WJC SF: Jan 3 GDT - Russia vs. USA

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May 20, 2002
First, the crowd in Vancouver was wild while I was there. It isn't coming across on the broadcast, but it was insane in person.

Second, the fans are booing the American team largely because they have been painted their chief rivals. But politics play a very important factor as well. Many British Columbians have suffered a great deal because of some American trade policies (such as softwood and to a lesser extent, cattle imports). People tend to get very emotional when it comes to their livelihood and subsequently are attacking anything connected to the United States.


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Dec 14, 2002
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Devonator said:
To Red....

An appropiate name I'm sure........it is not a little booing........it is indicative of the Anti American idiots that reside in great numbers in Vancouver........their is huge difference! It would take someone pretty clueless not too see the difference between some freindly competition and brainless Anti Americanism displayed by the classless Van fans....

I have no words. It takes someone clueless not to see that the Vancouver fans are cheering for the Russians and booing no one except Jack Johnson. You pay for a hockey game, you are allowed to cheer for whoever the heck you want to. That doesn't mean you hate a country, it just means you like the other team more.

I'm just shocked how this Canada-bashing is allowed to go on in this thread. I am most definitely not a classless idiot just because I cheered for Norway against the US.


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Feb 19, 2004
New York
Red said:
NO, it hasn't. I do not hear boos every time an American player touches the puck.

I hear cheers for the Russians.

I am incredibly disgusted at the nationalism and ignorance in this thread. God forbid someone cheers for their opponents at a hockey game, you're automatically classless. Where was your shock when Canadians booed the Russians throughout the 90s and cheered for their opponents? Where's your shock when Edmonton boos Calgary?

Vancouver fans CHEERED for the US ANTHEM in the last game.

I am completely disgusted by the comments that Vancouver fans are classless idiots for cheering for US opponents.
Well join the club of people who are disgusted by things in this tournament, then we can all be one big group of disgusted hockey fans.

Big Daddy

Registered User
Dec 16, 2005
Hey, anyone listening/watching the game, I'm taking a break from the poly/sci class!!

Rabid Ranger

2 is better than one
Feb 27, 2002
Good pressure by the U.S. Hopefully this gives Walt Kyle a clue and he puts out his best offensive players.


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Dec 14, 2002
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Sotnos said:

Sorry, but I am proud of them for cheering the American anthem. It's amusing that you find it so funny considering the only hilarious thing in this thread is the blind hatred for Vancouver. It's pretty damn funny.


Devonator said:
To Vlad....

The same element that attacked Belsen, Madrid, 9-11,Bali and so many other places will eventually even hit deluded multicultural Canada.....such are the dangerous times we live in.....

Dude ****. No one wants to do any thing to canada you crazy canuck.

Beslan ---> Cuz of Chechnya
Madrid ---> Spanish Troops in Iraq
9/11 ----> Too many to name
Bali ---> Soft western targets in the largest muslim country.

I ****ing can't stand paranoid people. THe only one Canada should worry about is America. I lived through 9/11 and terrorisim is the last thing on my mind, what's your excuse. REally relax.

No more politics **** in this thread ok?


Registered User
Sep 16, 2005
Whether we like the booing or not, think it is classless or not, none of us here can control it. What we can control is what we write and how we behave. Jack Johson apparently can rise above the booing. Why can't we collectively be as mature as a 19 year old?

It's a great game. Let's enjoy it.


Registered User
Jan 11, 2003
Edison, NJ
Anyway, back to the game.

Russia gets called for a penalty, so the USA gets another PP opportunity. Considering how long the USA held the puck and took shots on the delayed call (finally, a sustained pressure in Russia's zone) done by Schremp.

Schremp is on the ice right now on the PP, haters. And this PP has...SHOTS!


Registered User
Nov 27, 2003
Devonator said:
To Steadfast.......

Good to know their are some classy Vancouver fans out there...the display of Anti Americanism is sickening by the Van fans..........mayby when Canada has to dig itself out of the debris of a coming terrorist attack and the Americans rescue our asses again, then mayby the braindead Anti Americanism in Canada will end!!!

Please American friends, a lot of us up here appreciate you and what you are doing!! Never forget that.....

Yes American friends. Please don't forget Devonator. He is your friend. When you rescue our asses again don't forget him!


Registered User
Dec 20, 2005
schremp is very good in space, when he has a lot of open ice to work with.

That said, his 5 on 5 play leaves little to be impressed with. I can't figure out what kind of player he's gonna be in the nhl...

when he get space he's dangerous, but with a man on him, he's fairly useless.


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Dec 14, 2002
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NYR2 said:
Well join the club of people who are disgusted by things in this tournament, then we can all be one big group of disgusted hockey fans.

I'm not disgusted by anything in this tournament, only comments about it by some people here.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2004
Red said:
Are they not allowed to? I'm one of them and I'm hardly "classless". I cheer for the American anthem but I will boo the USA HOCKEY team. Just like I boo the Avs. They're my team's rivals. That does not make me classless and I'm tired of being called a classless idiot for cheering for Norway and Switzerland when they play the US.

I never said you were not allowed to. I said the excuse you give concerning the retaliatory hit by Johnson is not why the Americans are being booed. Or at least not the only reason. I don't care that you boo I was only commenting on your supposed explanation.


Registered User
Jul 29, 2005
Okay, I went off topic earlier so I might be a hypocrite. But let's get back on topic for my sake only cause I can't watch the game. I'm leaning on you guys for play by play. No more politics. US will get booed because they are a rival, and there is probably some anti-states sentiment in there as well.



Registered User
Jan 5, 2003
Great Post Vlad.........you blame Poland in 39 too buddy??? The Czecks in 38?? Russia in 41 mayby???

Great logic........blame everyone but the obvious culprits!!

Wow!!!! I am amazed at your lack of clarity!!!


Registered User
Dec 20, 2005
whats up with this bobby ryan kid...he honestly looks like he's in pain when trying to skate....sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.

I've been impressed with johnson D men, and Lee is pretty sound back there.

borque is a good little energy player.


Registered User
Aug 20, 2003
Oakville, ON
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Devonator said:
To Red....

An appropiate name I'm sure........it is not a little booing........it is indicative of the Anti American idiots that reside in great numbers in Vancouver........their is huge difference! It would take someone pretty clueless not too see the difference between some freindly competition and brainless Anti Americanism displayed by the classless Van fans....

To Vlad....

The same element that attacked Belsen, Madrid, 9-11,Bali and so many other places will eventually even hit deluded multicultural Canada.....such are the dangerous times we live in.....
This is a discussion for the political threads, Devo.
But I do take exception to you criticizing people's right to peacefully voice their opinion.
To call Vancouverites "classless" because they are not cheering for the American team smacks of Rumsfeld calling France and Germany "old Europe" because they had a differing point of view.
In Canada, you can criticize a government without becoming a pariah.
And in this country, you can criticize America without being an "anti-American".
I may disagree with what you have to say, Devonator, but I will fight, to the death, if necessary, for your right to say it.
You might want to look up the source of that quote...it was the beginning of everything that has made America a great country.


Registered User
Jan 11, 2003
Edison, NJ
bennypeyton said:
Okay, I went off topic earlier so I might be a hypocrite. But let's get back on topic for my sake only cause I can't watch the game. I'm leaning on you guys for play by play. No more politics. US will get booed because they are a rival, and there is probably some anti-states sentiment in there as well.



United States had a good power play, taking many shots on the Russian goaltender. They didn't score, but they are now keeping up the pressure on Russia in their own zone-something lacking from the first period. Shots are now 12-4 in favor of USA this period.


I am a little disappointed with Malkin in this game. I thought he was supposed to be so dominant that he would rip apart any team in the World Juniors. Thus far, however, he has hardly looked dominant. Solid? Yes. Good? Yes. Dominant? No.

He has made a couple of nice plays, but he probably hasn't even been the best player on his team this game.
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