WWE: UFC notified of potential Brock Lesnar anti-doping violation

The Lunatic Fridge

why is my name here?
Aug 20, 2008
New York
Two potential scenarios:

A) Orton beats Lesnar. The WWE's biggest draw loses. He loses to Orton of all people and thus loses his aura of invincibility, which is a big reason for his drawing power in the first place. The Lesnar rub is wasted after more than 2 years of build. No new star is createdd. All just to punish the guy for a failed drug test. And he loses to a guy who failed at least one drug test in the past.

B) Lesnar beats Orton after a 30 day suspension.

Can you explain how B is worse than A for WWE?

I bet even if you asked other WWE wrestlers, they would still want Lesnar to win.


A) You clearly underestimate it being "just a failed drug test" this is literally career altering stuff. Just look at a guy like A-Rod. It's not just a silly slap on the wrist. It's a slap in the face for both the UFC and the WWE. Even if WWE didn't test him because of being a part-timer, obviously they expected lesnar to respect the fact that he's employed with them.

B) Serving a 30 day suspension doesn't do anything especially considering how lesnar shows up like once every 3 months to begin with. Disrepecting your company, sitting out an extra 30 days and coming back to continue your win streak is NOT punishment.

I don't know what kind of bosses you work for but a slap on the wrist is not how you dish out punishment to teach people a lesson.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007

A) You clearly underestimate it being "just a failed drug test" this is literally career altering stuff. Just look at a guy like A-Rod. It's not just a silly slap on the wrist. It's a slap in the face for both the UFC and the WWE. Even if WWE didn't test him because of being a part-timer, obviously they expected lesnar to respect the fact that he's employed with them.

B) Serving a 30 day suspension doesn't do anything especially considering how lesnar shows up like once every 3 months to begin with. Disrepecting your company, sitting out an extra 30 days and coming back to continue your win streak is NOT punishment.

I don't know what kind of bosses you work for but a slap on the wrist is not how you dish out punishment to teach people a lesson.

A-Rod participated in an athletic competition, he cheated. It isn't the same as doing drugs in WWE. It is not an apt comparison. Yes, this was for MMA, but we're talking about the implications on him within the Wrestling environment where an even playing field isn't something that is being sought after. In Sports, the main reason people care about things like PED's is that it is cheating. In Wrestling, the main reason the company cares about it is to cover their own ass.

Sure this will alter his UFC career, but really the impact it has on his WWE career is as much as WWE wants it to be. People aren't going to care in a few months, because people have no reason to. We all know it is fake, we all know if Brock wins in the WWE it isn't because he's on something. Negatively altering Brock's WWE career achieves nothing for WWE, it only harms their product.

I doubt any of us work for bosses who bend over for us like Vince would for Brock. Few if none of us are in the position to tell our boss to shove it if they can't give us what we want, and few or none of us are in a position where we could never work the rest of our lives and still live in luxury.
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Dr Pepper

Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
Sunny Etobicoke
Bray shoudn't have, lesnar shouldn't have. Nobody should have. If HBK couldn't do it, no one should.

but i'm sure people will disagree.

Meh, I'm on the fence about it.

Sure it was cool to have, to watch Taker just always end up on top at WM regardless of who he faced. Watching every match expecting him to win, and wondering how he'd go about doing it.

But I kind of grew tired of it, once he became less and less involved with the televised product. Hell, when is the last time Taker even worked a non-PPV match? I can't remember. Does he even do house shows anymore, or is he just sitting at home collecting cheques until Mania season rolls around?

I still remember his "feud" with Wyatt leading up to their match, and how little he put into it. Wyatt carried the whole damn thing, but, oh no, you can't have Wyatt go over Taker in the actual match. Taker NEEDS to win. Granted that was the match the year after the streak ended, so they weren't about to give him two L's in a row.

It's just hard to cheer for the guy anymore, so that's why I'm not as peeved about Brock having that little notch in his belt.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006

A) You clearly underestimate it being "just a failed drug test" this is literally career altering stuff. Just look at a guy like A-Rod. It's not just a silly slap on the wrist. It's a slap in the face for both the UFC and the WWE. Even if WWE didn't test him because of being a part-timer, obviously they expected lesnar to respect the fact that he's employed with them.

B) Serving a 30 day suspension doesn't do anything especially considering how lesnar shows up like once every 3 months to begin with. Disrepecting your company, sitting out an extra 30 days and coming back to continue your win streak is NOT punishment.

I don't know what kind of bosses you work for but a slap on the wrist is not how you dish out punishment to teach people a lesson.

I don't really care one way or the other how Vince wants to punish Brock. I'm sure it'll be something but I doubt it's going to be in the way of losing to someone like Orton. Brock really doesn't care about the wins and losses in WWE. The only way that you're ever going to make it hurt for Lesnar is by fining him but whether that would actually get done is a different question since he never violated anything with WWE at this point. So if Brock really wanted to push back to save himself that fine, he probably could sue to prevent that.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
If they let Lesnar wrestle without a suspension, their wellness policy becomes a joke in the public domain. Plain and simple.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
If they let Lesnar wrestle without a suspension, their wellness policy becomes a joke in the public domain. Plain and simple.

Their policy is a joke for part-timers. Brock did nothing wrong policy-wise in the WWE so them punishing him will be just making something up as they go along. Not outlandish for the WWE to do but certainly something Brock could fight back on if he wanted to. Suspending him is utterly pointless with how rare his appearances are. Everyone would see through the standard 30-day suspension.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
i agree as well, he should have retired as Survivor Series a few years back would have been a cool way to go out and still do it "going out on your back"

No way. You retire him in a streak vs career match against Cena at Mania. They left money on the table by taking the streak away before a Cena/Taker streak match happened.

Anyway on Brock. It seems his "punishment" was not going 1st overall in the draft. :laugh:

The Lunatic Fridge

why is my name here?
Aug 20, 2008
New York
I don't really care one way or the other how Vince wants to punish Brock. I'm sure it'll be something but I doubt it's going to be in the way of losing to someone like Orton. Brock really doesn't care about the wins and losses in WWE. The only way that you're ever going to make it hurt for Lesnar is by fining him but whether that would actually get done is a different question since he never violated anything with WWE at this point. So if Brock really wanted to push back to save himself that fine, he probably could sue to prevent that.

Just because he doesn't care about wins and losses doesn't mean who won't care about HOW he loses. All you have to do is picture orton having his way with lesnar the entire match like how lesnar did vs cena to win the belt. Just slaps him around all match and then once brock goes for an F5, Orton hits the rko as a reversal.

I'm sure brock won't be very happy about being made look like a little weakling on PPV.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
Just because he doesn't care about wins and losses doesn't mean who won't care about HOW he loses. All you have to do is picture orton having his way with lesnar the entire match like how lesnar did vs cena to win the belt. Just slaps him around all match and then once brock goes for an F5, Orton hits the rko as a reversal.

I'm sure brock won't be very happy about being made look like a little weakling on PPV.

And this benefits the WWE how exactly?

What good does it do for the WWE to make their star attraction look like a "weakling"? Why would they want to hurt their most valuable product in that way?

I don't think Brock really cares if they make him out to look weak. He isn't a mark for himself, it's a job. He comes in, does what the boss asks of him and then goes home.

But in what way does it benefit the company at all to make Brock look weak. It's punishing themselves more than it is Brock, he gets paid he's happy.

Obviously there is value in having someone own Brock, because you can put someone over big time in doing so. But if you're WWE is Randy the guy you want to give that to?

The picture is much bigger than simply Brock did bad so we have to punish him. He isn't an ordinary part of the roster.


Registered User
Jan 18, 2014
How the hell is Brock their most valuable product at this point when he hardly ever shows up and isn't even a champion or in the hunt for a belt? He's no better than a side show act now.


Belie Dat!
Jul 15, 2011
Playing devil's advocate, if a wrestler wants to use juice it's not really a huge deal. They know the risks and there is not any sort of competitive integrity to maintain. Obviously, they have to test wrestlers and suspend them after the scandal in the early 90's, but I still don't think it's a huge deal.

I'd bet some form or another of ped's is still very common in the locker room. I doubt they punish Brock in any way and that's fine by me.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Playing devil's advocate, if a wrestler wants to use juice it's not really a huge deal. They know the risks and there is not any sort of competitive integrity to maintain. Obviously, they have to test wrestlers and suspend them after the scandal in the early 90's, but I still don't think it's a huge deal.

I'd bet some form or another of ped's is still very common in the locker room. I doubt they punish Brock in any way and that's fine by me.
But then the wrestlers die. And I do have a problem with that.

In my eyes, people dropping dead is a big deal and they should be doing as much as they can to prevent this from happening again. There doesn't need to be a bunch of kids to grow up without fathers, there doesn't need to be a generation of wrestlers who are constantly watches their friends die young. The costs are extremely high for just looking a little bit "better".

If we were in fantasy land with a 100% safe drug with no side effects, then it would be different. But we don't, so I'm still very much against them.


Belie Dat!
Jul 15, 2011
Yeah, wrestlers die and it is incredibly sad. You are talking to a guy who idolized Owen and Benoit as a kid. Believe me, the last thing I want is to witness the same thing happen to this current generation of wrestlers.

It's about personal responsibility to me. Wrestlers know that roids can increase the risk of heart disease and they know that hgh enlarges your heart if you abuse them. I don't believe drug tests prevent very much from happening. It's a sad aspect of reality but it's really no different than somebody dying from heroin, smoking cigarettes or even fast food. For one reason or another, humans do things that could shorten their own lives.

I guess I should not say that it's not a big deal so much that it's a reality of the business.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
Just because he doesn't care about wins and losses doesn't mean who won't care about HOW he loses. All you have to do is picture orton having his way with lesnar the entire match like how lesnar did vs cena to win the belt. Just slaps him around all match and then once brock goes for an F5, Orton hits the rko as a reversal.

I'm sure brock won't be very happy about being made look like a little weakling on PPV.

Honestly, I don't think Brock gives a rat's ass how it looks. He just cares about the money. That's not going to change regardless of what happens with Orton.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Brock cares. If Vince tries to knock him down the card and start jobbing he will complain.

I think there are only two options. Either just phase Brock completely out or ignore this and move on.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
How the hell is Brock their most valuable product at this point when he hardly ever shows up and isn't even a champion or in the hunt for a belt? He's no better than a side show act now.

Because he is the best product they have to sell. He is the best attraction they have. When you talk about who would people pay to see he is the top of the list.

Thus why he can be in the position of only working so sporadically, because he has the power to do so.

Brock doesn't need to be in the hunt for the belt, he is above the belt at this point.


The Devil Killer
Sep 18, 2007
Honestly, I don't think Brock gives a rat's ass how it looks. He just cares about the money. That's not going to change regardless of what happens with Orton.

Yeah I don't think anything he has said really supports the idea that he cares too much. He didn't dream of being a wrestler, he doesn't care about wrestling, he just does his job.


Registered User
Jan 18, 2014
Because he is the best product they have to sell. He is the best attraction they have. When you talk about who would people pay to see he is the top of the list.

Thus why he can be in the position of only working so sporadically, because he has the power to do so.

Brock doesn't need to be in the hunt for the belt, he is above the belt at this point.

Are you for real? Nobody cares about Lesnar's matches anymore. That was proven when he squashed Ambrose and the world gave a collective "meh".

If he was actually more active cutting promos, and crushing guys every other week then, THEN the fanbase might give a damn about him.

As it is now he shows up every two months, squashes a guy, and leaves. Nothing else. No story. No feud. No flashy moves. Just a meathead throwing punches and 15-20 something suplexes.

Nice product you're selling there.


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