All Purpose Coronavirus Discussion - "I'm Not Sure What To Do With My Hands?"

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Registered User
Oct 7, 2019
The worst part about this whole thing is the unnecessary fear and anxiety that it’s causing in a lot of people. My poor wife is terrified and thinks her mom is going to catch this thing and die and that we are about to go in a depression worse than that of the 1930s.

I blame the f***ing media most of all. Instead of calmly providing legit news and reassuring, sensible advice, they have gone out of their way to stoke fear and paranoia. They make me furious.

For your first paragraph, those things are possible, which is why it's important to treat this seriously. My parents are in their 70s, and my dad is currently stuck in Florida. I'm trying to coax him to come home because if things get bonkers down there, as a foreigner he likely will not be given first priority. Problem is he drove down and now is worried about driving back/traffic/closures/quarantines/etc. I think he should leave the car with friends down there, and I'll fly down and drive it back later.

An economic depression is possible. Of course, let's not panic and *assume* it will happen, but it is a strong possibility. Our global economy is so interconnected and fragile that a major disruption like this can be devastating - the key will be in how our leaders and governments decide to handle it. Suspending mortgage payments (like Italy) is a start, ensuring paid leave is another, and so on.

For the media, I agree with you. A big part of that is the absence of a national public broadcaster in the US (NPR is radio only, right?). Public broadcasters like CBC and the BBC have a way of pushing private broadcasters to be more honest and transparent, because they serve as beacons and legitimate alternatives if the private sector ones become toxic.

In the end, maybe a bunch of really good lessons and solutions come out of this crisis.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2014
The worst part about this whole thing is the unnecessary fear and anxiety that it’s causing in a lot of people. My poor wife is terrified and thinks her mom is going to catch this thing and die and that we are about to go in a depression worse than that of the 1930s.

I blame the f***ing media most of all. Instead of calmly providing legit news and reassuring, sensible advice, they have gone out of their way to stoke fear and paranoia. They make me furious.

Nah, I haven't seen much fear mongering. Facts is facts, and right now b/c we have no testing, there aren't many facts. That creates fear.
No one has suggested this is a bastard combination of ebola and the flu, just that it's a serious issue and we need to buy time to deal with it.
But lack of good information allows people to use their imagination, and that's dangerous.

The real problem is the WH has bungled the handling of this crisis big time, first downplaying the threat, then backtracking, having amateurs trying to control the information flow (yeah, put a fundamentalist Christian who doesn't believe in evolution in charge, i.e. Pence, that's the ticket to credibility). A perfect lesson in how NOT to manage a crisis.

The roots of this clusterf--- were early in this Administration when they cut funding and disbanded the Pandemic organization in the NSC, now they're scrambling to find internal expertise while trying to control the message (classifying meetings on the epidemic, that's not national security, that's a bald attempt at hiding their incompetence). Trump was more worried about the impact on markets (and his re-election) than the impact on the American people. He has no management skills (runs a small branding group and was a reality TV star created by an astute producer who edited his ramblings into something coherent) which has become obvious to the world.

They've known since mid-January they were facing a major crisis, yet sat on their hands for almost two months.
When you bring in Jared Kushner to save your bacon, well, nuff said.
I mean how many people who are senior managers or business owners would hire Jared to manage anything?

Here are 17 ways the Trump administration bungled its coronavirus response.
Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?
Analysis: Trump says the pandemic crisis was 'unforeseen' -- but lots of people foresaw it - CNNPolitics
The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making
Like the flu? Trump's coronavirus messaging confuses public, pandemic researchers say
The incompetence pandemic

Lord Defect

Secretary of Blowtorching
Nov 13, 2013
Our campaign manager will be releasing a statement shortly.
@Hollywood Couturier has paid me vast sums of money to announce that he is in fact “not filthy rich” and is “an Everyman” and he rejects the nothing that he “could buy and sell you peasants at a whim” and that “everybody knows the market value of caviar”.
Have a good day.
*This message paid for by friends of Hollywood couturier.

Hollywood Cannon

I'm Away From My Desk
Jul 17, 2007
South Jersey
@Hollywood Couturier has paid me vast sums of money to announce that he is in fact “not filthy rich” and is “an Everyman” and he rejects the nothing that he “could buy and sell you peasants at a whim” and that “everybody knows the market value of caviar”.
Have a good day.
*This message paid for by friends of Hollywood couturier.

I approve this message.

Jack Straw

Moving much too slow.
Jul 19, 2010
New York
For the media, I agree with you. A big part of that is the absence of a national public broadcaster in the US (NPR is radio only, right?). Public broadcasters like CBC and the BBC have a way of pushing private broadcasters to be more honest and transparent, because they serve as beacons and legitimate alternatives if the private sector ones become toxic.

NPR is public radio, PBS is public television. Their 1 hour nightly news program is probably (imo) the best news program we have here. Their member stations also show a lot of BBC content (Downtown Abbey, etc).
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You have no marbles
Jul 28, 2004
I work in the Beverage Industry and if bars and restaraunts close in my state, i don't see how we are going to remain open during that time period of a shutdown. Financially it doesn't make sense to stay open in my opinion. However, here we are in the office today.

My son is medically fragile, has major health issues as you all know and we can't risk him getting sick. If we don't get some type of announcement from my company today I'm putting in for PTO if they don't allow me to work from home.
Right after posting this received an email from work that someone in our warehouse has symptoms consistent with coronavirus and they told us to go home.


@NateThompson44 is a bum
Apr 8, 2012
2nd star 2 the right


(Nobody was hurt)

That was in Charlotte. Saturday night


Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
There has been no evidence, unless if I am mistaken, in people recovering from the corona virus and having any immunities built up. People are or have caught this at least a second time so far.
It’s not like the chicken pox where once you get it, you’re good and it’s not like the flu where once you get it, you’re pretty much good.
It’s more like once you get it, you should have learned you’re lesson and stop f***ing around.
there has been 2000 years of people getting "standard" flu. We have built up some herd immunity to it (your body knows what to do with it). It probably hit people really hard in the beginning.


Foundational Titan
Jun 19, 2018

Winter has come to pass
The Flyers were kicking some ass
Wake me up when the virus ends

Rudy touching microphones
Now the players going home
Wake me up when the virus ends

Somehow the Pens will draft
Alex Lafreniere
Classic Bettman witchcraft
During this whole scare

Toilet paper riots
Though you'll never get the shits
Wake me up when the virus ends


Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
All you need to know right here folks.

Speculation and conjecture passed or argued as facts help nothing in a time riddled with misinformation.

In other words, it's no use arguing about things you (the general you) know little about.
like most people on here are anything else.

I wouldn't call this an argument either. It's a discussion.
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Registered User
Jun 28, 2011
The worst part about this whole thing is the unnecessary fear and anxiety that it’s causing in a lot of people. My poor wife is terrified and thinks her mom is going to catch this thing and die and that we are about to go in a depression worse than that of the 1930s.

I blame the f***ing media most of all. Instead of calmly providing legit news and reassuring, sensible advice, they have gone out of their way to stoke fear and paranoia. They make me furious.
here here buddy. Totally agree.


C`est La Vie
Mar 28, 2008
Deptford, NJ
Unsure why you're comparing this disease to one that is less contagious and less dangerous

I'm comparing it because unless we've confirmed airborne transmission it is spread in the same manner, which you have a pretty solid ability to control on your own. The point I was trying to make was there is a high chance you'll never get it, but even if you do there's almost 100% chance you'll be fine.

The best statistics we have on it right now are coming from South Korea, where they're at over 20,000 tests per day. The mortality rate is under 1%, and .1% for anyone under 50. More dangerous than a standard flu, but not particularly worrying. Those figures also obviously don't take into account all of the cases where the was no test performed, meaning the actual mortality rate is even lower.

The idea I've seen spreading that this is worse than the Spanish Flu due to the 3.5% reported mortality rate is incredibly misleading as all you need to do is look at the difference in rates among the separate age demographics. If this was killing people of all ages like the Spanish Flu than it would be much more concerning for the general population. As of now, I'm just worried about my parents because my dad in particular gives no f***s about anything.


Former Flyers fan
Sep 28, 2014
I work for a large bank that you've all heard of and it's a customer facing role. As of right now, they haven't said a peep to us and it's business as usual. No extra cleaning supplies. No regard for employees who have kids that can't go to daycare or school. They are just whistlin' dixie somewhere in a board room.
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Registered User
Jun 9, 2010
Richmond BC, Canada
I work for a large bank that you've all heard of and it's a customer facing role. As of right now, they haven't said a peep to us and it's business as usual. No extra cleaning supplies. No regard for employees who have kids that can't go to daycare or school. They are just whistlin' dixie somewhere in a board room.

typical.. those with the most wanna keep it that way...


Former Flyers fan
Sep 28, 2014
typical.. those with the most wanna keep it that way...

On one hand, it's nice to have the job security that people in the restaurant or entertainment business do not have right now, on the other hand, i'm probably going to catch this shit.
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