OT: Coronavirus and General O/T Thread

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3 is a good start
Aug 14, 2011
Now stay tuned for a word from our Global Climate Change "expert" 15 yr. HS 10th grader old Greta T.! :laugh::laugh:

Do folks who post things like this ever take a step back to realize you're launching personal attacks against a teenage girl with autism whose primary sin is campaigning for a better climate for her future?

While others have the gaul to ask for federal aid, kinda like Minneapolis/Seattle mayors, allowing the destruction, even applauding it, then asking for bail-outs. Unbelievable. In karmic justice, several of the mayors homes were broken into & vandalized.

That truly would be unbelievable.

Did you ever stop to think that it's unbelievable because it's not true? Mayor Frey never applauded what happened here. And he received a lot of criticism from social activists for not working to dismantle the police immediately. He was boo'ed out of a Black Lives Matter rally.

The rhetoric you use is so far removed from reality, it's difficult to know where to begin.


Mazur detractors will look like dummies!
Sep 9, 2007
Except, that last sentence you stated is practically what they're saying, just not in such "scary" terms, i,e. potential to kill us vs. killing us.

Level 4 Wuhan province Lab created Communist Chinese Party (not the citizens) released it as:

1. a means of population control (CCP kills 60+ MILLION in 20th century, mostly their own citizen too; Bill Gates Agenda 21 & 30, Bill Gates & his vaccines butcher 100K-1M+ kids in India & Africa). I just read yesterday of a 20K CCP forced labor camp in China (that's just the one listed, apparently there are many more). Wanna really blow your mind? Look at the World Slave Index, Slavery still exists, in 2020! While 1st world/Western "slaves" are debt slaves...Rothschilds & other families, IMF/World Bank/Central Banking/IRS etc.

2. global economic warfare (they're pissed about not getting the sweet trade deals anymore after prior administrations of both Democrats & Republicans (I'm not bias when it comes to facts) Clinton/Bush/Obama sold us out)

3. Deep State & Global Network of criminal enterprise (human trafficking, drug cartels) etc. trying to salvage/maintain control of the sheeple (tax dollars, submission) etc.

4. other Geopolitical implications & tertiary effects

5. In an election year (rolls eyes), CCP & deep state's hail mary, since the fake Russia Collusion didn't work/bogus impeachment. & countless other attempts to discredit, smear, attack, violate, burn-loot-murder, embezzle, counterfeit/money-launder etc. a duly elected US President & 65%+ of the nations people (his supporters). No investigation for Biden/Hunter's laptop despite the FBI having the evidence since Dec. '19 & his ex-business partner as a witness coming forward? (deep state swamp) ...now That is White Privilege!!

6. A bid to remove the USD as worlds reserve currency & devalue the petroldollar.

7. The engineers @ Toyota Motors don't want you to know that the materials used in a F*ing Prius battery (lol) does more damage to the environment than a Hummer/H2. & Now stay tuned for a word from our Global Climate Change "expert" 15 yr. HS 10th grader old Greta T.! :laugh::laugh:

The fires in CA & the west coast this summer/fall killed millions of animals & left others brutally disfigured/injured, starving & homeless. (animal torture/murder is the worst crime) Guess who set up some of these fires? While others have the gaul to ask for federal aid, kinda like Minneapolis/Seattle mayors, allowing the destruction, even applauding it, then asking for bail-outs. Unbelievable. In karmic justice, several of the mayors homes were broken into & vandalized.

+Lots more, but that's enough for now.

P.S. not trying to hijack the thread/derail the conversation, but c19 is tied to all of it somehow directly and/or indirectly, just as we're all connected on this earth as a human race.

You should take up a hobby to take your mind off such things.
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Ghost of Ethan Hunt

The Official Ghost of Space Ghosts Monkey
Jun 23, 2018
Top Secret Moon Base
Do folks who post things like this ever take a step back to realize you're launching personal attacks against a teenage girl with autism whose primary sin is campaigning for a better climate for her future?

That truly would be unbelievable.

Did you ever stop to think that it's unbelievable because it's not true? Mayor Frey never applauded what happened here. And he received a lot of criticism from social activists for not working to dismantle the police immediately. He was boo'ed out of a Black Lives Matter rally.

The rhetoric you use is so far removed from reality, it's difficult to know where to begin.

Obviously we read different sources of news. I don't subscribe to the MSM school of hypnosis & fake news. I read a lot of independent news outlets instead. I would recommend it to anyone with an open mind, who is willing to look at views besides their own.

For example, by now most of us know/starting to realize 9-11 was an inside job (G. Dubya Bush was pres. @ the time, a Republican)...see NO BIAS from me. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself etc. Harvey Weinstein is a Pedo & Sex Predator, like Epstein was. Ok, now you try it, it'll feel good & liberating for you, I promise.

Also, re: Greta, it's not a personal attack...I had no idea she has autism (truly sad). She can campaign all she wants, doesn't mean she's an expert. Why don't we just ask a former bartender & former call-girl for advice (AOC & Harris). The funniest part about Kamala (besides become a homewrecker etc.) is that she literally accused Joe of being unfit to lead as Pres. & vice versa...FFWD several months & they're on the same ticket, lmao. what a farce.

Also BLM doesn't have much clout with the majority...Besides the burn-loot-murder etc....Did You Ever See Their List of Demands? I have, it's appauling. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Think BLM is about fighting against systemic racism? Think again:

Atlanta-Area Black Lives Matter Founder Arrested For Using Donations For Himself - The Police Tribune

...their main founder (a female, or "identifies" as one) is a former felon & self acclaimed "trained Marxist", as in Marxism! That is the real danger.

I could post dozens of articles daily on nearly any subject that'd blow your mind, as it'd be the opposite of what you thought to be the truth.

I don't really care to discuss debate (non-hockey) issues with you, at least not anytime soon. I truly feel sorry for the people who are being duped (my niece & nephew whom I adore, my sister, a few friends/co-workers) etc. Some just aren't open minded enough to see the truth, others just don't have the aptitude, others never even look/consider alternate viewpoints etc. I believe you are the latter, based on your responses in this & other threads. Ciao.

P.S. I read countless articles (different sources) about the mayors of both Portland & Seattle supporting the BLM/Antifa riots/murder/theft & destruction of countless lives etc. Only after BLM/Antifa broke into their homes/vandalized did they switch their stance. Funny how that is. Look it up if you don't believe me, just use better sources.
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Ghost of Ethan Hunt

The Official Ghost of Space Ghosts Monkey
Jun 23, 2018
Top Secret Moon Base
You should take up a hobby to take your mind off such things.
Thanks @RabidBadger I have some, however I'm limited now. The last 8.5 yrs I've had compounded serious medical issues, making the last 5 yrs. a living hell. I have to fight every moment of every day. I appreciate the good advice though.

I'm kinda ready for the peaceful Alien Mothership to land. I say that as a believer in Jesus Christ & God.


Mazur detractors will look like dummies!
Sep 9, 2007
To believe you can cite the statistical models against the epidemiologists that created them, using them as a weapon...
but by doing so it demonstrates a complete failure to grasp the fundamental premise of that data.

When this happens in more benign conversation, it's easy enough to eyeroll and move on. But when it comes to something that is tearing through our communities and killing people every single day, I'm just f***ing over it. The arrogance and hubris is not just frustrating, it's dangerous.

And so much of it comes because our highest office has done everything imaginable to downplay and ignore the challenges we've been facing all year and will continue to face into 2021.

I get the feeling the zeros discounting the pandemic are the same ones who who invested heavilly into stocking their bunkers at the doomsday prospect of Y2k. Or stock-piled guns and ammo at the prospect of a Democrat being elected president. We need another faux crisis to send these cro-mags back under the rocks from which they came.

No offense to any loser conspiracy theorists who couldn't grasp 7th grade science that may be reading this:nod: Yeah, I'm pretty over it too, hermano.


Mazur detractors will look like dummies!
Sep 9, 2007
Thanks @RabidBadger I have some, however I'm limited now. The last 8.5 yrs I've had compounded serious medical issues, making the last 5 yrs. a living hell. I have to fight every moment of every day. I appreciate the good advice though.

I'm kinda ready for the peaceful Alien Mothership to land. I say that as a believer in Jesus Christ & God.

I'm sorry to hear about your condition. I know I'm a somewhat combative person on this board, but I mean that.

I'm going to open up a new can of worms since you mentioned aliens and being a (assuming, meaning I'm assuming you're a dude) man of faith; what are your thoughts on the premise of the movie "Prometheus"?
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Ghost of Ethan Hunt

The Official Ghost of Space Ghosts Monkey
Jun 23, 2018
Top Secret Moon Base
I'm sorry to hear about your condition. I know I'm a somewhat combative person on this board, but I mean that.

I'm going to open up a new can of worms since you mentioned aliens and being a (assuming) man of faith; what are your thoughts on the premise of the movie "Prometheus"?
Haven't seen Prometheus, so I can't say.

With the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, 95%+ of ancient knowledge was lost, therefore, we're just now starting to find out more. Random examples: Vimanas, the Vedas/Vedic, coordinates of the Pyramids @giza same as distance to sun, coincidence, I think not. They're also a beacon of power, just as Chichen Itza with the pools of mercury underground etc. So many lost & ancient civilizations recorded alien interaction & other phenomena. I love Ancient Aliens, the show, if you haven't seen it, check it out.

I do believe there are references to UFO's & aliens in the Bible, can't remember where off the top of my head, though I'm not a hardcore Bible guy by any means. So much is left up to interpretation that the lines get fuzzy. Some is meant to be taken literally: "Thou shall not kill". While other scripture is speaking figuratively, imho.

It is a mathematical certainty there is/are other life form(s) in this universe, which doesn't even touch on parallel & non-parallel universes/realms & dimensions.

I love the meme where the dude holding a bong dies, wakes up on a UFO with a alien saying "so, how was it".:laugh:
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̶W̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶m̶
Apr 16, 2006
New York, NY
In light of the direction this thread’s going in, I highly recommend this article: https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2020-04-28/era-great-disillusionment/

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Ghost of Ethan Hunt

The Official Ghost of Space Ghosts Monkey
Jun 23, 2018
Top Secret Moon Base
Alright, so what kind of news am I missing from my sources?

Oh. OK.
What I'm saying is, find better/other sources than some/most/all of the ones you've been using. Programming a society (we were all programmed at one point) happens on scales most never even imagine, or possibly even fathom.

Off the top of my head, try: Breitbart, Hannity, Ben Shapiro, OANN (One America News Network), Alex Jones (Libertarian, but also a bit over the top at times, lots of fervor & vitriol), Rush, Drudge Report, countless others, but that's a good start.

Never watch/read/listen to: MSMedia/The View/Oprah/ countless race-baiters etc.

Ask yourself this. If BLM truly cared for the black community which they claim, how many housing developments have they built for the poor? how many kids went to college with their donations? how many single parents got support? how many poor kids got internet access/device(s) to use at home instead of the library/friends house? etc. etc. It's a giant propaganda machine under the guise of standing up for the black community. Also, why exclude? Why not include instead, make it all POC?

Fun fact: (you'll get a kick out of this because you didn't believe me that I am a minority/non-Anglo-Saxon/immigrant family from the 60's)....In years past I used to spend a lot of time at the beach 8-9 months a year sporting a good tan. One year, by June I was so dark, my friend thought I was a black dude walking upto him. :laugh::nod:
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3 is a good start
Aug 14, 2011


hot piss hockey
Jul 10, 2014
Off the top of my head, try: Breitbart, Hannity, Ben Shapiro, OANN (One America News Network), Alex Jones (Libertarian, but also a bit over the top at times, lots of fervor & vitriol), Rush, Drudge Report, countless others, but that's a good start.

Never watch/read/listen to: MSMedia/The View/Oprah/ countless race-baiters etc.
Which is another way of saying:

Stop listening to that agenda.
Listen to this agenda instead.

The only way to guarantee that news is reported without bias is for human beings to stop reporting it.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2008
I don't know any news sources that doesn't lies. Sometimes I think we're living in Matrix . that is why I like hockey, everything is in front of your eyes, you cannot lie in hockey.


HF still in need of automated text analytics
Mar 30, 2009
What movie comes to mind for y'all at the sight of those protective suits? I'm currently in a post-nap fog so I can't think anything, hehe. Something something joke about that's one small step for man...



Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
no steps means that we still have 100,000 people at Michigan stadium, the Horseshoe, etc. That we have millions of people going to this convention or that.

Stop arguing in bad faith.

Umm, what about places like Florida and many other similar places, that have many beaches, parties, venues and gatherings loaded with people not even close to social distancing. Are Florida or others on death watch right now? Not arguing in bad faith at all.
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