Proposal: Trade Proposal Thread :Trades That Will Happen Next

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Jun 30, 2009
I think this organization screwed up with Chucky and I still think they are.

This is pointless.

He is UFA in 2 seasons after this one.

Trade him.

Chucky plus for Hanifin. Plus may be Gallagher. In which case look for Jake Bean to be added.

I know, Gally, the heart and soul. Avoid moving him if you can, but the player we get back is worth it.

Trade Patches to Rangers for Chytil or Andersson plus their 1st. Prefer both players instead of the 1st but doubt Rags do it. There are other team's that would want Patches.

Weber to Oil could get Draisatl, or Nylander from the Leafs.
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Jun 24, 2012
Galchenyuk is probably untradeable, given everything that has come out this season, how the player is criticised in the media, how he's deployed -- they're just falling short of saying that they're trying to make him a good person.

Only way you'd get something of value for him is if you get a player from another team that is similarly despised and is traded off for all the wrong reasons.

One thing is certain -- it's more than clear that Galchenyuk and this coach need to part ways. A smart GM would be sitting with Julien right now and devise a strategy so that there is efficient damage control and a positive working environment provided to the player -- swallow your pride MB, crushing the player whether it's through you or your minions, will not win you anything. If you want to maximize the player's value in a trade, then how about everyone pulling in a direction that ensures that.
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Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
It really makes me laugh how folks create this incredible narrative of how he's "despised" rather than just accept Galchenyuk might be a little lazy. Do you really think MB drafted the guy and mistreats him just to spite him? You don't think perhaps this org would love it if Galchenyuk was in fact the tremendous player you all claim him to be? Why do they "despise" him? And if they did "despise" him, why did they draft him? It makes no logical sense.


Jun 24, 2012
It really makes me laugh how folks create this incredible narrative of how he's "despised" rather than just accept Galchenyuk might be a little lazy. Do you really think MB drafted the guy and mistreats him just to spite him? You don't think perhaps this org would love it if Galchenyuk was in fact the tremendous player you all claim him to be? Why do they "despise" him? And if they did "despise" him, why did they draft him? It makes no logical sense.

There is no "narrative" when it comes to efficient asset management. It has been clear since last year. The player and his coach are just not jelling. So rather than make the situation worse, why not prop up the player's value with a view to getting the best possible return on the player?

Also, I could have used any number of terms to describe the deteriorating situation between Galchenyuk and management, including the player getting thrown under the bus. If the player is not despised, then how is the GM able to say this:

“I’ve seen Alex every day, and at this time, centerman is a tough position, demanding, and I’m sure as we speak today Alex is not able to play that position every day. And I don’t need 10 more tries. I know he’s not.”

If that's not contempt, was it is? A compliment?

The coach calling out Galchenyuk at a post-game presser when several other players made mistakes, what purpose does that serve? Is there a personal grudge at play?

No one is saying that Galchenyuk doesn't have his share of responsibility. It's implicit. He's a young player who made a lot of mistakes but who is still young and who has some growing up to do. The post I made was intended to discuss Galchenyuk's tradeability, not to make him sound like something he's not. Your post is completely distorting the scope of what was being discussed.

Your post makes it sound as though Bergevin is incapable of mishandling a situation, of making mistakes. So what if MB drafted him. By the same token, Bergevin consented a large contract to Subban -- that has to mean that Bergevin would never have traded him, cause you know, he committed to the player.

Can you honestly say that the GM feels the same way about the player today as when he was drafted?

Why do you need to repeat "despised" 3 times in your post? Should I be reiterating the words "logical sense" from your post? Looks like an oxymoron to me.
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Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
That quote is what calling a spade a spade looks like. The guy is a winger. We all hoped he would become a star for us, but it hasn't happened. Either accept it or hope he turns it around. But the excuses need to stop.


Jun 24, 2012
That quote is what calling a spade a spade looks like. The guy is a winger. We all hoped he would become a star for us, but it hasn't happened. Either accept it or hope he turns it around. But the excuses need to stop.

What excuses? If management doesn't get its act together in terms of devising an efficient strategy to deal with the player's shortcomings (and he has them, no one is claiming that he doesn't) -- then how else is the player going to become a tradeable asset?

Looks like Julien has replaced his early season 4th line deployment by presser jabs and limiting the player's TOI. This is how the player is going to be put in the best position to succeed and garner a better return in a future trade? What's wrong with this picture?

Calling a spade a spade, also means the GM exercising smart asset management. I don't see it in the manner that this player is currently handled.
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Miller Time

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Sep 16, 2004
Get ready for things to get much worse... Molsons comments today suggest the worst case scenario is a good bet.
MB with a green light to squander more future success for stop gap Band-Aids that he overpays for.

Get the popcorn out, the horror film featuring a franchise gutting itself from the inside out is about to get even more gory


Jun 24, 2012
Get ready for things to get much worse... Molsons comments today suggest the worst case scenario is a good bet.
MB with a green light to squander more future success for stop gap Band-Aids that he overpays for.

Get the popcorn out, the horror film featuring a franchise gutting itself from the inside out is about to get even more gory

Let Molson and Bergevin burn it to the ground. Can only get better from there.
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The Human Fund Donor
Mar 25, 2013
There is no "narrative" when it comes to efficient asset management. It has been clear since last year. The player and his coach are just not jelling. So rather than make the situation worse, why not prop up the player's value with a view to getting the best possible return on the player?

Also, I could have used any number of terms to describe the deteriorating situation between Galchenyuk and management, including the player getting thrown under the bus. If the player is not despised, then how is the GM able to say this:

“I’ve seen Alex every day, and at this time, centerman is a tough position, demanding, and I’m sure as we speak today Alex is not able to play that position every day. And I don’t need 10 more tries. I know he’s not.”

If that's not contempt, was it is? A compliment?

The coach calling out Galchenyuk at a post-game presser when several other players made mistakes, what purpose does that serve? Is there a personal grudge at play?

No one is saying that Galchenyuk doesn't have his share of responsibility. It's implicit. He's a young player who made a lot of mistakes but who is still young and who has some growing up to do. The post I made was intended to discuss Galchenyuk's tradeability, not to make him sound like something he's not. Your post is completely distorting the scope of what was being discussed.

Your post makes it sound as though Bergevin is incapable of mishandling a situation, of making mistakes. So what if MB drafted him. By the same token, Bergevin consented a large contract to Subban -- that has to mean that Bergevin would never have traded him, cause you know, he committed to the player.

Can you honestly say that the GM feels the same way about the player today as when he was drafted?

Why do you need to repeat "despised" 3 times in your post? Should I be reiterating the words "logical sense" from your post? Looks like an oxymoron to me.
I will never understand why Galchenyuk hasn't been trusted at C. Or for that matter, why Julien is not trying him at centre now. For a team with the worst f***ing centre depth in the league and Drouin out, it just makes no sense. I don't care if they think he's better at wing! Not playing a young player with immense upside and who has played centre and produced there is ridiculous.

MB, MT & CJ have f***ed around with him for too long. Give him a f***ing shot.


Jun 24, 2012
I will never understand why Galchenyuk hasn't been trusted at C. Or for that matter, why Julien is not trying him at centre now. For a team with the worst ****ing centre depth in the league and Drouin out, it just makes no sense. I don't care if they think he's better at wing! Not playing a young player with immense upside and who has played centre and produced there is ridiculous.

MB, MT & CJ have ****ed around with him for too long. Give him a ****ing shot.

There is no way Galchenyuk finishes his contract as a Hab. We'll see him play C, on some other team.
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Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
What excuses? If management doesn't get its act together in terms of devising an efficient strategy to deal with the player's shortcomings (and he has them, no one is claiming that he doesn't) -- then how else is the player going to become a tradeable asset?

Looks like Julien has replaced his early season 4th line deployment by presser jabs and limiting the player's TOI. This is how the player is going to be put in the best position to succeed and garner a better return in a future trade? What's wrong with this picture?

Calling a spade a spade, also means the GM exercising smart asset management. I don't see it in the manner that this player is currently handled.
The problem with your logic here is that you have no idea what is or has been offered for Galchneyuk via trade.


Jun 24, 2012
The problem with your logic here is that you have no idea what is or has been offered for Galchneyuk via trade.

Not the point and nor do I need to know that. Just look at how the player is currently handled and how other organisations have acted when they have a player in tow that they don't see eye to eye with and who they want to trade away.

It ain't rocket science.

An appeal to covert conversations and managerial authority doesn't preclude that they're taking the wrong approach.

If the GM was always right, we wouldn't be in the ditch we're in now. So much for knowing or not knowing what this GM is getting offered -- if those offers were so good, the player would have been gone this past summer.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2017
A trade fit is with Buffalo ROR does not have a NMC or NTC he plays a 200 foot game also another potential fit is Colorado for a top skilled center like Jost.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2006
People calling Galchenyuk lazy should go back his draft year and look at him workout and prepare... the fact is, he was very badly handled. Thrown in the big city at 18yo and treated like a star... ruined him completely. Management should again be blame for this mess, but none whatsoever, Molson has 100% faith in MB... just awful ownership.


Jun 24, 2012
A trade fit is with Buffalo ROR does not have a NMC or NTC he plays a 200 foot game also another potential fit is Colorado for a top skilled center like Jost.

Buffalo as far as I know, are looking for Ds, young players and draft picks. How do we ever match up?
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Registered User
Nov 20, 2007
People calling Galchenyuk lazy should go back his draft year and look at him workout and prepare... the fact is, he was very badly handled. Thrown in the big city at 18yo and treated like a star... ruined him completely. Management should again be blame for this mess, but none whatsoever, Molson has 100% faith in MB... just awful ownership.

That whole blame management for mismanaging AG narrative is getting stale, and obviously is flawed.

Working out in the gym and working hard, the right way, on the ice are very different.

Truth is, AG had the skills to be successful from the get go as an 18 yr old. Many others in their first years were and went on to continue their success. He just doesnt have the IQ to play all 200ft WELL ENOUGH to not only play center, but as a winger in some sitiations. He has one good game and then brain farts for the next two. Many other skilled forwards suffer from the same deficiency-the problem is AG seems to cost us goals when he has his.

I think we need to move on from AG, him and Patches need a change of scenery.


Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
People calling Galchenyuk lazy should go back his draft year and look at him workout and prepare... the fact is, he was very badly handled. Thrown in the big city at 18yo and treated like a star... ruined him completely. Management should again be blame for this mess, but none whatsoever, Molson has 100% faith in MB... just awful ownership.
So some are saying he was ruined by being treated like a star... others saying he was ruined because how he was mistreated and despised... sometimes a player just needs to man up...


Registered User
Jan 1, 2014
Galchenyuk is probably untradeable, given everything that has come out this season, how the player is criticised in the media, how he's deployed -- they're just falling short of saying that they're trying to make him a good person.

Only way you'd get something of value for him is if you get a player from another team that is similarly despised and is traded off for all the wrong reasons.

One thing is certain -- it's more than clear that Galchenyuk and this coach need to part ways. A smart GM would be sitting with Julien right now and devise a strategy so that there is efficient damage control and a positive working environment provided to the player -- swallow your pride MB, crushing the player whether it's through you or your minions, will not win you anything. If you want to maximize the player's value in a trade, then how about everyone pulling in a direction that ensures that.

You actually believe this as Bergevin's mind frame? Utterly ridiculous, deluded, what have you. WOW.
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Jun 24, 2012
Just to be clear, Galchenyuk has to take responsibility for his actions and lack of progress. His meddling father, his off ice issues, he needs to get a handle on all of that. He's only 23, but somewhere, he needs to grow up and take meaningful steps toward becoming the player that his talent suggests he could be.

Just as the Habs need to take responsibility for how he was rushed to the NHL, mishandled by Therrien and Bergevin and now is continuing to be thrown under the bus by both Bergevin and Julien, and deployed in such a manner as to negatively impact on his trade value. Put the player in a position to succeed.

Ultimately, the exercise is not about assigning blame, it's about realizing the best return on the player from an asset management perspective. The Habs cannot change Galchenyuk's off ice or personal issues, so they only need to do their part, as it is evident that the player will be traded. I just want to make sure the Habs receive fair value when it happens and strictly towards that end, I would humbly prefer if the Habs changed their approach toward the player so as to help him raise his stock.
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Voice of Reason
Apr 17, 2017
Let's see how this Galchenyuk-Drouin-Shaw line does. Hopefully they catch fire. IMHO they are. in fact put in a position to succeed so hopefully they will.


Without deviation progress is not possible
Jun 27, 2011
Let's see how this Galchenyuk-Drouin-Shaw line does. Hopefully they catch fire. IMHO they are. in fact put in a position to succeed so hopefully they will.

Normally I wouldn't think that Shaw would be a good match for Galchenyuk and Drouin. Then it occurred to me that Shaw did have success playing with skilled players in Chicago, so I'm hoping it actually will turn out to be a shrewd move.
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