OT: The reporter/chroniquer/analyst that you hate the most


Jun 24, 2012
Yup, it's language related, t has nothing to do with the fact Leroux is the "LHJMQ specialist" at RDS and that he follows the Q all year long... :help:

Drawing up lists of drafted players based on the degree of racial purity of those he deems to be de souche Quebeckers, as Leroux does every year after the NHL draft, really has a lot to do with being a "LHJMQ specialist" and "following the Q all year long". :rolleyes:


Registered User
Oct 23, 2008
Drawing up lists of drafted players based on the degree of racial purity of those he deems to be de souche Quebeckers, as Leroux does every year after the NHL draft, really has a lot to do with being a "LHJMQ specialist" and "following the Q all year long". :rolleyes:

His lists are about Quebec born players drafted from the Q. It has an importance in a context that Quebec isn't developing a lot of talent. If you think that's racist then I don't know what to say.


Jun 24, 2012
His lists are about Quebec born players drafted from the Q. It has an importance in a context that Quebec isn't developing a lot of talent. If you think that's racist then I don't know what to say.

His lists are not about Quebec-born players drafted in the Q, but about "Québécois de souche". How is that relevant?


Aug 16, 2008
The City
He was on the radio in Toronto this week doing a 3 hour show on the fan 590. He seemed like he knew a ton about all the sports they talked about and to me seems to be a legit sports fan with great insight.

I've never had the impression Mckenzie watched much hockey or had that valuable an opinion on anything 'on ice' related. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. He is very good at doing what he does, however, but I find that he's becoming a bit arrogant. That's my own subjective impression, however.

His lists are not about Quebec-born players drafted in the Q, but about "Québécois de souche". How is that relevant?

I don't follow leroux at all because of reasons I stated above. You keep quoting 'de souche'. Does he actually say that?


Aug 16, 2008
The City
What I like about Friedman, like McKenzie, is he puts his own opinion secondary to that of the people he speaks with. He will attach himself to the credibility of a GM or a player or a coach, even sometimes by stating generically that an "NHL General Manager tells me that...".

Guys like Stock and Healey are all about their talking points, their opinion, their editorial, they talk over each other and dismiss the less aggressive panelist like Weeks and Friedman. Yet, given their air time they come across as less informed than a guy like Friedman.

I remember Friedman on fan 590 Toronto and I would never have imagined he'd get to where he is now, that's how much work he has put into his career. I wish him success and I wish all sports people would study like Elliotte has.

For the amount of hockey/hockey related media i consume, I probably take in the least amount of it from mainstream sources like tsn, cbc etc, so you're likely far more enlightened on the subject than I. That being said, it definitely feels good to actually be able to trust a few in the business. Too many seem to muddy up 'facts' with their editorials, as you say, and it gets tiresome. Stock, for example, is obviously supposed to appear as someone with insight since he's played in the league, but I don't trust a damn thing he says, because we all know he's there to be a court jester for ratings.


His lists are not about Quebec-born players drafted in the Q, but about "Québécois de souche". How is that relevant?

He just wanted to make a point about how few Quebec born players are developed or developing, to become good enough to make the NHL some day Most of the best players/rookies that will be drafted in the next couple of years from the Q, are born in other provinces, in the US and Europe.

It's a message he is sending to minor hockey throughout the province. Not to bash any other kids with diffrent cultural backgrounds or nationality. Leroux is way above of that, and never came across as a xenophobe.


Jun 24, 2012
I don't follow leroux at all because of reasons I stated above. You keep quoting 'de souche'. Does he actually say that?

Yes, he does. And has done so on several occasions, unfortunately. Saw him live on RDS with this reference which he draws a list from. He says something like "Voici la liste des québécois de souche qui furent repêchés ..."


Jun 24, 2012
He just wanted to make a point about how few Quebec born players are developed or developing, to become good enough to make the NHL some day Most of the best players/rookies that will be drafted in the next couple of years from the Q, are born in other provinces, in the US and Europe.

It's a message he is sending to minor hockey throughout the province. Not to bash any other kids with diffrent cultural backgrounds or nationality. Leroux is way above of that, and never came across as a xenophobe.

If he wanted to just draw attention to the place of birth, using the word "québécois" would have been enough.

However, he goes further and says "québécois de souche", which indicates a racial component.

I don't know that he's a xenophobe. I just know that this type of reference is completely unnecessary and takes away Leroux's credibility as a pundit.

Edit: Here is a text from a 2008 piece, citing Leroux, whose comments are captured in bold:

Il cite l'exemple des Prédateurs de la ligue midget AAA (dernière étape montréalaise avant le junior majeur) qui n'ont pas impressionné grand monde depuis un bon moment.

«L'équipe compte plus de joueurs "ethniques" qu'avant. Je ne sais pas s'il y a un lien à faire, mais depuis quelques années, c'est le club qui fournit le moins de joueurs à la Ligue junior majeur du Québec. C'est peut-être gros de dire ça, mais je pense qu'il y a un effet.»

«Bull****!», rétorque un acteur du milieu, qui préfère garder l'anonymat. «Qu'un kid soit "ethnique" ou non, quelle différence ça fait s'il commence à patiner à 5 ans? Pour moi la question n'est pas l'origine, mais le système qui est en place. Si le programme est bon, ils vont se développer.»
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Registered User
May 4, 2010
Sherbrooke, Québec
I wholeheartedly agree.

He loves to brag but man does he hate being reminded of some of the things that turned out to be wrong.

I never understood why he didn't like Ryan Johansen.

We all like to brag about our good calls and hope our bad ones don't come up.I think we're a bit hard on the journalists we have, they're human beings just like us and we all have our weaknesses.

I like that Mathias Brunet talks/writes about the whole league, and not just the Habs.

Grant McCagg

Dec 13, 2010
I've never had the impression Mckenzie watched much hockey or had that valuable an opinion on anything 'on ice' related. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. He is very good at doing what he does, however, but I find that he's becoming a bit arrogant. That's my own subjective impression, however.

I don't follow leroux at all because of reasons I stated above. You keep quoting 'de souche'. Does he actually say that?

You never got the impression McKenzie watched much hockey?
Really. And how dare a hockey media person display even a smidgen of ego...I've witnessed your reaction to that first-hand on here. Much more acceptable for faceless internet posters to do that.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2006
Don Cherry


.... really, the senile is so caught up in the 70s it's disgusting. Times have changed, but not him. He's racist, political (for people who think sports has nothing to do with politics, well tell him), self-promoting, disrespectfull to his collegue... and just a bad analyst.

I still can't believe Rogers re-hired him... and even worst, that he made the list of greatest Canadians.

FFS, he said Rob Ford would be the best mayor Toronto would ever had... that alone should tell people how big an idiot and incompetant analyst this guy is.


Registered User
May 4, 2010
Sherbrooke, Québec
If he wanted to just draw attention to the place of birth, using the word "québécois" would have been enough.

However, he goes further and says "québécois de souche", which indicates a racial component.

I don't know that he's a xenophobe. I just know that this type of reference is completely unnecessary and takes away Leroux's credibility as a pundit.

Edit: Here is a text from a 2008 piece, citing Leroux, whose comments are captured in bold:

Where did you get that quote from?

I think it's a bit farfetched to label that as racist.

The guy involved in hockey in that area is right to say that the system is what matters, not the origins of the kid.

Parents have a lot of influence on how a player will develop. Also, most coaches in minor hockey are parent volunteers. If most of those coaches never played hockey, one could think the kids under those coaches will develop at a slower rate/less than kids under parents that have played the game.

I have nothing against parent volunteers that have not played the game, actually I encourage them to do so. But I don't think it's racist to say that people who have been coaching hockey for near a century now are better at it than people who are new to it.

I think there's more to that thought than the simple fact that the kids are not 'de souche'.


Expect the expected
Jun 17, 2007
You never got the impression McKenzie watched much hockey?
Really. And how dare a hockey media person display even a smidgen of ego...I've witnessed your reaction to that first-hand on here. Much more acceptable for faceless internet posters to do that.

McKenzie gets most of his information from the league, he's as much of a paid shill as anybody could be. If you watch him closely you'd notice that he rarely states opinions which go against the league's interests nor does he pronounce any of his own thoughts. He rides the fence and acts as the NHL's mouthpiece and gets respected for it by a bunch of mouth breathers.

He's as bad as anyone.


Jun 24, 2012
Where did you get that quote from?

From a piece that quoted Leroux, that was reprised on HF.

I think it's a bit farfetched to label that as racist.

I didn't call him a racist, but you seem to. I merely indicated that there are racial/ethnic undertones that permeate some of his comments, which takes away from his credibility. If he feels so strongly about engaging into demagogical pontification, it would be nice of him to exclude that from the sports platform we have been led to believe, he is supposed to be working from.


Registered User
Nov 24, 2011
- Cherry (by a landslide my #1).
- Pang (acts strange).
- McGuire (an absolute cartoon character who can't have a real nuanced in-depth opinion about anything).
- All of the people on Anti-Chambre (what a dumb name, too).
- Every ex-player with very very few exceptions.
- Every reporter with an agenda or little to no knowledge.

OTOH, I like a lot of the TSN guys. Houde and Denis are absolutely brilliant and I hope they stay together for a long long time.

Burke the Legend

Registered User
Feb 22, 2012
jack todd, loser criminal army deserter who should go back to usa and serve his jailtime. knows nothing about hockey just kind of rips off bad hfboards postings and copies them. people like him and bill brownstain have turned the gazette into a complete joke.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2005
Gaston Therrien's favorite line « Desharnais c'est pas un marqueur, c'est un passeur.»
always makes me turn off the tv.

For me, Gaston has to be the worst.

It seems like he doesn't really have any opinions and instead he just keeps repeating the same basic stuff day after day.

"La job d'un gardien c'est d'arrêter des rondelles"
"Un marqueur se doit d'aller au filet"
"L'entraîneur a pris une décision et je respecte ça"

As if RDS' viewers were a bunch of 5 years old kids or people who have never watched any hockey in their life.

To further prove my point, here are some of the "best" Gaston Therrien quotes :

J'ai rien contre le fait qu'un entraîneur fasse des décisions,mais il faut absolument assumer ces décisions là"

J'ai aimé ce que j'ai vu à l'entrainement. Ce que j'ai vu : du mouvement, des passes, des bons lancers. Il y avait de l'ardeur

"Reste un chose, Markov a joué en Russie, il a été capable d'être un joueur de hockey"

"J'ai joué en Suisse. Être un aillier en suisse, c'est pas facile et un gardien de but non plus, parce qu'un gardien de but marque pas de but et il doit jouer tous les matchs pour être rentable"

"Il peut faire les choses simples : passe patin lancer"

"Therrien n'a pas beaucoup de temps pour ne pas prendre des décisions
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jack todd, loser criminal army deserter who should go back to usa and serve his jailtime. knows nothing about hockey just kind of rips off bad hfboards postings and copies them. people like him and bill brownstain have turned the gazette into a complete joke.

Everyone brings that army deserter crap when talking about Todd. History has shown that it was an unjust war and that the people who took a stand and didn't want to fight in that war were right. I like Todd and his opinion's are usually spot on. I'm probably in the minority alot of people don't like his writing bit I do.


Expect the expected
Jun 17, 2007
jack todd, loser criminal army deserter who should go back to usa and serve his jailtime. knows nothing about hockey just kind of rips off bad hfboards postings and copies them. people like him and bill brownstain have turned the gazette into a complete joke.

Of all the reasons to hate Jack Todd, to dreck up his desertion from that pathetic, genicidal war and call it criminal is as low as one could get.

He's a bad writer, he sucks at hockey, and the Gazette sucks. Yes on all counts. But I and many others would, ten times out of ten, desert or go AWOL than go get butchered in a jungle 8000 miles away.

Grow up.


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