Confirmed with Link: Tuukka has left the team

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member 96824

Yesterday I felt that as a teammate, I would have some serious issues laying out blocking a 100 MPH slap shot knowing the guy behind me is actively saying he doesn’t give a shit about the games or winning.

Today, that player left the team.

If you feel the leadership in this locker room is as serious as we are lead to believe(true or not), it’s not that big of a stretch to connect some dots here.

Not that I ever think anything like that would become public, so I don’t believe it’s ever “provable.” Something’s weird here.

Rubber Biscuit

Registered User
Sep 9, 2010
Long Island
A number one goalie leaves the team he's played for his entire career, in the middle of the playoffs, possibly significantly diminishing their chances of winning the cup. It's obvious he DOESN'T CARE about the team.

Of course it's only right and natural that he cares MORE for his family, but if there's no real immediate PROBLEM at home, and if he is not suffering from a mental breakdown or impairment of some sort, HOW can this be excused?

Because he should be caring more for his family than the team. You said it yourself. If you agree that he should care more about his family, how can you be upset when he decides that his family is more important?
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Registered User
Jun 23, 2016
But that opinion is not based on anything that we know. It's just what you want to believe
Plenty of it based off stuff we know about Rask. There is of course some speculation on my part as well, but as you can see by numerous other posters, my speculation is not unfounded.

Helsinki city boy

Registered User
Jun 2, 2019
Guys doingn what every guy should be doing in his situation. Family always come first. Based on my sources from Savonlinna, these thing are not as white and black they seems to be. All the the best to Tuukka.

Im sure that Tuukka is aware of bruins roster and he knows that Halak is capable of winning the games and its easier for him to let it go. Its huge statement for Halak from no 1. Guy. ”You can do do it”.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 22, 2011
And then choked. This is nothing new, he has some of the best playoff numbers overall of all time. That's never been what it was about.

BTW still waiting on apologies from people, as are some others on this board. Never resorted to personal attacks, have always kept it about talking hockey. Too bad others can't do the same.

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Gee Wally

Old, Grumpy Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
HF retirement home
And then choked. This is nothing new, he has some of the best playoff numbers overall of all time. That's never been what it was about.

BTW still waiting on apologies from people, as are some others on this board. Never resorted to personal attacks, have always kept it about talking hockey. Too bad others can't do the same.

that sir is bullshit.

Nothing ever truly goes away here at dear old HF.

Gee Wally

Old, Grumpy Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
HF retirement home
Anybody have the Globe and can copy and paste Dupes article? Curious to read it.

I'll give you what I can:

Bruins are sympathetic, but know it’s time to move on from Tuukka Rask - The Boston Globe

Rask, 33, abruptly packed up in Toronto, in the thick of the Stanley Cup playoffs, letting it be known he needed to be with his wife and three kids.
He left the protected NHL bubble.
He left his team to a 12:20 p.m. start against Carolina in Round 1 of the playoffs.
Unless there is some equally astonishing reversal, his 2019-20 season has officially, and astonishingly, come to an end. By Rask’s own choice.

In 2018, Rask returned three days later, noting it was time he needed to spend away, do right by his family, and he plugged seamlessly back into the job and led the Bruins to within one win of capturing the Cup last spring.
“This was a time that, deep inside my heart,” Rask said upon returning from his brief LOA, “I felt like I needed to take time to be with my family and make things right, so I can be back here and focus on my job.”
Look, we don’t really know what’s going on here, because whatever the state of Rask’s family dynamics, whatever influence they have on his mindset for the job, that’s his business. Until, of course, TMZ drops a video on us.

All of which points to Rask not being here whenever — if ever — the 2020-21 season starts. It’s time for both sides to shake hands, recall the many good memories, and move on to situations that are better, more predictable fits for both.
For two sides bonded over a ring of vulcanized rubber, this is not a marriage that works.
Rask is a very good guy. He is an excellent goalie, among the top five in the NHL. Teammates like him a ton. He was a hoot-and-a-half when all the members of the 2011 Cup-winning team met for a Zoom reunion late in the spring. They gifted him a fancy set of drums this season when he played his 500th NHL regular-season game. They rightly appreciate he is the winningest goalie in franchise history.
From a media standpoint, he is a true joy, often glib and self-effacing. In a room full of players who increasingly recite near-scripted, feckless responses and clichés — as they did Saturday when asked about him — he has been a dependable, oft-humorous quote.

Who wouldn’t sympathize with someone who’s not happy on the homefront?
“We understand completely where Tuukka is coming from,” Sweeney said late Saturday morning, filling a media opportunity that originally was slated for coach Bruce Cassidy. “I don’t think it’s any big surprise to us, to be honest with you. We’re privy to information maybe before the rest of the public is, and this has been a difficult decision for Tuukka. But the Boston Bruins are in full support of why he made this decision.”
Sweeney is a compassionate guy. He has made clear, from the time he took over the GM job five years ago, that he is intent on cultivating a family-first culture on Causeway Street. No doubt we are a long, long way from Original Six days when a Bruin with a bad shift on a Saturday night was handed a Greyhound ticket to Oklahoma City on Sunday morning. Aided only by a kick in the ass to help board the bus.
So good for Sweeney, and good for Rask, and good for anyone who aspires to be, or to remain, a member of the “We Are Family” Spoked-B franchise.

Leaving the bubble, by the way, technically does not terminate Rask’s season. A check with the league office on Saturday confirmed that a player who leaves can return, although he would have to conform to quarantine conditions established in the league’s Return To Play agreement, as well as the protocols set forth by the cities of Toronto or Edmonton (if the Bruins were to make it beyond the second round).
So, yes, it’s possible that things quiet down at home for Rask and he asks back in a week or two. But that’s not a bet to make. Rask has one year left on his contract and the Bruins have the right to trade him to one of the 15 teams he was obligated to name months ago as the February trade deadline approached. Sweeney will be working the phones.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 21, 2005
Watertown, Massachusetts
I have been disappointed in Rask on several occasions, and have questioned his commitment and ability to rise to the situation when it counts most.

He has had two cracks at a Stanley Cup, and while certainly not alone on this team in failing to bring it back to Boston, it's fair to question his play.

With that said, I couldn't put my sentiments any better than WEEI's Scott McLaughlin,

Tuukka Rask deserves support, not criticism, after opt-out decision
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Trap Jesus

Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
What dont you get?
No post be it edited or deleted is ever gone. Just 'invisible'.

So if anyone ever makes a claim that they didnt do/say/respond or anything else...well...if they's still 'there'.
All in its original version.


Now accepting BitCoin
Oct 26, 2005
Nation's Capital
I believe it's within the realm of possibilities his wife doesn't have anyone to help her with the kids (I don't even know what nationality she is tbh). But if she was Finnish, you think she'd want either of her parents to come to the US or Tuukka's parents during the pandemic? That's the last thing they would want.

Again, if it's family related, it's none of my business as a sports fan and until more info becomes available (if ever it does), then I won't pass judgment, as I value family over anything and everything.
No one to help? You realize that Tuukka is a bonafide multi-millionaire, right?

Sorry, but leaving the team at this time in this manner is not excusable, IMO.

He basically became Tom Fergus redux.

If serious medical illness of a family member were the issue, that might change things for me, but aside from that, I cannot give him a pass on this.
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Trap Jesus

Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
and.......your version of never having a bad thing to say is bullshit.
You know it . Others know it. Some can still see it.

You dish as well as take.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program - Rask flees.
I guess to be fair it's difficult to even know what a personal attack or derogatory slur is on here.
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