HFWF: The Reboot VIII

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Aug 22, 2007
luchalibreonline @luchaonline
Disclose:"KIRK IS GONNA GET IT! he first kidnaps my sister, now my monkey!"
Catrina: "I told you that monkey is evil. im gonna stab kirk when i find my knitting kit"
Disclose: "Tranquila... there has to be serious explanation"
Brudda: "Can we stop at McDonalds?"
Brudda: "I want the happy meal... we're not so happy right now"
Lupita: : "i need to pipi"
Disclose: "i swear im gonna f***ing drop you at ColePens house again"
Lupita and Brudda: PLEASE!
Catrina: "Seriously i could knock her down too and we leave her there ColePens or not. its a hospital."
Turtle: *f***ing dumb turtle noises*
Disclose: EVERYONE SHUT UP. we're here! you have to behave before going in. we dont wanna get kicked out like Emp--
Familiar Voice yelling at the distance: f***'EM f***'EM!
*a bloody EmperorEddy goes flying through the door*
*8 security guys follow next*
Security1: "WE TOLD YOU NOT TO SHOW YOUR FACE HERE EVER AGAIN SIR!" *pointing at a picture that says banned from the hosiptal*
EmperorEddy: f***'EM security 1, f***'EM security 2! f***'EM security 3! f***'EM security 4!
*security 1 through 8 continue the beating outside*
Disclose: ugh.... lets take the other entrance


Elite Fan
Jun 27, 2007
* @ColePens is seen in the locker room upset. He is writing down names on a list.*


Stupid @KIRK... Stupid @UnrealMachine... Stupid @Scandale du Jour... Stupid @M.C.G. 31 ...Stupid Stash... Stupid @El Dandy! Everybody betray me! I fed up with this world. They betray me, they didn't keep their promise, they trick me, and I don't care anymore.

If only I had an ally, If only there was someone who hated El Dandy and the entire Machine as much as I do.

*Just then AC is heard yelling in the hall.*

You are use less SheamusFan. If you don't do something about these damned attacks then I will be forced to destroy the Machine myself. I am going to obliterate Gongshow and all his stupid voices and get the title back and you better belive I am going to destroy that little puke El Dandy too…

*AC Sees ColePens.*

Oh Sorry wrong room...

AC Leaves as Cole goes back to his list.
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The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
You are use less SheamusFan. If you don't do something about these damned attacks then I will be forced to destroy the Machine myself. I am going to obliterate Gongshow and all his stupid voices and get the title back and you better belive I am going to destroy that little puke El Dandy too…

@ColePens taking this title from me is as hilarious and unlikely as @Mitchy or @The Catalyst

None are championship material. None are best for business.

Hell, the 3 of them should all go join WWE or TNA. They are always looking for mid card jobbers there.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
luchalibreonline @luchaonline
Disclose:"KIRK IS GONNA GET IT! he first kidnaps my sister, now my monkey!"
Catrina: "I told you that monkey is evil. im gonna stab kirk when i find my knitting kit"
Disclose: "Tranquila... there has to be serious explanation"
Brudda: "Can we stop at McDonalds?"
Brudda: "I want the happy meal... we're not so happy right now"
Lupita: : "i need to pipi"
Disclose: "i swear im gonna ****ing drop you at ColePens house again"
Lupita and Brudda: PLEASE!
Catrina: "Seriously i could knock her down too and we leave her there ColePens or not. its a hospital."
Turtle: *****ing dumb turtle noises*
Disclose: EVERYONE SHUT UP. we're here! you have to behave before going in. we dont wanna get kicked out like Emp--
Familiar Voice yelling at the distance: ****'EM ****'EM!
*a bloody EmperorEddy goes flying through the door*
*8 security guys follow next*
Security1: "WE TOLD YOU NOT TO SHOW YOUR FACE HERE EVER AGAIN SIR!" *pointing at a picture that says banned from the hosiptal*
EmperorEddy: ****'EM security 1, ****'EM security 2! ****'EM security 3! ****'EM security 4!
*security 1 through 8 continue the beating outside*
Disclose: ugh.... lets take the other entrance

Moments before, HFWF cameras captured this incredible exclusive from The @ColePens Corporation Hospital. Here's part 1:

As @ColePens waits for an elevator, he notices a brawl from the cafeteria. He hears someone scream 'WE ARE OUT OF FISH STICKS' and is about to go to see what is happening when the elevator opens. He presses the bright C for the Certifiable Floor and a few seconds later gets off to hear . . . A FAMILIAR VOICE?

My god, it's KIRK . . . the REAL KIRK . . . and he's delivering a promo. @ColePens starts to smile and walks briskly towards KIRK's room as he's overheard bellowing . . .

KIRK: . . . And @El Dandy, you stupid son of a *****, you think you're in @ColePens head? That's what happens when you confuse winning a battle . . . WITH WINNING THE WAR . . .

@ColePens opens the door to KIRK's room now. He notices a rice cooker, some knitting supplies, and what appears to be a signed framed poster of President Obrador of Mexico that seems to be made out to . . . @Disclose?

KIRK: . . . but make no mistake @El Dandy, that WAR is coming to you. Unlimited war. Merciless war. A war that will only end with your destruction . . .

As he continues , @ColePens chooses to remain silent and keeps scanning the room. He notices KIRK's nurse, who looks nearly suicidal . . . either because KIRK won't shut the hell up or she learned the hard way last night that 'MAGIC MITCHY' does NOT refer to @Mitchy's work between the sheets.

KIRK: . . . @ColePens is going to beat you. He is going to beat you until you are within an inch of death, when you are BEGGING him to end your miserable existence . . .

@ColePens is beaming from ear to ear now. Even as he finally notices STASH THE MONKEY devouring popcorn shaped banana pieces quicker than KIRK devours a tub of popcorn while watching a romantic comedy . . . for a moment, @ColePens doesn't care, because KIRK . . . HIS KIRK . . . is BACK!

But then . . .

KIRK: . . . and when it seems @ColePens is going to be merciful and snuff the life out of you, he's going to pause. And I'm going to pull out a BANANA. I'm going to remove the peel. I'm gonna shine it up real nice. I'm gonna turn that some ***** upside down, hand it to @ColePens, and he's gonna stick it . . .

And with that, @ColePens smile is gone, and you can see him losing his **** (not @El Dandy level losing his ****, but still 'the Pens signed Jack Johnson for life' losing his **** level, which is pretty brutal in its own right).

@ColePens screams. A primal scream. And then he lunges towards KIRK to bring a merciful end this god forsaken talk of bananas . . .



KIRK is stunned and looks like he's ready to cry.

STASH is irate and starts throwing banana peels at @ColePens.

Nobody seems to notice, but KIRK's nurse has hung herself while all of this is going on.

And with that, @ColePens is seen leaving the room, muttering to himself 'SNAP OUT OF IT, KIRK'
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Dr Pepper

Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
Sunny Etobicoke
@ColePens taking this title from me is as hilarious and unlikely as @Mitchy or @The Catalyst

None are championship material. None are best for business.

Hell, the 3 of them should all go join WWE or TNA. They are always looking for mid card jobbers there.

You planning on actually defending that title any time soon, "champ"?

Seems like it's been "all quiet on the western front", as far as open challenges go.

At least when @Fro was champ, he was keen to prove his worth time and time again. You're proving to be quite the opposite.

There's a long line of us in the back who are ready to take on that challenge. Soon as you're done hiding, just let us know.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
And without further ado, HFWF fans, here's part 2 of our incredible exclusive from The @ColePens Corporation Hospital:

@ColePens is now in the hallway, exasperated as he waits for the elevator. The sound of KIRK's crying can be heard EVERYWHERE. Moments before the elevator opens, a familiar face appears:


Before @ColePens can say a word, Dr Phil speaks . . .

Dr Phil: @ColePens, remember when you and KIRK were lying together in a hospital room, when you said you were all alone and needed to make new friends. Well, KIRK has made a new friend. True, it's a monkey. True, monkey crap does NOT come out of your clothes. BUT, did you hear KIRK today? Did you really LISTEN to him? The passion. The genius. It was back. Sure, he's BFF's with a monkey now, but you can't do it without KIRK, and KIRK can't do it without his BFF. I tried to tell you before just to be TRANQUILO with things. If you'd listened to me before, then you'd have noticed how obvious it was that @M.C.G. 31 was about to GOLDEN SHOVEL your ass. Well, listen now. Let KIRK be BFF's with the monkey, because THAT is the gateway to getting back KIRK-- the scheming, ruthless, evil, manipulative KIRK you'll need to help you DESTROY @El Dandy, @UnrealMachine, @Scandale du Jour, and @M.C.G. 31. So, THIS TIME, @ColePens, don't go off half cocked. Look at the big picture. Accept what is. And focus on your NEW destiny . . . DESTROYING THE MACHINE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY . . . including with a KIRK who's BFF's with a monkey.

And with that, Dr Phil walks off. @ColePens sighs and gets on the elevator. He KNOWS Dr Phil is right. He needs KIRK, even if it's KIRK with that filthy monkey. BUT, the monkey, he's so DIRTY. And @ColePens wardrobe . . . it does NOT respond well to dirt.

At this moment, the elevator door opens at the ground level and @ColePens train of thought is interrupted by the sight of @Disclose and Friends waiting impatiently to take the elevator to get to KIRK's room. They cross paths and nobody says a thing . . .

Although a few moments later @ColePens, as he's getting into his Bentley, does notice a turtle mouth shaped bite in his Ferragamo loafers . . .
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
( -i didnt mean to tag anyone. just an habit of typing @ Peter, cuz the full thing is stupid and i still dont know how to spell it... lol
-The Mitchy thing WOW. :laugh:
-we need an angle where Kirk becomes GM and we all go to his office and bother him.)

That was suggested, but it got the golden shovel.

On the other hand, I'm still holding out hope, because @M.C.G. 31 seems to change his mind as much as my wife does when picking an outfit to go out for the evening. :D

EDIT: Incorporating klepto STASH into my last promo . . . inspired by you, my friend.
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
@ColePens, STASH invited us to a tea party in the hospital room. Wasn't that nice? I think you should come. It will be fun. You can have the finger sandwiches and petit fours catered, and STASH will bring the teapot he said he borrowed from @Disclose's succubus.

STASH also said once I'm out of the hospital, we're both invited for a sleepover at his house. You should see the pajamas he knitted for me. They're beautiful. STASH said he's knitting a pair for you too.

The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
You planning on actually defending that title any time soon, "champ"?

Seems like it's been "all quiet on the western front", as far as open challenges go.

At least when @Fro was champ, he was keen to prove his worth time and time again. You're proving to be quite the opposite.

There's a long line of us in the back who are ready to take on that challenge. Soon as you're done hiding, just let us know.

Fro was an idiot for his open challenges. No one in the back deserves a shot at MY world title. Frogboi was handing them out for free. They have to earn it.

I think your "skill set" is more adept to the Tag scene...

When a worthy opponent shows up I'll gladly DEFEND my championship.

Speaking of which.. when you gonna defend your tag titles..champ.

Also, I dont see Fro doing the open challenges anymore...hmmmmm...

The Burdened

Registered User
May 1, 2017


2 weeks earlier...

The video begins with an establishing shot showing a hospital!

The video now moves to the inside of the hospital, where a room is shown. A man can be heard yelling, "Nurse, I want some more chocolate milk! NURSEEEEEEE!" The camera slowly pans to a bed and the man is shown to be @KIRK! KIRK is lying on his bed and looking extremely frustrated.


KIRK is now tearing up, realizing what bad fortune has fallen upon him.

KIRK: Why won't anyone in this damn place listen to me? Am I really thought of as that lowly? Am I really that big of a piece of ****?

KIRK is now full on crying with his hands to his face.

Suddenly, a knock his heard on his door. KIRK's emotions change quick and he's now giddy as a drunken sailor. He can practically taste that beautiful, delicious, chocolatey chocolate mik! He's already had 14 today, but another one never hurts!

KIRK: Yes, Nurse, please come innnnnnn!

The door opens and KIRK's smile quickly turns upside down and KIRK is now trembling and quivering with fear.

A man wearing a hood is shown. His face not visible.

KIRK: You- you're not supposed to be here!

KIRK is now bawling like a baby again as the man approaches closer. His face still not visible.

KIRK: Intruder! Intruder! NURSE! NURSE! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME! Please, let me live. I got a family!

The man finally takes off his hood. It's @Mitchy! He has a smile on his face and is looking at KIRK dead in the eyes. He doesn't say a word as he approaches KIRK.

KIRK is completely losing it now. He can't hold it in and is letting out scream after scream.

KIRK: I didn't mean any of things I did to you before! That wasn't me! It was @ColePens! It was him! He brainwashed me! PLEASE MITCHY, LET ME LIVE! I GOT A FAMILY!

Mitchy is now at the edge of KIRK's bed. Still silent.

KIRK knows he's ****ed and tearfully tries to appease Mitchy.

KIRK: Oh, Mitchy, please! I think you're the future of this business! I think you should be the HFWF Champion! You should be the All Class Champion! You should be the Tag Team Champions all by yourself! YOU'RE MAGIC FREAKING MITCH! YOU DESERVE THE WORLD! PLEASE LET ME LIVE!

Mitchy finally starts talking and he doesn't look pleased

Mitchy: Shut up, you imbecile! You're going to get us caught. Shut your mouth and listen to me. It's important.

Mitchy quickly goes to the door and looks outside to see if anyone has heard Kirk's cries.

Mitchy looks relieved. He comes back into the room, closes the door and slides a chair to KIRK's bed. Mitchy sits beside KIRK.

Mitchy: Calm the hell down, you walrus. I'm not here to hurt you.

KIRK is SHOCKED at Mitchy's revelation.

KIRK: You- you're not?!

Mitchy: No, really, I'm not. I'll prove it to you.

Mitchy runs outside and quickly back in. He has something in his hands. It's a huge carton of chocolate milk! From KIRK's favourite brand, nonetheless!

Mitchy: Here. I heard you love chocolate milk, so I thought you'd bring you some.

KIRK instantly grabs the massive carton of chocolate milk and chugs it down in one gulp.

Mitchy is just staring at KIRK in both shock and disgust, wondering how it's possible for a man to do that.

Meanwhile, KIRK, now looks happy as a dog who gets a snack. He lets out a GIGANTIC burp and looks at Mitchy with great fondness.

KIRK: Why thank you, Mitchy! How very kind of you!

Mitchy: I'm happy you liked it. Now maybe there's something you could do for me.

KIRK is now looking scared again wondering what Mitchy has in store for him.

KIRK: Sure, Mitchy, ol' pal. Anything for you.

Mitchy: Good.

Mitchy now sighs and looks up at the ceiling. He looks to be in great stress.

Mitchy: Look, I need your help. It's something...it's something embarrassing, ok? Here let me just show it you.

Mitchy runs outside again and back in quickly. He has hands behind his back as he approaches KIRK. He brings his hands forward and reveals a bouquet of roses on one hand and a box of chocolates on the other.

KIRK looks shocked at what Mitchy's brought.

KIRK: Mitchy, I am a married man. I'll take the chocolates though.

As KIRK tries to grab the chocolates, Mitchy moves them back.

Mitchy: These aren't for you, you idiot. Why the hell would you thin- nevermind. Look, I'm in a bit of jam and I didn't know who else to come to, so I came to you.

KIRK looks greatly offended that the gifts weren't for him, while Mitchy looks very stressed and lets out a deep breath as he sits back on the chair.

Mitchy: I-I don't know how else to say it, but I really like Cathy. Like a lot. I think she's cute. She's funny. She makes me laugh. She brightens up my day whenever I see her. When she smiles, I smile. I think about her all day. I-I-I think I'm in love, man.

KIRK's jaw has dropped to the floor and he's speechless.

KIRK: What do you think I am? A relationship expert? Get the hell out of my room and don't come back. NURSE! NURSE! We've got an idiot in here!

Mitchy: Please, Kirk. Look, I got you your favourite milk. Think of how highly I think of you to come to you for this. You're the man who guided ColePens to a world championship. Come on KIRK, do me a favour, will you?

Mitchy gives KIRK puppy eyes, while KIRK grits his teeth, shaking his head, contemplating what to do.

KIRK: Ah, **** it. Fine, but only if bring me 20 cartons of chocolate milk every day.

Mitchy: Deal.

KIRK: Alright, alright. Well, let me start off by saying everyone knows I'm a ladies' man, but I'm also a happily married man!

Mitchy: How come your wife never visits you.

KIRK: Shut up! Anyway, like I was saying, you came to the right place. I know everything about women and the keys to their heart. Wait a second, doesn't @Serac like her?

Yeahhhhh, about that. This is why I really came to you. I couldn't say this to @SeidoN and especially @Serac, because I was embarrassed and didn't want to betray them. You're the last person I wanted to come to, but I was desperate.

KIRK: That's a big yikes from me, Mitchy, but I'll help you for the chocolate milk. Now listen, this what you do.

Suddenly, a nurse walks in.

Nurse: Here's your chocolate milk, KIRK. I gotta be honest with you, KIRK, we're running out of this fast. I'm not sure how much longer the supply will last. Who's this?

Mitchy looks up to see the nurse and has a huge smile on his face.

Mitchy: I'm, I'm in love. I mean Mitchy!

KIRK: Nancy, this is my nephew, Mitchell. Mitchell was just telling me how-

Mitchy: I was telling him how I saw this beautiful nurse and just had to know her name. Nancy. What a lovely name.

KIRK's jaw once again drops as he can't believe what he's saying.

Mitchy: My "uncle" was just telling me how you wanted to be in a relationship. What a coincidence!


Before KIRK can finish, Mitchy gives a slight kick to KIRK (not visible to Nancy). KIRK shuts up

Mitchy picks up the chocolates and bouquet of roses and hands them to Nancy the nurse.

Mitchy: Here, these are for you. A pretty woman like you deserves these everyday.

Mitchy and Nancy walk out of the room, while KIRK remain dumbfounded.

KIRK: Wha-what about me?!

KIRK yells and curses Mitchy and the Outcasts as the video ends.

Nobody seems to notice, but KIRK's nurse has hung herself while all of this is going on.
JoeJoeDillon @JamUpGuy
I *think* I've figured it out, but allow me to think out loud for a moment:
☻Canadian(?) professional wrestler falls in love with with a woman
☻The woman's name..... is Nancy
☻Nancy ends up dying via a form of strangulation

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Cheatin on CBJ w TBL
Mar 11, 2009
The Beach, FL
Fro was an idiot for his open challenges. No one in the back deserves a shot at MY world title. Frogboi was handing them out for free. They have to earn it.

I think your "skill set" is more adept to the Tag scene...

When a worthy opponent shows up I'll gladly DEFEND my championship.

Speaking of which.. when you gonna defend your tag titles..champ.

Also, I dont see Fro doing the open challenges anymore...hmmmmm...

Because I am wrestling on TV near the top of the G1...idiot

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008

is shown in front of a black curtain and a TV monitor with the Kings of Wrestling G1 logo shown is in the picture too. MCG is businesslike, in a suit.

He puts over the resounding success of the G1 tournament so far as we head to Kings of Wrestling and are more than half way through it. He puts over all the talent for their effort and contributions, and says if he were a betting man, he’d bet on one person, but that’s neither here nor there.

He says this message is to address all the champions, and the fans wondering the same. When will they be defended?

MCG officially announces that regardless of who is in what match, some talents may be doing double duty, notably the champions, as MCG officially confirms that ALL championships will still be defended at the Kings of Wrestling PPV. He announces that the Friday G1 special before Kings of Wrestling will be used to determine title challengers, and he will also personally name challengers as he see fits based off performances in the G1.

MCG hypes the upcoming show and the matches on HFWF TV for Block A this week, and tells everyone he’ll be seeing them very soon.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
(we need a new episode before we start a brawl in the hospital :laugh:)

(i ****ing lost it at the nurse having a terrible night with Mitchy and literally just committing suicide infront of you guys)

I literally just lost it reading you talk about how you lost it. No, seriously, I've laughed at so many things over the last several months, but trying to envision you losing it at that scene . . . we're talking like 30+ seconds of uncontrollable laughter with tears as I try to catch my breath because for a few seconds I literally can't breathe. :biglaugh:
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M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
JoeJoeDillon @JamUpGuy
I *think* I've figured it out, but allow me to think out loud for a moment:
☻Canadian(?) professional wrestler falls in love with with a woman
☻The woman's name..... is Nancy
☻Nancy ends up dying via a form of strangulation

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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
JoeJoeDillon @JamUpGuy
I *think* I've figured it out, but allow me to think out loud for a moment:
☻Canadian(?) professional wrestler falls in love with with a woman
☻The woman's name..... is Nancy
☻Nancy ends up dying via a form of strangulation



I'd love to say that's exactly what I had in mind, but even I'm not THAT demented (i.e., as non kayfabe worse than Flyers fan level demented as @El Dandy).

Dr Pepper

Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
Sunny Etobicoke
Fro was an idiot for his open challenges. No one in the back deserves a shot at MY world title. Frogboi was handing them out for free. They have to earn it.

I think your "skill set" is more adept to the Tag scene...

When a worthy opponent shows up I'll gladly DEFEND my championship.

Speaking of which.. when you gonna defend your tag titles..champ.

Also, I dont see Fro doing the open challenges anymore...hmmmmm...

@jbell886 and I are ready to go at the drop of a hat. Based on the recent attacks during our G1 matches I'm assuming our first defense will be against those FTR chumps. After we beat them, it'll be whoever's next in line. We don't care if they're "best friends", or outcasts, or maybe just some cogs in a machine, we'll answer any challenge.

As for @Fro, he is 100% All Class and you can bet he's not hiding from a challenge either.
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