Post-Game Talk: Glass Ceilings Being Shattered! Pens-3, Buf-uh,0

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Registered User
Aug 7, 2009
It doesn't take much common sense to understand people see Gibbons as the current best option, not as a long term solution.

apparently it does.

The only people I've seen claiming Gibbons is the long term solution to anything are the people using it derisively to mock the people saying it.

Only no one has said it.

I'd rather have Megna there, but I'd much rather have Gibbons there than Kobasew, Glass, Vitale, Adams, Sutter, Pyatt, etc...

And, by the way, I think he's produced in every game he's been on that line. So... like... why knock it.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
Gibbons has done a nice of job of filling in for Dupuis but i don't want him anywhere near Sid come playoff time.

I also have my doubts that Gibbons and Megna could stay healthy for a long playoff run, there pretty small players.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
Does anybody else feel like Neal is back to playing like he did last year(which is still really good)

I feel like the only reason Neal was playing at such a high level to begin the year was to make team Canada.

Tender Rip

Wears long pants
Feb 12, 2007
Shanghai, China
I also have my doubts that Gibbons and Megna could stay healthy for a long playoff run, there pretty small players.

Megna has a tiny face and cheeks suggesting anorexia, but he is hardly small - or slight for his height. It took a monstrous collision with the boards to force him out, and that could have been anyone. Just saying.


Registered User
Jun 16, 2013
Erie, PA
Gibbons has looked good on Sid's wing for sure, but I would give that spot to Bennett. Unless Beau looks like crap when he returns to the lineup, I think he's a better solution for the top 6. Gibbons, Sutter, and Megna could be an interesting, pesky third line.

Le Magnifique 66

Let's Go Pens
Jun 9, 2006
I wouldn't say better skater at all. Bennett isn't fast by any means, and is kinda awkward on his blades from time to time. I'd give Gibbons the nod there, but the other parts I'd agree with you on.

Bennett is NOT a better skater than Gibbons. The rest I agree with.

I guess it's been too long since BB played, I don't remember his skating being a problem but I'll tale your word for it


Registered User
Sep 13, 2005
Miranda's house
Megna could use more bulk, but BB is a pretty big kid now. BB has a couple inches and at least 20 lbs on Megna.

20 lbs? That's quite a lot. They're both listed as 195 on the website. I'm sure those numbers are exaggerated, but I don't think they'd do it for one guy and not another. Plus I've seen one or two pics of Beau in a t-shirt and shorts. I'm 6'2" and skinny and he pretty much looks like me but sculpted like if I got paid to workout and play hockey every day. Slightly bigger shoulders, but that's about it.

Le Magnifique 66

Let's Go Pens
Jun 9, 2006
Because Glass ...

There are some snarky reply tweets regarding Orpik's absence ...

I'd switch Glass and Pyatt, Pyatt has a bigger frame and can cycle the puck better and keep possession for a guy like Megna in the offensive zone. And Glass-Adams and Engo scored last night so why in the world would you brake that up DB:shakehead

Waffle Fries

Registered User
Mar 7, 2013
Gibbons is hands down the better player (now) out of Megna, BB, and himself.

Gibbons is absolutely not a better player than Bennett. I know you're basing this totally off of stats, but still.

Bennett has the higher IQ, he's a better passer, he's much better defensively, he's more physical, he's better along the boards, his release is quicker etc. The only thing Gibbons has over Bennett is speed.

That has often get it for Sid and on the other hand, that has often get a - on Geno, despite Geno having beast offensive game.

I'm not sure where you're getting this idea. When Sid plays poorly he gets absolutely skewered here. If he played the way Geno did last night, no one here would have given him a plus.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
I didn't really watch the game, but just watched the highlights.

I CAN'T BELIEVE how poorly Adams played that empty net 2-on-1. He completely stopped skating and took a pressured shot from outside the blueline. All you have to do is gain the zone, swing wide and force the defender to either go for you or take the shot. Any junior player would have played that better than what he did there. I can't believe how bad he is sometimes.

Reason he played it that way is if he got any deeper and missed (which, let's face it, he would miss from the circles), he's too friggin slow to get back.

Responsible in a way, but also an indicator that it's time to hang em up. Or, at least, have them hung up for you.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Geno was a monster on FO tonight yet nobody mentionned that and many puts him on the -'s....:help::help:
I'm almost sure Sid would have been putted on the +'s by most of the Pens fans there with such FO stats, even if he were bad offensively.

He's not wrong that Geno and Neal are misfiring together. But it's all on Neal.


I may be older but I'm never forgetting #47 & #41
Oct 5, 2009
I Love Scotch
He's always kind of reminded me of Robert Pattinson for some reason.

Who is dreamier: "Sunshine" Bennett or "Teenage Vampire" Megna?

Secret answer #3



Registered User
Oct 31, 2010
the thing is Bennett really hasn't had a chance to make an impact on the top line.
But, gibbons has absolutely helped that line out. When you are a net positive on a line with Crosby and Kunitz you are doing a lot of things right.

My biggest worry with Bennett on Crosby's line is speed. Gibbons, and megna, contribute a lot to those lines because their speed backs off the defense which creates that much needed space for Crosby/Malkin. If they stay healthy that *can* be a big help in the playoffs.

The tiny sample we've seen I thought Bennett was better suited on Malkin/Neal's line then Crosby's. Those guys play more of a possession, not hyper go-go-go all the time game that seems to suit Beau better. Granted the sample size is waaaay to small to draw any conclusions. But stats wise, and eyeball wise, Gibbons and Megna have been doing well. A Gibbons-Sutter-Megna line actually is a pretty decent 3rd line that will play in the other teams zone. I just anticipate that Beau will come back on the 3rd line since Gibbons seems to mesh with Crosby well at this point. :cry:

Really though Megna kinda took me by surprise, this kid has some potential he's only a year older then Beau he is crazy fast and can score, he also generates offense all on his own, something badly needed on this team. Gibbons I've seen in WBS several times, he surprises me on how well he plays in the NHL vs AHL. Not that he's bad in the A. Gibbons just strikes me more as a player that needs to be with a good player to shine.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2003
anorexics, thin bones, glass jaws, crazy eyes...what a team! catch penguins fever today!


Registered User
Oct 17, 2008
the thing is Bennett really hasn't had a chance to make an impact on the top line.
But, gibbons has absolutely helped that line out. When you are a net positive on a line with Crosby and Kunitz you are doing a lot of things right.

My biggest worry with Bennett on Crosby's line is speed. Gibbons, and megna, contribute a lot to those lines because their speed backs off the defense which creates that much needed space for Crosby/Malkin. If they stay healthy that *can* be a big help in the playoffs.

The tiny sample we've seen I thought Bennett was better suited on Malkin/Neal's line then Crosby's. Those guys play more of a possession, not hyper go-go-go all the time game that seems to suit Beau better. Granted the sample size is waaaay to small to draw any conclusions. But stats wise, and eyeball wise, Gibbons and Megna have been doing well. A Gibbons-Sutter-Megna line actually is a pretty decent 3rd line that will play in the other teams zone. I just anticipate that Beau will come back on the 3rd line since Gibbons seems to mesh with Crosby well at this point. :cry:

Really though Megna kinda took me by surprise, this kid has some potential he's only a year older then Beau he is crazy fast and can score, he also generates offense all on his own, something badly needed on this team. Gibbons I've seen in WBS several times, he surprises me on how well he plays in the NHL vs AHL. Not that he's bad in the A. Gibbons just strikes me more as a player that needs to be with a good player to shine.

This is all true, but frankly I wouldn't mind a (relatively) slower playmaker on Sid's line rather than a guy whose success is predicated primarily on speed. Frankly, I think Sid and Kuni rely too much on generating chances off the rush with speed. Sid is fully capable of slowing the game down and working a low cycle, but he hasn't had the linemates to do so. It's very frustrating to watch Sid dominate a guy in the corner, create a bit of time/space, but then be forced to move the puck up to the point rather than working a low cycle. I think Bennett could be just the guy to work the cycle with him, with Kunitz simply getting his body to the net.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Slowing the game down is not, and never has been, Sid's game. Sid processes the game faster (not better, faster) than any player I've ever seen. If Gretzky and Mario were Chess Grandmasters, Sid's a speed chess champion. See->think->do happens quicker for Sid than for anybody else. Slowing the game down plays away from his strengths, because it gives defenders the time they need to make the proper reads.

That Gibbons can keep up mentally is a good thing (until he gets clobbered out of the lineup by a big D--which will happen--or someone bigger who can also read the game at close to his speed is acquired). You find people that can play with Sid, you don't tell him to play away from his strengths to prop up someone else.
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