Elks: Edmonton Eskimos 2020

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Registered User
Sep 25, 2003
Regina, Saskatchewan
The Anthem Debate Is Back. But Now It’s Standing That’s Polarizing.

Here is a very interesting article in the NY Times, one of the few media outlets that still has some semblance of "balanced opinion."

As I heard one lady say on the tube yesterday-- "I told my husband--maybe they just shouldn't bother playing the anthem before games." That might be the most sound advice we will hear on the subject.

I wonder how the CFL will handle this issue.

It's fascinating how the "big 4" sports leagues are now super charged with politics. You would almost think that it was the Olympics or something.

I have always found it very strange that they play the anthem before games. It's weird. What does two corporations playing each other in a sport have to do with the country each corporation happens to be registered in? I don't really care if they keep it, but I could care less if they removed it. If we were starting sports from scratch, I find it hard to believe that anthems would be included, because.... why?


Registered User
Jun 2, 2012
I have always found it very strange that they play the anthem before games. It's weird. What does two corporations playing each other in a sport have to do with the country each corporation happens to be registered in? I don't really care if they keep it, but I could care less if they removed it. If we were starting sports from scratch, I find it hard to believe that anthems would be included, because.... why?

If you have ever watched the 1975 sci-fi classic "Roller Ball" with James Caan (not the remake- that movie was junk) it has some interesting commentary on the "corporate anthems."


Registered User
Oct 4, 2007
Tribalism. Gets all mixed in with sports and national pride etc all rammed together. The fact that we wear the clothing of millionaires who are playing games, and pay to watch them do so, and get mad at other people who wear other colours, is all silly. The whole thing is absurd. But we're an absurd species. We can't help ourselves.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2010
If you guys don't like the name change then don't go. Society is changing. We can change with it, or sit at home and be angry that it is changing without us. The choice is up to each of us individually. This is LONG overdue, and many of us have been stating it for a while. Sponsorship/dollars is always what will force the hand in these situations, just like with Washington and their owners.

Society is changing based on pressure put on independent businesses based on corporate mandates, do you really think this is a good idea and believe that corporations are just the good guys looking out for the downtrodden?

Remember that in united states law corporations are considered people, not the people working in them only but the actual company is a person. Once these virtue signalling companies are through shutting down their competition due to societal pressure they will decide since they fought for minorities and the woke that they too now cannot be insulted because they are for the people, therefore if you criticize a giant logo you too are a bigot because we stand the company stands for the people.

Don't fall for boardroom politics, nobody cares about the name Eskimos and giant megalomaniac companies are coming for us all, we don't see it because they are using minorities as a shield. Once they win they will have no more use for them. To be clear i don't think there is so big evil conspiracy to get rid of us all, i just believe they want more censorship and more control over small business, more lobbying the government, etc. Its all about the money and the less hurdles they need to jump though the better for them.

I can't believe people are so easily fooled. Nothing should be forced upon us by monopolies like google who decide what politics are acceptable and what names are allowed. I don't want to be preached too by businesses that use sweat shop labor that we all contribute to by buying their cheap crap. Change in society should be organic not forced upon by shady billionaires with ulterior motives.
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Registered User
Oct 4, 2007
Society is changing based on pressure put on independent businesses based on corporate mandates, do you really think this is a good idea and believe that corporations are just the good guys looking out for the downtrodden?

Remember that in united states law corporations are considered people, not the people working in them only but the actual company is a person. Once these virtue signalling companies are through shutting down their competition due to societal pressure they will decide since they fought for minorities and the woke that they too now cannot be insulted because they are for the people, therefore if you criticize a giant logo you too are a bigot because we stand the company stands for the people.

Don't fall for boardroom politics, nobody cares about the name Eskimos and giant megalomaniac companies are coming for us all, we don't see it because they are using minorities as a shield. Once they win they will have no more use for it.

I can't believe people are so easily fooled.

Things are changing. Change with it or don't. No one is putting a gun to your head. There are other entertainment options if this one is no longer to your liking.


Registered User
Jun 2, 2012
Society is changing based on pressure put on independent businesses based on corporate mandates, do you really think this is a good idea and believe that corporations are just the good guys looking out for the downtrodden?

Remember that in united states law corporations are considered people, not the people working in them only but the actual company is a person. Once these virtue signalling companies are through shutting down their competition due to societal pressure they will decide since they fought for minorities and the woke that they too now cannot be insulted because they are for the people, therefore if you criticize a giant logo you too are a bigot because we stand the company stands for the people.

Don't fall for boardroom politics, nobody cares about the name Eskimos and giant megalomaniac companies are coming for us all, we don't see it because they are using minorities as a shield. Once they win they will have no more use for it.

I can't believe people are so easily fooled.

Couldn't agree more, most of these corporate types (and I know them very well) have never travelled to America's inner cities and have never travelled North of St. Albert much less visited Inuit communities but they all want to be seen on the bandwagon. Most have lived a life of extreme privilege and are not interested in everyday people. Its not about real compassion for the needy, its all about padding the resume.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting


About the only thing that changed was Dylans guitar. His work was monetized, he became part of the establishment, his generation ironically became the in power status quo that the current mobs want impeached. Think about that a moment. This is nothing but generational flux and angst which has always existed. 50yrs from now a new generation will march the streets preaching revolution.
Somebody will listen to the white album..

The more things change...

Nothing of import really changes. The band marches on..

Its interesting how many kids are finding this song for the first time and getting behind it without realizing the entire irony of how idealism always crashes. In a country where idealism crashed about as hard as anywhere in recorded history.

North Cole

♧ Lem
Jan 22, 2017
Should rename them to the magpies. Seems to be the civic animal these days. Or the pirates and then we can have Captain tractor as our touchdown song...

Empire sounds pretty dumb, just go for emancipation, that's inclusive, right??? The Edmonton Emancipation! Liberating your fans one at a timen even in keeping with the times.

In all seriousness, I'm sure they'd go for Eagles or something if they really wanted to keep the double E. Maybe they move away from EE and rebrand the whole team. Who knows. They claim they've reached out and had no consensus on a name change, but they never made the study public, so...


Registered User
Jul 27, 2006
If you guys don't like the name change then don't go. Society is changing. We can change with it, or sit at home and be angry that it is changing without us. The choice is up to each of us individually. This is LONG overdue, and many of us have been stating it for a while. Sponsorship/dollars is always what will force the hand in these situations, just like with Washington and their owners.

The team has done numerous studies, focus groups, etc over the years with the Inuit people. Heard a few gripes about the name, but also many comments from the Inuit people who are fans of the team and have no issue with the name. Team was basically looking for this overwhelming consensus to change the name, but it didn’t happen. I would be 100% on board to change the name if the results were different. So I’ll defer to the Inuit people on this.
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Registered User
Oct 4, 2007
The team has done numerous studies, focus groups, etc over the years with the Inuit people. Heard a few gripes about the name, but also many comments from the Inuit people who are fans of the team and have no issue with the name. Team was basically looking for this overwhelming consensus to change the name, but it didn’t happen. I would be 100% on board to change the name if the results were different. So I’ll defer to the Inuit people on this.

Yes, I mostly agree with you. But money talks. When sponsors get involved it doesn't matter about all those details any more. Things are changing. It's football. Change the name and we can all move on.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
Should rename them to the magpies. Seems to be the civic animal these days. Or the pirates and then we can have Captain tractor as our touchdown song...

Empire sounds pretty dumb, just go for emancipation, that's inclusive, right??? The Edmonton Emancipation! Liberating your fans one at a timen even in keeping with the times.

In all seriousness, I'm sure they'd go for Eagles or something if they really wanted to keep the double E. Maybe they move away from EE and rebrand the whole team. Who knows. They claim they've reached out and had no consensus on a name change, but they never made the study public, so...

Edmonton Eunuch.

Calgary Castrated.

Saskatchewan Samesex

BC Timber

Winnipeg Wombats

Its the CFL, the east don't even count, not even doing that.

Sounds about right given the times..


Registered User
Jul 7, 2005
I assume they'll try and keep the classic EE logo and just name themselves the "Edmonton Energy" or something like that. I guess that could have some oil and gas references though. Hmmmm. Gonna have to get more woke and think about this one.


Registered User
Nov 15, 2010
Yes, I mostly agree with you. But money talks. When sponsors get involved it doesn't matter about all those details any more. Things are changing. It's football. Change the name and we can all move on.

Money should stop talking, its ruined a lot of things.

Maybe if we bankrupt business by refusing to give them ours than actual changed based on what people want, you know democratic consensus rather than our modern day monarchs decrying things they don't like.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2006
Society is changing based on pressure put on independent businesses based on corporate mandates, do you really think this is a good idea and believe that corporations are just the good guys looking out for the downtrodden?

Remember that in united states law corporations are considered people, not the people working in them only but the actual company is a person. Once these virtue signalling companies are through shutting down their competition due to societal pressure they will decide since they fought for minorities and the woke that they too now cannot be insulted because they are for the people, therefore if you criticize a giant logo you too are a bigot because we stand the company stands for the people.

Don't fall for boardroom politics, nobody cares about the name Eskimos and giant megalomaniac companies are coming for us all, we don't see it because they are using minorities as a shield. Once they win they will have no more use for them. To be clear i don't think there is so big evil conspiracy to get rid of us all, i just believe they want more censorship and more control over small business, more lobbying the government, etc. Its all about the money and the less hurdles they need to jump though the better for them.

I can't believe people are so easily fooled. Nothing should be forced upon us by monopolies like google who decide what politics are acceptable and what names are allowed. I don't want to be preached too by businesses that use sweat shop labor that we all contribute to by buying their cheap crap. Change in society should be organic not forced upon by shady billionaires with ulterior motives.

The name change issue has been up for debate for decades. Likely well before this sponsor became involved. They apparently had no issue with it when they decided to sponsor the team. Very opportunistic and politically motivated to do it now.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
Canuck hunting
The team has done numerous studies, focus groups, etc over the years with the Inuit people. Heard a few gripes about the name, but also many comments from the Inuit people who are fans of the team and have no issue with the name. Team was basically looking for this overwhelming consensus to change the name, but it didn’t happen. I would be 100% on board to change the name if the results were different. So I’ll defer to the Inuit people on this.

Yep. This latest foray had NOTHING to do with the name. It was elicited by the fired player that made a sexist deemed comment. This is purely opportunism. Lets just throw every tomato at the Eskimos in the name of tolerance... Oh wait, Tomato is a missattribution, an imperialist plunder of indigenous worlds, the most misunderstood of vegetables, oh, its actually a fruit, see? except the term fruit is offensive and needs to be called something else. Throw rocks instead.

Its all word salad. Oh wait, salad has sexual connotation. Lets just rewrite all of the dictionary.

oXo Cube

Power Play Merchant
Nov 4, 2008
In your closet
The name change issue has been up for debate for decades. Likely well before this sponsor became involved. They apparently had no issue with it when they decided to sponsor the team. Very opportunistic and politically motivated to do it now.

Yeah, it's almost like corporations value good PR and are afraid of the opposite.

Crazy concept I know.


Registered User
Jul 27, 2006
Yes, I mostly agree with you. But money talks. When sponsors get involved it doesn't matter about all those details any more. Things are changing. It's football. Change the name and we can all move on.

CFL is a gate driven league. Pretty sure the fans contribute far more revenue to the coffers than this sponsor. Be a shame to not consult the majority while only listening to those with timely orchestrated views.
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