Next Captain?


Registered User
Dec 18, 2012


(In that order)

Long term:


teh doors

ice hockey fan
Nov 15, 2010
Saw on twitter Gorges mentioned Markov as his choice and Gionta mentioned Plekanec

Plekanec could make sense I can't see Therrien loving the idea of giving PK the team

Markov it would be fun to have a captain that can't speak French or English, communicating through Sergei Berezin to the media :laugh:

Bob b smith

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007
I'm for putting kids in position of responsibility. see Messier or Pronger who were bar-hopping punks at the time...


Bedard 2023
Aug 2, 2005
Not gonna happen.. Your throwing Vet respect right out the door. You gotta learn to walk, before you can run.

Yeah that's what they say anytime a young player (Crosby / Yzerman) is made captain. It's BS. If PK is the club leader already make him captain.

Markov and Plek have been with the Habs forever and never made captain. Probably because they aren't fit to be. What can they teach PK?

Being made captain isn't a reward for loyalty. It's to lead the team now and in the future.


Bedard 2023
Aug 2, 2005
Some teams have done it ... Toews, Crosby, Landeskog. I understand that those players are special.

What makes those guy special is club management that is forward thinking. You can't keep changing your captain every 3 years when the next vet is "ready".


Born. Raised. Habs. Always.
May 14, 2010
Montréal, QC
Markov's probably the most respected vet in the locker room and that's a hallmark of the captaincy, Plekanec seems to be fittest to be the on-ice leader, PK's the best player and biggest cheerleader for his own team so he's fit to be captain too, and Price is probably the captain in spirit already.

Unfortunately, Markov is probably too quiet to be captain, PK is likely looked at as too immature to be captain, and Price is the goalie, which just doesn't really work. Looks like it's Plekanec's title to lose, and I'd be fine with that.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2011
If Subban isn't named your captain it's an absolute joke. He's the heart and soul of that team. Let his energy take over the team instead of giving it to a plug like Markov.
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Living on Fish Island
Feb 2, 2006
If Subban isn't named your captain it's an absolute joke. He's the heart and soul of that team. Let his energy take over the team instead of giving it to a plug like Markov.

I don't think Markov is captain material, either....but a plug? Don't think so.

Cole Caulifield

Registered User
Apr 22, 2004
It's one of those things where I feel no one has the crucial information necessary to have an informed opinion unless there's a really obvious choice, which there doesn't seem to be at this time.

But one thing I'll say is that Markov is a ridiculous choice.

One of the function of the captain is to discuss penalties with the refs, and perhaps influence their behavior by pointing certain things and asking questions to them. Need someone smart, well-spoken and respected by the refs to do this. Markov can barely speak English... and I wouldn't say he's a genius.

Another function is to always give interviews to the media and represent the team to the media in key situations. Markov didn't even want to address the medias at the end of the season because he didn't know how to answer questions about his next contract (by his own admission, not making this up). A captain doesn't do that. Granted he wasn't captain at the time but still... just goes to show that the required behavior doesn't really come naturally to him.

I just don't see a guy who can barely speak English as a good candidate.


Born. Raised. Habs. Always.
May 14, 2010
Montréal, QC
It's one of those things where I feel no one has the crucial information necessary to have an informed opinion unless there's a really obvious choice, which there doesn't seem to be at this time.

But one thing I'll say is that Markov is a ridiculous choice.

One of the function of the captain is to discuss penalties with the refs, and perhaps influence their behavior by pointing certain things and asking questions to them. Need someone smart, well-spoken and respected by the refs to do this. Markov can barely speak English... and I wouldn't say he's a genius.

Another function is to always give interviews to the media and represent the team to the media in key situations. Markov didn't even want to address the medias at the end of the season because he didn't know how to answer questions about his next contract (by his own admission, not making this up). A captain doesn't do that. Granted he wasn't captain at the time but still... just goes to show that the required behavior doesn't really come naturally to him.

I just don't see a guy who can barely speak English as a good candidate.

What if he can speak perfect French though? :sarcasm:


Registered User
May 17, 2004
If Subban isn't named your captain it's an absolute joke. He's the heart and soul of that team. Let his energy take over the team instead of giving it to a plug like Markov.

I love Subban but I think he still has some maturing to do 1st. This happened like 2 years ago, my friend works for a PR firm and had met with PK for business. Subban asked my friend if he wanted to see something really cool, so my friend said ok. PK then shows pictures of male genitalia on his cell phone to my friend and says these are his friends private parts. Kinda funny but kinda a little weird.

But he also has a great heart! I have a friend who was battling cancer and her parents noticed PK was in the hospital I guess visiting sick kids or something, anyways thay asked him if he could go meet their daughter and he said yes. Even though she's not a hockey fan, she said he was a really nice guy and that was really cool of him to come and talk to her and stuff.

Miller Time

Registered User
Sep 16, 2004
The internal dynamics-which probably aren't known by many who aren't real insiders-should decide who gets assigned the 'C' and the Assistants.

I do think that Subban would sulk endlessly if not given an A.

really? and you base this on how endlessly he's sulked over other snubs?

like when the habs force fed him the bridge deal... sulking his way to the Norris.
how about when he got stuck on the bench, behind lesser players, for team canada?... sulked so hard that players/coaches publicly commented on what a great teammate he was.

Subban would be the logical choice for Captain for this team, but for the same reasons that people think he'd sulk over a snub, or lacks maturity, or is classless, i doubt he gets the "C"... might even get passed up for an "A" if MT has the final say.

Markov, for all his experience/history with the team, isn't the personality type to embrace that role.
Plekanec is a decent option, but he might not even be here come opening day.

No one else should even really be in the running for "C"... MaxPac is not deserving/fitting for any letter, gallagher too young & not established enough performance-wise to be a good choice.


neither make sense for more than an "A"...

Maholtra might get an "A" if they let things play out at camp.

First Line

There’s something about Marty
Aug 21, 2002
I would be surprised if they name a captain this year. Next captain could be PK or Gallagher imo.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2007
Montrealer in Boston
How on earth can it not be Plekanec???

Why do they need to wait and see? He's been with the organization his whole career, has been our best forward many times. IS our best 2 way player hands down. It's obvious he commands everyone's respect. Already is the go to guy with the refs when Gio is out.

He's who I think of automatically when I think of our captain. Still at this age, first on the ice, last off. He cares about this team and is central to our success. Gets way too much flack cuz he's forced to take on too many responsibilities.

Give this man the C. The players will ultimately decide and I guarantee it's going to be him.

Dealing him at this stage, after just shipping out Gorges -- colossal mistake. Then again, we almost acquired Franson, so who knows?

As far as Markov goes: he doesn't want that responsibility
PK: he doesn't need a C. He's a firecracker and the A looks great on him. He's our best skater and already "leads" in many ways, but the C, in his future, just not yet.

Disingenuous to say that PK is the heart and soul of this team and others, like Pleks aren't. Sometimes it's not just about flash -- it's about being able to be a calming influence. I love PK to death, but I am perfectly happy seeing him with an A.

Really do not think Pacioretty deserves it. Alternate, yes, captain, no way. I can, however see it swinging that way somehow.
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