Fitness and Nutrition VIII

Hector Salamanca

Registered User
Jul 20, 2013
recently alot like last week 4 times, but me and my best boy have decided to go easy for a while and play sport when we see each other and thats fine but the problem is the group of female friends who are pretty degenerate. and when i dont drink i cant tolerate drunk people.

to be short like 80% of the staff at a local bar/restaurant are good friends, so the occasion to drink with those guys is almost everyday. + each time i go there i will have prolly at least 3-4 friends at the bar is it way to easy.

and im the funny guy and im funnier when im drunk so people pay me drink at an impressive rate, i have to have more discipline i guess.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
recently alot like last week 4 times, but me and my best boy have decided to go easy for a while and play sport when we see each other and thats fine but the problem is the group of female friends who are pretty degenerate. and when i dont drink i cant tolerate drunk people.

to be short like 80% of the staff at a local bar/restaurant are good friends, so the occasion to drink with those guys is almost everyday. + each time i go there i will have prolly at least 3-4 friends at the bar is it way to easy.

and im the funny guy and im funnier when im drunk so people pay me drink at an impressive rate, i have to have more discipline i guess.
Heh, its okay to say no ;) I know its hard, Ive been down that drain, but sometimes you gotta know when its enough, took me about 6 years to realize that. (Still much faster than some people)

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
recently alot like last week 4 times, but me and my best boy have decided to go easy for a while and play sport when we see each other and thats fine but the problem is the group of female friends who are pretty degenerate. and when i dont drink i cant tolerate drunk people.

to be short like 80% of the staff at a local bar/restaurant are good friends, so the occasion to drink with those guys is almost everyday. + each time i go there i will have prolly at least 3-4 friends at the bar is it way to easy.

and im the funny guy and im funnier when im drunk so people pay me drink at an impressive rate, i have to have more discipline i guess.
Nobody needs to get drunk 4x per week on a regular basis.
If you're on vacation, fine, but regularly? That ain't normal. I have a lot of friends who own bars and they dont even get drunk that much.
They also do 1 month long alcohol-free cycles twice per year to give their bodies a break.

Without passing judgment or being dr.psychological here, but if you a feel to get wasted 4x per week, theres probably something else going on with you.

You should definitely cut down a bit mate. How old are you?
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Hector Salamanca

Registered User
Jul 20, 2013
no it not an everyweek thing at all, it was birthday week, 3 friends have their birthday in 5 days and yeah it did get out of hand a bit.

i usually get drunk 1 time a week maybe less.

im 29 btw.

but yeh it a problem ive been talking with my best boy about it and we will mostly play basket and tennis when we see each other in the near future, a lil bit more healthy

and it mostly a social thing, ive go out for a week now and not feel like drinking at all.


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
I understand the pressure of drinking, it really is that social lubricant.

Now that I'm wifed up I drink alot less, but when single it was pretty much a necessity in order to have a nighttime social life. Otherwise you pretty much end up stuck at home watching sports/movies by yourself.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
no it not an everyweek thing at all, it was birthday week, 3 friends have their birthday in 5 days and yeah it did get out of hand a bit.

i usually get drunk 1 time a week maybe less.

im 29 btw.

but yeh it a problem ive been talking with my best boy about it and we will mostly play basket and tennis when we see each other in the near future, a lil bit more healthy

and it mostly a social thing, ive go out for a week now and not feel like drinking at all.
Once per week or less isn't that bad.
Not recommended obviously, and its gonna affect your gains, but no reason you cant still progress so log as your nutrition is on point all the other days.

Hector Salamanca

Registered User
Jul 20, 2013
and should i drink more stuff like vodka water/gin tonic, any clue on what the best drink are, cause my pint of stout and a good ol rhum and coke are prolly at the bottom of the list.


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
Semi OT, but what are folks thoughts on the Juul craze and vaping in general? Obviously it's not healthy, but will it kill you like cigarettes do?

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Semi OT, but what are folks thoughts on the Juul craze and vaping in general? Obviously it's not healthy, but will it kill you like cigarettes do?
From what I understand, they're cleaner but still unhealthy...most people I know who vape also smoke. They will literally vape, and smoke a cig in
Don't know enough about any of this though.


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
I know nicotine isn’t good for you in itself, but am mostly curious about the effects of the vape itself on the lungs in particular if anyone has any studies about that.


Without deviation progress is not possible
Jun 27, 2011
if i cut booze for 3 weeks while eating around 2-2,1 calories a day with no sugar what should i expect as bodyfat % lost ?

im 5p8 165-170 for the record.

just curious if i need to cut booze completely for months to have legit results, cause im not that willing to do that lol.

Cutting out the booze will only reduce calorie intake of you aren't replacing those calories from other sources. Your entire diet needs to be modified.

The excess fat won't just disappear even if you do. You need to adapt your exercise routine to consume that fat. Intense aerobic training is a good start, as is pushing your current routines with extra reps, sets and workout days.

Don't expect to see immediate transformation, so don't get discouraged and keep pushing yourself.

Hector Salamanca

Registered User
Jul 20, 2013
Cutting out the booze will only reduce calorie intake of you aren't replacing those calories from other sources. Your entire diet needs to be modified.

The excess fat won't just disappear even if you do. You need to adapt your exercise routine to consume that fat. Intense aerobic training is a good start, as is pushing your current routines with extra reps, sets and workout days.

Don't expect to see immediate transformation, so don't get discouraged and keep pushing yourself.

i know im just curious of the difference booze or without booze will do.

i already play basketball 3-4 time a week, tennis 1-2x, walk daily in the forest, run 1-2x and do a circuit of push pull squat hinge 3-4x ... the training part isnt the problem imo.


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