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Milan the God*

Apparently GM's aren't allowed to negotiate with their players. Bryan Murray was just supposed to start things off with "alright Daniel, we'll give you $5.5 million"? No, that's not how negotiating works.

JP Barry and Alfredsson left Murray in the dark entirely after one conversation where little was even discussed. Alfredsson didn't give Murray or this organization a chance to do anything. No contact past the initial conversation with Barry until Alfredsson had already made up his mind.

This wasn't about money. This wasn't about being "low-balled" (which he wasn't). This about Alfredsson giving up on his team. Plain and simple.

You guys can spin it any way you like. Doesn't change the truth.


The sides were $1.5-2M off. This is enough to make Alfie ignore the team, stay in Sweden and sign with another team?


Registered User
Oct 16, 2006
I think its pretty clear that what upsets people most is what they thought of him was wrong. They thought he cared as much about the team as they do about him. People put WAAAAAAAAY too much faith in him (the whole god shtick anyone?), and he didnt live up to it. Ottawa has always been a small market wedged between the two biggest markets. Through all the **** from leaf and Habs fans Alfie has been a constant "yeah...we made it. Look at Alfie". Now he has ****ed us over.

He made it abundantly clear that the Sens were just an employer. He made it clear that he doesnt care about his legacy...he doesnt care if you like him. This is just a job.

It almost feels like you are being ridiculed by the person you worshiped. Hes throwing it all back at you saying none of it is important. We have seen it before...but Alfie was different. Alfie was above all that. It truly was about bleeding for the team for him. At least thats what we thought.

Ill probably never view a hockey player the same way again. Its an eye opener. They dont give a ****.

I agree 100% with this post, exactly how I feel.


Let's Win It All
May 3, 2010
Dubai Marina
My thoughts exactly, get over it people.

Another thought to consider is that Alfie wants to experience a new city and team, heck I'd be bored living in Kanata for 17 years with 4 kids. No shame in that.

Yet you are a king to them. People would speak of your name decades after you leave. Bored? He could go back to Sweden whenever he wants or anywhere else for that matter.

Moving to another city for one year worth damaging your royal image?

Every city has their old legends like Howe and Yzerman in Detroit, Richard and Lafleur in Montreal.

Alfredsson to us was that legend, he didn't care about it though.


Sens <<<<<<<<<< NHL
May 31, 2008
If anything, this whole episode gave me a new respect for Murray. The guy's ****ing 70 years old. He should be retired and living the good life. Instead he's working for us night and day. He dedicated the end of his coaching career getting us to the SCF's. Him and his brother has continually revamped this organization for success, getting our AHL farm team a Calder Cup while streamlining our organization. His drafts have been phenomenal these past years, giving us a reputation of a top 5 drafting team, and he hired a Jack Adams winning coach.

Guy should be worshiped for what he's done for us just as much as Alfredsson did. He didn't panic and spend year after year, instead he drafted guys like Zibanejad, Karlsson, Cowen, Silfverberg, Lehner, all in a few years.
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Registered User
Oct 5, 2009
Ottawa, ON

The sides were $1.5-2M off. This is enough to make Alfie ignore the team, stay in Sweden and sign with another team?

My sense is Alfie thought he could name his price for his last contract. After all the hometown discounts and him giving up salary over the years he thought they would pay him market value and repay him for past favors.

When Murray initially balked, Alfie realized they couldn't afford to pay him that much and still make improvements to the team he thought about going elsewhere. When he saw that other teams could give him $5.5M-6M with bonuses and make serious additions in the offseason for a playoff push he got far more excited playing there then here.

In his eyes, in Ottawa he'd be playing mentor again for pretty much the same roster as last year (and it seems he already gave up on that roster when we went down 3-1 to Pittsburgh). Not as exciting, and the budget wouldn't allow for any significant improvement.

Hockey players are fans and people too. They get excited about new additions as teams try and improve for the next season. I imagine they get just as disappointed and pissed if a team sits around and does nothing (or nothing exciting).

He wasn't as loyal as Sens management and fans thought. Especially in what may be his final year and he wants to win a Cup.

I hope Melnyk and Murray are thinking long and hard on how they plan on retaining Spezza and Ryan in 2 years time when they couldn't even retain Alfie, whom everyone automatically assumed would stay.


If anything, this whole episode gave me a new respect for Murray. The guy's ****ing 70 years old. He should be retired and living the good life. He dedicated the end of his coaching career getting us to the SCF's. Him and his brother has continually revamped this organization for success. His drafts have been phenomenal, and he hired a Jack Adams winning coach.

Guy should be worshiped for what he's done for us just as much as Alfredsson did.

Tim Murray is Bryan's nephew, but 100% agreed otherwise. :laugh:


Let's win it all
Feb 22, 2005
You're spinning things now. This is all speculation by Friedman or other reporters. I did listen to all the interviews and press conferences, nothing Alfie or Murray said even hinted at Murray lowballing him. The only thing we know for sure is that Barry told Murray to say a number, and then Murray told him that's not how it should work. Murray told Barry to ask Alfie what he wants, and then Alfie + Barry never responded.

Even if we pretended that Murray lowballed him (Keep in mind that Alfie only earns 3.5m guaranteed before bonuses with Detroit), then it's Alfredssons fault that there's too much sand in his vagina to realize that that's how negotiating works in a cap league that he's played 17 years in. It's called negotiations for a reason. It's not like they talked 5 times and Murray wouldn't budge.
Unless Alfredssons naive enough to think that Murray would OFFER 6M from the getgo, then you're making something out of nothing.

Murray and Alfie have been friends for years. They're good friends on a first name basis, and for Alfredsson to snub Murray after calls after calls, and have his agent ignore Murrays 5+ calls and texts, ONLY to call Murray after his decision has been made the day before FA, who do you think should be insulted? Who was making to calls to get the deal done? Who was making an effort for Alfie to stay on the team? Not Alfie. He made up his mind, didn't respond to Murray who just wanted to know 1 number this entire time, and told our team the day before FA "big whoop I'm leaving, sorry I didn't negotiate or tell you earlier"

He turned tail on this team. He didn't bother to even come to the table. It's time for some fans to face the facts. He's not a god, no matter how much we were making him out to be.

If anything, this whole episode gave me a new respect for Murray. The guy's ****ing 70 years old. He should be retired and living the good life. Instead he's working for us night and day. He dedicated the end of his coaching career getting us to the SCF's. Him and his brother has continually revamped this organization for success, getting our AHL farm team a Calder Cup while streamlining our organization. His drafts have been phenomenal these past years, giving us a reputation of a top 5 drafting team, and he hired a Jack Adams winning coach.

Guy should be worshiped for what he's done for us just as much as Alfredsson did. He didn't panic and spend year after year, instead he drafted guys like Zibanejad, Karlsson, Cowen, Silfverberg, Lehner, all in a few years.

There are plenty of reports of the amounts offered by Alfies side and Murray's.
There is also information that they Sens would not renegotiate a 2 year contract last year or this year. That is okay but own up to it.

My opinion on Murray hasn't changed. He has done some great drafting lately and has brought in a good coach. Earlier in his tenure the Sens were in the dumpster and his coaching choices were terrible.It seems partly because he brought in people who would not challenge his decisions.

I wasn't thrilled at his being in charge of the rebuild but it has turned out very well. However he has botched this.

You may think we should not see Alfie or any hockey player as a hero, but I see another GM messing up and downloading the blame on to the player and Murray is a past master at that. If players are not heroes, GM's are also not your kindly old dad.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2011
It hasnt anything to do with the love for a team he spent and led true 17 years! Alfie needed a challenge, he will retire after next season, i think it hasnt anything to do about winning a cup either, The family wanted a adventure after 17 years in Ottawa, new faces new scenery.

Zetterberg gave him a call and Alfie saw it like a challenge to see how he manage to play outside a secure enviroment, the olympic games in Sochi gave him fuel for a last push and sweden gets a trimmed line in z alfie and the mule.

Hockey should be fun and 17 years of pressure and a long captaincy with lots of obligations takes a lot of time from the pure game.

Alfie want to have fun and play with some old swedish friends and only be one in the team. He saw that the team isnt depended of him anymore, EK is already the leader on ice and Alfie didnt want to be around because of charity.

I think people in the 40 ies who worked a long time for the same company understand this move better then the young fans, people need challenges and have fun doing their work.

I know that Alfie was/is a icon in Ottawa,but leaving for a last year in Detroit only to focus on hockey shows that it was a adventure thing he made for his self and his family, no way it was for a cuprun whatever he says, if so he had went for the Bruins.

Debate things he said and didnt do is meaningless, read behind the lines, must have been a hard decision for him,when he cant explain the kick he gets to have a last year only as a hockeyplayer.

I really hopes he enjoys the ride, its well earned!


Sens <<<<<<<<<< NHL
May 31, 2008
It hasnt anything to do with the love for a team he spent and led true 17 years! Alfie needed a challenge, he will retire after next season, i think it hasnt anything to do about winning a cup either, The family wanted a adventure after 17 years in Ottawa, new faces new scenery.

Zetterberg gave him a call and Alfie saw it like a challenge to see how he manage to play outside a secure enviroment, the olympic games in Sochi gave him fuel for a last push and sweden gets a trimmed line in z alfie and the mule.

Hockey should be fun and 17 years of pressure and a long captaincy with lots of obligations takes a lot of time from the pure game.

Alfie want to have fun and play with some old swedish friends and only be one in the team. He saw that the team isnt depended of him anymore, EK is already the leader on ice and Alfie didnt want to be around because of charity.

I think people in the 40 ies who worked a long time for the same company understand this move better then the young fans, people need challenges and have fun doing their work.

I know that Alfie was/is a icon in Ottawa,but leaving for a last year in Detroit only to focus on hockey shows that it was a adventure thing he made for his self and his family, no way it was for a cuprun whatever he says, if so he had went for the Bruins.

Debate things he said and didnt do is meaningless, read behind the lines, must have been a hard decision for him,when he cant explain the kick he gets to have a last year only as a hockeyplayer.

I really hopes he enjoys the ride, its well earned!

Agreed. The most likely explanation is often the most simple one. This is probably it. It wasn't because he got low balled, or that he disagreed with Melnyk.


Let's keep it cold
Nov 19, 2012
Zetterberg is a b-hole who should mind his own business and stop deluding himself into thinking Detroit has a shot at the Cup this year.

That defense. Come on.


Let's win it all
Feb 22, 2005
It was a shock but maybe this is the gutpunch Murray and Melnyk need to make us competitive and loosen the purse strings from hereon in. The cap is probably going unless Melnyk wants to be near the floor, at some point he WILL have to spend more than $50,000,000. Maybe, in a poorly executed way, this is what Alfredsson was trying to communicate.

I think there is some truth to this. Maybe they needed a reminder of what the fans and players want here. Call it a last gift from Alfie.

It hasnt anything to do with the love for a team he spent and led true 17 years! Alfie needed a challenge, he will retire after next season, i think it hasnt anything to do about winning a cup either, The family wanted a adventure after 17 years in Ottawa, new faces new scenery.

Zetterberg gave him a call and Alfie saw it like a challenge to see how he manage to play outside a secure enviroment, the olympic games in Sochi gave him fuel for a last push and sweden gets a trimmed line in z alfie and the mule.

Hockey should be fun and 17 years of pressure and a long captaincy with lots of obligations takes a lot of time from the pure game.

Alfie want to have fun and play with some old swedish friends and only be one in the team. He saw that the team isnt depended of him anymore, EK is already the leader on ice and Alfie didnt want to be around because of charity.

I think people in the 40 ies who worked a long time for the same company understand this move better then the young fans, people need challenges and have fun doing their work.
I really hopes he enjoys the ride, its well earned!

This is a very good point and Friedman refers to this in his article-once the player starts to think outside the box....who knows what could happen.

I think the Sens ould have completed negotiations before Alfie started to look around, but having considered his options maybe a year someplace else was intriguing-after his old teammates and friends, Hossa, Fisher and Chara and Redden and Kelly have all played for other teams.

The Red Wings are the big team for the Swedes and he no doubt thought it would be fun to play with some of his friends.But Alfie is very competitive and I am sure he wants a good run at the Cup as well.

Good news for the Sens is that Paul Maclean is also very competitive and I expect the chance to take on his old boss and friend in Babcock and the desire to prove Alfie wrong is going to light a fire under him. Melnyk for whatever his shortcomings is also competitive as is Murray and this might be just the jolt they need. It goes without saying that Alfies former teammates on the Sens will do their best to prove him wrong.

However this plays out, the Sens/ Wings games this year should be worth a watch.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2010
Kansas City, MO

I'm over it. The pieces we have in place and character in the room will be tons of fun to watch next year. Now we see why the Sens have been drafting for character and work ethic the past few seasons. I can definitely see a Cup in Ottawa in 5-6 years.

But the idea of Alfredsson on the first line in Detroit? Come on, the Wings didn't even have the legs to survive a half season and gave away a 3-1 series lead. Do they honestly think a year older and a full schedule later they'll do better?

Add all the players you want, Wings. You are not a Cup contender.

They're far closer to the Cup than the Sens are.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2010
Kansas City, MO
Zetterberg is a b-hole who should mind his own business and stop deluding himself into thinking Detroit has a shot at the Cup this year.

That defense. Come on.

Zetterberg's business is helping his team. If he's friends with a good player who is a free agent as well as a fellow countryman, why SHOULDN'T he try to convince him to come aboard?


Registered User
Nov 19, 2010
Kansas City, MO

Better goalie? Nope.

Better defense? Nope.

Better forwards? Maybe slightly.

I'd take Howard over Andy. They're both great goalies, but Howard holds a slight edge. They should battle it out with Quick for USA goalie in the Olympics. As far as the defense goes, Detroit struggled earlier in the season, but seemed to be getting it together after adjusting to life without Lidstrom.


Sens <<<<<<<<<< NHL
May 31, 2008
They're far closer to the Cup than the Sens are.

They're maybe slightly closer, and that's even arguable.

Forwards? Toss up if Spezza and 9mm are healthy

Defense? Not close as long as Karlsson and Cowen are healthy

Goalies? Nope, Anderson has stats that rival Quick, and especially if we're being realistic and counting possible injuries.

Coach? As close as you could get

Sure, they can spend more but FA signings are a tossup on whether they'll help or hurt the team.


I'd take Howard over Andy. They're both great goalies, but Howard holds a slight edge. They should battle it out with Quick for USA goalie in the Olympics. As far as the defense goes, Detroit struggled earlier in the season, but seemed to be getting it together after adjusting to life without Lidstrom.

I'm sorry, but Jimmy Howard is already one of the most over-rated goaltenders in the NHL. You clearly have watched little of Anderson these past two seasons. If Anderson didn't get injured for a month, he'd have a Vezina. There's no universe where Jimmy Howard is better than Craig Anderson right now.

You take Alfredsson off of Detroit and put him back on Ottawa, and the Sens are better. Alfredsson's comments make little to no sense about feeling they are closer.
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