Mikko Rantanen Part III

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De Opresso Liber
Jul 20, 2011
Look out if he realizes he has a high level NHL shot and just starts ripping it.

I think he already has, and lately his offense has came at the expense of his offensive game. The guy shot every chance he got until the tail end of the season where he couldn't catch a pass or stick handle to save his life. Which a lot of us believe was due to some sort of hand/wrist injury. Despite denials and him playing for his country. It's very difficult to believe that after 75% of a season those skills would just leave him for the last three weeks of the season and playoffs.

I personally hope that he figures out how to do both because he's become a little lazy defensively, and was always regarded as having two way ability.
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The Kingslayer

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Aug 26, 2004
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Supertähtien kastiin noussut Rantanen uskoo pystyvänsä parantamaan – ”Viime kausi jätti sopivasti nälkää”

Superstar Mikko Rantanen thinks he can get even better - "Last season left me hungry"

– Oma pelillinen kehittyminen on suurin syy pistesaldon parantumiseen. Tietysti pisteisiin vaikuttaa sekin, että pääsin pelaamaan hyvässä joukkueessa ja hyvässä ketjussa Gabriel Landeskogin ja Nathan MacKinnon kanssa. Se oli tosi tärkeää, että saimme ketjun heti toimimaan ja löysimme yhteisen kemian, sillä eihän kukaan yksin pärjää, Rantanen perustelee.

- The biggest reason for the amount of points I got was that I got better as a player. Of course the fact that I got to play in a good team and in a good line with Gabriel Landeskog and Nathan MacKinnon had an effect to my points. It was very important that we found the chemistry right away because no one can do well alone, Rantanen says.

– Sovimme etukäteen paljon asioista ja kun pelejä tuli enemmän alle, tiesi jo ennalta, mitä toinen meinaa kiekon kanssa tehdä ja minne haluaa minun menevän. Kauden vanhetessa yhteispeli vain parani koko ajan, laitahyökkääjä jatkaa.

- We agreed on a lot of things in advance and as we got more games under our belt, you could always know what the other guy is going to do with the puck and where he wants me to go to. As the season got older our teamwork got better all the time, the winger continues.

– Runkosarja oli meiltä hyvä ja playoffseissakin pystyimme pistämään hanttiin, mutta totta kai viime kausi jätti ensi kaudelle sopivasti nälkää. Meillä on varmasti aikalailla samanlainen joukkue pelaajarungoltaan kuin viime kaudella. Nuori joukkueemme varmasti asettaa tavoitteet entistäkin korkeammalle, Rantanen vakuuttaa.

- We did well in the regular season and in the playoffs we managed to put up a fight, but of course last season left us hungry for the next season. We'll have pretty similar team roster wise as last season. Our young team is surely going to set up the goals even higher next season, Rantanen assures.

Summer training has been going well

– Olen saanut olla terveenä koko kesän. On ollut hienoa olla Turussa, kun on ollut niin hyviä kelejä. Punttitreenejä on tehty, mutta pääasiassa huomiota on kiinnitetty nopeuteen sekä tietysti myös kehonhallintaan ja tasapainoon, Rantanen kertoo.

- I have been healthy the whole summer. It has been nice to be at Turku as the weather has been so great (It's been non stop +30 celsius and for 1-2 weeks now..). I've been working at the gym, but the main focus has been on getting faster and to work on my puck control and balance, Rantanen tells us.

– Kropassa tuntuu nyt paljon paremmalta kuin viime kesänä. Myös Rautalan Hannulta on tullut palautetta, että tulokset ja tekeminen ovat paremmalla tasolla. Se antaa itseluottamusta, mutta kun elokuussa pääsee jäälle, silloin vasta huomaa, miten harjoittelu on siirtynyt sinne.

- My body feels a lot better than how it felt last summer. Also Hannu Rautala (his summer coach) has given me feedback that my results and working has been on a higher level than before. It gives me self-confidence, but I'll see the real results of my training when I hit the ice in August.

Goals will be on a high level in next season

– Meillä joukkueena, mutta myös minulla itselläni on kovat odotukset sen suhteen, että pystymme parantamaan viime kaudesta. Haluamme mennä taas playoffseihin ja myös pärjätä siellä. Emme saa olla tyytyväisiä pelkästään sinne pääsystä, vaan meidän pitää pystyä tekemään tulosta, Rantanen sanoo.

- We as a team, but also me personally have high expectations about doing better than we did last season. We want to make it to the playoffs and do well there. We're not satisfied to get there, we also have to get results there, Rantanen says.

– On aika turha lähteä miettimään mitään pistetavoitetta. Toivottavasti kehityn kesällä paremmaksi pelaajaksi, ja jos pystyn pelaamaan kokonaisvaltaisemmin, on meillä mahdollisuudet vieläkin parempaan. Haluamme edetä vain päivä ja peli kerrallaan, Rantanen toteaa.

- It's pointless to set up any goals point total wise. I hope to grow as a player in the summer, and if I can play better overall, we have a chance to do even better. We want to go one game and day at a time, Rantanen states.

– Tulevista sopimusneuvotteluista en vielä tiedä, agentti varmaan tietää paremmin. Uskon, että tässäkään asiassa ei ole mikään kiire. Vanhaa sopimusta on kuitenkin vielä kausi jäljellä, joten ei sitä uutta mahdollista sopimusta parane vielä liiaksi miettiä, Rantanen sanailee.

- I don't know anything about the upcoming contract negotiations, my agent probably knows better. I think we're not in a hurry in this matter either. I still have one year left on my old contract, so I don't think too much about my new contract yet, Rantanen says.

– Se on tosi kiva paikka. Koko organisaatio ja ihmiset ovat olleet mukavia minulle. Olen viihtynyt todella hyvin, eikä minulla ole mitään haluja lähteä sieltä pois, Rantanen sanoo.

- It's a really nice place (Denver). The whole organization and the people there have been very nice to me. I've enjoyed my time very much and I have no desires to leave Denver, Rantanen says.

There you go, hope I didn't butcher anything. He says that he's working on his balance, lets hope that it helps our favorite Bambi :laugh:

That Rantanen rookie card I sent you also went up in value from the time I sent it. Thanks for this btw
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HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 23, 2013
But yeah, it sounded like Rantanen isn't in a hurry to sign a new contract. I'd imagine that that's the normal comment to say to a reporter though and of course a contract could get done fairly quickly if Sakic, Rantanens agent and Rantanen start to talk about it and are on the same page.

I'd imagine that his contract would be something like 7-8M x 7-8yrs if it was signed soon. We'll see how next season affects that estimation (unless he signs this summer/autumn). Another point per game season with better two way game could mean 1-2M per season more for him. Full season with 60-70 points could bring it down a little but I don't think we'd go under 6.5M per season even then.

I'd like to see something like 7x7 or 7.5x8 ASAP.
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Registered User
Jul 22, 2009
Reno, NV
I keep reading that the Leafs have the best offense in the NHL on the mainboard though, which makes me value their players less even if they are talented. Their fanbase is unbearable.
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Not Great, Bob!
Jul 7, 2012
Nylanders better though.

Mikko could crush Marner between his buns of steel.
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