OT: Coronavirus XXXVI: Bat Scratch Fever

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Yukon Joe

Registered User
Aug 3, 2011
Some of that result is noise of stats dumps. Some of the cases from a prior week were sometimes added on. This being a fairly regular occurrence unfortunately and means you can't take any specific data point as accurate in itself. There were also less tests completed and results done though the Valentines and Family day long weekend. This lead to a lower reporting on Feb 14 that was not necessarily accurate. You're taking two rolling average numbers and making a determination that numbers are increasing due to relaxing restrictions and "what do we do now"

Thats a 30 case per day difference across one time interval. That doesn't reflect at all what the overall decline has been. I mean you may think that the slightest of increases is due to relaxation but clearly there is not enough information in to make that kind of claim or have that as a concern.

Whats happening at the Olymel plant would explain all the provincial increase in anycase. Thats about 500 cases stemming from that plant, which has little to do with any change in restrictions and has all to do with meat packing plants being high risk industry throughout the pandemic.

Today's number was 431.

I won't get excited about any single day's number, but we're not trending in the right direction (7 day rolling average is now 350).


Registered User
Jan 4, 2011
Lombardy, having vaccinated all health care staff and in the middle of vaccinating the 80+ population, are changing their priority list. Now they will start aggressively target red zones/municipalities, i.e where the spread is large and/or going up. Basically if you're in red zone you are priotity and can get vaccinated, no matter age/vulnerability.

edit: I am still thinking about this, maybe it's a good idea actually. I am seasoned though by this fairly incompetent regional Government, so we'll see how it works out...
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Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
Lockdown has made London a boomtown for rats - CNN


"Paul Claydon, another exterminator, says he recently killed off a colony trying to dig into a rabbit hutch to eat an unsuspecting family pet."

"Called "Rat Land," it warned the city should get a grip on its rodent problem before attracting the bad press that dogged Paris after similar footage surfaced of their "super rats" crawling all over public parks near the Louvre."

"The size of rats is increasing too. Claydon claims it's not uncommon for him to catch a rat measuring up to 40 centimeters (15.7 inches) these days. Many, he says, require stronger traps and more poison to kill."
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Registered User
Jan 4, 2011
People not showing up for the AstraZeneca vaccine shots in Germany.

Berlin’s mayor, Michael Müller, said those who didn’t want the vaccine had “missed their chance”, and Bavaria’s leader, Markus Söder, who said: “It’s absurd that we have vaccine doses which nobody wants.”

Karl-Dieter Heller, the director of the Herzogin Elisabeth hospital in Braunschweig, told Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper that he had decided to vaccinate his staff only in smaller groups and on Fridays, after 40% of one group called in sick with flu-like symptoms after receiving their jab on a Thursday.

Heller said none of his staff had fallen seriously ill and all were able to return to work on the Monday after.
Scepticism over Oxford vaccine threatens Europe's immunisation push
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Registered User
Jan 4, 2011
A piece of good news from Sweden (regarding Sweden).

The transmission rates in LTCs across Sweden have plummeted and now Covid is all but gone from all elderly homes. 83% of LTC residents have gotten their 1st dose (Pfizer), 70% are fully vaccinated. Within a couple of weeks most restrictions will be lifted from elderly homes in Sweden (i.e. visits, masks, etc).

This will definitely have a huge impact on mortality numbers going forward.

Edit: it will be "interesting" to see what happens if we enter a third wave, signs are we are and already yesterday they laid down new restrictions to prevent it from happening. If the restrictions/rate of vaccination is not enough to stop a 3rd wave it should in any case be way down with respect to the other waves when it comes to mortality. Already the 2nd wave the mortality rate was down by 50% with respect to the 1st, now we have also removed LTC home residents from the equation.
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Jan 1, 2007
What a colossal f*** stick. Why are people so adamant about their rights? They're not doing mandatory testing to remove freedoms from citizens. They're trying to control the spread of various strains of a highly contagious virus by people who believe it's their right to globetrot during a f***ing pandemic.

Why people are still travelling is my question. For the longest time, I wasn't aware that international flights continued throughout the pandemic considering the fact that our border with the US has been closed. Boy, was I wrong.

These dumb f***s are the reason why there's a South African variant of this virus currently spreading through a retirement community in my city that has been spared cases for the majority of the pandemic.

He's right, but he's still a selfish prick.
It’s literally “f*** your rights if it inconveniences me.”


Registered User
Apr 21, 2012
New law lets Israeli Health Ministry share personal info of citizens who decline COVID vaccine

"Disclosing such information is a slippery slope, and damages people's privacy," Tamar Zandberg of the Meretz party said."

"Hadas Ziv, of Physicians for Human Rights, accused the Knesset of "passing a draconian law which crushes medical ethics and the patient rights."

Hooo boy. Just like the "two-class discriminatory system" that someone else was speculating about in an earlier thread.

Won't be at all surprised if we see the same type of law hit Canadian and US Soil.
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Registered User
Jan 4, 2011
Notice the timing - perfect for creating a long weekend out of nothing!
I think people not wanting the AZ vaccine is very real. You should see the news here, every second day there is something bad out about AZ.

People do their homework these days, and with loads of media reports about lower efficiency and issues AZ will not be go to option for many.


Registered User
May 16, 2005
Canada will likely still be vaccinating people 6 long months after other developed nations have achieved herd immunity levels. The Feds have completely and totally screwed this up and it will cost Canada billions of dollars and certainly a significant number of unnecessary deaths. Outside of the National Post, there is not a peep said about this failure. Nothing on the CBC. Nothing on The Star. Shameful. Just shameful.
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