GDT: Av's double up on Calgary, 6-3


Feb 26, 2009
Of course Sven had to go down with a week to week injury now. Mike Cammalleri NEEDS to sit in the pressbox. It was his lazy play at the Avalanche blueline that directly led to the Mark Giordano penalty.

This team just doesn't know how to win. We don't have that killer instinct needed to be successful at a high level. We have dominated each game this year for long stretches of time and get very little to show for it. On the other hand, when the other team pushes back (which happens to every team) we fold under the pressure and let the game get away from us within minutes.

Kipprusoff lost this game for us. Say what you want about the defensive zone coverage but when he lets in two absolutely soft goals in crucial moments of the game then he is as responsible as anyone for this loss. He has been brutal in every game he has played in this season.

Chris Butler...What can I say that hasn't already been mentioned. He sucks, plain and simple.

I fully expect a win against a far superior team on Saturday night. It is what this team does. Either that or a blowout loss.



Da Rink Cats
Mar 24, 2008
I don't know what to say. This is honestly the first time I've ever felt like I don't give a **** what this team does. They can win or they can lose and either way I just feel like it doesn't matter what happens because nothing will come of anything anyways.

Wish I didn't feel this way, but this team sucks. Plain and simple. Give Irving a shot. What could it hurt really? Butler's idiocy is beyond words, he's simply the dumbest player out there. Cammalleri is more useless than Bourque was at the moment, and makes twice as much as Bourque does. Glencross was invisible tonight. Once again, Iginla "put in the effort" but nothing came of it.

Ugh, I'm just spewing words now. Someone stop me. :laugh:


Registered User
Dec 2, 2008
Montreal, QC
I think towards the deadline when there are more teams desperate to make a big move.

Teams I can see being interested in Iggy:

Ottawa (Just lost Spezza)
San Jose
St. Louis
Vancouver (bleh)

Granted a few of them could falter as the season goes on but all of them would love to add an extra punch to their team, especially if we can eat half of his cap hit and then at the deadline I believe its still pro-rated.

Plus you know, if we wait till the deadline they'll have less time to extend him :sarcasm::naughty::sarcasm:

I had the exact same reaction when I saw you list them. Id rather hang myself than see Iggy in a Canuck jersey


Aug 26, 2010
If they were the favorites come deadline, I'd suck it up and listen to their offers.

I'd kill myself, but I'd want them to listen still... I'd also want the ca*****s to give us Kassian, gaunce and a 1st or something ludicrous like that. Because I hate them. So much.

I Hate Blake Coleman

Bandwagon Burner
Jul 22, 2008
The Flames should quit hockey. They're all multi-millionaires. Just retire. The owners should retire too and sell the team to Kansas. The trainers should open up their open personal training business. The concession workers should go south to the States and sell their wares there.


May 23, 2008
The Flames should quit hockey. They're all multi-millionaires. Just retire. The owners should retire too and sell the team to Kansas. The trainers should open up their open personal training business. The concession workers should go south to the States and sell their wares there.

According to ESPN, Glencross is a baseball player, so maybe the Flames could try baseball?


May 23, 2008
I honestly would like to know what the owners are smoking if we don't sell at the deadline if were sitting or even battling for a playoff spot.

I really have no problem with the idea of trying to remain competitive during a rebuild, but if the team can't compete, and they refuse to trade off pieces, then they need to give their head a shake.


Registered User
Sep 22, 2009
Why can't this team just pick something and stick with it. Either win or suck. This unending inconsistency is torture.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2009
In the Dome
Just finished watching recording of the game on the PVR. walked in the house and told my dad to not tell me the score. I told him this is an easy Flames win 5-1. 6-3 Avs...:shakehead

Stajan Cervenka Hudler were obviously the best out there. We can all say that Irving should have started this game, but the thing that worries me most is Kipper. If we had a chance to playoffs this season was heavily dependable on Kipper's play.

Iggy played like he did in the first 2 games, not impressive. Cammy is playing horrible. Backlund was just unlucky tonight.

Smith should be in over Butler.

We had the opportunities to win the game but were weak defensively. Saturday will be a very hard game, but I am willing to bet on a Flames win.

Flames Fanatic

Aug 14, 2008
We're on pace for 28 out of a possible 96 points. Compared to a regular season we're on pace for 49 points. Which would be worse by more than a dozen points than the Oilers of the past three years.

Small sample size sure, but a morbid food for thought.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2011
We're on pace for 28 out of a possible 96 points. Compared to a regular season we're on pace for 49 points. Which would be worse by more than a dozen points than the Oilers of the past three years.

Small sample size sure, but a morbid food for thought.

Trade everyone for 1sts then trade around for 3 of the top 6-7 picks and get Barkov,Jones,Monahan :naughty:


Papa Shango
May 15, 2012
We're on pace for 28 out of a possible 96 points. Compared to a regular season we're on pace for 49 points. Which would be worse by more than a dozen points than the Oilers of the past three years.

Small sample size sure, but a morbid food for thought.

The ship will get back on course at some time. I don't believe the Flames will end up dead last, which... kind of sucks.
Tired of being too good to draft well (this is also an internal Flames issue) and being too bad to get into the playoffs.

This team should have been rebuilt 3 years ago.
We'd be on the up, instead of being in limbo.


unholy acting talent
Jan 20, 2006
Error 503
The Flames should have won this one, and no question, the loss is a big blow to their playoff hopes. At the same time, the panic here is funny to read. Especially when you go around other message boards, like the Rangers, Flyers, or the Capitals, and see the fans freaking out after every game.

Regarding Iginla, it's deja vu multiplied by what, six now? Seriously, it's like this every season - Iginla struggles to find the back of the net early on, fans start panicking and demanding ridiculous things, like reducing ice time, demotion or even removing the 'C', even though he always finds his game and goes on a torrid pace for the rest of the season.

And before someone jumps in to say that Iginla's slow starts cost the Flames a playoff, stop, because it's a wholly ridiculous and a patently false assertion. The Flames don't make the playoffs because, ultimately, the team isn't built like a team. There's no over-arching vision, no GM with a long term plan, slowly and patiently putting the pieces in place to fulfill the overall plan. Instead, there's a assortment of players thrown together and jumbled up, in the desperate hope that something comes good comes out.

It would be wise to consider Iginla's slow starts as a simple fact of life and thus, evaluate the potential options thereafter. Either the Flames choose to accept it by keeping him, and working around it by putting in pieces that can off set a slow start or the Flames can trade him and go in an entirely different direction. But you can't just do nothing and expect a different result because it would be really nice if that would happen. There's a word for that.

Kipper's play going forward, probably seems like the most pressing issue, and really, this situation feels a lot like Kipper under Keenan. The same soft goals, defensive breakdowns, etc. As so many others have suggest, Irving needs to get a start soon, so not only can the team see what they have in him, but to also perhaps, put some pressure on Kipper, assuming Irving plays well. That being said, Hartley's going to have to get the entire team to tighten up defensively. They can't just expect to be bailed out of any mistake they make because Kipper will make the save. They're going to have to start blocking shots, cut down on the horrendous giveaways, especially in the defensive zone and stop chasing the puck.

Cammalleri's supposed to be the big secondary scoring piece. That's why the Flames give up, in addition to Bourque, a 2nd round pick and Holland, a decent prospect. Right now, he's a black hole of suck. That's got to change if the teams wants to go anywhere.

But I wouldn't mind if the organization tore it down and rebuilt; I've been advocating it for a while now. And if the ownership group and King weren't lying before, if the team continues to struggle and finds itself with a 3-10-1 record or something ridiculous like that, it'll be the justification they've needed for rebuilding. Of course, if Iginla just told them he wanted out, it would speed up the process quite a bit.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2011
On Saturday mix up the lines and reward those that have done well

Hudler - Tanguay - Cervenka
Glencross - Backlund - Iginla
Cammy - Stajan - Stempniak
Begin - Jones - Jackman

Jbo - Gio
Brodie - Widemen
Smith - Sarich

trade Butler call up Carson.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
On Saturday mix up the lines and reward those that have done well

Hudler - Tanguay - Cervenka
Glencross - Backlund - Iginla
Cammy - Stajan - Stempniak
Begin - Jones - Jackman

Jbo - Gio
Brodie - Widemen
Smith - Sarich

trade Butler call up Carson.

Why would you take Stajan off that line, the whole line deserves to stay together. Cammy and Glencross can sit a game for all I care. Play Comeau and call up Horak


Registered User
Nov 21, 2011
Why would you take Stajan off that line, the whole line deserves to stay together. Cammy and Glencross can sit a game for all I care. Play Comeau and call up Horak

Glencross wasn't great tonight but was one of our best in the first 4 games, Stajan has been good but I want to give Tanguay a chance with them the passing plays they could do would be amazing. I like the bigger bodies with Backlund and really let him use his speed and then let Iggy and Glencross crash the net for the rebound. Stajan has been good with Stemp and I wouldn't call up horak yet he needs this time in the ahl to develop his offensive game, also **** Comeau he sucks and can sit. Cammy plays if Sven can't


Registered User
Jul 18, 2011
Lol what's with Hudlers face in all the gdts??... Also I must say I know what you guys are feeling with your team right now, I've been there for half my life with the oilers. Get the quick rebuild going so we can meet eachother in the playoffs ASAP.


Papa Shango
May 15, 2012
The Flames should have won this one, and no question, the loss is a big blow to their playoff hopes. At the same time, the panic here is funny to read. Especially when you go around other message boards, like the Rangers, Flyers, or the Capitals, and see the fans freaking out after every game.

I don't really think it's a matter of panic and freaking out. I'm really just tired of watching Calgary struggle out of the gate, have to get into a deep, deep hole; fight their way out of said hole, just to not make the playoffs.

Unlike the Rangers/Flyers/Caps, the team Calgary's got on the ice is more or less the same one that's missed the playoffs over and over for the past three years. So, I think it's about time we started panicking and making some noise in Calgary... Otherwise if we "Stay the course" we're going to end up back in the 10 or 9 slot.

On a side note.
Butler was terrible today, he's a fringe NHL defencemen, Byron will never see the light of the NHL again probably...
However, when I thought about it... this trade ****ed Calgary even more than that. That second round pick we decided to wave around like clowns cost us almost 9 spots in the NHL draft.
While Feaster and Co. would have done the same stupid thing in Drafting Jankowski 13th overall; it really did kind of mess things up. Maybe had they not traded that second, and for some reason had major boners about getting it back one way or another... We'd have selected a real top tier talent; but who knows. I think I'm just a bitter fan at the moment lol.


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