Coronavirus and General O/T Thread #2

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hot piss hockey
Jul 10, 2014
Comrade, do not speak of OUR macaroni and cheese
If I had a million dollars we wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner
(But we would eat Kraft dinner)
(Of course we would, we'd just eat more)
(And buy really expensive ketchups with it)
(That's right, all the fanciest dijon ketchups, hmm)


Registered User
Jan 2, 2005
OK, let's follow this particular rabbit hole for a bit.

Are you stating that those who do not wear masks are at no additional risk?
Or that there is no significant harm from contracting COVID-19?
Or that COVID-19 is a fabricated phenomenon to begin with?

I just want to make sure I have the right level of denial here, so I can respond accordingly.

Because for any of the above questions, if you skip right past the media - mainstream or otherwise - and talk to the doctors and nurses and other hospital staff that are actually interacting with the people who test positive for COVID-19, then you'd have a very different take on things.

Or are those people making things up too? Keeping family members from seeing their loved ones due to a power grab, or a buyout from the government seeking a New World Order perhaps?

As they say in the medical community, when you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras. This isn't some overly complicated, cloak-and-dagger situation. There's a new virus that's highly contagious. Most people experience mild symptoms, but there are very real instances of illness and death, and not just for the elderly. And until novel vaccines are proven out and circulated, the general population needs to do what they can to mitigate the spread.

But hey, keep on telling me that this is somehow all part of the, "fake moon landing, the earth is actually flat, and the Russians are brainwashing me by adding trace amounts of toxins to every seventeenth box of macaroni and cheese" theory.

  • Masks don't do anything, neither do hankerchiefs or tshirts. Feel free to read the box.
  • There's a death rate of 0.02% so I guess that's the significant harm that you're questioning
  • Not fabricated out of thin air. But certainly from a lab.
  • Denial? Mine or yours? One of us is wrong, and it ain't me.
  • Do you talk to the doctors or the nurses? No, you don't. You do however see the doctors and nurses on "media - mainstream or otherwise". The ones that aren't censored confirm your fear I would assume.
  • I've researched this much m0re than you have. I do have a very different take on this, than you. The message that you are provided with is scripted.
  • If you're giggling at concepts like NWO / One world government then I'd recommend trading in the hockey forum for some other topics for a bit.
  • As for "instances of illness and death"... yes absolutely, just like always. People don't die because their age hits a certain number. They die because their body can no longer fight off illness. Call it Covid 19, influenza or pneumonia.
  • Your last line is weak. Package it up with theories that are seen as ridiculous to make it easier for you to discard.
  • Space landing was faked to win the race
  • Turn off your tv.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2005
If I had a million dollars we wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinner
(But we would eat Kraft dinner)
(Of course we would, we'd just eat more)
(And buy really expensive ketchups with it)
(That's right, all the fanciest dijon ketchups, hmm)

  • Bare Naked Ladies suck


Registered User
Jan 2, 2005
No. The pandemic is because of the f***ing virus. Seriously, I get wanting liberty and wanting freedom to do whatever you please. It is what our country is based on and has been forever. But if there wasn't a literal modern plague floating around jamming our hospitals full of citizens and leaving pockets of our country and most of Europe and Asia and Brazil as damn hellscapes, we wouldn't be talking about all of these different methods.

Like I don't understand why it has to be all or nothing. Is COVID something that is going to end the world? No. It's not fatal enough and we do have plenty of strong actions that we have been able to and will continue to be able to take. Is it something we should take seriously? Abso-f***ing-lutely. We still don't know the long term (1-5+ years) impact of it on people's immune systems. If people have lasting heart/lung damage. We also don't really know the long term effects of sustained shutdowns on the mental well-being of the public. That's why we have to talk in reasonable terms and not get hooked up by demagoguery.

Claypool is not offering any side of the coin. He is just saying "We shouldn't have restrictions because lockdowns don't work." No proof that they don't work, because that proof doesn't exist for the very short term. We are just booming again to scary levels of ICU usage. If we can keep our hospital usage down at a level where those who contract the virus can go get treatment, everything will end up being okay. But we simply cannot continue on the path we are in terms of letting it continue to spread unabated. Mathematics and exponential curves should point that out. We only had about three months of learning that already about how 1 turns into 2 turns into 4 turns into 8 and so on very very quickly.

Lockdowns will not prevent the spread of the virus nor will they eradicate the virus. They will, however, buy us time by disrupting the unchecked spread and allowing our public health workers some kind of little bit of respite.

We do need to keep clear heads about it and look critically at what the lockdowns or any restrictions put in place are actually doing and ensure that the governor or other political entities are not overstepping their bounds and doing things unilaterally when they don't have the power to do so.

Lastly, my brain doesn't countenance people ignoring the reality of the situation in that the virus spreading is very very bad and the economy/society grinding to a halt is very very bad. Like, those two things are not mutually exclusive. We need to pull the lever right now on doing something to throw a speed bump in the Rona's way. We can pull the lever on making sure we're addressing schooling, people's livelihoods (work), and other items shortly. "Throw the gates wide open" may be the opposite message of locking things down tightly. But neither of those are our best weapon to combat what's going on.

5 bucks says your hospital is near empty.


hot piss hockey
Jul 10, 2014
5 bucks says your hospital is near empty.
My mother-in-law is currently in the ER of Troy Beaumont. She had to wait about 12 hours to even get a room because they're at capacity. My wife spoke with multiple nurses, both at the hospital and over the phone. When the nurses themselves are saying things like, "a patient was throwing up on themselves in the hallway, and I couldn't even get them a room or let a family member in to help them because of all the COVID-19 patients"... I'm pretty sure it's a legitimately serious medical situation.

You're trying to spread false information. It's both irresponsible and dangerous.
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Registered User
Jan 2, 2005
Look, I'm not trying to get personal with anyone in jumping into this convo. Most people believe and follow the message that is provided to us. Why wouldn't you. The alternative seems ridiculous. You want what most decent people would want. Safety and compassion for your fella man. Doing your part for humanity by wearing a dirty mask over your face, etc. Flatten the curve, stop the spread. All that good shit. Good for you. Flatten away.

But some people don't believe all that garbage. Once a person knows (or thinks they know) the motivation and plan that steers public opinion, they look at that stuff with full clarity. It's extremely concerning. You watch the global / Rockefeller institutes lie and manipulate the masses and provide data from their own institutions to feed the con. I won't continue on but damn, how can you just live through 2020 and not question the narrative.

It's easy to go with the grain. But silence is complicity. We all know good people that seem like wackos lately. I think it's time to ask yourself why? How can 2 decent people end up such polar opposites in perspective?

Anyway, that's all for me. Continue on. I'll be back for a playoff tracker if our team ever stops sucking.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2005
My mother-in-law is currently in the ER of Troy Beaumont. She had to wait about 12 hours to even get a room because they're at capacity. My wife spoke with multiple nurses, both at the hospital and over the phone. When the nurses themselves are saying things like, "a patient was throwing up on themselves in the hallway, and I couldn't even get them a room or let a family member in to help them because of all the COVID-19 patients"... I'm pretty sure it's a legitimately serious medical situation.

You're trying to spread false information. It's both irresponsible and dangerous.

Spreading false information? Why would I do that?

We went through the same situation during wave 1. Oh noes, the hospitals are all full. Manage the burden. Flatten the curve. Meanwhile, hospitals cancel all non critical procedures to prepare for covid patients that never came. Hospitals take a big financial hit. Huge layoffs. No income stream. Then they're enticed to write covid on everything so they can get gov checks. Good money in hooking up folks to ventilators which caused deaths. Oops. It was very well documented that the hospitals were empty during wave 1. The hospital ships in NY and CA were pretty much empty.

So now, we got wave 2. Are you saying this time there really is patients? Maybe. I'm not sure. But if you have the population scared about Covid during flu season and they have the same symptoms I guess that could lead to lots of folks going to the hospital. I'm unsure though.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2009
Lansing area, MI
5 bucks says your hospital is near empty.

The hospital my wife works at is so full they opened up one of their closed hospitals to transfer less sick patients while they wait to get moved to homes, etc. Currently 110 COVID patients (about 17% of total beds) with 14 on vents. And you think the put people on vents for fun? They have had about 300 COVID positive caregivers out of 3000+ workers who have mostly gotten it outside of work. Why haven’t way more caregivers gotten it? P.P.E! It works. They also have a nurse shortage like a lot of places right now.

How many doctors and nurses are you talking to? How full is your local hospital?


̶W̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶m̶
Apr 16, 2006
New York, NY
Claypool is simply providing the other side of the coin. If your brain won't allow you to explore the alternative, that's on you.

You have the media and the majority of the population feeding you information and confirming your fear. Once you know this, if you ever do, you'll be outraged and embarrassed of how fellow man has responded.

No he’s not. There’s a difference between being having a rational debate about the efficacy of lockdowns and what Claypool’s doing. He’s coping with a difficult situation by leaning into conspiratorial thinking — unless, of course, you believe Big Gubmint is going to start welding people inside their homes, like Claypool’s said multiple times.
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Lil Sebastian Cossa

Opinions are share are my own personal opinions.
Jul 6, 2012
5 bucks says your hospital is near empty.

Tracking Michigan hospital capacity during COVID-19

People still do get sick with other things too. U-M Hospital according to this... 82%. Henry Ford where my dad would have to go, 78%.

Look, I'm not trying to get personal with anyone in jumping into this convo. Most people believe and follow the message that is provided to us. Why wouldn't you. The alternative seems ridiculous. You want what most decent people would want. Safety and compassion for your fella man. Doing your part for humanity by wearing a dirty mask over your face, etc. Flatten the curve, stop the spread. All that good shit. Good for you. Flatten away.

But some people don't believe all that garbage. Once a person knows (or thinks they know) the motivation and plan that steers public opinion, they look at that stuff with full clarity. It's extremely concerning. You watch the global / Rockefeller institutes lie and manipulate the masses and provide data from their own institutions to feed the con. I won't continue on but damn, how can you just live through 2020 and not question the narrative.

It's easy to go with the grain. But silence is complicity. We all know good people that seem like wackos lately. I think it's time to ask yourself why? How can 2 decent people end up such polar opposites in perspective?

Anyway, that's all for me. Continue on. I'll be back for a playoff tracker if our team ever stops sucking.

I understand why. It's a scary time for anyone. A virus is an existential threat that you only have scant, don't even know how well they are working protections against. If there was social engineering and a "plan to steer the massses"... it was going on already, bucko. It's been going on for years and years and years and years. People in power like to hold onto that power and the best way of that is to obfuscate the truth and sow division.

There is a time to question the narrative and there is a time to play along with the narrative. Like the protests against police brutality that happened in the summer this year? Those shouldn't have happened for the very risk of maintaining the spread.

And also... this is where you lose the message. *ALL* of the global institutes are lying? So even places like US v China or India v Pakistan where news reporters from one side would love nothing more than to light them up because of the power struggle between the nations? How about Sweden and Finland? Finland is actually doing quite well. Sweden is not. But both are reporting the same information. There is no way on planet Earth that you could convince all countries to play along and maintain a false narrative that wouldn't fall apart within days

When the White House took the reporting from the CDC, I didn't trust those numbers. When China reported that they'd basically killed the virus in about a month and a half and nobody could verify it, I didn't trust those numbers. But now? When literally every agency in the known world is kicking out similar numbers? Sorry, that's not some cabal cooking the books.
Last edited:

Lil Sebastian Cossa

Opinions are share are my own personal opinions.
Jul 6, 2012
No he’s not. There’s a difference between being having a rational debate about the efficacy of lockdowns and what Claypool’s doing. He’s coping with a difficult situation by leaning into conspiratorial thinking — unless, of course, you believe Big Gubmint is going to start welding people inside their homes, like Claypool’s said multiple times.

Yes. This isn't to say that we ought to just go home and wait for Big Gubmint overlords to tell us just exactly how high to jump, though. Like each person has their own personal responsibility in keeping themselves and others safe. Everything these government agencies say is 100% a guideline or something that they would like us to follow and not a mandate.

Heh, mandate. That sounds like two men going out on a date.


hot piss hockey
Jul 10, 2014
Tracking Michigan hospital capacity during COVID-19

People still do get sick with other things too. U-M Hospital according to this... 82%. Henry Ford where my dad would have to go, 78%.

I understand why. It's a scary time for anyone. A virus is an existential threat that you only have scant, don't even know how well they are working protections against. If there was social engineering and a "plan to steer the massses"... it was going on already, bucko. It's been going on for years and years and years and years. People in power like to hold onto that power and the best way of that is to obfuscate the truth and sow division.

There is a time to question the narrative and there is a time to play along with the narrative. Like the protests against police brutality that happened in the summer this year? Those shouldn't have happened for the very risk of maintaining the spread.

And also... this is where you lose the message. *ALL* of the global institutes are lying? So even places like US v China or India v Pakistan where news reporters from one side would love nothing more than to light them up because of the power struggle between the nations? How about Sweden and Finland? Finland is actually doing quite well. Sweden is not. But both are reporting the same information. There is no way on planet Earth that you could convince all countries to play along and maintain a false narrative that wouldn't fall apart within days

When the White House took the reporting from the CDC, I didn't trust those numbers. When China reported that they'd basically killed the virus in about a month and a half and nobody could verify it, I didn't trust those numbers. But now? When literally every agency in the known world is kicking out similar numbers? Sorry, that's not some cabal cooking the books.
I think the quoted parts and the reply got a bit jumbled up together, but I agree with the spirit of what you're saying.

The "endgame" of conspiracy theories is the part I don't understand. Let's pretend for a second that there really is one or more entities bent on subjugating the masses via misinformation, deception, and various other nefarious activities. And let's also say that said plot is uncovered. And the truth is shared throughout the world.

Is the goal to save the planet via internet message board posts? Or to then have all those riled up individuals stand in the street in protest, which will then somehow undo the control of these mysterious powerful entities?

If there is an effort to take control of the world, and it's effective enough to do things like rig a presidential election or fabricate a global pandemic...whether I or dozens of others or even millions of others get upset about it, it's still happening.

I'm not going to live my life in fear of what might be happening behind the curtain. If that makes me a sheeple or whatever term people want to use, then so be it. But I'm going to keep my family as safe and healthy as I reasonably can, treat others the way I'd like to be treated, and let the rest fall where it may, because that's the extent of my responsibility.

Lil Sebastian Cossa

Opinions are share are my own personal opinions.
Jul 6, 2012
I think the quoted parts and the reply got a bit jumbled up together, but I agree with the spirit of what you're saying.

The "endgame" of conspiracy theories is the part I don't understand. Let's pretend for a second that there really is one or more entities bent on subjugating the masses via misinformation, deception, and various other nefarious activities. And let's also say that said plot is uncovered. And the truth is shared throughout the world.

Is the goal to save the planet via internet message board posts? Or to then have all those riled up individuals stand in the street in protest, which will then somehow undo the control of these mysterious powerful entities?

If there is an effort to take control of the world, and it's effective enough to do things like rig a presidential election or fabricate a global pandemic...whether I or dozens of others or even millions of others get upset about it, it's still happening.

I'm not going to live my life in fear of what might be happening behind the curtain. If that makes me a sheeple or whatever term people want to use, then so be it. But I'm going to keep my family as safe and healthy as I reasonably can, treat others the way I'd like to be treated, and let the rest fall where it may, because that's the extent of my responsibility.

Yeah I did copy pasting that made it look weird. bleh.

Personal responsibility is key.


Jul 29, 2008
Sarasota, FL
Why are people responding to these people? Back in my day we called them trolls. We need to talk about more serious things on this thread.

Can we all agree there is no such thing as a boneless wing? They are all chicken nuggies.


HF still in need of automated text analytics
Mar 30, 2009
Why are people responding to these people? Back in my day we called them trolls. We need to talk about more serious things on this thread.

Can we all agree there is no such thing as a boneless wing? They are all chicken nuggies.

I don't care what it's called. It's delicious.

HOWEVER- I go bone-in wings over boneless wings every time. I'm not really one of those "texture" people but in that instance I am. The messiness is worth it.
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hot piss hockey
Jul 10, 2014
I don't care what it's called. It's delicious.

HOWEVER- I go bone-in wings over boneless wings every time. I'm not really one of those "texture" people but in that instance I am. The messiness is worth it.
The hard core traditionalists will usually say it has to be bone-in and without breading, since that's how they first started in Buffalo. But I'll take chicken wings/nuggets/tenders/patties/strips however somebody is willing to serve them.

But definitely bleu cheese instead of ranch. I'll openly admit I'm snobby about that one.


HF still in need of automated text analytics
Mar 30, 2009
The hard core traditionalists will usually say it has to be bone-in and without breading, since that's how they first started in Buffalo. But I'll take chicken wings/nuggets/tenders/patties/strips however somebody is willing to serve them.

But definitely bleu cheese instead of ranch. I'll openly admit I'm snobby about that one.

Yes that all sounds delicious. Ever since I moved back to MI from Ohio I've really missed Quaker Steak and Lube. Anyone ever been? What say you @Winger98?

Actually, hey @Konnan511, looks like you got one of those near you in Clearwater, FL, eh?

Frk It

Mo Seider Less Problems
Jul 27, 2010
Why are people responding to these people? Back in my day we called them trolls. We need to talk about more serious things on this thread.

Can we all agree there is no such thing as a boneless wing? They are all chicken nuggies.

Boneless wings are not, and should not be called wings.
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Frk It

Mo Seider Less Problems
Jul 27, 2010
Yes that all sounds delicious. Ever since I moved back to MI from Ohio I've really missed Quaker Steak and Lube. Anyone ever been? What say you @Winger98?

Actually, hey @Konnan511, looks like you got one of those near you in Clearwater, FL, eh?

There’s gotta be a local spot around you better than that chain.


3 is a good start
Aug 14, 2011
Can we all agree there is no such thing as a boneless wing? They are all chicken nuggies.

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