Anything Goes 36

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Registered User
Nov 9, 2014
Not sure how closely people are following this COVID 19 outbreak but Italy's PM just announced a quarantine of the entire country and Pritzker announced a state of emergency for Illinois.

This is getting quite bad.


Registered User
Jan 1, 2014
Not sure how closely people are following this COVID 19 outbreak but Italy's PM just announced a quarantine of the entire country and Pritzker announced a state of emergency for Illinois.

This is getting quite bad.

We are all going to die. :amazed:

...but probably not from this. I saw a news show interviewed a survivor of this. Some crusty old guy and even he was saying "yeah, it sucked, but it's the flu...not the end of the world or anything".


Registered User
Nov 9, 2014
We are all going to die. :amazed:

...but probably not from this. I saw a news show interviewed a survivor of this. Some crusty old guy and even he was saying "yeah, it sucked, but it's the flu...not the end of the world or anything".
The real problem will be if/when it spreads. The fatality rate is expected to remain fairly low from the disease itself but ~20% of cases require the individual to be on a respirator for a significant chunk of time or they will die. There really aren't that many of the machines we need and hospitals will simply overwhelmed and could have to turn people who need respiration away.

It really all depends on how broadly it spreads.
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Jan 12, 2011
Not sure how closely people are following this COVID 19 outbreak but Italy's PM just announced a quarantine of the entire country and Pritzker announced a state of emergency for Illinois.

This is getting quite bad.

We were planning on selling a bunch of stock when the trading period for my wife at her company opened up. Because of this shit the stock has dropped about $75/share in a span of days.

So now we won’t sell, which really f***ing blows and ruins our plans... and will have to hope it recovers by the time the next trading period opens up.


Lot of brains but no polish
May 18, 2014
We were planning on selling a bunch of stock when the trading period for my wife at her company opened up. Because of this shit the stock has dropped about $75/share in a span of days.

So now we won’t sell, which really f***ing blows and ruins our plans... and will have to hope it recovers by the time the next trading period opens up.



Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
Yeah, my 401k has lost like 7% since January 1st. Annoying, but it will come back up. I still have another like 25 years of dumping money into it anyways, so it's not like it's the end of the world for me.


RIP Fugu
Jun 24, 2007
Because of virus its going to go up and down alot in coming weeks/months

Would be perfect time to pass a infrastructure bill in congress. A promise of big time spending and jobs that would come with such a bill would be very good for the post Covid-19 recovery

The Saudi oil BS is reason for why yesterday was such a calamity on markets

Dow futures is up 860+ last i looked

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
Reaaaaaaaaallllly tempting to turn into a cigar smoker. I’ve been loving them as of late. Probably not the healthiest of habits though


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
Reaaaaaaaaallllly tempting to turn into a cigar smoker. I’ve been loving them as of late. Probably not the healthiest of habits though

I'm trying to quit smoking cigarettes. Not worth it man. Nicotine is an absolutely awful substance. It alters your mind, and it takes years and years to re-program everything that it changes. It's one of the most addictive substances out of all the major drugs out there. Picking up a smoking habit was the worst decision of my life, AINEC, and if I had a do-over, I'd never have touched a cigarette or nicotine in any form whatsoever. I've likely shaved a bunch of years off my life by doing it. I'd stay away from all forms, cigars included. Even after I quit, I'll likely still crave nicotine for the rest of my life. Not on a physical level, but a mental level. It will ease as the years go by, but never fully go away. I know people who quit smoking cigarettes 20+ years ago, and they still crave one after a meal, or while having a beer. It's just an awful, awful thing.
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Registered User
Jun 15, 2010
Never met anyone that currently smokes that hasn't tried but couldn't because the addiction was too strong


Registered User
Jan 9, 2015
We were planning on selling a bunch of stock when the trading period for my wife at her company opened up. Because of this shit the stock has dropped about $75/share in a span of days.

So now we won’t sell, which really f***ing blows and ruins our plans... and will have to hope it recovers by the time the next trading period opens up.
that sucks


Registered User
Jun 15, 2010
Are you saying that everyone you know who has tried to quit, was able to quit? Your wording is odd.

I mean people that smoke have all tried to quit but couldn't. There are people who were able to quit, but everyone I know that smokes has tried to quit at some point but couldn't.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
Chicago 'Burbs
I mean people that smoke have all tried to quit but couldn't. There are people who were able to quit, but everyone I know that smokes has tried to quit at some point but couldn't.

Ah ok, now I get what you're saying. You were agreeing with what I was saying. It's incredibly hard to quit. Like I said, the wording of your post was odd. Made it seem like you were saying that anyone who you knew who tried to quit, was able to.


"Goalie Apologist"
Feb 8, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
I normally don't golf during the winter but I have played 2 times a week all winter (in a sim) and it is amazing how much better my back feels. My range of motion and flexibility has not diminished at all like it normally does. My obsession with golf is growing and I am not sure my wife likes it.

Also if you have haven't tried the GARP line from TaylorMade, I highly recommend the GAPR Lo.
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Lot of brains but no polish
May 18, 2014
Smoking is one of the dumbest things imaginable. I’ve never understood it among people born in the 1960’s or later when the health risks were abundantly clear. Not to mention it’s expensive and smelly.


Jan 12, 2011
Smoking is one of the dumbest things imaginable. I’ve never understood it among people born in the 1960’s or later when the health risks were abundantly clear. Not to mention it’s expensive and smelly.

What’s a pack in NYC? $12?


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
At 1st glance the % of death per case of cornoa virus seems a lot higher than regular influenza flu death per case %s....

Latest figures just released for iIaly a mere half hour before I posted this here indicate a 0.0621736132 % chance of death per confirmed case of corona virus )631 deaths per 10,149 cases)... In the U.S. to date 22 dead from 500 cases= a 0.044 % death rate per case.

Compare to just a 0.00086746999 death rate in the usa from regular seasonal influenza (the CDC estimated 34million to 49 million flu cases in the u.s.a over the 5 months Dec1st 2019 to Feb.29,2020 ...and estimated between 20,000 and 52,000 deaths from the
flu during thisv6 month period of highest danger).So if we use the mid-point averages for these we get 41.5 million cases of flu and 36,000 deaths ...this gives the death from flu per case % as 0.00086746999...

And so we see a much higher death risk per case from Covid 19..

But stats are deceiving...the regular fluvaffects all ages though theceldery and those already with weak immmubecsustens worse ...

But the Covid 19 virus seems to affect mostly older people with death...

Thus Italy with a much higher % of older in its population would skewctgecdezthvrate much higher than in the U.S.

But Also it shows that the much lower death rate from regular flu is mainly because of its greater infectious spread across all age bands.

This might mean that IF we looked at the regular seasonal flu infection rates for only those over 40 or over 70 we might see similarly high death rates as to covid virus overall.

Effectively that would mean hardly any difference in the depth danger leveling a per casr basis for si ch age groups.

In other words maybe the 2 different viral I fections pose about the sMe danger on a per case basis ..the only difference being that covid 19 hardly infects younger persons while the fli does.

This means a big hullabaloo over tge sone death danger overall as the flue except that maybe less people I the population will get the covid 19 .

I other words far from being a greater overall death threat covid 19 seems only a greater threat t oolder people but maybe not so if the infection rate the older population is much lower than the risk of infection from regular flu to them.

So the next question is many MERICANS will get the Covis 19 since the 1st case and upto 5months after that.

If the spread is much lowe than the regular flu to the older segments of society then the death danger to these older people will be mitigated more.

I other words...the toilet paper pa ic of 2020 may be a mere nothingburger in relative danger cpmoatrd to lots of other dangers of hettibg kikrd.

The real chart we shoukd want to see is deaths and cases per day charted over a 5 month from 1st instance of covid 29 ...and compared to regular flue and to other deTh dangers like driving deaths or deaths by fire or work accident deaths and fittedctp differentcage groupings.

Only by presenting alm the RELATIVE Comoatative data can z true threat assessment be given...otherwise you are getti g pop spin from a fee fixed media trying g to scare the people.

We must se thi gs in relative danger not mere there are mire deaths today reports...because they report o covid virus deaths but fIl to report the death rates from o ther dangers out there.

So yes Virginia..this may be just another nothingburger spun by the media...not false ones but rather posdibly not very Relevant news.

The media do not report nightly on regulat flu deaths ...not on zlmthecworkplace deaths,not on all the deaths by fire,or eve just the gun deaths across all the nation every day (only highlight local cases or perhaps 1 mass shoitk g I cident occaisio alky).

Look..the NHL/NBA/NFL/ Euro So chef Leagues never too drastic mrasuresx toprevent regular flu contain atio eve though theh k ow it can cause death and serious suffering to fzns who get it why not?Why just now?

If it turns out that the death threat overall is about the same as that of regular flu( more people get regular flu and so lower death rate per case due to more cases) vs. Less people
getting covid 19 but a higher death rate because it hits older people more and they cannot fight it as much with theircweak inmi u e systens) thentge sports teams must ban older people from attending games ...and soon you are I to panic super'cautio that immobilized,es a function ing so iety and economy.

Look you can die just stepoungbouf your dor and get run o er by a by cycle or a can die in a never go out and never go campus g I a Forrest.

You can die from o ban exit g...

And o the slowness goes..

E d ha more toilet paper than you need..use nitrile gloves for everything ..pretty safe
Johnny cannot go out to pkay or for a playdate. WE ARE mAkiNG the Workd conpeletely as safe as we thi k we can.

Trash the stock market o n panic fears.

Dis-fu ctia k so iety and eco ponies.

Do it all as an o er 'pre-vTio ...But whT REALLy is tge relative danger?What really is the truth in repieti g...not just the bare facts but if you omit relative comparison the real threat is the panic we are getgo g Nd the o er-reactio .

Now If on the other hand they reported a missile with a nuke was launched and you had 15 mo utes to live..well THEN I might go into panic mode..but then I would not worry about my toilet paper stop joule.

Lunacy now prevails.Sheer lunacy.

BTW ..appears the bioinfectious diseases lab corps the way from the Wuhan market that sold the infected animal parts(a.k.a.
the bio-weapons research lab in Wuhan City ...the only one of it's kind in China) seems to have lost one if its top s scientists ...he is now in jail for pocketing vast sums over se eral years selling the creatures the lab did experiments on to the market vendors across the street on e the lab was ready to discard and to no longer use the experimented on creatures ...or was this this jailing a mere cover story and the REAL story was that China may have deliberately released a "mild" Covid 19 bioweapon either for a:

1.Trial Test to a much nastier bio -killer weapon they could use in a war?


2. A deliberate attempt to kill off their own Chonese bloted aging demographic that they do not want the expense of caring for and what if other countries older populations also get hit and die..hope.. the Chinese do not care...justcwNt tgfirvown demographic disaster averted....these are after all Commies ...and Commies like Mao and Stalin Nd Castro do not care how many of their own citizens die long as they stay I power.And could create less if grandpa and grandpa American and hood old Uncle Sam and Nona Itakia dies collateral damage to their nefarious scheme.

What is Truth?Indeed.

Whatever it will not get it from mainstream media.



"Goalie Apologist"
Feb 8, 2011
Minneapolis, MN
At 1st glance the % of death per case of cornoa virus seems a lot higher than regular influenza flu death per case %s....

Latest figures just released for iIaly a mere half hour before I posted this here indicate a 0.0621736132 % chance of death per confirmed case of corona virus )631 deaths per 10,149 cases)... In the U.S. to date 22 dead from 500 cases= a 0.044 % death rate per case.

Compare to just a 0.00086746999 death rate in the usa from regular seasonal influenza (the CDC estimated 34million to 49 million flu cases in the u.s.a over the 5 months Dec1st 2019 to Feb.29,2020 ...and estimated between 20,000 and 52,000 deaths from the
flu during thisv6 month period of highest danger).So if we use the mid-point averages for these we get 41.5 million cases of flu and 36,000 deaths ...this gives the death from flu per case % as 0.00086746999...

And so we see a much higher death risk per case from Covid 19..

But stats are deceiving...the regular fluvaffects all ages though theceldery and those already with weak immmubecsustens worse ...

But the Covid 19 virus seems to affect mostly older people with death...

Thus Italy with a much higher % of older in its population would skewctgecdezthvrate much higher than in the U.S.

But Also it shows that the much lower death rate from regular flu is mainly because of its greater infectious spread across all age bands.

This might mean that IF we looked at the regular seasonal flu infection rates for only those over 40 or over 70 we might see similarly high death rates as to covid virus overall.

Effectively that would mean hardly any difference in the depth danger leveling a per casr basis for si ch age groups.

In other words maybe the 2 different viral I fections pose about the sMe danger on a per case basis ..the only difference being that covid 19 hardly infects younger persons while the fli does.

This means a big hullabaloo over tge sone death danger overall as the flue except that maybe less people I the population will get the covid 19 .

I other words far from being a greater overall death threat covid 19 seems only a greater threat t oolder people but maybe not so if the infection rate the older population is much lower than the risk of infection from regular flu to them.

So the next question is many MERICANS will get the Covis 19 since the 1st case and upto 5months after that.

If the spread is much lowe than the regular flu to the older segments of society then the death danger to these older people will be mitigated more.

I other words...the toilet paper pa ic of 2020 may be a mere nothingburger in relative danger cpmoatrd to lots of other dangers of hettibg kikrd.

The real chart we shoukd want to see is deaths and cases per day charted over a 5 month from 1st instance of covid 29 ...and compared to regular flue and to other deTh dangers like driving deaths or deaths by fire or work accident deaths and fittedctp differentcage groupings.

Only by presenting alm the RELATIVE Comoatative data can z true threat assessment be given...otherwise you are getti g pop spin from a fee fixed media trying g to scare the people.

We must se thi gs in relative danger not mere there are mire deaths today reports...because they report o covid virus deaths but fIl to report the death rates from o ther dangers out there.

So yes Virginia..this may be just another nothingburger spun by the media...not false ones but rather posdibly not very Relevant news.

The media do not report nightly on regulat flu deaths ...not on zlmthecworkplace deaths,not on all the deaths by fire,or eve just the gun deaths across all the nation every day (only highlight local cases or perhaps 1 mass shoitk g I cident occaisio alky).

Look..the NHL/NBA/NFL/ Euro So chef Leagues never too drastic mrasuresx toprevent regular flu contain atio eve though theh k ow it can cause death and serious suffering to fzns who get it why not?Why just now?

If it turns out that the death threat overall is about the same as that of regular flu( more people get regular flu and so lower death rate per case due to more cases) vs. Less people
getting covid 19 but a higher death rate because it hits older people more and they cannot fight it as much with theircweak inmi u e systens) thentge sports teams must ban older people from attending games ...and soon you are I to panic super'cautio that immobilized,es a function ing so iety and economy.

Look you can die just stepoungbouf your dor and get run o er by a by cycle or a can die in a never go out and never go campus g I a Forrest.

You can die from o ban exit g...

And o the slowness goes..

E d ha more toilet paper than you need..use nitrile gloves for everything ..pretty safe
Johnny cannot go out to pkay or for a playdate. WE ARE mAkiNG the Workd conpeletely as safe as we thi k we can.

Trash the stock market o n panic fears.

Dis-fu ctia k so iety and eco ponies.

Do it all as an o er 'pre-vTio ...But whT REALLy is tge relative danger?What really is the truth in repieti g...not just the bare facts but if you omit relative comparison the real threat is the panic we are getgo g Nd the o er-reactio .

Now If on the other hand they reported a missile with a nuke was launched and you had 15 mo utes to live..well THEN I might go into panic mode..but then I would not worry about my toilet paper stop joule.

Lunacy now prevails.Sheer lunacy.

BTW ..appears the bioinfectious diseases lab corps the way from the Wuhan market that sold the infected animal parts(a.k.a.
the bio-weapons research lab in Wuhan City ...the only one of it's kind in China) seems to have lost one if its top s scientists ...he is now in jail for pocketing vast sums over se eral years selling the creatures the lab did experiments on to the market vendors across the street on e the lab was ready to discard and to no longer use the experimented on creatures ...or was this this jailing a mere cover story and the REAL story was that China may have deliberately released a "mild" Covid 19 bioweapon either for a:

1.Trial Test to a much nastier bio -killer weapon they could use in a war?


2. A deliberate attempt to kill off their own Chonese bloted aging demographic that they do not want the expense of caring for and what if other countries older populations also get hit and die..hope.. the Chinese do not care...justcwNt tgfirvown demographic disaster averted....these are after all Commies ...and Commies like Mao and Stalin Nd Castro do not care how many of their own citizens die long as they stay I power.And could create less if grandpa and grandpa American and hood old Uncle Sam and Nona Itakia dies collateral damage to their nefarious scheme.

What is Truth?Indeed.

Whatever it will not get it from mainstream media.


I am pretty sure we all just got Coronavirus (COVID-19) from trying to read this post.
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