Send Deveaux down (11/30 TSN: WAIVED)

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Wheres the Reggae?
Oct 2, 2002
sea bright nj
When Hockey was Hockey the players took care of this stuff not a dude sitting in a chair handing out suspensions...You cheap shot me im gonna cheapshot two of your teammates..It was all handled by the players...Im not suprised at the response here because most of the posters here never saw real Hockey..That shot by Deveux was something Doug Gilmore did once a week to give himself space..

Are you saying you condone players getting cheapshotted to the face? I guess you would be cheering wildly if that happened to Gaborik. Then you can yell at Gaborik for the p***yfication of the NHL for not getting right back up despite a concussion.

Tom Servo

Oh Baby
Sep 14, 2005
When Hockey was Hockey the players took care of this stuff not a dude sitting in a chair handing out suspensions...You cheap shot me im gonna cheapshot two of your teammates..It was all handled by the players...Im not suprised at the response here because most of the posters here never saw real Hockey..That shot by Deveux was something Doug Gilmore did once a week to give himself space..

Indeed. This used to maybe be a 2 minute penalty (more often not called at all) and it happened all the time. The players took care of the actual retribution on their own, and it added a lot of subtext and character to the games.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
I don't believe for one minute Deveaux had intention to injure. It was one of those reflex chicken wing flaps, that happens sometimes...out of spastic reflex.

It was a bad hit and it was dangerous. I didn't like that Deveaux did that.

Hopefully he learned a lesson.

But sending him down for that is stupid. He's played well in his role and he's a big presence out there. He hasn't hurt the team in any way, shape or form prior to last night. I think it's uttlery stupid, mindless reactionary nonsense to all of the sudden start to scream for him to be sent down.

They won seven in a row with him in the lineup. In fact, it started with his first game up. He wasn't hurting them through those seven games and on most nights, he was helpful. Andre Deveaux has absolutely no history of this type of dangerous, dirty hit. Not in the AHL or NHL. It's obvious it was just a spastic reflex of the chicken wing. He got penalized and he'll get a suspension. And that's all he should get. He should be right back in the lineup after it's over.

And don't think Fleischmann didn't play that up and over-dramatize it. It really wasn't a hard hit to the head. Most people have hit their head harder on their bed's headboard, t han that hit. Players get hit with their own teammates sticks in practice, harder than that. Hell, every time a Rangers gets a goal they get patted on the helmet harder than that, by their own teammates in celebration. Guy deserved an Oscar for that performance. Suddenly, he's fine and plays the whole game:rolleyes:

One bad hit and the guy gets demonized? Stupid cr*p.
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Can't Beat Him
Jul 30, 2005
It's not creating a wussy game by any means. Players are bigger, stronger and faster now than ever before. And we've seen the horrible results of repeated, traumatic blows to the head. We're talking about players' lives here. Something that is far more important than the game itself. The league and NHLPA cannot in good conscience sit back and allow guys to literally kill each other on the ice.

If people want to complain about measures to protect the players and yearn for "old time hockey," whatever. That's fine. But it ain't happening.


Hey, also, Boyle came VERY close to serious...possibly life altering injury the other night. When a skate came up and hit him by his eye.


Sorry, im as purist as they come, but when players get needless and preventable injury, it pisses me off.

The problem I have is the ticky tacky tappy penalties.

The hits to the head SHOULD be outlawed.


Very Stable Genius
Jan 29, 2009
My take on the visor thing is that if team want to mandate them to protect their investments, they can.

Not sure that the league needs to make every guy wear one.


Can't Beat Him
Jul 30, 2005
I think that visors should be grandfathered into the league.

Everyone plays with some sort of shield or cage coming up, so it's not as if it's going to be a system shock to any of the guys not yet in the league. Keeps people safe, keeps insurance costs down.


My take on the visor thing is that if team want to mandate them to protect their investments, they can.

Not sure that the league needs to make every guy wear one.

IMO, its evolution.

Goaltenders wearing masks were frowned upon and considered wimps.

Players' helmets were considered wimpy.

Grandfather the visor in. Like the helmet.

Kids grow up with full masks and shields. Up through Junior and NCAA. They were able to play just fine with them at that level. All of a sudden they're restrictive?

I play with a full sheild. Doesn't restrict crap.

These guys worry too much about looking cool to impress their peers. Its like high school for adults.

Mandate visors.

And if it were up to me, id also mandate throat guards to protect jugular veins and wrist guards to prevent slit wrists and broken wrists.

NONE of these restrict movement or play. I use them.

Throat guard:


Simple, flexible, lightweight, breathable nylon, velcros on.

Unless someone wants to end up like Zednik.
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I think that visors should be grandfathered into the league.

Everyone plays with some sort of shield or cage coming up, so it's not as if it's going to be a system shock to any of the guys not yet in the league. Keeps people safe, keeps insurance costs down.



When Hockey was Hockey the players took care of this stuff not a dude sitting in a chair handing out suspensions...You cheap shot me im gonna cheapshot two of your teammates..It was all handled by the players...Im not suprised at the response here because most of the posters here never saw real Hockey..That shot by Deveux was something Doug Gilmore did once a week to give himself space..

Ah the old "Eye for an Eye" punishment. And in this day an age how many cultures still live by that? I think you were just born in the wrong era.


I think that visors should be grandfathered into the league.

Everyone plays with some sort of shield or cage coming up, so it's not as if it's going to be a system shock to any of the guys not yet in the league. Keeps people safe, keeps insurance costs down.

I still don't understand how that hasn't happened already. I always thought it should be a no brainer. It would have no effect on any of the youth since they are required to wear visors or cages now anyway.

Someone will wake up from the NHL one day on that. Even the AHL has mandated that for years now.


Foolish Samurai
Aug 2, 2010
New York


Registered User
Jan 3, 2009
The desire to see big hits and hockey "the way it used to be played" isn't surprising, but the insensitivity towards concussions is slightly disturbing. Especially considering how our very own Marc Staal has yet to play a game this season because he suffered a concussion last February.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2011
Of all the responses against my original post, I respect this one the most. If it was truly an accident, he doesn't need to be a scapegoat. We can disagree on what the play actually looked like.

What I'm getting at is that I want a club - ours or another - to actually show some leadership on this issue. It rang so hollow last year when Lemieux spoke out but had one of the worst offenders on his club.

I don't believe for one minute Deveaux had intention to injure. It was one of those reflex chicken wing flaps, that happens sometimes...out of spastic reflex.

It was a bad hit and it was dangerous. I didn't like that Deveaux did that.

Hopefully he learned a lesson.

But sending him down for that is stupid. He's played well in his role and he's a big presence out there. He hasn't hurt the team in any way, shape or form prior to last night. I think it's uttlery stupid, mindless reactionary nonsense to all of the sudden start to scream for him to be sent down.

They won seven in a row with him in the lineup. In fact, it started with his first game up. He wasn't hurting them through those seven games and on most nights, he was helpful. Andre Deveaux has absolutely no history of this type of dangerous, dirty hit. Not in the AHL or NHL. It's obvious it was just a spastic reflex of the chicken wing. He got penalized and he'll get a suspension. And that's all he should get. He should be right back in the lineup after it's over.

And don't think Fleischmann didn't play that up and over-dramatize it. It really wasn't a hard hit to the head. Most people have hit their head harder on their bed's headboard, t han that hit. Players get hit with their own teammates sticks in practice, harder than that. Hell, every time a Rangers gets a goal they get patted on the helmet harder than that, by their own teammates in celebration. Guy deserved an Oscar for that performance. Suddenly, he's fine and plays the whole game:rolleyes:

One bad hit and the guy gets demonized? Stupid cr*p.
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Registered User
I think that visors should be grandfathered into the league.

Everyone plays with some sort of shield or cage coming up, so it's not as if it's going to be a system shock to any of the guys not yet in the league. Keeps people safe, keeps insurance costs down.
A lot of guys can't wait to take them off, and see it as a minor little "I'm a professional now, and it's my decision" type deal.

The NHLPA won't take this one lying down, that's for sure.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2011
Imagine a scoring skilled player doing something like this? 10 times worse than what Deveux did..All he got was a fine.I am not advocating head shots but some of you are way out of line with what Deveux did..Never let him wear the Rangers sweater again?? Get over yourself.!

Didn't say he should never play for the rangers again. Said they should send him down now to send a message.
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