Player Discussion: Laine (Mod warning OP)

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Registered User
Jul 4, 2013
the gap between ovie and jt miller (2nd place) is 61 hits. That's a larger gap than Miller and Stamkos at 6.... need to kill the ovie and laine comparisons

It makes no sense, Ovi is human cannon ball on skates, Laine will never be like that and no one else will either, at least no one scoring 50. Even if Laine became the best player or goal scorer in the world, it would not ever be because of him being better at Ovechkin than Ovechkin.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2013
the gap between ovie and jt miller (2nd place) is 61 hits. That's a larger gap than Miller and Stamkos at 6.... need to kill the ovie and laine comparisons
Those comparisons never had anything to do with the physical aspect of their games.
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Winnipeg is Good
Jun 24, 2012
Somewhere nice
Let just say Laine is a very good player right now. See how he stacks up historically at his age.
We (some) try to always find fault with him for some reason. Lets look at what he has accomplished instead.

His ceiling is top 3 RW in the league on his prime. Maybe 1st on one of those years.
Not saying historically career wise. But if he plays for the Jets for 10 years. He probably breaks the points , goal scoring record of the Jets 2.0 team.
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A broken clock is right twice in a day
Sep 10, 2016
to me his body language said he’s focused on working hard this year. Do people expect him to be giggling and smiling? Is that what means he wants to stay?

He had every opportunity to say “No, I don’t wanna be traded” given the frequency he was asked.

He didn’t.

The line “it’d be best for both parties to have a good year” *thats not verbatim.. anyways, he had opportunity to shoot down the request and he didn’t.


Winnipeg is Good
Jun 24, 2012
Somewhere nice
He had every opportunity to say “No, I don’t wanna be traded” given the frequency he was asked.

He didn’t.

The line “it’d be best for both parties to have a good year” *thats not verbatim.. anyways, he had opportunity to shoot down the request and he didn’t.

The day his camp says he wants to stay during the negotiation year , the day Chevy will have them in the corner.

Laine wants to secure his future, nothing wrong with that.

If its here... if he will be the top RW the next four years.
Or somewhere else, if they see its not going to happened.

If i am Liut

I have Laine sign 4-5 years and get that UFA when he turns 26 and 27.

Most players goes to UFA AT 26 anyways.
Laine just different, he is very young when he started playing.


Winnipeg is Good
Jun 24, 2012
Somewhere nice
Lets go Fly boy!!!!



Registered User
Feb 28, 2018
Just saw the Laine interview. Wow, cringe worthy. So sad how in such a short period of time this organization has managed to turn the most important asset in Jets 2.0 history to sour on the team. From "Winnipeg is Good", to "I'm here aren't I?". So sad.

But we can afford to lose guys like Laine, right? As long as we have a very high paid aging, declining player in Wheeler and a coach who has never won anything ever in Maurice in a bromance with each other.

Sorry for the rant. I'm frustrated with this team going into every season with tons of drama. I feel like it's a joke and the joke is always on us.
Point on. Loyalty and bromance over results. Thus most fans are happy with it and that’s where the income come.

You forget to mention all the UFA players lining up to play for the Jets. Jets can only have talent via draft and they blew it.


Registered User
Apr 12, 2002
If you have The Athletic, Ates wrote a piece entitled: "Patrik Laine’s refusal to shoot down trade talk says a lot"
But does it?

Laine is quirky and has consistently commented that he is happy to play wherever he is and that trades are a part of the game. He just wants to be an impact player. He answers questions very pragmatically. He does not give a **** about how his comments are perceived.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 29, 2016
It’s a business.
Laine doesn’t belong to the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce.
He’s going to follow the money which is what any normal person would do given the occupation.

I agree - he's going to follow the money.
What will be interesting (and is what this really comes down to) is his value and how far apart he is with the league (and not just the Jets).
I think he would already be gone if there wasn't a canyon between what he wants and where he is valued (right or wrong).
He could be "following" the money for a while -
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Fire Maurice & Chevy
Nov 27, 2011
Winnipeg, Manitoba
You might want to follow the money, but given covid, given the amount of money teams are bleeding, given a frozen cap... it going to be difficult for any team to pay what Laine may be asking for and may have received if things were normal.

With the amount of money that the NHL and teams have lost due to the pandemic I would be very surprised if any teams are willing to offer big bucks for free agents or contract renewals.

With capspace being so tight it does not allow many teams to acquire a 10 million dollar a year player.
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Jun 25, 2012
somewhere flat
You might want to follow the money, but given covid, given the amount of money teams are bleeding, given a frozen cap... it going to be difficult for any team to pay what Laine may be asking for and may have received if things were normal.

Couldn't agree more. I've said similar some time ago.

I really like Laine quite a lot and think more highly of him than many on this board. That said, his expectation (and his agent's) for pay needs to be adjusted relative to the current norm (Covid induced). Realistically in the absence of fan attendance teams are bleeding money. The cap will be stagnant for some time. I suspect, though I'm only throwing darts here, is that there won't be fan attendance next season either (poor vaccine distribution/efficacy being my rationale) and as such, no big money to be had.

At the time of signing his bridge deal, due to other contracts on board (Buff, Little), only he or Connor was going to be signed long term. Connor was that one for whatever reasons arose. So Laine was bridged. Covid came along and threw a wrench in there. How much he's worth depends on the length of the contract and IMO I'd have paid him $9 million on a long (6-8 year) deal. If he's asking for Maple Leaf money then I'd drive him to the airport myself. In a Covid affected cap and income NHL world he's likely best off signing a qualifying offer for his next bridge to take him to UFA. Sucks for us, reasonably good for him.

Chevy is also hamstrung by the Covid induced effects. Whatever value Laine's goal scoring and potential ceiling might have held has been slapped down along with all the salaries. A team has to consider the risk that Laine is what you see now, not the ceiling we're hoping for. How much is that worth? Probably not all that much on the trade market because the high dollar value of a qualifying offer is hanging out there. No matter what Laine is making $7.5 next year and I believe the year after that, regardless of bridge deals or otherwise. That might actually be his realistic value, but it might not. I'd guess the odds are equal that it's more or less than that 7.5 point depending on what he does.

So it's in Laine's best interest to go out and play as hard as possible this year and hopefully do some things we haven't really seen him do yet. Stronger defense (which he has improved over the years) and being a line driver are the best possible options for him to generate interest and dollar value for himself. The puck is really on his stick to determine his future. He's played well with Statsny in the past (small sample size but better than any of the other centers) and he's almost assured to get substantial PP1 time.

I really don't see all that much pressure on Laine in the short term. He's not going to make less than the equivalent of $7.5 million in each of the next three years. His play over that time will affect his future years however. I see far more pressure on Chevy at the moment in the sense of a Trouba-esque do over. I'm not for a moment suggesting Chevy grossly overpay Laine or trade him for pennies on the dollar but I don't know how much leverage he really has.

I use the gif I do for my avatar because to me it sums up Laine perfectly. He's just a little different and that rubs many the wrong way (I expect that's largely cultural). I'm not in that group, I find him frustrating and refreshing all at the same time. He's in a negotiation so if he's not blowing smoke up TNSE's derriere then that's not a surprise to me. I've seen the interviews and listened to him. My perception of him isn't overly negative. But then I'm no Friesen.


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
Laine didn’t get his duel citizenship for nothing . He has one foot out the door for a while now ,, only thing that will keep him here is a coaching change


Registered User
Oct 22, 2014
If you have The Athletic, Ates wrote a piece entitled: "Patrik Laine’s refusal to shoot down trade talk says a lot"

I read it. It's just Murat's interpretation of the situation. Murat may be correct, or maybe it's just a leverage play to get him the contract he wants. Only Liut and Laine know for sure which it is.

If it's a leverage play, Laine can't come out and say "I don't want to be traded". He needs to say what he did "I'm here. I don't want to be a distraction. It's out of my control. Even Gretzky got traded so it's part of the game. I don't control what other people say."

He also didn't come out like PLD did and confirm that he does want to be traded.

We'll see what happens. As long as the return is good and makes us a better team now and into the future I'm fine with trading anyone. Would prefer to keep Laine unless we get the exact return that we want.
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Registered User
Dec 26, 2010
Pesce contract is nice. but really want Hamilton, imo much better all-around player and one of the top RDs in the league. the FA status is a bit risky though
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