actually give them jail time.

Them paying a fine is like giving the average person a warning. Maybe they'll take seriously, but it doesn't really have an impact on them.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
What arrogance from these two. Bad enough they jumped the queue to get the vaccine before people at a higher risk than them but they also travelled to an isolated community to do it, putting those people at a greater risk. What do you do with this narcissistic human garbage? They’re wealthy, a fine isn’t going to hurt them. Might be time to bring back the hangman’s noose...

Respectfully, this is overreaction to the crime I would think.

After decades of community work, family work, Victims services volunteering you know what I've uncovered?

The bolded should be reserved for those that destroy communities, kill children and adults either by gun or by drug and that walk the streets in communites as dealers, gangs, organized crime and with the aiding and abetting and look the other way obeisance. Those people are seldom taken down, seldom reproached, few report them, call the police, or name them, or testify. We accept those terrorists and murderers in our community for some reason. We even worship them in our gangsta entertainment fixation.

Those are the terrorists deserving of nooses.

As I mentioned my opinion of the two virus thefts are that they are pond scum. But its a very common species and a lot worse actions are existing everyday on our streets. But social media run wild with this story because we like to have manufactured enemies. The people that caused this virus/pandemic won't go to jail, they won't be reproached, they caused millions of deaths around the globe. That business and chicanery will continue as media and social media focus on their versions of vermin to be targeted, and seldom if ever landing on the most valid targets..
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Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Some strange and unsettling things creeping up amidst attitudes in coronavirus. I spotted this with the vitriol about the kid skating in the park not wanting to get off the ice.

Now I'm seeing it with the public shaming of the two people that surreptitiously sought vaccine from the Yukon.

Now I'm not defending these people. I would view such actions as cowardly, self important, self serving, and part of the me first avarice that has been ingrained in our society since the elitist me self indulgent 80's.

The reason I'm commenting is the Yukon News decision, and the fire bombing of this around twitter, social media, this going viral, its classic social shame, and as we've seen in past instances the consequence can be death, assault, etc. It can be losing livelihood, jobs etc. The reason identity is outed is for no specific purpose as anger, revenge, and punitive social shame. Whatever the consequences of that may be.

So interestingly in present day we are unabashedly accepting social shaming as a form of punishment, of social media trial, jury, and execution of reputation in one action vitriolic response. Viral damnation. No need for hell.

There are a lot of murderers, criminals embezzlers, lethal drug dealers, rapists that don't see this kind and degree of published vitriol. Presently in society we are reserving our worst anger around those that are involved in Covid 19 in some way. There are dealers of opioids on the streets that have killed people. We reserve none of our vitriol for those kind of pond scum that kill people. That kill even their friends and acquaintances dealing fentanyl, carfentanil. I've rarely seen a drug dealer shamed. I'm aware of drug dealers that are connected to the deaths of 100 people. yet exhume those Facebook accounts and those are the popular people, the dealers of death, with hundreds of friends on facebook and the biggest parties.

We're a strange society that has lost our way. Theres no rules, priorities, or even establishing who the real enemies are. 2 people that cheated a hit of vaccine are the worst criminals in this nations today, if one looks at the rabid social media accounts. Its insane how this disproportionately gets blown up.
Not entirely sure that names get published to protect minors or others in some cases. But I've never seen criminals names being withheld otherwise, so people can be free to go after them on social media, if they choose. Trouble is, they probably are low life losers anyhow, so it wouldn't matter. These two seem to be ones that you would expect to have better moral compasses. The reason they are in the news now, is this the current state our world is in. Murders, rapes etc, continue, and are almost 2nd nature for our terrible news, but this stuff is current. What these two did, doesn't diminish the crimes and effects of the others.

As to your take on the reaction of the guy that wouldn't break up his hockey game and get off the ice and head home. Aren't you the one that was somewhat freaking a bit when winter came, and numbers ramped up, and was afraid to head outside for fear of betting too close to others that weren't masked up or not social distancing? I distinctly recall responding and telling you to chillax and just enjoy getting outside.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
Not entirely sure that names get published to protect minors or others in some cases. But I've never seen criminals names being withheld otherwise, so people can be free to go after them on social media, if they choose. Trouble is, they probably are low life losers anyhow, so it wouldn't matter. These two seem to be ones that you would expect to have better moral compasses. The reason they are in the news now, is this the current state our world is in. Murders, rapes etc, continue, and are almost 2nd nature for our terrible news, but this stuff is current. What these two did, doesn't diminish the crimes and effects of the others.

As to your take on the reaction of the guy that wouldn't break up his hockey game and get off the ice and head home. Aren't you the one that was somewhat freaking a bit when winter came, and numbers ramped up, and was afraid to head outside for fear of betting too close to others that weren't masked up or not social distancing? I distinctly recall responding and telling you to chillax and just enjoy getting outside.

Your memory is way off. I've been going out throughout and have been recommending people do the same. I was the one disputing notions that the virus survives on outdoor surfaces. I was the one last spring predicting that just as with flu season the virus would drop off in the late spring and summer.

More recently I was the one saying that outdoor restrictions, poorly defined, didn't make a lot of sense.

The whole time I've made a distinction between outdoor/indoor environments and with indoors being far more dangerous. You would correctly recall me being the one saying people should not eat indoors in restos, food courts for any reason. take out only.
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Registered User
Mar 24, 2013
Respectfully, this is overreaction to the crime I would think.

After decades of community work, family work, Victims services volunteering you know what I've uncovered?

The bolded should be reserved for those that destroy communities, kill children and adults either by gun or by drug and that walk the streets in communites as dealers, gangs, organized crime and with the aiding and abetting and look the other way obeisance. Those people are seldom taken down, seldom reproached, few report them, call the police, or name them, or testify. We accept those terrorists and murderers in our community for some reason. We even worship them in our gangsta entertainment fixation.

Those are the terrorists deserving of nooses.

As I mentioned my opinion of the two virus thefts are that they are pond scum. But its a very common species and a lot worse actions are existing everyday on our streets. But social media run wild with this story because we like to have manufactured enemies. The people that caused this virus/pandemic won't go to jail, they won't be reproached, they caused millions of deaths around the globe. That business and chicanery will continue as media and social media focus on their versions of vermin to be targeted, and seldom if ever landing on the most valid targets..
I edited the comment because I felt it probably was too over the top for a public forum. That a comment can lead to more serious repercussions than actual committed vile acts is the main problem in our society today and how we’ve gotten to where we are.

I think regular citizens are disgusted by the type of people you mentioned in your previous post and fed up with how most of them are let off the hook with their behaviour because they’re able to claim some type of victimhood. There’s no point left in trying to demand some type of accountability from them. You can become a target yourself for that.

I can live with the vitriol being spewed at these two. Do others deserve some too? Absolutely. Gotta start somewhere. A society without any accountability isn’t getting us anywhere.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
I edited the comment because I felt it probably was too over the top for a public forum. That a comment can lead to more serious repercussions than actual committed vile acts is the main problem in our society today and how we’ve gotten to where we are.

I think regular citizens are disgusted by the type of people you mentioned in your previous post and fed up with how most of them are let off the hook with their behaviour because they’re able to claim some type of victimhood. There’s no point left in trying to demand some type of accountability from them. You can become a target yourself for that.

I can live with the vitriol being spewed at these two. Do others deserve some too? Absolutely. Gotta start somewhere. A society without any accountability isn’t getting us anywhere.

Thanks for the response. My reply wasn't just specific to any posts here, even though I replied to your one comment that you edited. But that our public scorn never or rarely lands on correct targets. Whoever they may be.

The irony perhaps being that this weeks focus will be dealing with these two, and the MSM and social media will be milking it until they find somebody else to hang. But those people invariably are never organized crime, organized drug dealing, etc. It will almost certainly not focus or zero in on why the globe actually has coronavirus. On that front it will be tame, avoid offending, and avoid any accountability you speak of, while millions have died and 100million or more have been severely ill and their health impacted. These 2 vaccine thiefs, in effect, provide a media scapegoat to aid their avoidance of reporting on the criminal behaviors that caused a global pandemic and economic catastrophe. can't focus on that...

We're hardly even allowed to zero in on that and talk about it here.

Alternately try googling one carfentanil or carfentanil dealer that has been social shamed and punished. These people are responsible for epidemic carnage, they kill people, they don't increase their risk, they kill, and its hard to find focus ever landing on such criminal behavior. Our media doesn't touch it, our social media doesn't touch it.

I could argue real accountability is never really at hand because twitter and like factions are so busy telling us what trumped up accountability is. We're being constantly lied to. Thats my take.

Social media condemnation is not a start. Its random, focused on anything, and seldom the real perils that confront us. Due to social media manufactured reality we've never lived in more dangerous times with zero accountability. For instance of a global pandemic, and there will be none.

sad times


Jun 24, 2003
Visit site
Some strange and unsettling things creeping up amidst attitudes in coronavirus. I spotted this with the vitriol about the kid skating in the park not wanting to get off the ice.

Now I'm seeing it with the public shaming of the two people that surreptitiously sought vaccine from the Yukon.

Now I'm not defending these people. I would view such actions as cowardly, self important, self serving, and part of the me first avarice that has been ingrained in our society since the elitist me self indulgent 80's.

The reason I'm commenting is the Yukon News decision, and the fire bombing of this around twitter, social media, this going viral, its classic social shame, and as we've seen in past instances the consequence can be death, assault, etc. It can be losing livelihood, jobs etc. The reason identity is outed is for no specific purpose as anger, revenge, and punitive social shame. Whatever the consequences of that may be.

So interestingly in present day we are unabashedly accepting social shaming as a form of punishment, of social media trial, jury, and execution of reputation in one action vitriolic response. Viral damnation. No need for hell.

There are a lot of murderers, criminals embezzlers, lethal drug dealers, rapists that don't see this kind and degree of published vitriol. Presently in society we are reserving our worst anger around those that are involved in Covid 19 in some way. There are dealers of opioids on the streets that have killed people. We reserve none of our vitriol for those kind of pond scum that kill people. That kill even their friends and acquaintances dealing fentanyl, carfentanil. I've rarely seen a drug dealer shamed. I'm aware of drug dealers that are connected to the deaths of 100 people. yet exhume those Facebook accounts and those are the popular people, the dealers of death, with hundreds of friends on facebook and the biggest parties.

We're a strange society that has lost our way. Theres no rules, priorities, or even establishing who the real enemies are. 2 people that cheated a hit of vaccine are the worst criminals in this nations today, if one looks at the rabid social media accounts. Its insane how this disproportionately gets blown up.

In general I agree with this, but the kid on the rink was mostly douchebaggery by a person followed by whining about it and playing the victim. I suspect by this point people will have moved on and rightfully this shouldn't impact his long term ability to live his life the way he wants with minimal damage to his reputation.

These 2 basically went through an extensive fraudulent plan to get access to something they weren't entitled to that broke many regulations and ultimately put some vulnerable people through unnecessary risk.

The first is more an annoyance, the second is a criminal activity. I'm okay that we all move on after venting against the first activity. This second situation, however, I believe they need to made an example of to deter people from such narcissistic selfish activities. Reality is that any penalty they'd face criminally wouldn't impact them at all because of his financial status, but damage to someone's reputation when they possess such narcissist tendencies is probably the only real penalty they'll feel from this. So good on them. I'm sure in time things will settle down and they'll be able to move on with their lives and hopefully next time they make better choices.

Comparing it the major criminal activities you mention, I'd suggest in those cases the criminal penalty paid should have the desired impact on altering their lives if and when they get caught, unlike this situation as the criminal fine they'd have faced for this is probably not even days pay in their minds.
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