These Playoffs Have Involved the Most Dirty, "non-hockey" Plays in a Long Time.


Registered User
Apr 4, 2010
I don't know which of marchands accidents was better? Tripping Johansen or hitting Andersen with the butt of his stick?

Just kidding - Marchand did a good job selling his accidents this series. They're not even that bait.

The 'accident' on duclair though... Can't believe people fell for that.

Seems like he has an accident every few games now. Boy, is Marchand such a clutz!

P.S. before you boys start screaming ''leaf fanz has bias arghh" - just know I think Kadri deserves that suspension. He fully charged into someone's head.


Don’t say eye test when you mean points
May 14, 2012
Fremont, CA
Dude. Summarize this ****. It's not becoming to have to read walls of text.

You wrote a wall of text, used the word "Marchand" more than any other name by far, you mentioned THREE or FOUR times a supposed incident by him that got not only zero discipline, but not even a peep of any kind from DoPS, had ZERO mention of the incident that got most discipline in these playoffs by FAR (Kadri's)... and you wonder why I might think that you have a bias?!?!? Seriously.

Marchand got a little too optimistic with his capabilities of taking high speed turns and fell. That's all there is to it. STOP. CRYING. ABOUT. IT.

And the BS about the "Sharks fan who doesn't care about yada yada" would fly with me IF you didn't write walls of text about MARCHAND.

I've wrote walls of text about Toronto too. I made a thread about Patrick Marleau being a HOFer with the sole purpose of proving there was a pro-Leafs bias in the polls section of this site, rather than the anti-Leafs bias that Leafs fans constantly whine about on here. I'll admit, in a similar fashion of my being annoyed by Leafs fans, and growing to detest their team and players I've probably grown a bit of an anti-Marchand and anti-Bruins bias from this argument and this thread itself, lol.

The original post really dragged on way too much and I didn't mean to make it that long but my most recent post wasn't that long at all.

You really need to put away the 'objective' card.... you kinda wore all the luster off of that thing.

Mmmm kay

Even if I'm not entirely objective, do you really think I'm less objective than you? Do you really think you, a Bruins fan who posts on HFBruins more than anybody else, is more objective than I, a Sharks fan, who was happy to see Boston win in 2011 (the only Cup I have been happy to see in my hockey watching time), and who mostly posts on HFSharks?
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Registered User
May 26, 2017
The joke is what players are allowed to get away with post whistle. Everyone is allowed to get that last free slash or punch or cross check in before breaking apart. The preds do this with impunity.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2010
Kadri got suspended 3 games for his play. Great call by the league. In the fight for black lives matter, one wouldn't bring up all the times that a police officer didn't shoot a black man in a routine traffic stop, nor would they bring up the times where a police officer did shoot an innocent black manand was convicted and institutionalized for it. Just because the authorities make the right decision sometimes doesn't mean we shouldn't be critical of their many stupid decisions.

I'm honestly torn on the Leafs-Bruins series and who I want to win. There was a point where I said Toronto was my 2nd favorite team due to Patrick Marleau and Auston Matthews but honestly, their fan base has soured me on them to the point where my subconscious wants to see them lose, because this place has become ****ing insufferable. In addition to that, I have to admit that seeing Marleau be eliminated from the playoffs, while the Sharks eliminate their opponent, would make me happy. I wish that wasn't how I felt, but it is.

However, given the fact that my #1 team is a contender, I want to see all the strongest teams lose by way of fluke. That includes Boston. On top of that, I definitely hate Marchand, although at least he didn't do anything to my favorite team; Kadri tried to rip Jumbo's ****ing beard off because he is a *****.

I don't really have a horse in this race. You are the one that is clearly biased in favor of Marchand. Marchand doesn't get the benefit of the doubt when he "falls" and "accidentally" slide tackles a player, almost causing serious injury to them.
He gets the benefit of the doubt where it counts DOPS, your opinion doesn’t matter in relation to how the game is called.


Why am I me?
Nov 5, 2008
Northern Ontario
I miss the 90’s style. This generation has gotten so butter soft. So much whining. Soon it’ll be contact free hockey and people will cry it’s still too dirty.
People whining about other people whining, and they’re oblivious to it. Lol

Sorry. I wish there was a cross out feature. This post adds to the community in a negative way. Hopefully I remember this.
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Registered User
Dec 7, 2016
Playoffs always had these types of shenanigans but social media always blows up or blows things out of proportion now a days!!!!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2017
These playoffs have involved the softest hockey fans ever...
fans are given these expectations by the way things are called and you don't have to want soft hockey to want consistency in the calls..

there's almost no consistency from day to day for the way things are called so it's no surprise fans are pissed


Registered User
Apr 3, 2018
Corry, PA
It’s no surprise that fan bases of certain teams are the ones that come here and bitch and moan about everyone being “soft” nowadays...


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
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Even if I'm not entirely objective, do you really think I'm less objective than you? Do you really think you, a Bruins fan who posts on HFBruins more than anybody else, is more objective than I, a Sharks fan, who was happy to see Boston win in 2011 (the only Cup I have been happy to see in my hockey watching time), and who mostly posts on HFSharks?

not objective.

factually incorrect.

and yes, i do.

oh wait... you're a sharks fan????

and you were happy to see boston win the cup???

well then, now i am convinced. you sir are the least objective person out here!
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Wear a mask
Oct 23, 2013
I don’t know.

I’m 100% in favour of protecting the players. I have a son who suffered a concussion (in football) so I know what it’s like to watch someone through the night for signs of bleeding on the brain.

Don’t wish that on anyone. Dirty plays out. Dirty players out. No issue.

At the same time, am I alone in feeling that every little hit sends folks running to social media to claim ref bias, league bias or lampoon a player?

Seems a lot more of that is going on then actual dirty hits.


Apr 24, 2014
St. Paul, MN
I don’t know.

I’m 100% in favour of protecting the players. I have a son who suffered a concussion (in football) so I know what it’s like to watch someone through the night for signs of bleeding on the brain.

Don’t wish that on anyone. Dirty plays out. Dirty players out. No issue.

At the same time, am I alone in feeling that every little hit sends folks running to social media to claim ref bias, league bias or lampoon a player?

Seems a lot more of that is going on then actual dirty hits.

Then”let them play” philosophy 100% helps to foster an atmosphere where sketchy play is considered to be permissible.

Guys think they can keep getting away with stuff and it escalates from there
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Wear a mask
Oct 23, 2013
Then”let them play” philosophy 100% helps to foster an atmosphere where sketchy play is considered to be permissible.

Guys think they can keep getting away with stuff and it escalates from there

All fans are biased to some degree. Who judges “sketchy”... Twitter?


Apr 24, 2014
St. Paul, MN
All fans are biased to some degree. Who judges “sketchy”... Twitter?

The fact that people are biased doesn’t mean that consensus can’t be reached. Refs have individual biases but that doesn’t mean we can play without them.

The Player safety department in particular could do more than it does. It IS their job after all.


Registered User
Apr 3, 2018
Corry, PA
Then”let them play” philosophy 100% helps to foster an atmosphere where sketchy play is considered to be permissible.

Guys think they can keep getting away with stuff and it escalates from there
“Letting then play” also favors certain teams who love to play over the line.

No coincidence that fans of these teams are the ones shouting “let them play” while complaining when someone lays a cheap shot on one of their players...


Registered User
Mar 4, 2013
An earlier poster said, "The Bruins have really upped their game this postseason in terms of slewfoots, butt-ends, slashes, dives etc."
I think the Bruins Mantra this season is "In Parros, We Trust".


Registered User
Apr 5, 2013
Do they change the goal line, blue line, or clocks in the post season? Than why do the other rules change?


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