Thanks to Chevy

White Out 902

I'm usually right.
Aug 17, 2017
Cape Breton Island
You should probably read some of those wiki articles you like to post. Maybe this one:
Negativity bias

I don't think your qualified to diagnose me as having that particularly bias. Even so, at this point we are at a stand off:

It's amazing, after all this time, you can still so utterly mischaracterize the arguments of those who supported Chevy's process. The argument has never been "results didn't matter". The argument has always been that there is a long term goal, which is to contend for the Stanley Cup (i.e. "results"). And that, while building towards this ultimate goal, it's ok to be bad for a while.

A large chunk of the people defending Chevy we're indeed saying the results don't matter there is some future unknown success coming. The best example of how misguided this was when we made the playoffs and were swept by Anaheim. Going into that series there was literally a thank you chevy post that read just like this. Then afterwards when missed the playoffs again for 2 years suddenly we we're once again knee deep in a process. The thing about outcome bias is it allows you to just write off all previous failures as being part of the design. But we know that Chevy was making all sorts of strange offers and decisions that just didn't jive with the narrative. I won't rehash them all but Andrew Ladd is a great example. I view our success as a product of amateur scouting, Chevy not being able to hamstring the team with bad deals like Ladd despite trying, and some good fortune. The Kane trade being forced by the locker room incident for example. Laine's lottery ball.

If Chia in Edmonton can be considered a total buffoon today in Edmonton having previously GM'd a team to a Stanley Cup, sure people must be willing to admit that this team would be where it is with almost any other GM who just stood pat and let his scouts build. If you can't even meet me there you aren't being a serious person (that comment is directed towards anyone not you specifically)

I'm enjoying it immensely. Especially so, because I have always believed in this team, it's management, and everything is unfolding exactly as I'd hoped and expected. I genuinely hope you are enjoying it too (and it seems so from some of your other posts). However, you're baiting lots of folks pretty hard in this thread, so you should expect a response.

And there it is; the "I'm a better fan than you because I was also super positive" gambit. You aren't. And you aren't enjoying it more than me because you're a big chevy supporter. I'm truly sorry to burst your bubble on that. I imagine that you must think I'm curled up on my couch gritting my teeth with each Jets win. When in reality, and probably to your dismay I enjoy the wins as much or maybe even more than you.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2014
Please ... it's great how things are working out ... but you make it sound like it was a nailed-on certainty, which it certainly wasn't, and that you were the only one to get what was going on.

Never said it was just me. I am familiar with several other posters on this forum that were fighting the good fight for the past several seasons.

Go back and read my posting history, i have had little to no doubt this was heading in the right direction for ever.

I was never confused about what skill Scheif, Trouba, Ehlers and Connor brought to the table. I followed all our picks closely, knew Helly was headed down the path of a legit # 1 goalie, that Kyle Connor was matching metric that only star players produced at his age. I also saw our later picks develop as well, when Copp was being touted as an NHL calibre player, Lowry as well.

But you are right, there was never a guarantee if it would out, which is why i gave this process patience and time needed to see if these draft picks can take that big step in to the league.

If it takes 5 years in average before you know what you have in a draft pick, that it would take closer to a decade to build this team, with the empty prospect pool we inherited in 2011, to a cup contender.

Chevy detractors tried to tell us it should take half that time, which was a joke to think.

Puckatron 3000

Glitchy Prototype
Feb 4, 2014
Offensive Zone
I don't think your qualified to diagnose me as having that particularly bias.

Weren't you the guy who started diagnosing biases around here? :huh:
Guess it's ok when you do it to other posters, but not ok when it happens back.

A large chunk of the people defending Chevy we're indeed saying the results don't matter there is some future unknown success coming.

Yeah, this is a little closer. Except we also saw the moves Chevy was making as increasing the likelihood of that future success. I understand you disagree on the specifics of those moves, but at least we're clearer on what our position was.

And there it is; the "I'm a better fan than you because I was also super positive" gambit. You aren't. And you aren't enjoying it more than me because you're a big chevy supporter. I'm truly sorry to burst your bubble on that. I imagine that you must think I'm curled up on my couch gritting my teeth with each Jets win. When in reality, and probably to your dismay I enjoy the wins as much or maybe even more than you.

Who said I was a better fan than you? Not me. I just said I was right about my belief in Chevy. That absolutely is adding to my enjoyment of this season's success.

I don't spend any time imagining what you do on your couch.
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Blue Shakehead

because lol Jets
Mar 18, 2011
I've been Chevy's biggest HF Jets critic since 2013 and even I didn't want him to be fired after last year. (I did, however, want Maurice fired before 2017 training camp - but that's a subject for a different told-ya-so thread).

He's definitely grown into the job and he's had some good fortune along the way (Laine lottery, Ladd refusing contract, not negotiating contract with Buff until Ladd deal fell apart, timing of Kane trade, etc) but sometimes you have to be good to be lucky. He's killed it at the draft, made some great trades/acquisitions and signed some superb contracts and regardless of how we got here, when the smoke clears, the team he's assembled is simply the best Winnipeg Jets team in our NHL history with a very young core and deep pool of prospects so we are set up to be good for a long time. So he is deserving of every bit of praise he gets.

I could make you guys a laundry list of stuff I've been wrong about (and right about) and I'm not ashamed of any of it. I picked us to finish 2nd in the central this year and thought the only thing that would hold us back was Maurice. Never dreamed we'd be here though.

I have found through twitter that there is a fringe element within the the anti-Chevy crowd that actually want the Jets to lose and Chevy to fail. Its a place so negative that even old :shakehead can't stomach it. I am far too busy riding the rainbows and unicorns and dreams of positivity for this run to give one flying f*** as to whether someone takes personal satisfaction in me calling Chevy an incompetent back when he was doing dumb shit like resigning Stu and Anthony Peluso.

Go Jets Go!


Registered User
Dec 17, 2013
The jets launch was delayed by pavelec no question...if there is a super legit critique of Chevy that's it for me. I think we taste the playoffs in that southeast division with a real goalie. However, WCF was never happening with the Kane Ladd Bogosian team imo, that group didn't have the talent and Chevy was right to make that trade and go younger.

one other person

Tripping thru time and space
Feb 19, 2018
Sunny St. Somewhere
Hello Mr. Chevy,

I no longer have any reason to hate or distrust you, or think that you stink. If we bow out in this round, it’s all on that bum Maurice.

Your Pal,

O. O. Person


Registered User
Dec 25, 2003
Westward Ho, Alberta
If Chia in Edmonton can be considered a total buffoon today in Edmonton having previously GM'd a team to a Stanley Cup, sure people must be willing to admit that this team would be where it is with almost any other GM who just stood pat and let his scouts build. If you can't even meet me there you aren't being a serious person (that comment is directed towards anyone not you specifically)

You can't be serious. Chevy is arguably been the best GM in the league for the past 5 years. I can name several examples, but I'm sure most of us can figure them out. You have to get away from that Calgarypuck forum. Those imbeciles are a bad influence on you.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2014
I don't think your qualified to diagnose me as having that particularly bias. Even so, at this point we are at a stand off:
A large chunk of the people defending Chevy we're indeed saying the results don't matter there is some future unknown success coming. The best example of how misguided this was when we made the playoffs and were swept by Anaheim. Going into that series there was literally a thank you chevy post that read just like this. Then afterwards when missed the playoffs again for 2 years suddenly we we're once again knee deep in a process. The thing about outcome bias is it allows you to just write off all previous failures as being part of the design. But we know that Chevy was making all sorts of strange offers and decisions that just didn't jive with the narrative. I won't rehash them all but Andrew Ladd is a great example. I view our success as a product of amateur scouting, Chevy not being able to hamstring the team with bad deals like Ladd despite trying, and some good fortune. The Kane trade being forced by the locker room incident for example. Laine's lottery ball.
If Chia in Edmonton can be considered a total buffoon today in Edmonton having previously GM'd a team to a Stanley Cup, sure people must be willing to admit that this team would be where it is with almost any other GM who just stood pat and let his scouts build. If you can't even meet me there you aren't being a serious person (that comment is directed towards anyone not you specifically)
And there it is; the "I'm a better fan than you because I was also super positive" gambit. You aren't. And you aren't enjoying it more than me because you're a big chevy supporter. I'm truly sorry to burst your bubble on that. I imagine that you must think I'm curled up on my couch gritting my teeth with each Jets win. When in reality, and probably to your dismay I enjoy the wins as much or maybe even more than you.

I find your entire post very misguided.

First off, the Thank You post to Chevy back in 2015, just to fill you in, was to thank him for mortgaging part of our future, to give our team a boost at the trade deadline, by getting Tlusty and Stemp.

No one on here that I am aware of, back then, were proclaiming this team a final product, that we finally arrived during that playoff run. The thanks was because some around here understood this organization did not take lightly giving up draft picks for win now players, it was not the plan.

So when Chevy decided to slightly deviate from it, fans that understood the process, appreciated his willingness to part with picks to help us get into the playoffs, to give our young team a taste of playoffs. You trying to paint that as some sorta proclamation by Chevy supporters, that he had completed the rebuild is plain ignorance. And afterwards, when as you state we suddenly got knee deep in the process, well low in behold, it was because we were knee deep in the process.

Just because you do not have an ability to understand what that process was, the players it was going to deliver, that is all on you. Many here have a solid capability of assessing prospects, understanding the bigger picture, and knew where this was heading.

LOL, please rehash your plethora of weird Chevy moves that suggest he was not actively building this team through drafting? Let me guess, we are going to hear about Pavs, Thorburn and Stuart. Lol , the holy trifecta of Chevy detractors examples of his incompetence.

Spare us the examples, because they are just signings to fill out a team, to keep some high character players on the roster, to continue to help develop our young core. Since these examples are all dead now, all players have left the organization, their contracts did absolutely nothing to detract from Chevy’s draft and develop process. They are just contracts to get above the salary floor, and to keep good character guys on the team.

If your biggest proof that Chevy got lucky and tripped into this deep talented team is complete hogwash, more so if your proof of this was Ladd. He wanted to resign him when he was still producing at a top level, and was our leader, a player the young kids looked up to.

Typical Chevy detractor narratives: Chevy does not draft well, his scouting staff does, Chevy didn’t make a good trade with Kane, he tripped into it. This never gets old, but it also never rings true.

You can deflect all the accolades you want from Chevy, to other entities, its nothing more than complete selective ignorance. Problem is, now we are seeing that Chevy continually makes smart moves, smart signings, smart trades, that your narrative has so many holes in it, we do not even have to argue against it anymore. I just laugh at those that are still trying to make this silly out to lunch statements, you are wrong, always were, and now the proof unequivocally tells us you were wrong, as Chevy today is considered one of, if not, the best GM in the league.

Outcome bias, this cracks me up inside. The detractors of Chevy were all about the outcomes, for several season. Every loss, we had to hear about our incompetent GM. When those that understood what we were building would try to reason with this ignorance, the detractors would cite the losses, and state that wins are all that matter, and your dream of better days coming, are just that, a dream.

So, if it helps you feel better about your perspective on Chevy, by telling the world that any GM would have walked the same path as him, into the same success, have at er, but we all know this is a complete load of crap, spewed to try to help some feel better about being wrong.

Its not about being a better fan. Its all about being a more insightful fan that understood what was being built here, and didn’t attack our GM because it didn’t happen in a five year span. Fact is we were always right, and you were always wrong. I can say this because thankfully Chipman understood he had an amazing GM under his wing, and he showed the patience to stick with him, and now its all roses.

Misguided as we were, yet we were correct, which is not being misguided at all, its being informed and understanding what it takes to build a winning team.
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Registered User
Jan 14, 2014

You seem to want to state your opinions, all negative, about Chevy, in a Thank Chevy thread, but also seem to deflect or act perplexed when called out for said opinions.

When you are wrong you are wrong, and as shown throughout this thread, along with the factual proof of a young deep team built entirely by Chevy, you are\ were wrong.

Best thing to do is either admit it, or walk away from it. Coming into this thread stating your archaic examples of incompetence is a joke today, and would be considered a joke by any hockey intelligent insider out there.

Chevy built an amazing team, one that will be competing for a cup for the next decade, deal with it.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2003
The process is unfolding in the manner that I thought it would albeit I thought the big step forward would have happened last year to being a legit playoff team. They however have learned more quickly in the playoffs then I thought they would so being off by a year wasn't such a big deal.

I like how the org has been built from the ground up and the process that Chevy has implemented and followed.

He has drafted very well and has put in place a terrific procurement process.

Some posters see the lack of selling at past deadlines (When the team was just out of the playoffs while in the Southeast) or making some depth moves in 2015 to get in as not being to consistent to the plan. Well I see it differently as one of the most important components of the procurement system (One that most will now agree has been a huge success) was keeping around high quality veteran leaders that could hold spots until the kids were ready. These vets also served as valuable role models and per mentors. In order for this to be successful you need them to want to be a part of the organization and actively engaged in the process. How engaged do you think most of our vets would be if the org sold off assets every deadline while the players where still within striking distance of the playoffs. While everyone knows its a business, players have career goals and aspirations and they will become disenfranchised (We've seen it with players on perpetual bottom feeders) with the process. In 2015 he made moved to reward the vets for sticking with the program.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2016
Checking in as one of the few that strongly backed Chevy AND Maurice. :)

It was odd posting here these past couple of years with all of the negativity and spreadsheet “advanced” stats trying to prove Maurice/Chevy were idiots in lineup decisions (meanwhile, these spreadsheet darlings still aren’t in the regular lineup).

Nice to be right!

BTW, kudos to OP for being a staunch defender of Hellesuck. While I wasn’t ready to write him off, he certainly exceeded my expectations.
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White Out 902

I'm usually right.
Aug 17, 2017
Cape Breton Island
You seem to want to state your opinions, all negative, about Chevy, in a Thank Chevy thread, but also seem to deflect or act perplexed when called out for said opinions.

When you are wrong you are wrong, and as shown throughout this thread, along with the factual proof of a young deep team built entirely by Chevy, you are\ were wrong.

Best thing to do is either admit it, or walk away from it. Coming into this thread stating your archaic examples of incompetence is a joke today, and would be considered a joke by any hockey intelligent insider out there.

Chevy built an amazing team, one that will be competing for a cup for the next decade, deal with it.



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