Bye bye Tamby

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Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
according to the OP

Trade Yakupov, Hall, Nuge, Eberle, Gagner, Both Schultz and everyone else because they do not light it up every night!

Anyone who has the oilers making a deep run in the playoffs or being the top team in the west needs to give their heads a shake and maybe support another team.

For me, realistic prediction is finishing between 12 and 9th in the west

but that is just me. Kids a still learning


Registered User
Jul 21, 2004
You could certainly argue that he would be a fit in Edmonton.
Not sure its something I'd like to see, but really anyone has to be better than Tamby.
I wondered if MacT was being groomed for the next GM, or maybe that was just me?

And thanks for your thoughts above. Not sure we are on the same page with most of that, but I appreciate your viewpoint.

I'll agree with you on this. Burke is exactly what this team needs. Say what you will about Tambellini/Lowe but they've completely gutted this team of anything resembling grit. We go from being arguably the grittiest team in the NHL when we made the SCF to the softest. Tambo has had the core pieces essentially fall into his lap but his trading and signing record is terrible. Burke knows how to build a bottom six and mock it all you want but this team needs "truculence" in a serious way to take the next step.


Registered User
Jul 21, 2004
Winning 1 game in 9 in regulation time is NOT a path to the playoffs. You can argue specious results all you want but name one team in history that have paved their way to the post season being as poor in regulation time as we are. We have lost 3 games in regulation time btw. Riding trick pony OT results is never going to get you very far. Riding a PP exclusively without any 5 on 5 strength is even more foreboding.

Three point games are part of the NHL rulebook for now and when you find yourself in them a lot it means you've at least been competitive. It's not like we're winning in OT/SO all the time and getting the bonus point even though with our roster you'd think that would be an enormous strength for us.

The 5on5 strength has nowhere to go but up while the PP is sustainable. I question whether our PK is sustainable (it's not) but the fact that we're finding ourselves in close games with zero offense at ES is encouraging.

Gotta love all these posters claiming we've gone off the rails and the sky is falling. We've looked awful lately but we're in a playoff spot and have a winning record. Suggesting wins over Vancouver and LA were lucky is hysterical. Mind you with injuries to Horcoff and Belanger this could very well be the week when we do go off the rails but we're certainly not there yet.

Moose Coleman

Registered User
Apr 12, 2012
Seriously, how does Mr Tambellini still have a job.

The responsibility of a GM is to produce a roster that gives the coaching staff an opportunity to create a lineup that can go out and play the game of hockey without embarrassing the city, the franchise and all of its fans for five years running. By any metric one cares to look at Tamby has failed miserably at doing that job.

I'm no Tambo fan, but if you look at the roster today versus the roster the day he was hired, it's night and day in the best possible way. The core is in place, all that's left is to find the complimentary parts. Can Tambo do it? Iif he can't they'll find someone who can.

Gmen 1

Registered User
Feb 2, 2013
I think the reason that Tambo's time is up, is he missed the boat with his Head Coach position. He had an opportunity to hire Sutter and he failed, enough of these player coaches, we need someone that will not allow this team to mail in games...


Registered User
Oct 23, 2011
WE had zero business winning the first Nucks game, the LA game, or the Coyotes game. WE were lucky to get results in each one of them. Incredibly lucky in the LA game afairc..

They deserved to win the Nucks game, The LA game, and the Coyotes game. If anything they were incredibly unlucky in the LA game with a brutally blown call requiring them to score twice in a minute.

At the end of the day they are 6th in the conference with their top players not firing on all cylinders (largely due to bad puck luck). It could be much worse.


Knob Flavored Coffey
Aug 20, 2009
I'm as disappointed as anybody else over last nights loss and voiced my displeasure loudly in the PGT and agree that there doesn't appear to be enough improvement in many key areas but what a bunch of crazy reactionary hyperbole in the OP. Just craziness.
The team still has a ways to go but it's not THAT bad. Tambellini has failed to address some issues for sure but the roster isn't a disaster by any means and Harpoon, are you actually complaining about the goaltending? Dubnyk has been great and i'm not just talking about this season, it goes back to last January. Sure, he lets in some softies but there has clearly been more good than bad in his game.

I think that we should give more than an 8 game sample size with a new coach in place before throwing everybody under the bus. If the team hasn't shown real, live improvement by the end of this season and is still wallowing around in lottery territory (by lottery, i mean near the bottom 5) then i will be right there with you on the Fire Tambo line.
I expected this season to be the year that they are at least playing meaningful games in March. I never expected them to make the playoffs this season, a near (real) .500 team or slightly over .500 team would be a nice step forward for this group. Lets see how the team progresses over the next month or so before firing people.


Registered User
Jun 23, 2007
I think I agree with every word in the OP. All of it. To answer the question he posed, why does Tambo still have a job, I think we need to first answer the question of what was the job he was given to do. Most GM's are given a job to turn things around fairly quickly, say 2-3 years. This would explain why so many of them make such stupid moves, especially in free agency. It's not so much that these GM's are dumb as that they are desperate. Desperate to keep their jobs. But it also explains why many of them will try and be aggressive with trades too. Again, if things don't start getting better for the team quick then they get fired.

All we have to do is look at moves Tambo has made since being GM to know this was never his mandate. His job has never been in trouble. When you see him do something drastic like trade a 1st round pick for someone who can help the team now, then you'll know someone like Lowe or Katz told him he better get his ass in gear or get out. But as long as he makes these small, incremental changes from year to year I think it's pretty clear why Tambo still has his job. Because his job isn't to win; it never has been. It's been to slowly assemble a group of young players that, hopefully, will grow up to become a winning team.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2002
Nothing could be clearer than we outright lost that trade and a valuable player. Gilberts continued to play 26mins many nights and has been expectedly great for the wild.

"Minnesota below us" Wow what specious reasoning. 1pt, one less 3pt game point at that. Care to guess how good they blow us up when we face them?

I can't believe people are still crying over the Gilbert trade. He's soft as butter and a turnover machine. Remember when people were calling him "Tammy"? How quickly we forget.

Joe Hallenback

Mar 4, 2005
You guys are crazy

You set yourself up for these mood swings. How many of you expected the Oilers to be undefeated and blowing the doors off teams? I see you guys post nonsense in the GDT threads about how we are going to win 5 to 1 and this team sucks and doesn't compare to us only to have your world shattered and brought crashing down.

You know what the reality is? This is a mid pack team. What that means is there is the possibility they could make the playoffs and the possibility of missing it. There are deficiencies on this team and every one knows what they are. There are no band aid fixes though.

God if this team gets a little bit hot offensively I shudder to think of the posts were going to get about how awesome we are then when that roller coaster plummets how much stupid venom posts there are going to be.


Registered User
Jul 16, 2008
You didn't watch OilChange or hear Laforge's comments before the season? For instance when he said that while other clubs were saying thank you to the fans with giveaways and ticket promotions that the Oilers knew that the one thing the fans wanted most is the Oilers giving them a competive club on the ice?

Presumably that was this year. Mind you while it wasn't stated specifically this year it was certainly inferred.

How much sense does it make to thank fans for their longterm patience by expecting more longterm patience?

Actually it makes a ton of sense here because fans here will support any Oiler club apparently.
For a guy that views everything Oilers you sure seem to be disenchanted with the club. If you can't enjoy any of it then why tune in...just saying:nod:

Moose Coleman

Registered User
Apr 12, 2012
I can't believe people are still crying over the Gilbert trade. He's soft as butter and a turnover machine. Remember when people were calling him "Tammy"? How quickly we forget.

No I remember. People were pretty dumb back then and still are now.


Reduce chainsaw size
May 3, 2003
You guys are crazy

You set yourself up for these mood swings. How many of you expected the Oilers to be undefeated and blowing the doors off teams? I see you guys post nonsense in the GDT threads about how we are going to win 5 to 1 and this team sucks and doesn't compare to us only to have your world shattered and brought crashing down.

You know what the reality is? This is a mid pack team. What that means is there is the possibility they could make the playoffs and the possibility of missing it. There are deficiencies on this team and every one knows what they are. There are no band aid fixes though.

God if this team gets a little bit hot offensively I shudder to think of the posts were going to get about how awesome we are then when that roller coaster plummets how much stupid venom posts there are going to be.

I can really only stand to read much of this board after a win, when the optimism is syrupy thick. It rarely matters how the Oilers lose; after a loss, everyone's heading for the nearest bridge and wants to take Tambo/Horcoff/Dubnyk/Gagner/Potter/The Big 4/Take Your Pick/etc down with them.


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
For a guy that views everything Oilers you sure seem to be disenchanted with the club. If you can't enjoy any of it then why tune in...just saying:nod:

I enjoy watching J Schultz, Gagner, Hall, Smyth, Hemsky, Yakupov, Harti, these days in no particular order. Lately i'm pained to watch RNH and Eberle as I see how little they are accomplishing. Every player has their moments but players of that elite quality shouldn't be having 20 game stints like this(RNH)

But your question is odd, on your definition why, and how, did people persevere with this club the last several years, or in the 90's?

Because we're Oiler fans I suppose.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2007
Tambos best moves have been giving the troll grin after winning the draft lottery year after year.


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
I can't believe people are still crying over the Gilbert trade. He's soft as butter and a turnover machine. Remember when people were calling him "Tammy"? How quickly we forget.

Well personally I choose to dismiss the opinions of posters who talk about "Tammy" or "Sammy snowpants" as they are basically stating a predilection and bias towards the stated player.

We don't forget. I always thought Gilbert was a good player, Gagner as well. A whole lot of other people on the board switch up their opinions to suit the latest results.


Registered User
Jul 21, 2004
I can't believe people are still crying over the Gilbert trade. He's soft as butter and a turnover machine. Remember when people were calling him "Tammy"? How quickly we forget.


Part of me hopes Minnesota makes the playoffs so the people that hate the trade can see how badly he gets exposed. One of the worst compete and intensity levels I've ever seen from an NHL player. In the few big games and key situations he had when he was hear he'd fold like a cheap tent. We don't need a guy like that here going forward. Schultz has been steady this year I'm not sure why people dislike him so much.


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
They deserved to win the Nucks game, The LA game, and the Coyotes game. If anything they were incredibly unlucky in the LA game with a brutally blown call requiring them to score twice in a minute.

At the end of the day they are 6th in the conference with their top players not firing on all cylinders (largely due to bad puck luck). It could be much worse.

LA? The first goal was called off because it should have been. Quick did a Roloson-like clever move there by holding onto Gagner after he knew that he was not going to be able to get back into position. That was a pretty Quick decision on his part and I respect players that think so well in the moment. The refs called it, sure, but because Quick was on the ball.

But jebus, we tied the game with Yak hitting a bunt off a deflected puck out of mid air with the shaft of his stick with secs left in the game. He could try doing that 25 times and not make it.

In case people didn't notice LA was largely playing with us and can beat us any day of the week if they put some more effort across, which I suspect they will next time.

One of the problems with this Oilers club is they'll get up for certain games and probably lose, but then in games they should win they have intensity problems. Last night we had a clear recipe for success, the coaching staff had evidently prepared the club, and we rolled off a good first period. Unfortunately we followed it up with two periods and an OT that were nothing like what we did in the first. Explain that.


Nov 30, 2004
St. OILbert, AB
unless Tambo finished dead last AGAIN, he's not going anywhere, plain and simple

there are many concerning things at the moment though:
-1 regulation win...1
-routinely outshot
-stagnant offence
-size in the top 6
-center depth

I think most of us have seen this movie too many times...but again its early and the kids are a little snakebit at the moment...let's see them after 24 games


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005

Part of me hopes Minnesota makes the playoffs so the people that hate the trade can see how badly he gets exposed. One of the worst compete and intensity levels I've ever seen from an NHL player. In the few big games and key situations he had when he was hear he'd fold like a cheap tent. We don't need a guy like that here going forward. Schultz has been steady this year I'm not sure why people dislike him so much.

Theres been several questionable plays by Schultz this year and where he was the sole reason a goal was scored.

But much like this org does is he's being paired with the one bonafide good D on this club to hide the liabilities he's bringing. Because management doesn't much like being shown up in these deals.
Not sure why you "dislike" Gilbert. See what I did there?


Pray For Ukraine
Sep 13, 2004
The bottom line is that decisions need to be made in very short order and if Tambo screws the pooch on them we are in trouble. These decisions are:

What to do with: Gagner, Hemsky, and Whitney.

Do you commit to Gagner in spite of his flaws and hope that his offensive creativity and production make up for them and lock him up for 3-5 years? Or do you keep pestering Sherman until you get ROR in Oilers silks? Do you move Hemsky now that he's healthy and productive? Do you move Whitney soon or wait until the deadline and hope that we are somewhat healthy on the blueline by then?

We need some size and grit up front, if Eager is to return soon he adds just that, if not it needs to be addressed. I think that the core that he has put together is a solid one, but the supporting players need a major overhauling, this is where he will either earn his paycheck or cut his own throat. IMO the Belanger signing looked like a solid move and it sucks that he got hurt, Eager came out with something to prove but got hurt, and I liked the N. Schultz for Gilbert trade. I also liked the Fistric trade. There is still work to be done and at this point in the rebuild we simply cannot be content with trying to get every roster hole filled by the draft. Tambo is definitely on the clock.


unless Tambo finished dead last AGAIN, he's not going anywhere, plain and simple

there are many concerning things at the moment though:
-1 regulation win...1
-routinely outshot
-stagnant offence
-size in the top 6
-center depth

I think most of us have seen this movie too many times...but again its early and the kids are a little snakebit at the moment...let's see them after 24 games

I think this is a 23-25th place team... just too many injuries right now and no one playing above their head before that... so I say we pick 8th-5th in June... 12th in the conference...
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