Post-Game Talk: Jets lose 5-2

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Nov 11, 2016
The Jackets showed us that even if the Jets were to squeak into the playoffs , we are no where near Cup contention. They just didn't beat the Jets, they embarrassed the Jets...they showed we aren't anywhere near the same level they are at.
So did the team that just barely snook into the playoffs...namely the leafs.

Next game against minnesota is a test on about the same scale as this game against columbus was.. i want to be so optimistic but its hard.

Atleast they won against a playoff team in edmonton :)


Registered User
May 18, 2010
Between the Pipes
It's not how you start the's how you finish it. Also 1 game is very different than a 7 game series. Go ask Ovi about that part. And IIRC Nashville just barely squeaked in last year. How did that work out for them?

When you miss the playoffs by two points, a lot of times it's that game back in October that you crapped the bed in , that cost you that spot, not the games in Feb / Apr.
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Jun 27, 2012
I still say it has a lot to do with talent. I think if POMO thought he had the talent for a "top 9" he would do it. I'm not sure he's choosing to do a top 6/bottom 6 cause he's so blind/stubborn/naïve/old school. I think maybe he does it because he feels he has no other choice given the talent level on the team. *shrug*
Remember when Perreault returned from injury lasylt year and got placed on the 4th line? Mo bumped Perreault down so it wouldn't disrupt the Lowry line. I think Mo has his ideal top 9 with Lowry at 3C.


Registered User
Jul 16, 2016
When you miss the playoffs by two points, a lot of times it's that game back in October that you crapped the bed in , that cost you that spot, not the games in Feb / Apr.
playoffs! playoffs!

Aavco Cup

"I can make you cry in this room"
Sep 5, 2013
When you miss the playoffs by two points, a lot of times it's that game back in October that you crapped the bed in , that cost you that spot, not the games in Feb / Apr.

This is a very different argument than your previous post which suggested that somehow this one game would be representative of exactly how we would look in a playoff series. Why wouldn't it be a game where the team actually played well in that is the true level?

For the record I agree....all points are important


Leaving HFBoards for now
Dec 17, 2016
Someone suggested a rumour a while ago that it is actually Scheifele who prefers not to play with Laine

Yeah, let's not perpetuate this. That poster was asked for a source and didn't come through.


Southernmost Jet Fan
Dec 13, 2013
Interestingly, atleast when it comes to the shot battle, the 15-16 team wasn't that bad. It wasn't as elite as the 14-15 team but it was still good. It seems disaster really struck last season and the trend appears to continue this season although it's still early days:


Shouldn't put too much stock into the 17-18 sample yet but my eye test basically follows along the same lines as, well, this team looks just like last year's hemmed in their own zone. Let's ignore the 14-15 team, that had too many great depth players. Perhaps it's better to benchmark against the 15-16 team. Is this team that worse than the 15-16 team? I mean we don't have Ladd but we have a better Scheifele, Ehlers, Trouba, Morrissey. Guys like Little and Enstrom might have declined but on balance I feel like we should be better than the 15-16 team.

On a side note, man I miss the 14-15 team :( They probably weren't as "skilled" as this bunch but boy they were effective

I miss the 14-15 team as well. Chevy's decision to dismantle that team has put us in a place where we have yet to be able to recover. It's early so hopefully things improve drastically, but our bottom 6 is mostly AHL level talent and our very expensive D core (highest cap hit in the league by far) has some very questionable elements like Myers and Enstrom, so it's hard to expect a noticeable improvement this year.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
The Jets have been running as a one line team pretty much until today. How long did Maurice think it was going to last? He started shaking things up, but a bit too little and a bit too late. If this isn't a wake up call then I'm not sure what is. When does Chev get a wake up call might be the better question. If you look at the names on the paper, it's incredible that a team can just utterly sink so badly 3 times out of the 6 games.

Joe Hallenback

Mar 4, 2005
The Jets have been running as a one line team pretty much until today. How long did Maurice think it was going to last? He started shaking things up, but a bit too little and a bit too late. If this isn't a wake up call then I'm not sure what is. When does Chev get a wake up call might be the better question. If you look at the names on the paper, it's incredible that a team can just utterly sink so badly 3 times out of the 6 games.

Its not

When you play like garbage for 3 games it isn't hard to see why you lose those 3 games

Maybe they need a coaching change and maybe they need another "big" trade like the Kane one to wake them up.

Why do I get the feeling they come out hard against the Wild on friday and win

Aavco Cup

"I can make you cry in this room"
Sep 5, 2013
Its not

When you play like garbage for 3 games it isn't hard to see why you lose those 3 games

Maybe they need a coaching change and maybe they need another "big" trade like the Kane one to wake them up.

Why do I get the feeling they come out hard against the Wild on friday and win

I expect an "angry" game


I am not the guy you want to be wrong about.
Aug 12, 2007
The Outer Limits.
Lots of teams performing worse than the Jets so far


Of those 5 teams I could see three of them turning it around (NYR, Edmonton, Montreal) Not saying NYR or Montreal become contenders because they won't but I don't think they'll be any worse than the Jets when all is said and done.
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Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
Totally agree with you here Juka, as I alluded to in my above post. We "absolutely" have to have 3 scoring lines with all our talent. Key is Connor here-a for sure 50 point scorer. What on earth is he reason he's playing for the Moose- "I don't get it." (Add to Connor)-Ehlers, Scheif, Wheeler and others, that's a lot of scoring talent.

Maybe Maurice is to defensive minded to be the coach of such an offensive powerhouse. I think this will end up being the case. The Jet's have "bigtime talent" and it has to be utilized properly. Does Maurice have it in him ??? They're playing bad, and he's not using guys like Connor, and Joel Armia, that can hit the twine.

My impression of Maurice after 287 games over near 4 years, is that he tries to make the players fit his vision rather than fitting his vision to his players. Obviously one sentence can't fully describe a complex person and there is some variation within that but I think the bottom line is pretty close to that.

Last year he largely let them go - he has said as much himself. This year he is trying to get them to play defensively. They are failing at that and at the same time losing their offense. Maybe it comes around in a few more games - or maybe it never does.

Through 6 games, they have been bad and worse. They sure don't look like a well coached team. They don't look like a talented team either. I hope this is just growing pains ...... looks like bad coaching to my inexpert eye.

One more game and then they get a 5 day practice break. If PMo can't turn it around over that break then I don't think he is the coach this team needs. A 5 day break in the sched would be a good time for a new coach to take over. That isn't going to happen though.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 29, 2016
For sure, the game planning and in game adjustments are all atrocious, and are on the coach. Lines, and roster spots, also on the coach. BUT - I think most here also way overvalue some of our players. At the end of the day, we have a lot of guys on the team, that frankly are just not that great. Why they are in the lineup, or how they are being deployed/used is again, on coaching. I mean, let's pretend we are a perennial playoff team. Our forwards would like:


The guys listed are the only ones who would have roster spots on a good team, and be in those lineup spots (I think). Guys like Dano, Tanev, Matthias, Petan wouldn't sniff a roster spot on a good team. Armia - I was going to put him on the 4th line....he's a wildcard, in that he shows flashes of being really good, but his consistency is just not there.

Lowry is a 4th Line C, nothing more. I like Copp, but is 4th line. You need a "top 9" nowadays, that's why Wheeler/Perreault are 3rd line wingers on other teams, for balance. We have glaring holes on this team boys. It's not all coaching.

Matthias-Copp-Tanev, is probably the worst 3rd line in the NHL right now.

This post is interesting . . .
One suggestion I would make would be Conner replacing Laine.
Laine doesn't have the speed to play with the other two and they don't need his scoring on the first line.
Love to see more of conner/sheif/ehlers - talk about a fast group that could truly dazzle if they got it together.

I don't know where to put Laine at this point - other than his shot, he is not NHL caliber IMO - not good on the walls, gives up the puck too much, floats in the d zone, slow decision maker, skating needs a lot of work - he'll never be quick but he needs to be quicker. This opinion won't be popular but it appears so obvious to me.

Wheeler probably needs to stay in the second group with little and I'd move Perreault up with this group.

Until Laine improves on a number of aspects, I'd move him to the third for a while and let him work on his game - put him a position where he needs to battle more rather than waiting on line mates to feed him. I'd also have him on the #1pp.
But, this is the line where the holes appear - who do we have left to round out this line? Dano, Tanev, Petan, Matthias? Yikes!

Forth line is Lowry, Copp, Armia and they would be the grit, grind, energy line you throw out if you need to slow down the game or inspire if the other lines are not working (like last night). When healthy, these guys looked good together last year.

And, the most difficult point to address - coaching. We'll wait too long for a coaching change and that's going to be hard to stomach plus the repeated references to a coaching change get real old when it's in every thread - I agree it's a problem but I'd much rather talk about the players.
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Aavco Cup

"I can make you cry in this room"
Sep 5, 2013
Of those 5 teams I could see three of them turning it around (NYR, Edmonton, Montreal) Not saying NYR or Montreal become contenders because they won't but I don't think they'll be any worse than the Jets when all is said and done.

There are others to take their place......not sure about the Habs Or the Rangers TBH. I think they could actually be serious lottery teams


Registered User
Sep 19, 2014
I'd trade Laine while you can still get a first for him. I don't care about Connor on D, just pair him with Chef and watch the goals add up. Jets are gonna need another 42 million. Ehlers is not a pure goal scorer but good for him for cashing in early. I'd start dropping some top 6 into the bottom 6, including Wheeler, Little, and Laine.

King Woodballs

Captain Awesome
Sep 25, 2007
Your Mind
They are showing up. IMO, they don't know what to do once they get there - that's on the coach.

Yep. Maurice has to turn things around quickly, or he'll get to test out his golden parachute.

How can they not know what to do? This isn't Maurice's 6 game total coaching in Winnipeg. He is what into the 4th year now? (Seriously I can't remember :laugh:)

My opinion is that they know what to do. They may be choosing not to do it.

Which is an even bigger problem. That means the days are truly numbered.

While I wouldn't be opposed to a coaching change at this juncture. I am just not sure who is available and a better option

Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
Someone suggested a rumour a while ago that it is actually Scheifele who prefers not to play with Laine

Hadn't heard that. Sounds more negative than I would expect from our next captain. Turn it around. I could see him requesting to play with Wheeler.

Whatever the reason, what's being done now is not working.
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Bettman's hammer
Feb 20, 2016
I'm not too concerned with the micro stuff like usage right now. I'm concerned with the Macro stuff. What is the road map on how to be good. What are the teams shared values and the goals on how to be successful. I've said before that there appears to be some divergent views in the room which is leading to the team not being in sync. Heck Moe even said the players didn't play the way He wanted them to last night which tells me that their is resistance to his plan in room. Something needs to give As this team is largely spinning it's wheels.

That's fair. I believe you bring some really interesting insight to the table when you post along with a lot of other people who have criticism of PoMo.

I do find some of the criticism valid. I also find some of the more in depth breakdowns of systems play and the like to be really interesting.

I suppose I get a little tired of the more bland "PoMo's systems are terrible, he has no idea what he's doing" 74 times in a GDT by people who have no idea what NHL level systems look like.

How many time did Holden or maybe it was Hank describe why Buff made the right play following his man to the blue line in the leafs game as the proper play when countless fans and the 1290 crew went on and on and on about PoMo's man defense.

Those explanations of systems are the stuff that really interests me because I can watch games and look for it. It's also great when people with the knowledge can break down different types of break outs and neutral zone play and provide examples of other teams that do different things than we do.


Bring Back The Trough
Jul 2, 2016
Why is Huddy still the D coach?

Mason was hung out again.

Enstrom was terrible.

Was at the game last night and I couldn't agree more, I'm also baffled that Flaherty still has a job? Wheeler was utter garbage as well, guy works hard but there is a huge difference from working hard and working hard+playing smart. All this talent and yet we can't seem to find any sort of consistency in our game.
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Mortimer Snerd

You kids get off my lawn!
Jun 10, 2014
Or that Little and Patrik will play together. There will be no deviation.

Boneheaded idiot. ESW had one good game.

But like i said earlier, probably doesn't matter who plays with who as long as Maurice is at helm.

Not sure I would go that far but it certainly appears to be about more than line combinations.

Aavco Cup

"I can make you cry in this room"
Sep 5, 2013
Hadn't heard that. Sounds more negative than I would expect from our next captain. Turn it around. I could see him requesting to play with Wheeler.

Whatever the reason, what's being done now is not working.

It's probably an unfounded rumour but even if it's not at some point the line blender will spit out one of those combinations eventually if it's deemed necessary


Registered User
Nov 3, 2013
This season could be lost soon. Sounds like the sky is falling but I believe its true.

The sad reality is that its not working with Maurice/ Huddy and they wont get fired until after this season at the earliest. So...

Given that Edmonton is underperforming- trade Buff or Myers for Strome. Do it soon. Then put Lowry down the the 4th line with the other plugs and attempt to have 3 lines that can score.
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