TBN: Kaleta hit on Richards discussion (Suspended 5 games)


Registered User
Aug 16, 2010
Hate to say it, but Kaleta's negative reputation is one he brought upon himself. Don't want to be looked upon as a player of questionable repute? Put some decent effort into avoiding being responsible for questionable plays.

That said, Cherry's still an idiot.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2011
Hate to say it, but Kaleta's negative reputation is one he brought upon himself. Don't want to be looked upon as a player of questionable repute? Put some decent effort into avoiding being responsible for questionable plays.

That said, Cherry's still an idiot.

He's done a ton of that over the last couple seasons, but the general hockey media simply screams "LOOK HE WAS SUSPENDED BEFORE ZOMG HE NEVER LEARNED!!"

Mit Yarrum

HoF Turd Shiner
Apr 1, 2010
He's done a ton of that over the last couple seasons, but the general hockey media simply screams "LOOK HE WAS SUSPENDED BEFORE ZOMG HE NEVER LEARNED!!"

Most of us can see the changes Pat's made to his game, and the things that have been there all along that he doesn't get credit for with the media at large.

And yet here we are, with a highly questionable desicion made by Kaleta.

This league is a donkey show with it's inconsistant and possibly dishonest system for punishment, but in the end, hits like this need to be removed from the game as quickly as possible and Pat deserves to be punished.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2006
Richards may be out for a game or two. Call ups happening.
Then the Rangers coaching staff should be looked into for placing a player back onto the ice a minute after he went headfirst into the boards. (I'm not trying to deflect from the Kaleta discussion but I'm also not going to go to another thread to discuss this hit). It's the same as when Colt McCoy (Browns QB) was put back into a game after a mis-diagnosed concussion. If the league is REALLY serious about curbing head injuries (it's not), a coaching staff that does that should be held every bit as responsible as the offending player.

Don Cherry... should never be listened to. He's a senile old man who makes John Madden look like a god damn genius.


Registered User
Sep 4, 2011
Most of us can see the changes Pat's made to his game, and the things that have been there all along that he doesn't get credit for with the media at large.

And yet here we are, with a highly questionable desicion made by Kaleta.

This league is a donkey show with it's inconsistant and possibly dishonest system for punishment, but in the end, hits like this need to be removed from the game as quickly as possible and Pat deserves to be punished.

I don't think anybody disagrees with that, I think most people are just iritated over the lack of consistancy in the punishments. I for one think that any hit from behind should get at least a game, yet it happens at least once a game without even a 2 minute minor. If the NHL was serious about making the game safer in any way (they aren't) they would be consistant in calls, suspensions and fines. As it is, they only care when it happens to a well known player. See: Lack of punishment to Girardi for the hit on Ennis.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2012
He's done a ton of that over the last couple seasons, but the general hockey media simply screams "LOOK HE WAS SUSPENDED BEFORE ZOMG HE NEVER LEARNED!!"

Kaleta might be the Buffalo kid done good, but his never been a clean player, his gotten better but his still not perfect, it was a dirty hit and if it was the other way round we'd be screaming for a lengthy ban, lets not get completely fanboy over this.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2011
Kaleta might be the Buffalo kid done good, but his never been a clean player, his gotten better but his still not perfect, it was a dirty hit and if it was the other way round we'd be screaming for a lengthy ban, lets not get completely fanboy over this.

Did I get fanboy? I don't think I did at all.

Kaleta used to be REALLY dirty, but has really cleaned his game up over the last couple years. This hit was dirty, and suspension was warranted.

Doesn't mean we should ignore the positive progress.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2012
Did I get fanboy? I don't think I did at all.

Kaleta used to be REALLY dirty, but has really cleaned his game up over the last couple years. This hit was dirty, and suspension was warranted.

Doesn't mean we should ignore the positive progress.

Agreed, :) fair enuff, mistook the context.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2010
Kaleta might be the Buffalo kid done good, but his never been a clean player, his gotten better but his still not perfect, it was a dirty hit and if it was the other way round we'd be screaming for a lengthy ban, lets not get completely fanboy over this.

To me, "dirty hit" implies intent by Kaleta, and I saw no intent on his part there. I would rather categorize it as reckless or irresponsible.


Registered User
Jan 18, 2007
Did I get fanboy? I don't think I did at all.

Kaleta used to be REALLY dirty, but has really cleaned his game up over the last couple years. This hit was dirty, and suspension was warranted.

Doesn't mean we should ignore the positive progress.

Wasn't his last suspension last season? With less than 82 games between suspensions, it's hard to accuse people of overlooking so-called progress.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2011
Wasn't his last suspension last season? With less than 82 games between suspensions, it's hard to accuse people of overlooking so-called progress.

If you watch him actually play, he's no longer flying around recklessly creating situations where he's in position to hit illegally. He's kept himself in control generally.

He hasn't done anything like he did to Richards in a long time.


I'm The Survivor
Jul 3, 2008
Wasn't his last suspension last season? With less than 82 games between suspensions, it's hard to accuse people of overlooking so-called progress.

It's hard to compare a hit like this to a headbutt for which he was suspended. I've been one of the people ripping the hit by Kaleta in this thread and have no qualms at all with the suspension but he really has cleaned up his play and become a competent defensive player over the last few seasons.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Why don't you put on a pair of skates and try it out? Go and get a puck like Richards and every other hockey player including those who have played their entire life, see where your body leans and realize what it takes to fall forward, especially with Richards trying to retrieve the puck and no stick to lean on. A dumb play only equalled by the bleeding hearts who yearn for this wreckless player to get leniency. Leniency for Kaleta.

Maybe we should check with people who've played hockey their "entire life" to ask them which coach taught them to face the boards from four feet away with their hiney in the air like a :naughty:

Perfect response Ralonzo :laugh:

Its incredible to me the stupidity Richards displayed on that play. My first reaction to the play was Richards you're an idiot. You never approach the boards like that whether or not there is a player behind you or not. All it would take is hitting a rut and you're sailing head first into the boards in such a poor position.

What makes this even more ridiculous is he KNOWS Kaleta is right behind him because he looked back and saw him. Then Richards decides to approach the puck like a 4 year old learning to skate would and attempts to smack the puck into the corner. Thats why he fell so easily. His left knee was already bent and his arms were half way through the follow through of slapping the puck back to the corner. He basically did the dumbest thin you could do in that situation. Not only didn't he protect himself. He put himself into an even more vulnerable position.

As for Patty, He should know better than to shove a player from behind near the boards. Although I'm guessing he thought Richards would try and brace himself but its still reckless.

I think Chain summed up this situation perfectly in the GBU thread.

If Richards is against the glass, it's basically a pin out against the boards. But he was in that 4-5' area and fell so awkwardly. The penalty severity is probably due both to it being Kaleta and Richards being down, but it was still a dangerous play. That said, why Richards is bent over and so easily off balance that close to the boards after playing this game for nearly 30 years is also something to wonder at. Protect yourself guys, do what they teach 4-year olds.

I hope you don't mind me using this Chain.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2009
Perfect response Ralonzo :laugh:

Its incredible to me the stupidity Richards displayed on that play. My first reaction to the play was Richards you're an idiot. You never approach the boards like that whether or not there is a player behind you or not. All it would take is hitting a rut and you're sailing head first into the boards in such a poor position.

What makes this even more ridiculous is he KNOWS Kaleta is right behind him because he looked back and saw him. Then Richards decides to approach the puck like a 4 year old learning to skate would and attempts to smack the puck into the corner. Thats why he fell so easily. His left knee was already bent and his arms were half way through the follow through of slapping the puck back to the corner. He basically did the dumbest thin you could do in that situation. Not only didn't he protect himself. He put himself into an even more vulnerable position.

As for Patty, He should know better than to shove a player from behind near the boards. Although I'm guessing he thought Richards would try and brace himself but its still reckless.

I think Chain summed up this situation perfectly in the GBU thread.

I hope you don't mind me using this Chain.

It's incredible that you use the word stupidity in describing an offensive player crosschecked, no, not from 4 feet but closer to 6 or 8. The guy was reaching for the puck did you want him to turn and face Kaleta and reach backwards? Like, seriously. If you are reaching for a puck your weight is on the tips of your feet and therefore, as stupid play like Kaleta did to a player that is vulnerable and he did not turn his back at the last second or any of that crap which I don't like. kaleta made a conscious decision to make that play.

So Patty should"know Better" and Richards is the "stupid" one here? :shakehead


Registered User
Jul 10, 2012
Perfect response Ralonzo :laugh:

Its incredible to me the stupidity Richards displayed on that play. My first reaction to the play was Richards you're an idiot. You never approach the boards like that whether or not there is a player behind you or not. All it would take is hitting a rut and you're sailing head first into the boards in such a poor position.

What makes this even more ridiculous is he KNOWS Kaleta is right behind him because he looked back and saw him. Then Richards decides to approach the puck like a 4 year old learning to skate would and attempts to smack the puck into the corner. Thats why he fell so easily. His left knee was already bent and his arms were half way through the follow through of slapping the puck back to the corner. He basically did the dumbest thin you could do in that situation. Not only didn't he protect himself. He put himself into an even more vulnerable position.

As for Patty, He should know better than to shove a player from behind near the boards. Although I'm guessing he thought Richards would try and brace himself but its still reckless.

I think Chain summed up this situation perfectly in the GBU thread.

I hope you don't mind me using this Chain.

To be fair the idea on that play is to go for the puck, not crosscheck the guy from behind. However Richards was Kaleta is 100% responsible for an irresponsible and wreckless play.

Not sure why anyone is blaming Richards for getting hit. Looking at the play time and time again, they skate towards the boards and Kaleta hits him from behind, Richards hadn't just turned, he was skating towards the boards. Kaleta stopped going for the puck and went for the numbers.

I state again I like Kaleta but we can't say his a 'better, much cleaner player' as long as he does stuff like this. He gets injured less and isn't quite as bad, but stuff like this still happens, to him, regularly. His still got some growing up to do.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
It's incredible that you use the word stupidity in describing an offensive player crosschecked, no, not from 4 feet but closer to 6 or 8. The guy was reaching for the puck did you want him to turn and face Kaleta and reach backwards? Like, seriously. If you are reaching for a puck your weight is on the tips of your feet and therefore, as stupid play like Kaleta did to a player that is vulnerable and he did not turn his back at the last second or any of that crap which I don't like. kaleta made a conscious decision to make that play.

So Patty should"know Better" and Richards is the "stupid" one here? :shakehead

No, I want him to not reach forward like that. Something that little kids are taught not to do by the boards.

Kaleta shoved him at the same time Richards started to lean forward to smack the puck into the corner. Thats why Richards went down so easily.

Here's the thing, watch any NHL game and there are dozen's of situations like the one Richards and Kaleta are in. One player heading to the boards for the puck and another player pursuing them from behind. In the overhwelming majority of those situations the pursuing player shoves the player they are chasing from behind with roughly the same amount of force Kaleta did. The difference is 99% of the time the player getting pushed is protecting themselves so they don't go sailing headfirst into the boards.

These shoves happen all the time in games. They can be dangerous because they rely on the player getting shoved to protect themselves. But to act as if what Kaleta did was some heinous act that is rarely seen in the game, like some are, is beyond absurd. Its a common play that only led to an injury because of Richards not protecting himself.

Thats why Bob Mackenzie tweeted this

Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie
If NHL wants to change how it views/deals with "push" from behind, count me in but it's too common play. Can't pick/choose when to apply it.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2012
No, I want him to not reach forward like that. Something that little kids are taught not to do by the boards.

Kaleta shoved him at the same time Richards started to lean forward to smack the puck into the corner. Thats why Richards went down so easily.

Here's the thing, watch any NHL game and there are dozen's of situations like the one Richards and Kaleta are in. One player heading to the boards for the puck and another player pursuing them from behind. In the overhwelming majority of those situations the pursuing player shoves the player they are chasing from behind with roughly the same amount of force Kaleta did. The difference is 99% of the time the player getting pushed is protecting themselves so they don't go sailing headfirst into the boards.

These shoves happen all the time in games. They can be dangerous because they rely on the player getting shoved to protect themselves. But to act as if what Kaleta did was some heinous act that is rarely seen in the game, like some are, is beyond absurd. Its a common play that only led to an injury because of Richards not protecting himself.

Thats why Bob Mackenzie tweeted this

Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie
If NHL wants to change how it views/deals with "push" from behind, count me in but it's too common play. Can't pick/choose when to apply it.

I don't see many saying what Kaleta did was some heinous act, most are saying he was wrong and some are arguing that Richards was in the wrong, those are the only two camps I see.

The only argument I see is between those who are saying that Richards is in the wrong and those who are saying the play was reckless.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
To be fair the idea on that play is to go for the puck, not crosscheck the guy from behind. However Richards was Kaleta is 100% responsible for an irresponsible and wreckless play.

Not sure why anyone is blaming Richards for getting hit. Looking at the play time and time again, they skate towards the boards and Kaleta hits him from behind, Richards hadn't just turned, he was skating towards the boards. Kaleta stopped going for the puck and went for the numbers.

I state again I like Kaleta but we can't say his a 'better, much cleaner player' as long as he does stuff like this. He gets injured less and isn't quite as bad, but stuff like this still happens, to him, regularly. His still got some growing up to do.

He's not getting blamed for getting hit. He's being criticized for not protecting himself in that situation. He's actions turned a shove from behind into a potentially crippling head first collision with the boards. You and others don't seem to understand that play happens all the time in games with the difference being 99% of the time the player getting shoved is protecting themselves. Thus not ending up sailing head first into the boards.

To put this situation another way....

Kaleta shoved Richards in a manner that happens all the time in games assuming Richards would be protecting himself as happens 99% of the time in that situation. Instead Richards made himself more vulnerable by leaning forward to play the puck into the corner. Thus leading him to fall quite easily and go sailing headfirst into the boards. These things happened simultaneously so there is no way Kaleta could know thats what Richards intended to do.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
I don't see many saying what Kaleta did was some heinous act, most are saying he was wrong and some are arguing that Richards was in the wrong, those are the only two camps I see.

The only argument I see is between those who are saying that Richards is in the wrong and those who are saying the play was reckless.

You must not read many national press tweets and the main board on this website. Kaleta is the scummiest player to lace on skates and the Devil incarnate to many.

Timbo Slice

Roaring back
Mar 30, 2010
Perfect response Ralonzo :laugh:

Its incredible to me the stupidity Richards displayed on that play. My first reaction to the play was Richards you're an idiot. You never approach the boards like that whether or not there is a player behind you or not. All it would take is hitting a rut and you're sailing head first into the boards in such a poor position.

What makes this even more ridiculous is he KNOWS Kaleta is right behind him because he looked back and saw him. Then Richards decides to approach the puck like a 4 year old learning to skate would and attempts to smack the puck into the corner. Thats why he fell so easily. His left knee was already bent and his arms were half way through the follow through of slapping the puck back to the corner. He basically did the dumbest thin you could do in that situation. Not only didn't he protect himself. He put himself into an even more vulnerable position.

As for Patty, He should know better than to shove a player from behind near the boards. Although I'm guessing he thought Richards would try and brace himself but its still reckless.


Sorry, but at some point you have to trust the player behind you to respect you, right? Richards was stupid in how he played it, but Patty was even stupider to do that to him, in that position, at that point of the game.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
The NHL is just ridiculously arbitrary with its punishment.

Who did the act? who was on the receiving end? Was the player hurt? These things play a far bigger role in the punishments than they should.

Look at the Mike Brown charging penalty when he hit Kaleta.

Brown comes all the way across the ice and slams Pat's head off the glass. Pat is injured and Borwn only got 2mins and there was no hearing. Kaleta being the victim played a role in the punishment (Who was on the receiving end).

In fact Kaleta, over the years, has been on the receiving end of an awful lot of cheapshots that rarely if ever are dealt with by the league office.


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