Rumor: AVS Proposals/Rumors/Free Agents & Related Topics 2016-17 Part V

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Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
I'm at the point where I think the core has to be blown a complete minimum, two of Landeskog, Duchene, MacKinnon, Barrie, Varly or Johnson has to be moved. These dogs don't have any fight left in them as a core. I'd find it hard to believe they actually look each other in the eye anymore after games.

Remember when Foote would throw the reporters out of the locker-room and hold a players only meeting after a bad game? That's the kind of stuff that happens when a team expects to win. This is a team at the upper end of the salary cap that doesn't expect to win.

I'm not saying they need to be moved for conditional picks...but if the plan isn't to move at a minimum at least 2 of these players, the AVs will never get better. Each one of these players have value...they just aren't super-stars or leaders. Individually, they each could return some nice things...packaged....a couple could even get something special.

This team is completely neutered though...there is not an ounce of will left. And it will only get worse over time.

I also agree with those that say the secondary players aren't good enough...but that's no excuse. Yes, they suck....but that doesn't excuse the abysmal performance of the core.

That is called selling ridiculously low right now.

I don't buy into the garbage about "do not have what it takes to win".

I mean we made the playoffs the year after we picked at #1 overall thanks to Varly, Mac and most of these top guys when we really had no business doing so (and Roy certainly was not the "mastermind" that did it. Duchene did so under Sacco as well).

What we need is way more talent (aka a way better roster and the added confidence that comes with winning. Look at that fluke division win. The Sacco stench came off quickly even if it only was a fluke. Confidence certainly helped with it . So will the Roy stench once we finally get some talent in).

"Superstars or leaders"....

Are those guys McDavid or Crosby? No. But we kind of knew that before, didn't we?

Could Kane and Toews drag this pathetic roster anywhere if you swap them with Mac/Duchene and Landeskog?

Hell no. They would be branded as perenial losers by now if they were on the Avs.

This roster is just pathetic. Complete garbage. Like most of the time since 2007 or so.

The big difference to the Roy/Sacco glory years is that goaltending finally is not bailing them out game after game.

I mean even when we won the division I felt that we had no business winning those games 70% of the time.

We have the worst roster in the league top to bottom.
If you start trading the few bright spots because they simply are not inhumane and can't drag the garbage anywhere, things will get worse and not better.


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 4, 2002
Guess what, the move happened and it's over. I applaud the office for trading away prospects for a chance to get in the playoffs

Since the Avs are doing really poorly right now, but certainly have a mathematical chance to make the playoffs, should they go out and do it again right now? Trade Meloche + a 2nd for two months of Hanzal? Perhaps they'd go on a Pittsburgh-2016-like run behind a Varlamov-2014-like performance!!! :yo: You'd seriously applaud that?

It doesn't matter that the move is over. It's still a recent organizational move that disgusted a number of us posters in here, and the same guy who made that decision is still in charge of the organization. If I feel that Chris Bigras played some good hockey last March, I can no longer comment on Bigras' good play? Because his play happened and it's over, after all. If I feel the drafting of Jost was a good pick, I can no longer comment on the pick anymore? Because the draft has happened and is over?

This year's trade deadline is likely going to be a pretty big story for Colorado this season, so past trade deadlines are going to come up. Or maybe it won't be a big story, given our GM's reluctance/inability/indifference to selling assets at deadlines. That's the whole point. In the end, if you don't like certain topics, don't read or responsd to the posts.


Future Norris Winner
Feb 27, 2002
Kansas City, USA
Don't trust current FO to get true value if we are going to completely detonate everything by trading two or more core pieces.

Either we don't panic, don't sell low and just try to patiently build depth and assets and maybe, maybe deal a core piece or two in the coming months if we good a great offer...

...or the FO goes FIRST before taking a bulldozer to the core. Putting a gun to Sakic 's head and demanding he trade multiple core pieces ASAP is a sure way to make a terrible situation even worse and to really, really screw us over not only now but into the future.

You want to demolish everything you better start with the top decision makers and let a new regime decide how to set up the next 5 years.


King in the North
Jul 5, 2003
Since the Avs are doing really poorly right now, but certainly have a mathematical chance to make the playoffs, should they go out and do it again right now? Trade Meloche + a 2nd for two months of Hanzal? Perhaps they'd go on a Pittsburgh-2016-like run behind a Varlamov-2014-like performance!!! :yo: You'd seriously applaud that?

It doesn't matter that the move is over. It's still a recent organizational move that disgusted a number of us posters in here, and the same guy who made that decision is still in charge of the organization. If I feel that Chris Bigras played some good hockey last March, I can't comment on Bigras' good play? Because his play happened and it's over, after all. If I feel the drafting of Jost was a good pick, I can't comment on the pick anymore? Because the draft has happened as is over.

This year's trade deadline is likely going to be a pretty big story for Colorado this season, hence, past trade deadlines are going to come up. Or maybe it won't be a big story, given our GM's reluctance/inability/indifference to selling assets at deadlines. That's the whole point. In the end, if you don't like certain topics, don't read or responsd to the posts.

Yeah, that's not what Henchy was saying at all.

You realize that people who "don't have a problem with the Boedker" trade aren't the ones who initially bring it up all the time, right? The move gets brought up in a passive-aggressive manner by someone who hated it, and then the cycle starts all over again.

The horse hasn't just been beaten, its remains are so fine that you'd need the world's most powerful microscope to identify them.
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Registered User
Aug 12, 2008
I'm wondering how the Avs even shake the stink in the locker room, for next season. When guys like Duchene, Landeskog, MacKinnon, etc. are back next season, and the team hits a rough patch, I can't imagine they would have faith the team could right its course. They've seen the same story play out over and over and over.

The two teams that crawled out of the basement from last season completely changed the dynamic of their locker rooms.

Edmonton got McDavid back healthy, and as the Captain. Also added Lucic, while ditching Hall.

Montreal brought in Shea Weber. By all accounts an intimidating presence on and off the ice.

I just have a hard time believing Iginla and Beauchemin being off the roster and some new guys being up will get this team going. It would not be very surprising if the core's psyche is damaged beyond repair. Makes you wonder if the Avs will have to do something like the Habs/Oilers, even if it's a lateral move on the ice, to change up the loser mentality off the ice.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2014
Manchester, England
I'm wondering how the Avs even shake the stink in the locker room, for next season. When guys like Duchene, Landeskog, MacKinnon, etc. are back next season, and the team hits a rough patch, I can't imagine they would have faith the team could right its course. They've seen the same story play out over and over and over.

The two teams that crawled out of the basement from last season completely changed the dynamic of their locker rooms.

Edmonton got McDavid back healthy, and as the Captain. Also added Lucic, while ditching Hall.

Montreal brought in Shea Weber. By all accounts an intimidating presence on and off the ice.

I just have a hard time believing Iginla and Beauchemin being off the roster and some new guys being up will get this team going. It would not be very surprising if the core's psyche is damaged beyond repair. Makes you wonder if the Avs will have to do something like the Habs/Oilers, even if it's a lateral move on the ice, to change up the loser mentality off the ice.

I am someone who thinks that you can make a change up and to move the "psyche" of the team by making not core shaking moves. I think that if you move Iggy and Beach and bring in some young blood like Greer and Bigras, let them do what TOR is doing and say to the organization it's trial by fire this year. Hopefully they fire Sakic and we can actually make some good signings this offseason. From there we have the talent to compete. Just need some other pieces. I personally would love us to land either Liljegren or Comtois. Think they would be a better fit then Patrick


HFBoards Sponsor
Dec 4, 2002
Yeah, that's not what Henchy was saying at all.

I wasn't responding to Hench.

You realize that people who "don't have a problem with the Boedker" trade aren't the ones who initially bring it up all the time, right? The move gets brought up in a passive-aggressive manner by someone who hated it, and then the cycle starts all over again.

The horse hasn't just been beaten, its remains are so fine that you'd need the world's most powerful microscope to identify them.

I'm getting the feeling that it's not a dead horse issue. Rather, it's a face the ugly truth issue, and some people are uncomfortable with that.

And you can ignore posts just like anyone else, RL. If you don't like the topic, move on to the next post.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2015
Since the Avs are doing really poorly right now, but certainly have a mathematical chance to make the playoffs, should they go out and do it again right now? Trade Meloche + a 2nd for two months of Hanzal? Perhaps they'd go on a Pittsburgh-2016-like run behind a Varlamov-2014-like performance!!! :yo: You'd seriously applaud that?

It doesn't matter that the move is over. It's still a recent organizational move that disgusted a number of us posters in here, and the same guy who made that decision is still in charge of the organization. If I feel that Chris Bigras played some good hockey last March, I can no longer comment on Bigras' good play? Because his play happened and it's over, after all. If I feel the drafting of Jost was a good pick, I can no longer comment on the pick anymore? Because the draft has happened and is over?

This year's trade deadline is likely going to be a pretty big story for Colorado this season, so past trade deadlines are going to come up. Or maybe it won't be a big story, given our GM's reluctance/inability/indifference to selling assets at deadlines. That's the whole point. In the end, if you don't like certain topics, don't read or responsd to the posts.

A few things:

Number 1, if trading for Hanzal brought us a Stanley Cup, then yes, I would applaud that. Do I think that move would help us today? No. I just find it comical. The FO made a move to try and solidify an area of weakness to get us over the hump and into the playoffs, and now, a player that was never brought up by any of you as being a defender of the future for this team is "the second coming of Rob Blake." And then, in the same breath, can sit there and say the team can not identify talent, when we drafted the guy that everyone is so upset about.

Number 2, comment away on whatever topics you see fit; however, you're incessant *****ing and moaning will not undo the trade or the Jost pick or the Iginla signing or bring back ROR or make Stastny take less money or make Conner Bleakley stop eating donuts or bless Duncan Siemans with Karlsson like offensive skill or turn EJ into Shea Weber. Bringing up the same nonsense is tiresome. I would love to just talk hockey, but the only thing that constantly happens is the complaining about the FO, not only that, but this entire boards gross over valuation of prospects and picks is a joke. How many players are drafted every season? Now, how many of those players play a full season at the NHL level? Let's discuss Bigras solid season, and ways that we would like to see him grow as a player. I liked the Jost pick just fine, but if Winnipeg called and said Trouba for Jost, I would make that deal all day every day. Why? Because there is no promise that Jost will pan out. So people writing him in as a savior for next season and claiming he is untouchable while being okay with shipping out Duchene is hypocritical and counter productive. We would be lucky if Jost became a player like Duchene. Not saying he can't, but to say he is the "second coming of Johnathan Toews," come on.

Number 3, how well did tanking work for Edmonton? They got lucky and landed McDavid after how many failed top-5 first round picks?

Number 4, I pay good money for the product on the ice, as a fan, we deserve to have a competitive team on the ice every night. This FO has done a lot to try and get this team in to the post season, which is the ultimate goal, not compiling enough prospects to have some list and fanboy drool all over.

Number 5, there has been no rebuttal to any of my points. It is the same recycled insults with the same recycled points.

I have asked multiple times,

You are the GM, fix this team. Let's see what you do.:popcorn:


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
A few things:

Number 1, if trading for Hanzal brought us a Stanley Cup, then yes, I would applaud that. Do I think that move would help us today? I just find it comical. The FO made a move to try and solidify an area of weakness to get us over the hump and into the playoffs, and now, a player that was never brought up by any of you as being a defender of the future for this team is "the second coming of Rob Blake." And then, in the same breath, can sit there and say the team can not identify talent, when we drafted the guy that everyone is so upset about.

Number 2, comment away on whatever topics you see fit; however, you're incessant *****ing and moaning will not undo the trade or the Jost pick or the Iginla signing or bring back ROR or make Stastny take less money or make Conner Bleakley stop eating donuts or bless Duncan Siemans with Karlsson like offensive skill or turn EJ into Shea Weber. Bringing up the same nonsense is tiresome. I would love to just talk hockey, but the only thing that constantly happens is the complaining about the FO, not only that, but this entire boards gross over valuation of prospects and picks is a joke. How many players are drafted every season? Now, how many of those players play a full season at the NHL level? Let's discuss Bigras solid season, and ways that we would like to see him grow as a player. I liked the Jost pick just fine, but if Winnipeg called and said Trouba for Jost, I would make that deal all day every day. Why? Because there is no promise that Jost will pan out. So people writing him in as a savior for next season and claiming he is untouchable while being okay with shipping out Duchene is hypocritical and counter productive. We would be lucky if Jost became a player like Duchene. Not saying he can't, but to say he is the "second coming of Johnathan Toews," come on.

Number 3, how well did tanking work for Edmonton? They got lucky and landed McDavid after how many failed top-5 first round picks?

Number 4, I pay good money for the product on the ice, as a fan, we deserve to have a competitive team on the ice every night. This FO has done a lot to try and get this team in to the post season, which is the ultimate goal, not compiling enough prospects to have some list and fanboy drool all over.

Number 5, there has been no rebuttal to any of my points. It is the same recycled insults with the same recycled points.

I have asked multiple times,

You are the GM, fix this team. Let's see what you do.:popcorn:

What a ... post...

Right there. The truth. This is where you are so horribly wrong. You want to go for it every year for your enjoyment. That is fine.

But exactly that attitude is why you get to watch a dumpster fire like this right now.

The root of all evil. Instant gratification.
The Avs are simply a terrible team. Have been bad basically for a decade now. But they never were able to admit that. Same as you do right now.
The Avs arent a Hanzal away from being even decent and they were not a Boedker away from doing anything last year.

Our GMs have applied the same flawed way of thinking you do each and every year.
And it has only led us to misery and will continue to do so.

This team needs to for once do the opposite of what they have been doing which was borrowing from the future to get a couple extra wins now and accept that we are a bad team for a few years and build towards the future in order to get back to where every fan wants us to be.

But I don't really think you will understand that...


King in the North
Jul 5, 2003
I wasn't responding to Hench.

I'm getting the feeling that it's not a dead horse issue. Rather, it's a face the ugly truth issue, and some people are uncomfortable with that.

And you can ignore posts just like anyone else, RL. If you don't like the topic, move on to the next post.

No AB, it's a "beat the dead horse issue".

If you don't like it, then you can ignore it and not bring it up anymore. I think it's fair to say that everyone on this board knows, or at least has a "good idea" how others feel about that move. Continuing to just bring it up in a passive-aggressive manner doesn't do anything but start the cycle again. And bringing it up in a passive-aggressive manner isn't a "face the ugly truth issue".

I'm dead serious on this.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2015
What a ... post...

Right there. The truth. This is where you are so horribly wrong. You want to go for it every year for your enjoyment. That is fine.

But exactly that attitude is why you get to watch a dumpster fire like this right now.

The root of all evil.
The Avs are simply a terrible team. Have been bad basically for a decade now. But they never were able to admit that. Same as you do right now.
The Avs arent a Hanzal away from being even decent and they were not a Boedker away from doing anything.

Our GMs have applied the same flawed way of thinking you do each and every year.
And it has only led us to misery and will continue to do so.

This team needs to for once do the opposite of what they have been doing which was borrowing from the future to get a couple extra wins now and accept that we are a bad team for a few years and build towards the future in order to get back to where every fan wants us to be.

But I don't really think you will understand that...

The root of all evil is me wanting to watch a good product for the price I paid for a ticket? What a horrible fan I must be. I understand it perfectly. I would love to watch this team go out and acquire better talent via draft, trade or time travel. Again, I pose the question, how do you fix the team?


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
The root of all evil is me wanting to watch a good product for the price I paid for a ticket? What a horrible fan I must be. I understand it perfectly. I would love to watch this team go out and acquire better talent via draft, trade or time travel. Again, I pose the question, how do you fix the team?

By not doing what we have done for the last decade or so.

Accept that you are bad and build for the future. Ship off our non-core vets at the deadline for the best picks you can get and build for the future and play the kids.

Do not make moves for this or maybe even next season. Make them for 2-3 years from now and start building an asset base and prospect pool that is good enough to turn this into a playoff team for the next decade.

This rebuild has failed because of terrible management and a lack of philosophy (aka make decisions season by season and to sell tickets instead of a longterm plan).

We atleast need some kind of retool. Which means that we will probably suck next year as well.

But atleast after that there is hope. If we continue to go season by season just to please the people buying tickets, there is no hope. It will never lead us anywhere.

Or do you enjoy this season?


Registered User
Jul 1, 2014
Manchester, England
A few things:

Number 5, there has been no rebuttal to any of my points. It is the same recycled insults with the same recycled points.

I have asked multiple times,

You are the GM, fix this team. Let's see what you do.:popcorn:

I really can appreciate this post. Truly. To your last question, if I was the is my plan.

1. Trade Iggy for an interesting prospect like Asplund (on BUF) or Steel (on Ducks) / a 3rd rounder (I just have heard that this draft is not very deep so may be worth looking at other prospects that have developed a little further).

2. Trade Beauch for a 4th rounder or examples like mentioned above. Try and restock the pipe a bit more.

3. Try to move Varly. I am someone who thinks Picks is ready to take the job and why not let him have the rest of the season to prove it? Try and get a 1st rounder next year or a top prospect for him if any contender thinks they are 1 goalie away.

4. Bring up some of the kids and let them develop up here. Guys like Greer and Bigras and Compher and Geersten (not sure if he is ready yet)

5. DO NOT TOUCH THE "CORE" of #4, #6, #9, #29, #92, #96

6. Do not trade Bourque unless you get a great offer. He is proving to be someone who can be effective on this roster and could probably play 3rd line or 4th line minutes for us next year (depending on how he looks at the end of the season. Was he losing gas at the end or did he still look good)

7. Next year expose guys like Soder and Varly (if we do not trade them) because they will be interesting for LV as they need guys with high salary to hit the floor.

8. Look what the coaching market is during summer. If there is a possible better fit, I would look into it over Bednar. I understand he has put in his dues but from what I observe and hear, he cannot coach at this level or at least is struggling enough to maybe need to be an assistant for a bit.

9. Do not resign Mitchell, Tyutin, Gelinas (See if anyone wants them at the deadline first)

10. Resign Martinsen (900k 2 year), Resign Bourque (if he still has his legs at end of season 875k 1 year), Resign Wiercioch (1.3 mil 2 year), Resign Zad (1.6mil 2 year)

11. Move on from Colbourne

That would lend our roster to look like
Landy - Mack - ??
?? - Dutch - Rant
Compher/?? - Soda - Greer/??
??? - Martinsen - Bourque

Zad - EJ
?? - Barrie
Bigras - ??
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Not posting anymore
May 3, 2011
Zagreb, Croatia
We probably won't get the better end of it

Well, we aren't going to get any better standing pat either. And even though I'm an eternal pessimist, I wouldn't go in this with such a defeatist mindset, that's the worst you can do. Don't be afraid of the change when things are so down, we just got blown up to bits to a bunch of kids, it doesn't get much lower than this, and it should show a way on how to approach building a hockey team.
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Registered User
Jun 24, 2015
I really can appreciate this post. Truly. To your last question, if I was the is my plan.

1. Trade Iggy for an interesting prospect like Asplund (on BUF) or Steel (on Ducks) / a 3rd rounder (I just have heard that this draft is not very deep so may be worth looking at other prospects that have developed a little further).

2. Trade Beauch for a 4th rounder or examples like mentioned above. Try and restock the pipe a bit more.

3. Try to move Varly. I am someone who thinks Picks is ready to take the job and why not let him have the rest of the season to prove it? Try and get a 1st rounder next year or a top prospect for him if any contender thinks they are 1 goalie away.

4. Bring up some of the kids and let them develop up here. Guys like Greer and Bigras and Compher and Geersten (not sure if he is ready yet)

5. DO NOT TOUCH THE "CORE" of #4, #6, #9, #29, #92, #96

6. Do not trade Bourque unless you get a great offer. He is proving to be someone who can be effective on this roster and could probably play 3rd line or 4th line minutes for us next year (depending on how he looks at the end of the season. Was he losing gas at the end or did he still look good)

7. Next year expose guys like Soder and Varly (if we do not trade them) because they will be interesting for LV as they need guys with high salary to hit the floor.

8. Look what the coaching market is during summer. If there is a possible better fit, I would look into it over Bednar. I understand he has put in his dues but from what I observe and hear, he cannot coach at this level or at least is struggling enough to maybe need to be an assistant for a bit.



What a fantastic post!

I, too, agree that moving on from vets like Iginla, Tyutin and Beuachamin should be at the top of the list, and given the situation with all three, I am sure it is. For all I care, we can move Iginla to a contender with 95% retention because his contract expires and that cap hit isn't going to hurt us this year. Any prospects would be awesome, and I would prefer we snag interesting, fringe prospects over picks. Look how well Matthias did for us.

I don't know that Pickard is ready to be a number 1, but Varly is expensive, erratic and oft-injured. It would be nice to move on, take his cap hit off the books and start to go a different direction in net. Pickard needs to pull his head out of his ass early in games. It was mentioned last night, but while we were getting lit up he was sitting eyeing an ice girl, but this speaks to another point you made.

COACHING. I like Bednar, I think he has the potential to succeed, but at least Roy's teams played with some heart. This year we have been pummeled by other teams and there has been zero response from us. It's gutless hockey, and there needs to be someone in that locker room, coach or captain, that gets angry.

Exposing Soderberg is a logical move, try to free up the cap space.

I think that the #1 thing that needs to be done is to find a defenseman that can pass the puck. I don't care if he is slow or old, this team desperately needs a player that can facilitate a break out. Barrie has put more passes in skates than I have seen in all of my years of watching hockey. We can not distribute the puck effectively on the power play and it is a huge problem.

We also need a bonafide goal scorer. Not a puck mover, we have plenty of players that can make plays in the zone. We need a guy that can and will fire the puck from all over the ice.

We need a solid back up goaltender.

And I know everyone will love this, we need a championship winning vet with a winning mentality, ala Marian Hossa in Chicago.

I would like to see Siemans come up, because even in the "new nhl" you still need a defenseman that will separate man from puck.

And in all of this, you have to give to get. While I like your untouchables list, for the right deal, all of them are movable.

Barrie can net us a solid winger.

Mack, Landy, or Duchene can get us that D-Man.

Even Rantanen and Jost could, I would prefer to hang on to Rantanen, but if Winnipeg offered a deal around Rantanen for Trouba, would it sting, yeah, but it is a more pressing need. Hell, if we end up with the number 1 pick, offer it up. Maybe Carolina would let go of Hanifin for it.

Don Corleone

Registered User
Jul 9, 2013
We probably won't get the better end of it

Even if we don't I would argue that by making moves that guarantees that the Avs would finish bottom 5 next year would be a success even if it meant that a core player would be traded for a return that is a little bit disappointing. Also the Avs have young core players that they will most likely be shopping and that will generate a ton of interest and offers. It is not like the Oilers situation where everyone knew that the Oil needed a young established D. The Avs can just take picks and prospects, many teams can provide that.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2014
Manchester, England

What a fantastic post!

I, too, agree that moving on from vets like Iginla, Tyutin and Beuachamin should be at the top of the list, and given the situation with all three, I am sure it is. For all I care, we can move Iginla to a contender with 95% retention because his contract expires and that cap hit isn't going to hurt us this year. Any prospects would be awesome, and I would prefer we snag interesting, fringe prospects over picks. Look how well Matthias did for us.

I don't know that Pickard is ready to be a number 1, but Varly is expensive, erratic and oft-injured. It would be nice to move on, take his cap hit off the books and start to go a different direction in net. Pickard needs to pull his head out of his ass early in games. It was mentioned last night, but while we were getting lit up he was sitting eyeing an ice girl, but this speaks to another point you made.

COACHING. I like Bednar, I think he has the potential to succeed, but at least Roy's teams played with some heart. This year we have been pummeled by other teams and there has been zero response from us. It's gutless hockey, and there needs to be someone in that locker room, coach or captain, that gets angry.

Exposing Soderberg is a logical move, try to free up the cap space.

I think that the #1 thing that needs to be done is to find a defenseman that can pass the puck. I don't care if he is slow or old, this team desperately needs a player that can facilitate a break out. Barrie has put more passes in skates than I have seen in all of my years of watching hockey. We can not distribute the puck effectively on the power play and it is a huge problem.

We also need a bonafide goal scorer. Not a puck mover, we have plenty of players that can make plays in the zone. We need a guy that can and will fire the puck from all over the ice.

We need a solid back up goaltender.

And I know everyone will love this, we need a championship winning vet with a winning mentality, ala Marian Hossa in Chicago.

I would like to see Siemans come up, because even in the "new nhl" you still need a defenseman that will separate man from puck.

And in all of this, you have to give to get. While I like your untouchables list, for the right deal, all of them are movable.

Barrie can net us a solid winger.

Mack, Landy, or Duchene can get us that D-Man.

Even Rantanen and Jost could, I would prefer to hang on to Rantanen, but if Winnipeg offered a deal around Rantanen for Trouba, would it sting, yeah, but it is a more pressing need. Hell, if we end up with the number 1 pick, offer it up. Maybe Carolina would let go of Hanifin for it.

Thanks for the constructive feedback. I would love for us to go after some logjams out there with some good players stuck in it. I.E. Philly has quite a logjam of young Dmen. Guys like Morin and Sanheim might be expendable to them since they are really going for it this year. Maybe go for Virtanen and see if Benning will continue to believe he can win it still with the Sedin's

While I appreciate your point on the trading of the core we might just agree to disagree. I think that its a scale. For guys like dutch or mack you would need an absolutely outstanding dman back. I would cry if we ended up doing what EDM did with the Hall trade. I am just more so tired of watching Sakic get fleeced in these trades. (I could go on a tirade about this haha). But I just don't know if we move them unless we get the "obvious win".


Jul 7, 2013
Even if we don't I would argue that by making moves that guarantees that the Avs would finish bottom 5 next year would be a success even if it meant that a core player would be traded for a return that is a little bit disappointing. Also the Avs have young core players that they will most likely be shopping and that will generate a ton of interest and offers. It is not like the Oilers situation where everyone knew that the Oil needed a young established D. The Avs can just take picks and prospects, many teams can provide that.

Don't agree there. If they don't get a D back in a core trade every casual fan will riot. The local media keeps saying things like trade the draft pick this year to get a #1 D. That's the expectation that they can go out and get one of those guys once they decide to make a move. They will not make a core trade and just get picks and prospects back.

And I know they can't continue on like this with this group, it's obvious. Even if the problems and blame are too many to name.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2015
Thanks for the constructive feedback. I would love for us to go after some logjams out there with some good players stuck in it. I.E. Philly has quite a logjam of young Dmen. Guys like Morin and Sanheim might be expendable to them since they are really going for it this year.

While I appreciate your point on the trading of the core we might just agree to disagree. I think that its a scale. For guys like dutch or mack you would need an absolutely outstanding dman back. I would cry if we ended up doing what EDM did with the Hall trade. I am just more so tired of watching Sakic get fleeced in these trades. (I could go on a tirade about this haha). But I just don't know if we move them unless we get the "obvious win".

I totally agree that we should avoid moving the core, maybe not so much with Barrie, but I think that a lot of it comes down to missing a solid break out pass and a goal scoring mentality.

I am also not totally sold on Landeskog as captain material. After Colborne got lit up in Montreal, it would have been nice to see some fire out of him. Instead, it was more of the same. We have a losers mentality in the locker room, and he should be at the forefront of trying to change that. Foote did. Sakic did.

If we could get Hanifin+ for Mack or Duchene or Landeskog, I think I make that deal. It would be hard, because I really like Mack, but a lot would depend on the +.

What about moving Barrie for the goal scoring winger? A player like Saad (though I think he is untouchable) or Panarin or any player that can put the puck in the back of the net. We need a trigger man, desperately.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2014
Manchester, England
I totally agree that we should avoid moving the core, maybe not so much with Barrie, but I think that a lot of it comes down to missing a solid break out pass and a goal scoring mentality.

If we could get Hanifin+ for Mack or Duchene, I think I make that deal. It would be hard, because I really like Mack, but a lot would depend on the +.

What about moving Barrie for the goal scoring winger? A player like Saad (though I think he is untouchable) or Panarin or any player that can put the puck in the back of the net. We need a trigger man, desperately.

Panarin is really interesting to me. He is going to be a RFA and probably asking 4.5-6 mil per year and there is no way CHI can afford him. Could be a Terovinan situation


Registered User
Jun 24, 2015
Panarin is really interesting to me. He is going to be a RFA and probably asking 4.5-6 mil per year and there is no way CHI can afford him. Could be a Terovinan situation

The best part about Panarin, Chicago got him for nothing! I don't think they break up the PAK line, but if his name got floated out there, we should be all over it like flies to ****.
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