Pierre McGuire Venting Area Thread


Hope for the best. Expect the worst
Apr 2, 2002
Can’t stand him. That said if you listen to his recent spittin’ chiclets interview the answer to the question is yes he likely has watched every goal.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2007
I really need to mute the sound religiously whenever he has a microphone. I have reached a breaking tonight. PHL vs PIT tonight; PIT completes a nice tic-tac-toe and scores...."that was the nicest passing sequence before any goal all year this year in the NHL"
There have been 1,895 goals scored prior to tonight, has captain armpit pants watched the passing sequencing prior to every goal.

New GM and Ops means new coach coming soon...he wants back in.

Iggys Dome

Not allowed to say the “R-Word” (rebuild)
Mar 19, 2018
Cap Space
The amount of disrespect this man gets is insane. We should be glad someone so passionate covers the game. He's a little eccentric yes, but it's really not that bad. IDK we don't have him in Canada anymore so I only catch the odd game but I always thought he got way too much flak.

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
I really need to mute the sound religiously whenever he has a microphone. I have reached a breaking tonight. PHL vs PIT tonight; PIT completes a nice tic-tac-toe and scores...."that was the nicest passing sequence before any goal all year this year in the NHL"
There have been 1,895 goals scored prior to tonight, has captain armpit pants watched the passing sequencing prior to every goal.

I see you don't understand how being a colour commentator works. Especially in the US where if you aren't over-the-top then you are lame.

You are indicting the average viewer, not McGuire.

Extra Texture

A new career
Mar 21, 2008
in a new town
I can't really get angry at your post because...... well...... Sound and Vision!

Joking aside, I love Pierre. He is enthusiastic, he knows the game, he seems like a nice guy and he makes me laugh (sometimes, I'm sure, not on purpose).
I should've qualified my comments there. For all his faults (and I know he has them) I actually dont mind Pierre that much either.

Like others have said here, he's a big nerd and font of knowledge. Yeah he goes on a bit much, and dwells on the college hockey/minor league connections alot, but sometimes he shares stuff that is kind of cool, even if he also shares a bunch of fluff that seems like showing off.

And at this point, his reputation as a "hockey guy" is established. He knows alot about the game, but was a complete failure working in it, and friend and foe alike hated him when he was behind the bench. To me that's enough of a scarlet letter without hating on every word out of the guy's mouth.

But the Letang thing always gets me :laugh: He loves his names alright.
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Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
I don't mind him as a person. Seems passionate, nice, courteous etc. But there was a game a few weeks ago between the Bruins and Rangers... he must have said Adam Fox's name over 20 times. Like, if Fox entered the tv shot he would literally just yell Adam FOX! It was absolutely bonkers imo. It was like he had a bet with a co-worker on how many times he could say his favourite players name, sort of Super Troopers 'Meow' level stuff.
As I said earlier in this thread, I do love Pierre. However, I fully agree with you on this one. I watched that game and there were times where I was expecting the police to show up and serve Pierre with a cease and desist order. I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Fox were a bit worried about the attention being shown to their son! It was quite intense. :laugh::laugh:

But then again, that's part of what I love about Pierre. The man is so uber enthusiastic and makes me laugh. Often without an intention of trying to be humorous, I'm sure.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2007
I personally enjoy Pierre for many of the reasons mentioned here already. But I can also see why many hockey fans dislike Pierre, for many of the reasons mentioned here already.

However, it's important to note that Pierre isn't there for us. We're the hardcore fans, who will tune in no matter what, and who already have a good knowledge level of the game and it's players. So hearing a lot of blathering about seemingly meaningless points is bound to be a little irritating to us. But for the casual fan in their hockey infancy, it's a treasure trove of information and more importantly, an excitement level that is second to none.

I imagine that for most of us here, we'd prefer minimal interference from color commentators, and analysts who leave out the basics and speak more on our level of understanding of the game. But you just can't put that on a national broadcast and expect someone tuning in for the first time to make that emotional connection with the game that will hook them and bring them back for more.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2013
I'll go to bat for Pierre any day. He's enthusiastic about hockey, and he's just so upbeat about everything that it makes anything that he's covering more enjoyable to watch.

My favorite memory was when I was flipping through channels of Olympic coverage years ago, and there's Pierre covering water polo. I didn't know a single thing about water polo and Pierre was just going nuts over some player's coverage or something obscure and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off and stuck around to watch the rest of the coverage. I know a lot more about water polo today thanks to the man.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2003
Toronto, ON
I don't know, man. Last night was the first game I have watched this year with PM and it was unbearable. I wanted to mute the tv. Obnoxious guy.


Registered User
Jul 22, 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
All the comments about Pierre being annoying are much more annoying than Pierre himself. Like bro you really gonna complain about the only guy left with personality on that sorry ass broadcasting crew? Roenick and Milbury got cancelled and now we all pleased to watch and hear these gurus like Brian Boucher, Dominick Moore and Patrick Sharp. Like man, I dont' even care about your analysis. I watch hockey for 20 years, I know it enough. Bring some heat, bring some Stephen A Smith energy, bring some Shaq/Charles Barkley like chemistry. Bring something worthy of watching. Their hockey crew lame and sleepy. There's a better chance that a dead man will stand up and walk than these guys make anybody watching TV stop on their channel and listen to them analysing hockey stuff. Call me crazy but I'm taking Roenick, Milbury and Pierre all together announcing all games with Forslund as their play by play than biased bimbos like Edzo and the rest.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2009
Dawson City, YT
I tried to watch some of the Philly and Pittsburg game last night and I think he gets paid by the number of word his speaks because he yammers on about how Joe Hockey player once scored 6 goals in pewee playing for the Mooseknuckles in a game against the Yukon Camel Toes back in 83


I'm stealing this
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Hockey Stick

Registered User
Jan 3, 2018
I'll always remember his reaction to the habs taking Price at #5 in his draft year... a rather freezing-cold take.

Aside from that, I for one love how insane he sounds when he talks. His extremely enthusiastic and always gets my attention. I also appreciate the absolutely ridiculous things that he says/does that get people talking (Big stick, gliding into the winter classic camera shot, etc.)


Registered Lurker
Nov 21, 2013
Ya im gonna say that if Pierre wasn't broadcasting in the US of A he would be a little more...natural.
He's kinda like your overbearing mother. You know you're all gonna miss him when he's gone!


Registered User
Jan 22, 2021
I really need to mute the sound religiously whenever he has a microphone. I have reached a breaking tonight. PHL vs PIT tonight; PIT completes a nice tic-tac-toe and scores...."that was the nicest passing sequence before any goal all year this year in the NHL"
There have been 1,895 goals scored prior to tonight, has captain armpit pants watched the passing =
Last edited:


Registered User
Aug 26, 2011
The Town Fun Forgot
He used to be a fixture on a sports talk show in Ottawa. He would call in from the road each morning and provide some of the most insightful and intelligent commentary available anywhere. His radio persona is much more subdued than his over the top TV schtick. I really miss listening to the guy. Nobody loves hockey more than Pierre.
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DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
How can any of you possibly besmirch this absolute beauty



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