Is it just me? (Update: No Bounce Posts)

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Registered User
Mar 19, 2010
Again, yesterday a pay by the minute pay page of a young girl bouncing, in semi entire, for the obvious purpose of paid gratification and objectifying was in the PGT. If that's OK to you that a public use hockey board has sunk right into porn linking and actually showing that visual display right in the post then I guess that's OK for you. Others might have different standards and shouldn't have to be subjected to what they choose not to peruse or support in something as general use as a hockey board.

I think a general rule of thumb is that anything that wouldn't be shown on a jumbotron at a game probably shouldn't be being shown here. Sounds fair?

I was more referring to the super girl pics then the bouncy gifs. But you know this exactly the thing I am referring to. People are offended by everything in this day and age. Again I will repeat just because you happen to be different then most of society does not make you special. If you don’t like it there is an ignore feature.

Tad Mikowsky

Only Droods
Jun 30, 2008
I won't speak for anyone else but I come here because hockey is a passion and despite all of the crap we have dealt with over the years I remain a die hard Oiler fan. If this trend continues I will likely limit my time on the site. This is my personal position. I am fine with others who might feel differently.


Im not offended either. I just want to talk hockey. There’s other places to ogle at women.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2011
Good discussion, this isn’t the place for that kind of thing. Doesn’t bother me, but if it bothers others it should be removed.

That being said, this thread could end up being a bit of a minefield, I hope it doesn’t continue that way.

For those who don’t understand why it might seem offensive, maybe take a step back and realize that we’re all different, and everyone reacts differently to different things. Like a few have mentioned, many people would be uncomfortable if the script was flipped and a bunch of bouncing pics of endowed men started popping up. So if that might offend you, or cause you to not want to post/read the forums, maybe you can try and understand why others find the current atmosphere to be unbearable.

The phrase “walk a mile in their shoes” is a very important lesson that has been all but forgotten in the Internet age, it would be nice to see that kind of mindset start trending.

I come from a background/generation that just doesn't get offended easily, my preference would be everyone to celebrate with whatever "soft core" pictures/gifs they want. That just doesn't work tho. As much as i dislike censorship it is there in public forums for a reason.

Just start reporting the posts citing Rule 5 of the forum rules.

5) Offensive Content: This is a site for ages 13 and up. Minors will be viewing our content, and threads are searchable on the web. Do not post slurs and stereotypes, sexually-oriented material, gore (human or animal), or any other potentially objectionable material. Our users are diverse in all ways so please respect that. Do not circumvent the profanity filter with alternate spellings/characters. Simply type out the word and let the filter handle it. Wishing injury on players or other persons is considered offensive.​

Frank has the right way to deal with this situation.

It absolutely does. Because there are variety of different hockey fans, and they don't deserve to have to wade through what's becoming an increasingly toxic environment to converse on their hockey fandom.

Seems like a pretty simple concept.

The fact you cherry picked only the first part of that post out of context for your "point" pretty much sums up its value.

I couldn't care less if they stay or not and think the OP has a point.

But the bolded is exactly what is wrong with society. One person gets uncomfortable and its time to bring in the PC police and ban all behavior. I can find someone who is uncomfortable concerning anything in this world.

Seeing my responses for each quote following said post above. Last response below.

It's unfortunate that some people just like complaining, but there is no way to determine who is actually hurt by what, so the only thing that can be done to protect those who need it, is general censorship.


I'd Be Fired
Dec 10, 2008
I think a general rule of thumb is that anything that wouldn't be shown on a jumbotron at a game probably shouldn't be being shown here. Sounds fair?

I think the occasional pic shouldn't be a problem to accent a post with a point of view should be OK but posting them like it's a craze or something is rediculous.

Have you not seen ads like bounce? A woman getting sprayed with water showing off her figure? Should this site be more restrictive than public TV ads? I think not. Only when it gets rediculous then it is intentially showing bad taste and that is what mods are for.


Registered User
Mar 19, 2010
As a hetero man, I am definitely the problem.

So does that mean that as heterosexual men we should have less rights then women or gay men? I’m tired of apologizing for being a straight man that likes seeing pictures of beautiful women. Different doesn’t mean special it means different.


Nice Bison. Kind Bison. Yep.
Sep 5, 2018
So does that mean that as heterosexual men we should have less rights then women or gay men? I’m tired of apologizing for being a straight man that likes seeing pictures of beautiful women. Different doesn’t mean special it means different.

Is anyone saying that? There would be the exact same reaction if people were posting revealing gifs of men like that. Nobody's giving you less rights. I'm a hetero male and I believe people should stop posting some of those bounce gifs. The thing is that this is a hockey forum, so if you want to view those kind of pictures do it elsewhere.
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Registered User
Oct 20, 2018
Thank you @Mowzie for saying something.

An innocent little GDT, an innocent little critique about female broadcasters, then it broadens and broadens in scope, becomes more and more broadly demeaning. All of a sudden being shitty is an accepted norm. And it's difficult to fight against when you can't report everything, and you start to think that's "just the way it is" here.

As men, we don't need to be like this. It's not about being PC, it's about having some respect for ourselves and each other.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2008
I've noticed that I have to be more mindful while scrolling through threads at work. That sucks for me.
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☠️not a homer☠️
Sep 27, 2017
Circuit Circus
So does that mean that as heterosexual men we should have less rights then women or gay men? I’m tired of apologizing for being a straight man that likes seeing pictures of beautiful women. Different doesn’t mean special it means different.
I agree with you.
I wouldn't care if a gay dude posted a pic of a buff dude with a giant bulge.

Equality for all. Screw the asexuals.

Bank Shot

Registered User
Jan 18, 2006
So does that mean that as heterosexual men we should have less rights then women or gay men? I’m tired of apologizing for being a straight man that likes seeing pictures of beautiful women. Different doesn’t mean special it means different.

It's not about having less rights. It's about being considerate of other people.

Would you or I like to see a bunch of pics of young ripply bros on the beach in budgie smugglers while looking at a hockey thread?

Nope. I'd find it annoying. I imagine you would too.

So by posting a bunch of bouncy girls you're annoying the straight females and gay guys that just want to talk hockey.

There isn't a real good reason for it.

5 Mins 4 Ftg

Life is better with no expectations.
Apr 3, 2016
I personally don’t care either way but I respect the OP and position of those who don’t like the bouncy girls but what really bothers me is I can’t say Cow.
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Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
I think the occasional pic shouldn't be a problem to accent a post with a point of view should be OK but posting them like it's a craze or something is rediculous.

Have you not seen ads like bounce? A woman getting sprayed with water showing off her figure? Should this site be more restrictive than public TV ads? I think not. Only when it gets rediculous then it is intentially showing bad taste and that is what mods are for.

I guess I haven't. Not sure what you are referring to at all.

The point is standards exist. Standards exist for this board. Standard rules around this exist and are explicitly stated. Yet nearly every pgt and gdt thread is graphic and with titles or posts contained therein about ass eatn season. The latter being such poor taste I'm surprised anybody would think this is an appropriate way to speak in public.


Nov 30, 2004
St. OILbert, AB
I'm offended by cheerleaders at football games
I go to watch football, not some beautiful, barely dressed, women dancing and pretending to care about the outcome of the game

in all seriousness, I don't mind them but you knew someone out there wouldn't like them...perhaps we should tone it down (I've never posted a pic like that)
I wouldn't like it if someone pushed their religious beliefs upon me, so I see where people are coming from


Middle old guy loving sports
Nov 26, 2018
I don´t mind the girl pics at all but there are to many lately and I have the same problem as others that I cannot look in some GDT at work or with my girl around and thats a problem...if Melissa (1 or 2 pic in a thread) wins us a stanley Cup than I am fine with that but lately it´s to much girls and less intelligent and factual hockey talk.

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Aug 25, 2010
Oil Country
Never bothered me, I'm sure I've even liked a few. But it makes sense to mitigate some of the more obvious ones.
There's a time and a place. And no shortage of sites to peruse in that field.

If you are arguing against OP's point, consider how small a hill it is to die on that you don't get to see bouncing bosoms on HF of all places.
Go to the hubs, and get your fill. I promise there's better content out there than here for those interested.


Hyman >>> Matthews
Sep 29, 2006
Somewhere Up North
I don´t mind the girl pics at all but there are to many lately and I have the same problem as others that I cannot look in some GDT at work or with my girl around and thats a problem...if Melissa (1 or 2 pic in a thread) wins us a stanley Cup than I am fine with that but lately it´s to much girls and less hockey talk.

To paraphrase it more, more Intelligent and factual hockey talk and less girls :)
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Registered User
Jul 20, 2011
I get that that is why the OP made this thread, but for me the point is even more basic. This is a hockey board. We are here to talk hockey. Are some posters so zoned out that they are unable to refrain from consuming gratuitous imagery in every sphere of their lives? And so selfish that they think everyone else on the board won’t mind indulging their infantile behaviour?

Hmmm. This is a tough one for me. You are right but...

I would say hockey in general is gratuitous. Celebrating sport in general is pretty infantile and appeals to our basic nature. If we are getting technical.

How high a horse can we sit on while commenting on a game of violence and physical supremacy?

Sport is about emotion and adding those images in celebration was certainly enjoyed by a large number on this board.

Inappropriate absolutely, but let's not try to villainize those that did this. They just got carried away.


Registered User
Dec 23, 2005
I’m tired of apologizing for being a straight man that likes seeing pictures of beautiful women
You don’t get it man. In principle I agree with some of what you are saying, but you spend what, at most an hour a day on hfoil? Are you unable to refrain from looking at pictures of beautiful women for even that insignificant length of time? No one is asking you to apologize. Just be realistic about shared spaces online.
Harpoon's Avatar is violent. I'm offended
I probably should change it.


Registered User
Mar 17, 2002
I'd agree its pretty stupid. I was going to comment on it a few times.. but I didn't want to be the wet blanket.

But being at work having to scroll past enormous pictures of women with their tits out is getting ridiculous.
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