Player Discussion Antoine Roussel


Registered User
May 21, 2014
Hi guys!

As Antoine is really playing like a beast in this IIHF WC for us French, I decided to take a look at what was the Stars fans opinion on him. Glad you appreciate him as much as we do ! :)

I've looked the video on page 3, which is great, and I've decided to continue TheGuyFromThere's work. I try to do it as you can watch the video and read the translation at the same time. I don't have the time to finish it today, but should be able to post it tomorrow.
And please forgive any mistake, I used to work in English, but I haven't practise it for a while :laugh: Some parts may be translated a little too much "word by word" from French, but I hopse everything is comprehensible.

Narrator : On the ice with Antoine Roussel, anyone not wearing the Dallas’ jersey can feel threatened.

Antoine Roussel : In the US, I have the role of an agitator. To me, an agitator is a tireless worker, you have to block shots, hit hard and accept to be hit hard, this role suits me well. I never let go, as we say in the « Nord » (note from me, nothern part of France, where Antoine comes from) : « i’m starving ». I want to win.

Stephane Robidas : Antoine, If he wants to go in the board at the end, he will go. He never stops, he’s like an energy ball always at 100,000km/h.

English parts from Dillon and Jackson.

Narrator : A pest, a poison, an agitator. Terms that define his way of playing all have an irritating connotation.

Antoine Roussel : I’m walking on a very thin path, so sometimes I trip and fall, but i’m trying to stay as close as possible to that path.

Narrator : « Rouss », as called by his teammates, had to battle to earn a spot in world’s best league.

Roussel : I’d say that when you step on the ice, it’s a battle, it’s an every-moment fight, and in hockey, you don’t have any friends in the other team. The way I’m playing bring frustration, sometimes it’s too much for opponents. Ok, it’s too much for you… Ok, it’s fine for me…

Narrator : If he’s shy talking about it, during the action, it’s different. He brings a little extra to every of his moves, a sting borderline to rules. In a league where fights are tolerated, you need to have the resources needed.

Garbutt’s speech

Narrator : Flashback on last season. Antoine plays his firsts NHL’s games, his spot is far from secured, but he arrives with his 23 years and ambition, without any doubts.

Fiddler’s part.

Narrator : In NHL, fights have rules, and Antoine tasted it as soon as his 4th game with Iginla, 20 years of experience and 60 fights.

Robidas : When I saw Antoine dropping gloves with Jarome, my first reaction was « Owwww, I don’t think this is good idea, Antoine ». He’s done very well.

Roussel : I’m proud of it, this guy was one of my favorite players when growing up. I was glad that my first time was behind me, and with such a player, it was good for me, it put my name on the table.

Narrator : Being noticed is one thing, getting rid of a first impression is another. The French player doesn’t want to be a « goone », because his qualities as a player are real.


Roussel : If i’m pissed of by another player attitude, or if we are getting humiliated, I can’t let it go.

Robidas : If a teammate is punched, or something happen on the ice, Antoine will be the first to be there.

Roussel : It’s never planned, I’m really driven by emotions then. I’m proud to be like that.

5 :30 in video.

Roussel : My journey to NHL has not been an easy one. But I knew that one day, I would make it. It’s a bit of luck and a lot of work.

Narrator : In his second year, Antoine earned the trust of the new staff. But the pressure is not the same, knowing that he’ll have to renegociate his contract at the end of the season.

Roussel : I know very well that a GM looks at the 29 other teams, always wanting to improve his’, so in the end, you compete with all the league’s players to keep your spot in the rooster. So it’s definitively a lot of pressure, but also a motivation because you can tell yourself « I made it here, in that spot, and no other player can take it from me ».

Nill and Ruff are talking.

Roussel : I feel like in every game, every training, I have to earn my spot all over again, if I don’t want another player to have a chance at it, like I had last year.

Part taken from TheGuyFromThere post // Robidas : It’s a talent he was born with. His work ethic, his effort in the gym, he wants to be the best; he wants to be the fastest. I think it’s in his nature and that it’s one of his best qualities.

Eakin and coach parts.

8 :10 min, just Antoine trash talking himslef in French for his shot ^^

More training and talks by management.

Roussel : The feeling of being important and helping your team win is really nice. Every minute, every hour I’m on the ice, I’m improving. Since I joined the Stars organization, I feel like I really bloomed.

Coach speech.

Narrator follows at 9 :38, will be in next part 


Registered User
Jul 12, 2007
Wow ... thanks. I imagine that's timing consuming so thank you very much.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2007
France just lost in OT yesterday which sucks, and Roussel actually scored the goal to tie the game and send it to OT.

He finished the preliminary round tied for 2nd in scoring with 11 points and 6 goals in 7 games.

Here's a funny quote from Roussel .... talking about Jagr before the game:

How does Roussel like his team’s chances against the Czechs?

“Great. Everybody can beat anybody, I feel, at this tournament this year. They’re a good team. They have a lot of great players on their team. They have a legend, who’s still playing. He’s 50-something – I played with him,” Roussel said in a smiling, tongue-in-cheek reference to Jaromir Jagr, who suited up for Dallas in 2013. “He’s a great guy, a great player. We just have to play our game and hope it’s going to turn our way.”

Hull Fan

The Future is Now
Mar 21, 2007
Arlington, TX
Thanks Orthal. Your translation was very easy to understand and I loved hearing Roussel speak about his own game beyond just what his English speaking teammates were saying.


Registered User
May 21, 2014
Here you go, second half of the video. Hope you like it, and don't forget to cheer for Antoine and France in one hour ! They'll definitvely need it :D

First QF since 19 years, it's already a very good championship for us, whatever happens.

9 :38

Narrator : From Roubaix to Dallas, Stars’ forward’s travel was not direct. Who would have he been if his parents did not move to Quebec? Because for almost any French, NHL stays a dream, league that ignored him a first time when he went to the draft in 2007. But from closed doors to ice time with the French National Team, every rejection improved his ambition. Roussel worked hard, proved himself in lower leagues, and when a second chance appeared in Dallas, Antoine threw everything he had into it, like he does every game. Today Antoine shows us his world, in a regular season game.

Roussel : We have rituals with some of my teammates. With Eakin, we fake tearing each other’s jersey. Chiasson is like a train, so we have to “start†him up before a game. The atmosphere is very nice, everybody looks after the others.
I have a lot of fun when I step on the ice.

Narrator : Roussel has now played over 100 games in NHL, and his club counts on him to reach the playoffs for the first time since 2008.

Ruff’s part

Roussel : I try to be a player that improves his play as the opposition gets stronger and stronger, a player not afraid to take the steps needed to reach his goals.

Narrator : Forwards’ rotation are orchestrated every 20-30sec. Roussel, Garbutt, Fiddler are part of the third line, based on energy, pressure and high defensive skills

Roussel : Garbutt and Fiddler have the same way of thinking than I do, they want to win and won’t let anyone step on their feet.

Part taken from TheGuyFromThere’s post / Chiasson : In the defensive zone we want guys who block shots, guys who have quick sticks, and who are first on the puck. Those are the type of players who can change the momentum of a game in an instant.

Roussel : We try to put a forecheck on, to generate a second opportunity with pucks around the net. That’s how our line scores most of its goals.


Roussel : As I’m quite often on the bench, I make sure to cheer everyone up, to bring up a positive feeling

Narrator : Hockey is definitively a physical contacts-sport, fast and entertaining. On the ice, it’s a lot of duels, hits, words, that cause permanent high pressure but it is also by affecting opponents’ mood that you win a game. The French player is an expert in that area.

Robidas : To play with opponents’ mind, he’s not afraid to talk, and he sure talks a lot…

Chiasson : Sometimes the words are not well chosen, but it’s part of the game.

Robidas : The way he plays often piss off the opponents’, that’s why he sometimes has to drop the gloves.

Ruff / Garbutt.

Roussel : The most important is to be loved, respected by the teammates. To feel well in my team. Screw the other teams.

Narrator : Staying calm goes sometimes against his nature, as he’s a player basing his play on the physical aspect of the game. But it is important to not cross the line and avoid penalty minutes, even more in the NHL, where some teams score almost 1/3 of their goals during PP. In a game where everything goes so fast, and even if you think about your every moves, next second is already too late.
With fights come a penalty, but seconds later, the referee informs him that his collision with the goaltender deserves a game penalty.


Narrator : One hour later it is already forgotten by Antoine.

Fans / Ruff

Narrator : On the ice, Antoine Roussel crushes obstacles. In life, he goes around them or use them to get up. In his second year, he became more than just an agitator. Scorer, passer, defensive plays, he’s now an important part of the Stars’ roster. Today his future in the league seems acquired, in Dallas, or somewhere else.

Roussel : My main goal when I came to training camp was to make it as a NHL player. Of course you can always improve yourself, but right now, I feel satisfied.

Ruff / Jackson

Roussel : It’s the team that gave me a chance, the team that trusted me. I hope that I’ll be able to improve and have fun as long as possible here.



Registered User
Jul 12, 2007
:laugh: ... I love that Chiasson is like a train that needs to get started up.

Hull Fan

The Future is Now
Mar 21, 2007
Arlington, TX
Garbutt. The only reason he has a spot the NHL, his brain might make him lose it.

Hey now, I'm no Garbutt apologist but he has a fantastic wrist shot with a good release. Once he went to the policy I'm in the offensive zone anywhere near the slot, I shoot he started scoring. Yes the stupid penalties were obnoxious but he's got more going for him than just his speed and forechecking ability.


Suter stan
Mar 21, 2013
Hey now, I'm no Garbutt apologist but he has a fantastic wrist shot with a good release. Once he went to the policy I'm in the offensive zone anywhere near the slot, I shoot he started scoring. Yes the stupid penalties were obnoxious but he's got more going for him than just his speed and forechecking ability.

I know. It just sounded better that way. :laugh:

I like Garbutt but I'm afraid that he is never going to repeat the season he just had. If he can't produce as much as he did, all the negative things in his game might make him a liability. I hope this isn't the case and he is going to be a great 3rd liner for a few years, maybe he will become smarter with the years.

Hull Fan

The Future is Now
Mar 21, 2007
Arlington, TX
I know. It just sounded better that way. :laugh:

I like Garbutt but I'm afraid that he is never going to repeat the season he just had. If he can't produce as much as he did, all the negative things in his game might make him a liability. I hope this isn't the case and he is going to be a great 3rd liner for a few years, maybe he will become smarter with the years.

I don't think 17 goals is in the cards again but playing the whole season with Eakin and Roussel should still add up to about 25-30 points. Eakin is more offensively gifted than Fiddler was when he was with them. If they're the main checking line it's hard to be upset with that. Still though his shot is very good. He was 3rd highest on the team with 165 shots on the season. As long as he continues to put himself in those situations and shoot then scoring at his 10% rate, 12-15 goals is very doable.

G or someone else is going to have to speak up about league wide shooting percentage but from my memory that's not an insanely high number that's not repeatable.


We deserve it
Oct 30, 2013
Garbutt's 10.3% which is 1,4% from the league average of 8,9%. It might drop a bit, but he could very well keep his ~10 sh% for long term. Roussel on the other hand, had around 12,5 sh%, that is something that will most likely not last.

Garbs with his 101 PDO is in a good place to repeat he production of this season.

Also not surprisingly both were minus in PenD (penalties drawn/taken). Something that Segs and Nuke excelled in, by a huge margin to rest of the team.
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Suter stan
Mar 21, 2013
Garbutt's 10.3% which is 1,4% from the league average of 8,9%. It might drop a bit, but he could very well keep his ~10 sh% for long term. Roussel on the other hand, had around 12,5 sh%, that is something that will most likely not last.

Garbs with his 101 PDO is in a good place to repeat he production of this season.

Also not surprisingly both were minus in PenD (penalties drawn/taken). Something that Segs and Nuke excelled in, by a huge margin to rest of the team.

Garbutt played great this year for sure. But how for how long will he be this good? I feel more secure with Roussel, he seems like a smarter player and could adapt if he hurts the team a la Ott.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2007
Garbutt played great this year for sure. But how for how long will he be this good? I feel more secure with Roussel, he seems like a smarter player and could adapt if he hurts the team a la Ott.

Jorkkila answered if he could repeat the production, and if you buy into the advanced stats theories, there's a reasonable chance he could have another 15 goal or so season next year. He wasn't getting lucky scoring goals. He's a high volume shooter, and that's typically how you score in the NHL.

You can measure the mental aspect of the game, and that's the reason I'm not a big Garbutt fan. Roussel goes month between instances where he hurts the team usually, and he seems to learn and adapt from those situations.

Garbutt doesn't. He repeats the same mistakes over and over again, and he does them pretty consistently. He's also already 28 years old (29 in 3 months) so you're talking about a guy who should be mature enough to get his **** in order. Ott never did it. Neither did Avery. He's not as awful as those two in terms of selfish play and hurting the team, but he's bad and it takes away from all the good he can do. His performance in the playoffs put it over the top. I'm glad he had some huge goals, but he cost them a game. That's pretty unforgivable IMO.

That said, when Roussel and Garbutt are clicking which was often, they were amazing. Garbutt can't remain on the team though if he's too immature to not be selfish and a burden. The pathetic diving needs to stop too. The refs already target him for his shenanigans ... to add the additional target for being a joke of a diver is just too much.

It was his first full season so there's some hope. Plus, I think you have to say that season was a huge success. I'm very pleased overall with what he did. His bad habits though are for sure concerning, but I'm not saying he's an awful guy we have to get rid of ... yet. If next year is more of the same though, they need to start considering life without Garbutt. Speedy wingers who play hard and solid defense aren't exactly a dime a dozen ... but you can throw a rock and hit a dozen in the draft or free agency. He for sure doesn't deserve a long leash IMO.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2010
Roussel : The most important is to be loved, respected by the teammates. To feel well in my team. Screw the other teams.

He's so dreamy..


Dr Pepper

Registered User
Dec 9, 2005
Sunny Etobicoke
That is indeed awesome. :yo:

When I first read your post, I thought WC = Western Conference, and figured, "nah, couldn't be", but then it clicked. :laugh:

Still, well deserved after a monster tourney!
Jan 9, 2007
I don't think 17 goals is in the cards again but playing the whole season with Eakin and Roussel should still add up to about 25-30 points. Eakin is more offensively gifted than Fiddler was when he was with them. If they're the main checking line it's hard to be upset with that. Still though his shot is very good. He was 3rd highest on the team with 165 shots on the season. As long as he continues to put himself in those situations and shoot then scoring at his 10% rate, 12-15 goals is very doable.

G or someone else is going to have to speak up about league wide shooting percentage but from my memory that's not an insanely high number that's not repeatable.

Yeah, for him it's mostly about the volume of shots. As long as he has his speed he will be able to get behind the defense alone with the goalie and get his chances that way. His biggest asset is that, unlike SO MANY bottom 6 type players, he doesn't get to cute. He will make a simple pass but if one isn't there he will put the puck on net. For how much time he played this year he had a ridiculous number of shots on goal.

Kalamazoo Wings

Registered User
May 4, 2010
Knee Deep
Roos may be a famous Frenchman, but Nadal is the King of France! I didn't know where else to put my thoughts on Nadal, but NINE French Opens, losing only ONE match in the past TEN Championships elevates him into elite company with other generational athletes like Woods, Federer, Jordan and Glennie


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