OT: Coronavirus - Start Prepping

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Registered User
Jan 23, 2008
It's not so much being afraid of contracting the Coronavirus, it's moreso when people are afraid of getting it and staying inside which the ramifications become lack of food and essentials. There's no harm in stocking up on non-perishable food, like why not?
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2013
This is off-topic and I'm not looking to get into a debate about this if you disagree, but I wanted to warn my fellow Leaf fans.

We are going to have confirmed outbreaks of coronavirus in Canada and the United States over the next week or two. Toronto and Vancouver are the most likely places for it to start spreading. The numbers will get bigger and they will not be able to stop the spread. There will be a run on grocery stores and everyone will be staying in their homes.

I just wanted to warn everyone to get prepared for a SHTF scenario. Stock up on food and whatever else you will need to survive in your house for many months. Get extra supplies so you can help your friends and family who don't prepare. Buy things with a long shelf life that you normally consume anyways. If I'm wrong, you'll use everything eventually. Buy diapers (+ formula if not breast feeding) if you have a baby. Buy lots of pet food if you have pets. Get lots of medication if you need to take prescription medication. Bags of white rice are going to be the most valuable thing you can buy. Toilet paper will be one of the first items to be sold out everywhere.

I don't mean to panic anyone, but this is happening now. Better to panic first before everyone else does. I don't normally discuss politics or topics like this on here. I stick to talking about hockey here. But I figured I might as give a warning to my fellow Leaf fans. The more people who are prepared, the better. I don't have any special inside information or anything like that. I've just been following the developments on this virus very closely for over a month. I'm fully prepped at this point. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up before the craziness starts.

I think it may reach the point where they either have to cancel the NHL season or have teams playing in empty stadiums like they're doing for soccer matches in Italy.
Complete overreaction. The mortality rate is very far below what they experienced with SARS and MERS


Registered User
Oct 6, 2011
The masks are virtually useless for people trying to avoid getting the virus. The only people that should be wearing them are the ones with the virus to stop them spreading it through coughing and sneezing.
The subway is full of jerks who just hack and sneeze without even covering their mouths at the best of times. I doubt they are going to wear masks


Aug 18, 2008
I’ll tell you all what I hear.

All the medical professionals in my family (my wife included) have told us to keep this on your Radar.

Keep washing your hands, even if you’re not going to have a meal etc, just stay in that habit.

Stock up on medical supplies, don’t worry so much about food etc but just have things to cover symptoms.

Prepare to quarantine yourself or a loved one if they get flu like symptoms.

The virus IS worse than the flu.

The virus can be in your for 10+ days before you feel symptoms, so no matter how you feel keep sanitizing etc.

Overall they say don’t let it completely overtake your life but it isn’t a joke and we all have to do our part in containing it.


Registered User
Feb 5, 2018
I find it crazy people still get those shots and still get the flu. I havent had a shot since I was a kid and havent had the flu since I was really young and I'm almost 29 now. Maybe if people are better they'd be healthier?
It’s called herd immunity


Oct 22, 2019
Doesn't washing your hands too much and living too much in bubble wrap take away from your immune system's ability to get stronger and those who are obsessively clean get sick more often because of a weak immune system? How does all that tie into this?


Grown Menzez
May 1, 2013
Doesn't washing your hands too much and living too much in bubble wrap take away from your immune system's ability to get stronger and those who are obsessively clean get sick more often because of a weak immune system? How does all that tie into this?
More ground bacon for me


Oct 22, 2019
More ground bacon for me
Meh personally always found bacon highly overrated and felt a lot of its popularity had to do with the classic American dream/classic Canadian stereotype/hyping. The whole bacon, beer, hockey, and medium rare steaks kinda thing. I feel like people who are neutral about it or think it's just okay won't say it because of the stereotype around it.

I personally much prefer a medium rare new York/rib eye or if we're including junk food, the GOAT food of all imo, warm, fresh, and soft chocolate chip cookies.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2013
10-15% of people require hospitalization, and if you combine that with how infectious it is, the issue isn't necessarily the 2% chance you could die, but the chance you won't be able to seek treatment when our already over-burdened medical system on a good day, has to deal with a million more patients than it's designed to handle.

that death rate would also seriously climb in a situation of cascading failure.

the FDA is already saying there is a shortage of certain medical supplies, but aren't saying what to avoid hoarding/panic.

also consider the supply chain if everything has to be put on hold for 3-12 months.

it's pretty apocalyptic, perhaps not in a biblical sense, but it very well could result in the end of the world as we currently operate, for a significant amount of time.
In what way? All sporting and entertainment events cancelled across the globe? All travel curtailed? The severe devaluation of all financial markets causing a depression such as 1929? Civil wars or WW3?


Oct 22, 2019
In what way? All sporting and entertainment events cancelled across the globe? All travel curtailed? The severe devaluation of all financial markets causing a depression such as 1929? Civil wars or WW3?
Yes I think that's more along the lines of what he was getting at aside from the wars part and not to that magnitude more so than everyone dying off. We're all very interconnected these days, more than ever before, but at the same time more isolated than ever before. Topic for a different day though I guess


Registered User
Nov 16, 2013
Children are more susceptile than young/middle aged adults. A healthy child's immune system is not as good as a healthy adult's.
Actually the data from China suggests that very few children under the age of 15 get the virus; Average age is 47 and 58% are male.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2017
"the analysis of death cases, it emerged that the demographic profile was mainly male, accounting for 2/3, females accounting for 1/3, and is mainly elderly, more than 80% are elderly over 60 years old, and more than 75% had underlying diseases present such as cardiovascular and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and, in some cases, tumor."

Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer

Sorry man I'm not really worried.
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2013
we have 4 kids, and we went out for lunch earlier today.

just to be safe, we were all wearing face masks - better safe than sorry.

we flipped up the mask to take a bite, then flipped down again while chewing/swallowing. don't want to mess around with this.

yeah we got some strange looks but who cares.

The face masks are only useful if someone with the virus coughs or sneezes directly on you. In certain parts of the world where people are less likely to cover up when coughing ( or cough into a sleeve or handkerchief) it's a good idea.


~ ~ (ړײ) ~ ~
Feb 26, 2004
Look after the sick and old in your family by keeping vigilant with hand washing and cleaning surfaces etc. Most of us might get off with a cold and a shit-kicking flu, but your parents/Grandparents/Diabetics/sick in your family and circle of friends need to be looked after.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2013
I’ll tell you all what I hear.

All the medical professionals in my family (my wife included) have told us to keep this on your Radar.

Keep washing your hands, even if you’re not going to have a meal etc, just stay in that habit.

Stock up on medical supplies, don’t worry so much about food etc but just have things to cover symptoms.

Prepare to quarantine yourself or a loved one if they get flu like symptoms.

The virus IS worse than the flu.

The virus can be in your for 10+ days before you feel symptoms, so no matter how you feel keep sanitizing etc.

Overall they say don’t let it completely overtake your life but it isn’t a joke and we all have to do our part in containing it.

Yes it is worse than the flu. Mortality rate is 10 times more but its not the epidemic that some are making it out to be.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2012
Complete overreaction. The mortality rate is very far below what they experienced with SARS and MERS

percentage yes. Death toll. No. If 2 percent die and 30 million people get it..

It’s highly contagious. There is a graph online that shows day by day compared to the other viruses and it dwarfs SARS for infection rate. R naught between 1.7-4


Registered User
Jun 24, 2012
Yes it is worse than the flu. Mortality rate is 10 times more but its not the epidemic that some are making it out to be.
It’s already an epidemic. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes a pandemic.

Community spread is already happening in USA.
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