Confirmed with Link: Canucks name Quinn Hughes 15th Captain in Franchise History


Registered User
Jun 1, 2019
Giving the best defenseman in franchise history the Captaincy, I really have no problem with this.

I'm happy for Quinn. I hope he excels as the team captain and proves his doubters wrong.
It's really that simple.

Trying to say that Pettersson isn't captain because of a contract dispute is to completely miss the fact that Quinn Hughes has been the leader of this team for nearly 3 years...

In an important game, seconds on the clock... the offensive unit huddles. Who do you think is doing the talking? It's the smartest player on the ice - Quinn.

Pastor Of Muppetz

Registered User
Oct 1, 2017
He's the best choice IMO. I love EP but he just doesn't have the patience to be captain. Could he do it? I think eventually. But there would be growing pains.

JT can't do it, he can barely communicate with the media now without sounding petulant half the time.

Except Quinn most of the blueline are journeymen or brand new. I don't think you can have a guy who is often singlehandedly responsible for losing the team games as Captain so Myers isn't an option.

Boeser is definitely not captain material. Everyone else is just as poor of a choice.
JT is temperamental and unpredictable on the ice, ..but criticizing his interviews, or his interaction with the media is an odd take.

His genuine honesty is a breath of fresh air..When he criticizes the team, he hits the nail squarely on the head..and generally follows it with hard criticism of his own play/behaviour .

He was/ is a lot better with the media than Bo ever was..I like Bo , but his consistent use of worn out cliches' was mind numbing.


Registered User
Jul 11, 2014
Shoulda went with no C
I'm with you. Being captain of the Vancouver Canucks is no picnic. I'm sure it wore down Horvat, and was a major burden to just about everybody who'd ever donned the 'C' for this team. It was a heavy load for Naslund and Linden, and was a disaster for Luongo.

Quinn Hughes plays upwards of 25 minutes a night. He anchors the first unit pp and was even killing penalties last season. And in the third of games where they're behind by a goal or ahead by one, he basically never leaves the ice.

Does he really need the media scrums and all the scrutiny after every game? Seriously? Should have gone with three 'A's--Hughes, Pettersson and Miller.

Petey But Really Jim

May 3, 2021

He's probably my favourite current Canuck, Petey is kinda a dink and J T. kinda a tool.

I've got absolutely no questions about this. I think he will be great.


Unregistered User
May 11, 2011
Great timing an execution imo.
Nothing dramatic like waiting for the home opener to announce it. No need to make it a big deal.
Get it out of the way to squash any more rumors about him wanting to go to NJ.
Get rid of any rumors about who's the next captain, because that would have been a distracting story all season if you ran with 3 Alternates.
Maybe even some internal battles among players trying to shoot for Captaincy which may lead to distractions.


Registered User
Aug 16, 2008
Texel, Netherlands
The critiques in here of Hughes being 'too quiet' are laughable. I know exactly the type that is making those claims - those dudes who can't be bothered to sit around and lay out a plan and would rather work like crazy and not accomplish anything. As opposed to taking five minutes to make an efficient plan and get twice the work done in half the time.

I know your type because you make up a large portion of the BC Wildfire Service unit crews. "Thinking ahead is for nerds! If you're not physically working, you're not doing your job!" While creating far more problems for in an hour and tomorrow.

Hughes is a great choice. Brains > physicality, every time.
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Registered User
Aug 12, 2005
I find it interesting that Horvat when he left had endorsed Petey. I wonder if it's simply a personal preference or he felt Petey was the next man up. But Bo also mentioned that Petey had started speaking up.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2005
This is probably going to be a huge mistake.

Exact same deal as Horvat where they rushed into giving a young player an added responsibility he didn't need because WE NEED A CAPTAIN instead of waiting for the next captain to organically develop.

At literally the first sign of any issues, the fact that our captain is tiny and doesn't hit or fight is going to be seized on by a massive portion of this fanbase and become a major talking point/issue.
I'm sorry but this is literally baseless speculation.

If you're not in the dressing room you don't know whether he's ready or whether it has 'organically developed' already or not.

And then who gives a shit if casual dummies say stupid things?

Three On Zero

HF Designated Parking Instructor
Oct 9, 2012
This is probably going to be a huge mistake.

Exact same deal as Horvat where they rushed into giving a young player an added responsibility he didn't need because WE NEED A CAPTAIN instead of waiting for the next captain to organically develop.

At literally the first sign of any issues, the fact that our captain is tiny and doesn't hit or fight is going to be seized on by a massive portion of this fanbase and become a major talking point/issue.
Those things have nothing to do with being a good captain. Where your captain matters is in the locker room and on the bench. No one gives a flying f*** if your captain is hitting/fighting


Registered User
Jan 19, 2008
Absolutely the right call IMO.

Hughes has the cool, calming personality you want from a leader not to mention he's arguable our most skilled player. Miller throws tantrums more often than a preschooler and Petey's personality/contract status don't make him a good candidate for captain. I have no doubt that QH is the right choice here.

And for those saying that we should've went with no captain there is no way that the team would do this. Only very young/rebuilding teams have no captain. This team has made it clear time and again their goal is to make the playoffs and a team aiming to make the playoffs absolutely has to have a captain.


May 19, 2011
I think you can be a good captain without fighting or being super physical, those contribute to being a leader, but there are many other ways to inspire a team and lead the charge.

And yes, I think Miller is on board.

And had an edible.

Or maybe a box of edibles.


What? Who said two things cannot be true at the same time???
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Mar 18, 2002
Vancouver, BC
I'm sorry but this is literally baseless speculation.

If you're not in the dressing room you don't know whether he's ready or whether it has 'organically developed' already or not.

And then who gives a shit if casual dummies say stupid things?

Those things have nothing to do with being a good captain. Where your captain matters is in the locker room and on the bench. No one gives a flying f*** if your captain is hitting/fighting

I feel like these takes are very naive.

Being a captain in a Canadian market is a miserable task at the best of times and we've seen it eat guys alive here, Horvat most recently. It's not right or fair but as soon as this team hits any sort of bump in the road, there is a massive Rock'em Sock'em portion of this fanbase who are going to zero in on 'soft American no-hit captain' as the reason for everything that's wrong. And what exactly is being gained from putting the player through this?

As for whether he's a good leader in a vacuum, I have no idea. If he is, great. Just let him be and keep working on improving as a player.

I've felt like NHL captaincies are stupid and pointless for a long, long time dating back to the Messier/Linden fiasco and I utterly fail to see what is gained by hanging this albatross on a young player.

Peter Griffin

Registered User
Feb 13, 2003
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I feel like these takes are very naive.

Being a captain in a Canadian market is a miserable task at the best of times and we've seen it eat guys alive here, Horvat most recently. It's not right or fair but as soon as this team hits any sort of bump in the road, there is a massive Rock'em Sock'em portion of this fanbase who are going to zero in on 'soft American no-hit captain' as the reason for everything that's wrong. And what exactly is being gained from putting the player through this?

As for whether he's a good leader in a vacuum, I have no idea. If he is, great. Just let him be and keep working on improving as a player.

I've felt like NHL captaincies are stupid and pointless for a long, long time dating back to the Messier/Linden fiasco and I utterly fail to see what is gained by hanging this albatross on a young player.
How do you know the media “ate Horvat alive”? He had likely his best offensive season ever under his perhaps “toughest” season as captain given trade and contract speculation as well as poor play from the team overall. I think you’re completely overblowing the effect being captain will have on some of these players. Quinn for example has been in the limelight since he was a teenager, I don’t think this is going to have the effect on him you think it will. Certain players strive to have the admiration and challenges that come with being a captain. Calling it an “albatross around his neck” is frankly pretty comical.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2011
Surrey, BC
How do you know the media “ate Horvat alive”? He had likely his best offensive season ever under his perhaps “toughest” season as captain given trade and contract speculation as well as poor play from the team overall. I think you’re completely overblowing the effect being captain will have on some of these players. Quinn for example has been in the limelight since he was a teenager, I don’t think this is going to have the effect on him you think it will. Certain players strive to have the admiration and challenges that come with being a captain. Calling it an “albatross around his neck” is frankly pretty comical.

Agreed. I think the idea that this captaincy will somehow sideswipe Hughes' development as a player is pretty ridiculous. Hughes has a natural composure about his personality and I don't think our media in all their ignorance will be able to distract him with hit pieces, rumours or whatever they are spewing.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2005
I feel like these takes are very naive.

Being a captain in a Canadian market is a miserable task at the best of times and we've seen it eat guys alive here, Horvat most recently. It's not right or fair but as soon as this team hits any sort of bump in the road, there is a massive Rock'em Sock'em portion of this fanbase who are going to zero in on 'soft American no-hit captain' as the reason for everything that's wrong. And what exactly is being gained from putting the player through this?

As for whether he's a good leader in a vacuum, I have no idea. If he is, great. Just let him be and keep working on improving as a player.

I've felt like NHL captaincies are stupid and pointless for a long, long time dating back to the Messier/Linden fiasco and I utterly fail to see what is gained by hanging this albatross on a young player.
You have a strong opinion that is not based on experience.

Do you think that basically all NHL teams name captains merely because of tradition and formality and they just lack the courage, conviction, or clarity to see it your way?

Leadership is important in any group with a goal and delegating forms of that leadership is helpful, that's not only true in hockey but it is certainly true in hockey.

Further, when teams start making moves to appease joe sixpack they have already lost. "What if Joe sixpack thinks it's stupid to have a forward on the point on the powerplay? If we give up a breakaway he will make fun of the forward on the point".

And...? Who gives a f***?

Being a captain on a Canadian team that is incredibly dysfunctional from ownership on down is a difficult task in a Canadian market. I don't think it was the C that 'ate Horvat alive'. I'm not even sure what you mean by him being eaten alive.

I think it was being on a team that handled the financial effects of Covid in an appallingly shortsighted and stupid way that broke our team's culture.

Not knowing when to move off of the old GM. Hamstringing the new leadership team with a coach they didn't want and then failing to act for far too long when that drama played out publicly.

You literally admit that you don't know if he's a great leader, but you're certain that the captaincy hinders him and won't help him.

It's funny the hindsight bias that occurs in this fanbase.

For example, a lot of people point at Markus Naslund as a failed captain while failing to note that he absolutely rose to the occasion of being captain. That responsibility and respect helped take him from a decent top 6 'star' to a superstar who was in the running for almost all trophies he was eligible for (not the selke).

Then, the same people who spout out of one side of their mouths that we have a team composition problem because we have a bunch of wingers and not enough elite centers or D, will then blame one of the best wingers in our history (Naslund) for not being able to elevate a team that was built around 2nd pairing D, 2nd line centers, two elite wingers, and a goalie who frequently choked when it counted.


Why do people so often need to be the smartest person in the room with a strong ready opinion about things they don't understand.

If we see a ton of dysfunction over the next 3 years then by all means, you can tell us that Hughes wasn't a good pick.

But for someone in an arm chair 50 miles away from Rogers Arena to be dead certain that this is stupid, captaincy is dumb, he's the wrong pick etc etc just seems like noise for the sake of noise.


Jul 31, 2015
I feel like these takes are very naive.

Being a captain in a Canadian market is a miserable task at the best of times and we've seen it eat guys alive here, Horvat most recently. It's not right or fair but as soon as this team hits any sort of bump in the road, there is a massive Rock'em Sock'em portion of this fanbase who are going to zero in on 'soft American no-hit captain' as the reason for everything that's wrong. And what exactly is being gained from putting the player through this?

As for whether he's a good leader in a vacuum, I have no idea. If he is, great. Just let him be and keep working on improving as a player.

I've felt like NHL captaincies are stupid and pointless for a long, long time dating back to the Messier/Linden fiasco and I utterly fail to see what is gained by hanging this albatross on a young player.
I think you give the captaincy too much meaning despite your conundrum about it being pointless. Ironically, it’s the people who are making bold claims like “he’s not ready to withstand the Canadian market” or “he’s too young” are the ones who are creating uncertainty and causing the disruption of this news.

Watch the press conference again and you’ll understand why Hughes is the right choice for the captaincy.

In a lot of ways, he’s similar to Patrice Bergeron. Boston didn’t need Bergeron to be a loud voice in the locker room, nor drop the gloves every time someone so much as looks at a teammate the wrong way. It’s all about the principles.

It’s the approachability, the apparent values he shares and instills in the locker room, as Tocchet describes, someone who mixes with other parts of the team especially when you consider his age and being able to relate to some of the guys who’s aren’t much younger than him who are looking for someone that they can lean on. A lot easier to talk to a 23 year old than a 30 year old rambunctious 10 year veteran. It’s the hockey smarts and genuinely being the smartest guy and most pivotal player on the ice. It’s Quinn playing 25-29 minutes a night, it’s his ability to completely shift the tide of the game.

Quinn is easily the best choice for captaincy. I would’ve been fine with any option for the record, however Quinn is more than qualified.


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