Coronavirus discussion thread (no political debates) V

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Mar 4, 2002
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Here in Ontario our taxes are massive so these costs are absorbed by our health care system. Don't know anyone who has received it but Trump is a believer. My point was is you fall sick here and are hospitalized at least there is a treatment today whereas back in spring we had NOTHING. Numbers are showing less people are dying so it is worth it. Unless the latest strain is less virulent and maybe a placebo would have same affect. Fact is no one knows. But feels better knowing you have an option. Imagine going into hospital, then on oxygen and then a ventilator and there is nothing any doc can provide. Terrifying.

I think it's unlikely that Remdesivir is covered by insurance. Most antibiotics administered by IV in hospitals are not covered.

Either way I'd rather have the cheaper and more effect Ivermectin or HCQ.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
I wasn't overly impressed by the data on Remdesivir - Oh and by the way it costs $5,000 per dose. Ivermectin is about $5.

I’ve heard it’s about 700...knowing how these Pharm co work I wouldn’t be surprised at 5000.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
I see the MTHL has decided to pile on the children and not let them play hockey until January. Sad.

JT AM da real deal

Registered User
Oct 4, 2018
I think it's unlikely that Remdesivir is covered by insurance. Most antibiotics administered by IV in hospitals are not covered.

Either way I'd rather have the cheaper and more effect Ivermectin or HCQ.
To me I don't care if my life is on da line ... 5K or 7K or $700 ... I'd rather take it ... I prefer da option but I can understand if some don't and that's fine with me ... clinical results on phase 2 patients were described by Trump and Fauci as very encouraging and no one died as a result on taking it ... so worst case it is a placebo and best case you recover faster


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
Kids are not seriously adversely affected by COVID. The total lockdowns are just getting dumb.
It’s been proven they are counter productive.
Kids and young people should be living life as close to normal as possible and taking away physical activity and social interactions will harm them. They don’t do it during flu season, but they do for this. Insane.
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Feb 22, 2019
It’s been proven they are counter productive.
Kids and young people should be living life as close to normal as possible and taking away physical activity and social interactions will harm them. They don’t do it during flu season, but they do for this. Insane.

Not that I am saying we should lockdown, but again, Covid has taken more lifes than the last 5 flu seasons combined. There is quite a substantial difference.

Still, lockdowns are not the answer. Far too many businesses will not recover this time.

As for kids, and young people. They will recover from 8 months of adversity. Some spend their entire lives without being able to play sports, or go to school.

We should however continue to find ways they can continue to be social, continue to be educated and continue to be allowed to participate in physical activity


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
Not that I am saying we should lockdown, but again, Covid has taken more lifes than the last 5 flu seasons combined. There is quite a substantial difference.

Still, lockdowns are not the answer. Far too many businesses will not recover this time.

As for kids, and young people. They will recover from 8 months of adversity. Some spend their entire lives without being able to play sports, or go to school.

We should however continue to find ways they can continue to be social, continue to be educated and continue to be allowed to participate in physical activity
Not for kids. Flu takes a lot more than this. There is no reason to hurt kids, which is what they are doing. Insane.
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Python FTW!
Nov 17, 2013
Not that I am saying we should lockdown, but again, Covid has taken more lifes than the last 5 flu seasons combined. There is quite a substantial difference.

Still, lockdowns are not the answer. Far too many businesses will not recover this time.

As for kids, and young people. They will recover from 8 months of adversity. Some spend their entire lives without being able to play sports, or go to school.

We should however continue to find ways they can continue to be social, continue to be educated and continue to be allowed to participate in physical activity

It has killed more people in less than a year than 5 years of FLU's combined and that is with active draconian mitigations in place, imagine if every country adopted the herd immunity approach?

The cool thing about free enterprise, when business die others pop up in their place. People who have that entrepreneur spirit are not typically deterred by failure. I know of one chef here in town who has had at least 10 business go bankrupt over the last 20 years. Great chef, terrible bookkeeper. He just continues to file for bankruptcy and opens the next spot.

When someone dies from this virus they don't get another shot at life. Sure shutting down is not a great option but the alternative is worse.


Python FTW!
Nov 17, 2013
Actually, they are harming them. Kids aren’t chickens, like some adults.

Harming them because Johnny poorly skates down the ice, never touch the puck and goes home not accomplishing a damn thing? Hey if you want exercise go for a family walk, play ball with your kid. Take the dog for a walk. the memories us older people have of how fun sport was, is not a common memory shared by the new generation, most of them would rather be paying XBOX than break a sweat paying sports.

Oh but you are not allowing the kids to interact, socialize? You mean how a gaggle of them can be with in 5 feet of each other and never say a word to each other because all they do is have their face in that idiot box called a cell phone? True story, I brought my son out for his 19th birthday for his "first" beer at a bar, he brought 5 friends, the beer came and then everyone of them picked up their phone and instead of talking to each other they spent their time sharing Instagram and YouTube videos. So if the argument is shutting down sport is hurting the kids social skills, news flash their social skills are already shit to begin with.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
Harming them because Johnny poorly skates down the ice, never touch the puck and goes home not accomplishing a damn thing? Hey if you want exercise go for a family walk, play ball with your kid. Take the dog for a walk. the memories us older people have of how fun sport was, is not a common memory shared by the new generation, most of them would rather be paying XBOX than break a sweat paying sports.

Oh but you are not allowing the kids to interact, socialize? You mean how a gaggle of them can be with in 5 feet of each other and never say a word to each other because all they do is have their face in that idiot box called a cell phone? True story, I bought my son out for his 19th birthday for his "first" beer at a bar, he brought 5 friends, the beer came and then everyone of them picked up their phone and instead of talking to each other they spent their time sharing Instagram and YouTube videos. So if the argument is shutting down sport is hurting the kids social skills, news flash their social skills are already shit to begin with.

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Nov 17, 2015
He isn't wrong...have your kids do other things for exercise. Teach them new hobbies....from the sounds of it you're aren't doing a good job at trying to help mitigate the affects COVID has had on your kids mental health (if you dont got kids, my apologies, I just distinctly remember you saying you did)
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Python FTW!
Nov 17, 2013
Since we can't escape the virus long term I would suggest we commit mass suicide then!! That would get rid of the virus right?

Cool and while you are at it , remove your seatbelt, start smoking and eat ice cream and ding dongs all day. According to you preventive steps for any cause of death is just silly.


Python FTW!
Nov 17, 2013
Sounds like a total BS story.....It's limited to the handful of kids who wound up in the hospital with COVID which is less than 0.1% of the total. Let's make public policy based on an individual anomalous case study.

Can't get anything past you, millions of Dr's, scientist, are all conspiring just to pull a fast one on you. Not one single kid has any long term negative health effects from Covid. I will pray for any child in your orbit and I'm agnostic.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 12, 2017
Since we can't escape the virus long term I would suggest we commit mass suicide then!! That would get rid of the virus right?
They just don’t understand public health. Lockdowns kill. We know that and they have a far greater impact on a lot more people than SARS-cov2.
Now that we have data we should use that data and let the people that are extremely low risk have a choice to live their lives. Putting unnecessary stress and burden on people and their families is criminal, imo.

Do These same people that don’t want kids playing hockey have a problem with people working in plants providing them with the goods and the food they need to stay in their bunkers.
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Mar 4, 2002
In a van down by the river
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Can't get anything past you, millions of Dr's, scientist, are all conspiring just to pull a fast one on you. Not one single kid has any long term negative health effects from Covid. I will pray for any child in your orbit and I'm agnostic.

You realize that kids die of the Flu every year right? In fact more kids have died of the Flu in 2020 than COVID. Should we just cancel everything indefinitely due to the Flu? Because that has more negative impacts on kids than COVID.

As a middle aged COVID survivor I can tell you that this is now verging on mass hysteria.
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